Thursday, May 16, 2002 2:31 PM

Meetings, prayer groups, discussion

Vassula is about to set out on her latest witnessing journey which will take her again to India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Details on the website at: /meet.html

The above web page will now post information about the witnessing meetings of witnesses other than Vassula. If you would like details of a witnessing meeting posted on this page, please send brief details to [email protected]

The new TLIG discussion list now has a facility for advertising your own TLIG prayer group. Anyone is free to post information there. If you are not familiar with viewing web pages, please ask a friend who is, to do it for you.

The facility can be found at: /discuss.html

A lady from Australia has just posted the following on the discussion list. Please use the discussion list if you wish to respond.

I find it amazing that I can share Vassula’s tapes with adults and they can give them back to me unimpressed, incredulous and disinterested. My five year old asks me one day what I am reading. I tell her that I’m reading a message from Jesus and show her the handwriting. After exclaiming about all the hearts on the page she sits down and impatiently says “Well, read it to me Mum!” She understands in her child like way and is affected.

When I came back to God in 93 my life changed dramatically. One of these changes was that the contraceptive pill was thrown out and one after another these little people turned up to live in our house. It often seemed like a death sentence – the thought of so many kids. Yes it was the death of selfishness reigning in our household. Inappropriate music and videos were tossed, our use of the English language was cleaned up. The budget no longer allowed for over indulgences and we became less attatched to our nice things and they got broken over time.

I began to realise what nice people children are – so uncomplicated, humurous and accepting and many of my “hang ups” left me. I realised that God didnt want to kill me with child-bearing but he wanted to make me happy and sanctify me at the same time.

I often feel that I am not making the most of the opportunity of teaching the children about God. It is such a powerful resourse and immense responsibility. I thought this topic would be a good one for the forum. Jesus has said in His messages that the TLIG messages are for this generation and generations to come. Lots of parents are anxious to nurture and protect their children’s faith so they may home school them and limit TV and other influences.

I wanted to suggest – has anyone the talent to design a TLIG prayer booklet for children with maybe some illustrations for them to colour in? Some beautiful quotations from Vassula’s writings would really speak to their heart. The concepts of how Jesus wishes to reign in hearts, the value of prayer and reparation and how precious we are to Him could be portrayed.

The other suggestion was about prayer groups. I have six children and I very much miss the wonderful prayer groups I used to attend years ago. Unfortunately I haven’t found that kids are always welcome. I understand that silence and peace is important and I dont advocate children upstaging and disturbing the peace. However all that is needed often is an adjoining room and some toys to play with. If children dont see adults praying and arent encouraged by their example then the enemy will be busy evangelising them through TV etc. It is a missed opportunity. For children to be encouraged to attend encourages inter-generational communication and support. Didn’t Jesus say whoever welcomes a child in my name welcomes me?