Tuesday, March 26, 2002 12:07 PM
Message from Vassula
Dear TLIG organizers and witnesses,
I must thank all the organizers that have taken the initiative to serve the Lord by putting up meetings of TLIG inviting the witnesses. Some of you did a tremendous work for our Lord’s message and I have been given reports on that.
If I am writing to you today it is because I want to give you a word of encouragement. Although some have done a very good work on organizing, others have not quite understood their task and in some meetings where normally 500-1000 people could come, only around 100 came. I know from experience that it all depends on the work put in to call the people and make it known. If the organizers who have not succeeded to draw a lot of people to hear the Lord’s messages, perhaps it is due that they did not realize that by volunteering to be an organizer it demands a lot of work. If they think that this work is a burden too heavy for them to carry, they must tell me because we will replace them, but it is not fair not to tell me and continue to sit and not do what they had offered to do.
A lot of you are dedicated to the messages and again I AM reminding you that Christ has called out several times that He needed apostles. To have apostles we need organizers. The apostles after having passed through a sieve in tests that, as you know, I prepared, are waiting. We have excellent witnesses who after having gone out in one round are sitting home now waiting to be invited and no one is taking the initiative to call them. Maybe the organizers did not understand that it should become a routine and a chain of organization? Again, if they did not understand their role and they think it is too much on them, please, be frank and come up and say: “I simply can’t cope with this work.” Then we will know and will not bother you again.
Perhaps you have not understood the role of organizer. The role of organizer is to keep organizing in a non-stop procedure. All the witnesses I chose are very good in testifying. The world is in shambles and more evil is growing and more error is expanding with deceitful religions. There are more and more New Age branches drawing the Christian youth into these false doctrines. You hear people now a days believing in self-realisation methods. They speak of energies obtained from crystals, they speak of channelling, of communication with the dead, of bio-energetic exercises of every stupid power except the real Power of the Holy Spirit. The world is really in a great apostasy. These people out there are loved by God and they are our brothers and sisters who apostatised as they have been deceived by Satan with the same lie he lied to Eve: that we are “God”, aping God (read 2 Th. 2, 4). Their belief is that they do not need God because their methods can lead them to self-realization. They seek to discover their alleged “higher self” which is equal to God, which is God. In Scriptures it says: “The Spirit has explicitly said that during the last times there will be some who will desert the faith and choose to listen to deceitful spirits and doctrines that come from the devils…” 1 Tm 5,1.
These false religions that are widely spread have also a very good system of propagation. I don’t know how you feel about this, but I do not feel comfortable to know that more and more are abandoning the Church to follow these false religions. Our Lord, knowing that these times we are living in Satan had these false religions waiting up his sleeve, came to us, with a powerful message as this one of TLIG. It is a re-spelling of His Word. He has blessed his work and made it known around the world to draw souls into the Sacraments of the Church and into the Truth. When I was called by God, I said “yes” to Him; He spoke and I believed and this is why I became the slave of God. When Christ told me that I will have no rest, He meant it. I do not rest. I am constantly on the road to witness and draw as many souls as I can in the Church. I do not proselitize, but I leave to the Spirit of God to do what I cannot do. I just testify and give my experiences of the Godhead to the people. A lot of the people are thirsty to hear the messages which convert them, healing them, many non-Christians ask for the sacrament of baptism.
I have been trotting around the globe for more than 13 years non-stop.
As the work is tremendously vast I knew that we needed labourers | to work |
in this same vineyard. This is how God always worked. When His | work |
becomes big and vast then labourers are needed. Knowing that the | time |
had come, Jesus, 3 years ago started to call out for labourers to join in this same vineyard of TLIG. If you remember well there was no response. Then again He called out and again no response. Then the third time He called out and then we had a few responses of witnesses and organizers.
The TLIG is similar to a vineyard. There are also other vineyards out there. Souffanieh is one, another one is Medjugorge and there are still others out there. As God is a God of order and not of chaos, He parted them to have in each one its own labourers. The labourers of TLIG were called and they answered. Today we have people who, when receiving their call, answered God and are working “like bees” non-stop in this vineyard. Every vineyard is complete on its own, meaning that one cannot say: “in the TLIG one thing is missing”, and then say what they think is missing from the TLIG spirituality to run off to join some other vineyard who, they believe, can compensate what they thought was lacking in TLIG. If they believe this theory then they make God’s work look imperfect. The labourers of Medjugorje were also called to work in the vineyard of Medjugorje and they focus only on that vineyard. There are people who, not statisfied with one vineyard, are trotting all their lives from one vineyard to the other. These people cannot do a very efficient work since many times they mix up everything not knowing which message belonged to who and only are making a salad of everything, never getting deep and never growing spiritually. They are like butterflies searching for signs and the extraordinary and the sensational.
Many a time Christ has asked to christianise a dechristianised society. My programs have increased and I never say no to any new country coming up. I know it is the Lord who wants me to go and witness. I obey Him. God’s grace is revealed and He made salvation possible in these meetings. We have been taught in TLIG messages that we must put God first and give up all our worldly ambitions. Scriptures say: “Remember, there was a time when we too were ignorant, disobedient and misled and enslaved by different passions and luxuries; we lived then in wickedness and ill-will, hating each other and hateful ourselves. But when the kindness and love of God our saviour for mankind were revealed, it was not because he was concerned with any righteous actions we might have done ourselves; it was for no reason except his own compassion that he saved us, by means of the cleansing water of rebirth and by renewing us with the Holy Spirit which he has so generously poured over us through Jesus Christ our saviour.” Tt 3,3-6.
Today I am asking everyone: “You say you have read the TLIG messages and have understood their meaning because you live the messages. Then can you check yourself and ask yourself this: “Are you ready to go through fire to gain souls for God, having realized the value of each soul? Has your love been brought to be perfected through the Holy Spirit to love your neighbour as yourself that it makes you desire to go out in the world and conquer souls by drawing them to the Lord? Have you proven your faith and love by any act of love for God and neighbour? How many times are you willing to serve our Lord? What is moe enjoyable for you, to receive or to give?
When our soul is enraptured by the love of God, we would be willing to accompany God everywhere His merciful love draws us. God prepared our soul for a mission and after having been cuddled for a while receiving consolations, He will return to you and ask you to follow Him out in the
world. You will lose your comfort. Are you ready to give away your
comfort for Jesus? To embrace Him is to embrace His Cross. Christ is
inseparable from His Cross. Acts of charity proves your faith because
you are giving yourself for a mission with many sacrifices. Charity
cannot but share in the works and immolation of Christ for His Church, otherwise it would be too egoistical to receive and not ever give.
The pilgrimage that has been prepared for Egypt, many of us working to put this up have sweated blood. It is ready now and the program and itinerary has been completed. In this pilgrimage the TLIG people will receive a lot of graces but also will work together in the day of the work-shop to enable each one of us to be enriched by the exchange of ideas and inspirations coming from one another; and the Spirit of God will show us how to progress and expand His message even more after that. I also learnt lately that some of the TLIG, especially from the States have cancelled and will not go to Egypt. Probably they had very good reasons to do so, but I hope they discerned well their decision.
I am constantly “pushed” to make another test for new witnesses to pass a test. How do you want me to go through this tremendous work if to this day, a lot of organizers have not understood their role? Who will invite you? We have very few organizers and we need a lot more NEW organizers. Unless I hear again an “outcry” saying: “HERE I AM LORD, IS IT I LORD? I HAVE HEARD YOU CALLING IN THE NIGHT, I WLL GO LORD IF YOU LEAD ME…” I will be unable to continue programming.
Ask the Lord to rouse your thirst for souls. In a way, every prayer group existing should have had one organizers to lead the group to help him or her and invite the witnesses who are but to ready to go and witness.
With this, I close my letter wishing you a very Holy Easter.
In the love of the Two Hearts,