God is a most Tender Father



Dear listeners, you are listening to TLIG Radio and here is the news for this week:


TLIG Germany News 



·        In August, the friends of True Life in God in Germany (from Berlin, Eastern and Northern Germany) held five meetings to present the messages of True Life in God. For these meetings, they invited from Rhodes, Greece, Mrs. Hildegard Panagiotas to give testimony to the Messages and her own conversion through them.


·       On Wednesday, August 19, the first meeting was held in Kreuzberg, a district in Berlin, in a hall of the City Hall. About 25 people attended the meeting; most of them didn’t know about the TLIG messages and later asked for the books of Messages.


·       On Thursday, August 20, in Potsdam near Berlin, was the second talk on topics about the Unity of Churches, the priests and how the Lord speaks in the Messages about the ones devoted to the Church, and what are the “victim souls”.

·       On Friday, August 21, at Heiligendamm, a nice little town on the Baltic Sea, Mrs Hildegard gave her third talk about the messages of TLIG and her own conversion through them.


·       On Saturday, August 22, in the small village of Wusseken, the fourth talk was held in the house of the priest of the village, in a nice room where about 30 people gathered. It is important to note that young people attended the meeting as well and were following the talk attentively.

·       On Sunday, August 23, in a village near Berlin was the last meeting in Germany. More than 40 people attended and some were with their children as well. Glory to God.


·       Mrs. Hildegard, through her talks, attempted to answer key questions such as: Why does God give Messages nowadays? What is the unceasing prayer? How well do we know the Holy Spirit? Does our soul live after our biological death? Why is the Lord asking us to unite the Churches? What does it mean to “know God and understand Him”? How should we pray? How well do we know the Heavenly Father, how well do we know the Sacred Heart?, etc.


·       It was a blessed effort and the friends of True Life in God in Germany worked with a lot of love to carry out these meetings and to spread the Message of our Lord in their areas. May the Lord multiply such endeavors!


Dear friends, thank you for listening to TLIG Radio news. May Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary bless you and your families!


News From Crete 




Jesus Christ delights to surprise us – this time in Crete. In the Catholic Church in Chania, among other spiritual books and magazines, was the magazine “Open Horizons” in which was a back cover announcement written by Fr. Theodoros Kodidis, which states: “An Orthodox group prays the Rosary live in Greek every Wednesday at 9.00pm at



The magazine “Open Horizons” is the oldest and most popular Catholic magazine in Greece and  Fr. Kodidis who is the director of the magazine often joins the live Rosary in Greek on Wednesdays. It’s worthy to mention that this magazine goes to all Catholic churches in Greece, the offices of the bishop, priests and all parishes. Eternal glory and praise to our Lord!