TLIG in Australia
21 June 1999 08:51
Catherine Tsakonas <[email protected]> sends the following news and encouragement to evangelize from Australia:
TLIG Presentation In Melbourne Australia – 2 May 1999
2 May 1999 was a historic day for TLIG in Australia. The first TLIG presentation without Vassula’s presence was organised in the Immaculate Heart of Mary church in Melbourne with the special assistance of Father Maher, a Marian Priest who sells TLIG in his bookshop and who hosted Vassula during her visit here last year. The urgency to organise the meeting was spurned by Jesus’ message of March 1999 that not enough is being done to cultivate His Love Hymn.
After an intense advertising campaign, around 50 people gathered to see a video of Vassula’s talk in the Jerusalem symposium last year on the ?Heart of the Father?. Father Maher and Catherine Tsakonas, one of the Melbourne organisers, gave introductions prior to the video. Fr Maher stressed the poignancy of Vassula’s messages in our days and confirmed that she is one of the most important prophets of our day. Catherine then read out some extracts from TLIG including the urgent calls to repentance and Jesus’ cries for us to unite our hearts to His bonds of love by consecrating ourselves to Him.
We were especially blessed to receive a Benedictine blessing by Fr Maher on the close of the meeting. The incense which rose during the blessing, smelled especially sweet and the tranquillity and peace of the Lord descended over us all.
For those who had already read the messages it was a chance to discuss Jesus’ desire for prayer groups. As a result, all of the prayer group guideline books were quickly snapped up and through the Lord’s help these prayer groups will in time be cultivated.
The day belonged to the Lord in every way! He has a marvellous way of reminding us that any presentations we organise are really due to His intervention and do not belong to us in any way. He made this point very clearly on the day of the presentation by arranging for all of the Australian representatives who attended the Jerusalem symposium (who live in 3 different states) to attend the presentation! Avo and Suzy Vardanian were called to Melbourne for work which ?coincided? on the weekend of the presentation. The biggest surprise for the organisers was seeing Derek and Bridget Stone walk into the presentation, after ?happening? to be in Melbourne for the weekend. Derek and Bridget didn’t know anything about the presentation until they saw the flyer in Father Maher’s bookshop the day before!
The appearance of all the Australian representatives at the meeting being arranged purely by the Will of our Lord, gives us enormous comfort. We realised that the Lord will use our tiny steps in faith to organise such a meeting to bring forth fruit that we would never have foreseen. It is so fortifying knowing that the Lord Almighty who has full authority over the heavens and earth is in full charge and control of our feeble attempts to promote TLIG and uses our intentions as the seeds to bring His Will into being.
So this is the first seed planted (of many more to come) in Australia for TLIG. Indeed another presentation has been organised in Sydney Australia by Suzy and Avo on 14 July 1999 after petitioning the special help of Our Holy Mother Mary (who is the help of all Christians) and as a result of her intervention the presentation will be held in a Catholic Church following a mass. There will be introductions by Suzy and Catherine followed by a video of Vassula in Rome which was taped by Tom Austin last year.
For those who are nervous about public speaking we recommend the use of a video of Vassula (such as the Jerusalem talks). Recent videos rekindle the flame for those who are familiar with TLIG and provide an inspiring introduction for those who are listening for the same time.
We praise God for providing us with the love and support of a good shepherd Father Maher to support these meetings. We will never forget Fr Maher’s immediate and unflinching support when hearing of Jesus’ request to cultivate His Love Hymn.
As always, the untiring support of Avo and Suzy Vardanian who really are the Lord’s generals in organising the meetings is greatly appreciated. We also Praise the Lord for the support of Catherine’s fiance Mark and her sister Nina who provided the prayer cover and unconditional love and encouragement through which the grace of the Lord flowed.
Above all praise and glory to the Living Word, our Saviour, who holds us all in His mighty hands and opens the doors for His Words of Life to become known in the land down under.