Testimony 18

19 November 1998 19:13

This testimony, from South America, has been forwarded by Javier Lopez.

For a short period of time (one and a half years), my wife and I gathered groups of people in our home with interest in esoteric matters (UFO sightings, canalization, New Age thought, etc.) Although my aim was to find someone who had lived a similar experience to the one I lived when at age ten I saw a UFO in plain daylight, I felt that the meetings were leading nowhere and we never felt like we were on the way to finding any answers to our questions.

At one point, my wife told me about the upcoming presentation of a visionary who received messages from Jesus Christ.

I said I would go to the presentation, which took place in an auditorium filled by about 600 people. When we walked in, I noticed, to my chagrin, that most of the people there were elderly ladies from the low economic levels of society, who were chanting hymns and dancing while waving palm leaves.

I thought to myself that I had gotten myself into a boring gather of religious fanatics, but I stayed, patiently, out of respect for my wife and my mother in law who was with us.

Vassula spoke in English, a language I understand well enough. What she said was translated to Spanish, but the translation was not very precise. This really hit me, because I was sure there were very few people there capable of understanding the message directly in the English language, so it was as if she was speaking directly to me. She explained, before she started to tell us about her experiences, that Our Father had asked her to pray the Rosary in four languages, which took her about 20 minutes. It was then, and because of my religious background, that I joined in the prayers.

When Vassula started to tell her story, her words had so much truth in them that I felt as if Jesus was speaking to me through Vassula.

In a few minutes I started to feel that Jesus himself was opening my heart and showing me that it was made of Divine Treasures and that it belonged to Him. In an instant He made me see my past life through His Holy Eyes. At that time I realized that my past actions had always been offenses to the Being who loved me the most, and who was calling me with a gentle voice to come back to Him.

Those were very intense moments, my tears did not cease to flow. The same thing happened to my wife.

When the conference was over we went to buy a copy of The True Life in God, and while we were there, a friend of my wife came to tell us there was one couple who would not be able to make it to a dinner where Vassula was to be a guest, and did we want to take their places. You will understand my feeling that this was yet one more chance Jesus was giving me to get to know Him.

We went to the dinner, along with about 60 people, and we were able to talk to Vassula about the messages and the mystery of how she is able to converse with Jesus.

I think these were the first steps to my conversion; other circumstances led me to reading more deeply the messages of the True Life in God. When I talk about other circumstances I mean that, at first, I did not read much at all of the book, busy as I was with more mundane things. I was forced by an accident to take up reading, and this led me to a deeper comprehension of the messages and to the beginning of my starting to live those messages that Jesus sends through Vassula.