Testimonies 13

28 September 1998 18:06

It seems appropriate to post this testimony, following on from the three previous testimonies concerning Vassula’s experiencing of the Passion of Jesus while in Puerto Rico in 1994. The following experience occurred a few days later.

On Sunday February 13, 1994, while videoing Vassula at the Holy Mountain in San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico during an afternoon of a conference sponsored by the Centre for Peace, I went through the following experience:

I had been informed that Vassula was suffering from the preliminary stages of the Passion of Christ, and it was OK to tape everything but no one was to touch her.

I filmed her from the moment she came out of the gate at the back of the house where she was staying until she stood on the stage in front of the microphone.

What I saw through the camera was her face with a suffering expression, with a very intense and profound gaze in her eyes. I did not see, but immediately recalled, the face of Jesus in the photo of the Shroud of Turin.

The look in her eyes moved me to sadness, as when you see an injustice being done to someone. I asked myself, I wonder if it hurts her that I film her. Immediately, the thought came to my mind that she was asking: “What have I done to you that you hurt me so much?”.

After that I was hesitant to film any more from a close distance because I thought it hurt her. Later, however, I was given to understand that it was not she who was asking the question. It was a question that came from Jesus. And I was also given to understand that my sins hurt Him.

Luis Benitez
Rio Piedras,
Puerto Rico.