Monday, November 24, 2003 2:54 PM

Testimony of a Hindu

All Glory and praise to Jesus!

I was born in an Indian Hindu family in the city of Kolkata. I never knew about Jesus or visited any Church before. At the age of 18, I decided to go to another state, Maharastra for higher studies. I got admission to an engineering college in a small town known as Kolhapur. My college was in the outskirts as normally all the colleges are. It was in the third year that I suffered from depression within myself and everything was going wayward. As I stayed in a boy’s hostel, everything happened there except God. Somehow through someone I got a TLIG message book, Part IV. I didn’t have a clue what it was all about. It was in 2000.

As I went through the book, all I understood that Someone named Jesus is on the way to His return. As I went on I had a fear deep down in my heart. I was beginning to understand His divinity and realized if He returns now and sees me in this state, it will not be nice for me. That night I understood that He is my Saviour, and that He loves me. I began to look at the picture on the cover of the book and prayed. Tears rolled down from my eyes. The tears gave me so much relief and joy, that I liked it. The seed has been already planted!

Later what followed, was like a flow of a river. I flowed with the River. I was not able to understand what was happening to me. I understood what is sin and what is not. I got a Bible and started reading. I have read many books before but never ever found a book (TLIG), so divine, so pure and joyful to read. More to come!

During my vacation, I didn’t go home, as usually everyone goes, but went to The Divine Retreat Centre in Kerala. Those ten days over there transformed me completely. I read through the messages, I knew they were written for me. Jesus used Vassula’s hand to write, so that I can read them. Even before I read the instructions, the Holy Spirit inspired me to take Vassula’s name out and put in my name. I wept bitterly for days. I was not able to lift my eyes to the crucified Lord, as looking at the cross gave me so much pain deep within. I felt the suffering of my Jesus. I heard Jesus calling me by the name Paul (I never knew who was Paul in the Bible). I was shaken from within. By then I was totally engulfed by Jesus. His Spirit enveloped me completely. I was able to convey the messages from the Lord to certain persons there. They were surprised of how I knew about their life. The Holy Mother was there during my purification. It took me a single day to learn to say the Rosary and learn the prayers with the help of Our Mother. Jesus, one day, through the messages gave me the Spirit of Unity, and asked me to defend it to the last day. When all of these incidents were going on there was no one who had told me about Jesus or counseled me. All I had was the Rosary, the Bible and the TLIG book. Jesus inspired everything.

In a vision I was assured by Jesus that no opposition was coming from my family and so it was! My earthly mother has been very supportive and helped me a lot.

The best thing that happened to me after knowing Jesus through the messages was the Eucharist. There is so much power and grace that comes out from the Blessed Sacrament! It was because of the Eucharist that I was drawn closer and closer to the Mother Church. When I went back to my home, I surfed the net for more messages and information and about TLIG. The messages taught me many truths about the Church and helped me to penetrate into the Mysteries of God.

I thought that everyone knew about Vassula, but to my utter surprise no one did! One day in my parish (I got baptized in the meantime), miraculously after the Adoration, I met two religious sisters who are in TLIG in Kolkata. They gave me the rest of the books and then I joined with them.

The amount of graces and blessings I received by reading the messages is enormous and cannot be written down on papers, but can only be felt within. All I know is that this Love Hymn is true and if these messages cannot change the heart of a person then nothing can. May His Kingdom come! AMen.

P. D.

