Two testimonies

23 June 2000 09:04

In the summer of 1992, I watched a video of Vassula talking to a group about the messages that she had been receiving. Up to this point, I wouldn’t say I had been skeptical, but somewhat reticent to believe that such things could happen to anyone. Something touched my heart while watching and listening to Vassula. I had no doubt at all that this was genuine.

I am and have always been Protestant (Methodist). A very dear Catholic friend of mine showed me the video. I immediately bought all the volumes that had been released so far and began to devour the messages. Such perfect Love!!!! Such tenderness and gentleness Jesus expresses for His beloved ones! How could I not be transformed by these messages. I began to pray the rosary and add the prayers that Jesus dictated to Vassula to my daily devotions. I thought about converting to Catholicism but my feeling was that Jesus wanted me to remain within the denomination that I am affiliated. The ecumenical messages teaches that we are all part of One Body.

I believe that the outpouring of Love contained in the messages Jesus gave Vassula have helped me and given me enough strength over the years to come to the point in my life where I am now. I am involved in a prison ministry for youthful offenders. This is something I could not have done had I not been filled with the confidence of the Love that Jesus has expressed to me through these messages.


Praised be Jesus!

I am a young Christian man, a Protestant of the church of Sweden. Almost two years ago, in a prayer group I heard a catholic friend of mine read The Crucifixion from the series of messages in True Life in God. I found it very touching, and I asked my friend to borrow me his copy of the messages.

At first I was sceptic about if they were authentic or not, but the overwhelming Love and the strong agreement with the Bible, as far as I could understand, convinced me that this was and is true messages from the hearts of Jesus and Mary to all of us.

Among the consequences of reading the True Life in God messages, my life of prayer became much more living and something I longed for. I read about God’s presence in every moment of our lives, and learned to, or at least to try to, pray the Kyrie Eleison and be in prayer all the time. I read about Mary, Mother of Christ, and I learned to know her and to be with her and Jesus in praying the Holy Rosary.

This prayer is wonderful! As growing up in a Protestant church, I usually tried to formulate most prayers in free words, but when being week it is very difficult, and the Holy Rosary became a great help for me.

Because of True Life in God, Jesus opened my eyes to the question of Unity, and the pain the Jesus suffers because of the division in Christianity. God has led me to the decision of acknowledging the Pope as the true leader of the church on earth by converting to the Catholic Church.

God has given me a lot of peace, and has through His wonderful Mother helped me to stop doing certain serious sins that I myself could not stop doing.
