
26 October 2000 05:39

Our Lady’s monthly message given in Medjugorje is not, routinely, forewarded to this list due to its wide availability elsewhere on the internet.

However, it seems appropriate to make an exception for yesterday’s message of hope.

Message of October 25, 2000

“Dear children! Today I desire to open my motherly heart to you and to call you all to pray for my intentions. I desire to renew prayer with you and to call you to fast which I desire to offer to my Son Jesus for the coming of a new time – a time of spring. In this Jubilee year many hearts have opened to

me and the Church is being renewed in the Spirit. I rejoice with you and I thank God for this gift; and you, little children, I call to pray, pray, pray – until prayer becomes a joy for you. Thank you for having responded to

my call.”