Guardian Angels

02 October 1998 10:28

On this feast day of the Guardian Angels, I’m forwarding an item submitted by Mary Zore. But first, I’m quoting a passage from the diary Derek Stone wrote during the TLIG retreat in the Holy Land earlier this year. The diary can be read on the web site but this excerpt is of particular interest, especially today! Vassula personally checked this write up.

On an occasion when Vassula was available I asked her about her guardian angel, Daniel. She explained that he was clearly masculine and she had drawn him as such. Sometimes he appeared in ecclesiastical garb like a cope or a dalmatic. However after observation of the many other angels who protect her ministry, she is growing in the opinion that this Daniel may not be a mere spirit, but could be the original Daniel of the Old Testament sent to not only instruct her in the faith; but also to fulfil his own prophecy that more apocalyptic understanding would be revealed at this later time: “But you Daniel must keep these words secret and the book sealed until the time of the End’ (Dan 12:4 JB).” ‘Angel’ in Greek merely means messenger and we are all aware that Our Lady as a woman also fulfils this role.


and now, from Mary Zore:

This is the Litany of the Holy Angels and a prayer promising yourself to the care of your angel. Our Guardian Angels are majestic gifts from God, and we really don’t give them enough thanks for what they do for us. Did you know that for an Angel to leave heaven and walk beside us, seeing our sins and sharing this life with us is their imitation of Christ, for it is a great sacrifice for them to do that.


Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ hear us
Christ graciously hear us
God, the Ftaher, Creator of the Angels, have mercy on us. God the Sun, Lord of the Angels, have mercy on us God the Holy Spirit, Life of the Angels, have mercy on us Holy Trinity, delight of all Angels, have mercy on us

Holy Mary, pray for us
Queen of Angels, pray for us
All you Choirs of blessed spirits, pray for us Holy Seraphim, Angels of love, pray for us Holy Cherubim, pray for us
Holy Thrones, pray for us
Angels of Life, pray for us
Holy Angels of Adoration, pray for us Holy Dominations, pray for us
Holy Powers, pray for us
Holy Principalities, pray for us
Holy Virtues, pray for us
Holy Archangel Michael,
Conqueror of Lucifer, pray for us Angel of Faith and Humility, pray for us Guardian of the Annointing of the sick, pray for us Patron of the dying, pray for us

Prince of the Heavenly Host, pray for us Guide of souls to the judgement seat of God, pray for us

Holy Archangel Gabriel

Angel of the Incarnation, pray for us Faithful Messenger of God, pray for us Angel of Hope and Peace, pray for us Protector of all servants and handmaids of God, pray for us Guardian of Baptism, pray for us

Patron of Priests, pray for us

Holy Archangel Raphael

Angel of Divine Love, pray for us Conqueror of the hellish fiend, pray for us Helper in great distress, pray for us Angel of suffering and healing, pray for us Patron of Physicians, wanderers and travelers, pray for us

All Holy Archangels, pray for us
Angels of service before the Throne of God, pray for us Holy Guardian Angels, pray for us

Helpers in all needs, pray for us Light in all darkness, pray for us Support in all danger, pray for us Admonishers of our consciences, pray for us Intercessors before the throne of God, pray for us Shield of defence against the evil spirits, pray for us Our constant companions pray for us

Our safest guides, pray for us Our truest friends, pray for us
Our wisest counselors, pray for us
Our models of prompt obedience, pray for us Comforters in abandonment, pray for us Mirrors of humility and sincerity, pray for us Angels of our families, pray for us Angels of priests and pastors, pray for us

Angels of our children, pray for us Angels of home and country, pray for us Angels of Holy Mother Church, pray for us All you Holy Angels, pray for us
During life, assist us
In death, assist us
In heaven, we shall be grateful to you!

Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, spare us o Lord Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us o Lord

Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us!

Christ hear us
Christ, graciously hear us
Lord have mercy

P. God has given His Angels charge over you, C. To guard you in all His ways

Let us pray
Almighty, eternal God, grant us the help of your heavenly Hosts that we may be preserved from the terrible assaults of the evil one by the Prcious Blood of our Lord JESUS CHRIST and the intercession of the most Blessed and Immaculate Mary, so that free from all adversity we may serve you again in peace. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Promise to the Guardian Angel


Kneeling before your MAJESTY
we thank you O GOD
That You have given us
a heavenly companion to be at our side, one who leads us according to Your Will, directs us in Your paths,
and manifest to us Your Love
We resolve here in Your presence
To love our Holy Companion as a brother and to obey him when he speaks to us through the voice of conscience
He will surely lead us to heaven.

Lord, Jesus Christ, Our Savior,
take my hand and place it in the hand of my guardian angel
and make the sign of redemption over it, Your blessing, for our salvation.
In the name of the FATHER
and of the SON
and of the HOLY SPIRIT.
