Testimonies 14
08 October 1998 07:57
Piero Gottardi forwards this testimony from Italy:
After years spent in various esoteric practices, that never brought full satisfaction to me but only urged me to continue my search totally out of the Church and far away from our Lord, I came casually (?) to know about the visit of Vassula in Rome, at Hotel Parco dei Principi in March 1995, and I said to myself: why not? So the day after, I went to this conference. The prayers attracted me enough, but what Vassula was saying totally captured me, and I bought some of her books which I read one after the other.
I don’t remember if it was during the reading of the second or third book when a flashing understanding came to me. I was reading the real Truth, the Truth I had been looking for so long. The Jesus I had always ill-treated, despised and avoided, was all that I have wanted ever since.
My conversion was so rapid that it took me only two days, after 35 years of separation, to go back to the Church and to look, first of all, for a confessor, whom I found in St.Peter’s.
Almost immediately and without difficulty I gave up all the things I used to believe, such as reincarnation and other New Age theories, that I had been following and pondering over the last 12 years.
The first steps were difficult, because I was alone and did not know anybody who could speak to me about God, but I held strictly to Church teachings as to a lifeboat. Without thinking, without questioning, only with a blind trust in my heart saying that I was finally in the territory of my Father and that I had only to continue to walk to reach His House, and that He never would let me down.
And now those moments are over, and I am happy even when I am unhappy, because I have found Love. Now and then I remember about Vassula and I send her blessings through our Jesus and His Mother. And I pray that strength and courage be always with her. Great is our Lord, praise be His Name in eternity.
Daniela Pietra