True Life in God Newsletter
July 31st, 2004
Vassula in Buffalo New York:
A Whole Family Reports on Meeting and Hosting Vassula!
The Official Pilgrimage Registration is now Online.
The True Life in God Volunteer WorkTeams: Exciting Things are Happening!
Vassula in Buffalo
New York, May 2004
David Cesar (Dad and Husband)
After viewing Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” for the second time, I felt compelled to invite Vassula Ryden to talk in Buffalo, NY. I had experienced a feeling of urgency to spread God’s messages, recorded by Vassula. I felt that the truth was being stifled and that I needed to do my part to let my corner of the world know what they were missing.
My first phone call before I formally invited Vassula, was to my friend and spiritual advisor, Father George (a Marronite priest). Only after his agreement to provide the hall did I go forward with my invitation. My subsequent phone calls to Sister Josephine and emails to Tom Austin provided the contact to reach Vassula on approximately March 25. It was shortly thereafter that I received the okay that Vassula was to come to Buffalo, her first trip to our humble city.
Fr. George, Vassula and David Cesar in Buffalo, New York
The preparation for Vassula’s visit was marked with moderate success. I was fortunate to gain the help of a new friend who was formerly connectedwith the Diocese of Buffalo for 17 years. This woman, Beverly, helped me to invite the Bishop, (although he did not come) and steered me toward numerous individuals that would later help bring a crowd of 350 to 400 people to hear Vassula speak at St. John Maron Marronite Parish Center on May 31, 2004.
After putting together the flyer for this event, I called the local Catholic radio station’s owner and operator to secure some advertising. My call initially fell on deaf ears, but soon after, againwith the help of my friend Beverly, we were able to meet with the station’s owner. My appointment withthe station operator lasted for over an hour and resulted in numerous free advertising spots on the Catholicradio station. I was thrilled.
My personal invitations were met with limited enthusiasm as most of my Catholic friends were not interested or did not wish to take the time to listen. They seemed to be either too busy or ambivalent.My first breakthrough came when I sought a Charismatic group of individuals that appeared to be open to Vassula and the messages. I met with a very enthusiastic group of people who belonged to St Luke’s Mission of Mercy. They proved to be very helpful in bringing people to the affair and also supplied the music for the event. It was a relief to have them on board.
I continued to phone several priests and faxed all parishes in the Western New York area hoping that some would recognize Vassula’s name and encourage attendance. I met with my own priest and the head of the Religious Education at SS. Peter & Paul of Williamsville, and they both agreed to advertise for four weeks prior to the event. I also found another priest in the suburb of Orchard Park that was familiar with Vassula who additionally agreed to advertise in his church’s bulletin prior to the event. Overall, I believe I had approximately 4 parishes advertising for Vassula’s talk.
In addition to radio advertising, I also appeared on local cable TV (Adelphia) network for 10 minutes to promote Vassula’s arrival. The talk went well but I was relieved when it was over. It wasn’t until the final week that I knowingly received any negative criticism regarding the event. My friend Louise was answering phone calls for the Buffalo event and discovered that her own parish priest was against any promotion of Vassula. This priest called Father George of St. John Maron to voice his displeasure and concerns. It was sometime soon thereafter that this same priest, after watching a film of Vassula on cable TV, changed his mind. How Vassula’s film got on the cable TV station, I do not know. I appeared on that channel at least 7 days later and, therfore, could not have had any effect on its transmission. Either way, he had a change of heart and we were very pleased with his support.
Prior to the May 31 date we had 150 registered guests for a hall that held 550. I knew that Memorial Day would be a tough time to draw people because it is a big American family picnic day. My last effort to secure media coverage was with the local Buffalo newspaper. My fax and phone calls to the Buffalo news and a writer named Jay were going nowhere until finally Jay decided that he would print an article prior to the event. On the day of Vassula’s speech he wrote an article entitled “Controversial Messenger to Speak” that would bring in a handful of people.
So far, it appears that I made all the arrangements, but, of course, I know that is a silly thought because the Lord was behind me and in front of me throughout this endeavor. Certainly, I prayed and hoped for the best and for a successful event, but I was not prepared for much of what was to come. I (We) got great help from Sister Josephine Boyles, OSF, and the TLIG group that came in for the meeting. They helped sell all the books and greeted the guests as they arrived. I know the event would not have been possible without their help. Much was done and much was given, all for the Lord and His mysterious ways. That is what continues to enamor me and excite me in how He works through us. He knows the details and the time for all of us to come to Him. I just wonder why it took so long for me to find Him.
My family met Vassula and Cecilia Lutz at the hotel. They were able to provide us with some personal time which was very much appreciated. When finally meeting Vassula, I noticed a certain weariness from her face and her eyes which did not surprise me considering we were the last stop in a very hectic schedule that she undertook during the month of May. She was well composed and at ease and it did not take us long to feel comfortable with her. We were very open in our conversation and I confided in her on an event that had transpired twelve years ago at the same place where she was to speak. The parish hall was the site of my conversion and the reason why we were going back. It was a time for me to say thank you to our Lord and to visit the hallowed ground that had transformed me. I was hoping that I (we) would be an instrument to convert other lives to the Lord and I believed goodness was going to come through to reach others. Of course I was bringing heavy ammunition with me in Vassula. I was just laying the ground work for the Lord’s ambassador to speak.
I had seen Vassula speak in Toronto on April 6, 2003, and was taken by her common and down to earth approach which was both effective and inspiring. She definitely did not disappoint any at St. John Maron. I thought she was excellent and I could not take my eyes off of her. She was animated, engaging, and riveting as she shared God’s message with the audience through her personal encounters. I did notice however, that she spoke continuously for 2 hours and 20 minutes without a sip of water. I later mentioned this at dinner when one of our guests gave her some ice cream and I said that her throat must be very sore from all the talking she had to do. She just looked at me and smiled, and I knew what she did not have to say – that she was being helped with the physical demands of her travel and speaking. I had heard that the singing Armenian ladies that had traveled with her lost their voices at times and could not continue with the demands of performing. Overall, Everyone was inspired by her testimony and many commented how she had reached them in a very personal manner. I was amazed at all that God was doing and how our participation is required, even at the smallest level.
After the event, I was relieved that all went well and thanked our Lord for answering my prayers. I believe that many prayers were answered that day. My wife and I had invited a neighbor whose children have endured many medical problems. She has a son who suffers from periodic but chronic seizures, and medication can not stop them. We invited her because I believed she had fallen away from the faith and needed some consolation. She came and witnessed Vassula’s testimony and was so touched that upon meeting my wife in the back of the parish center she wrapped her arms around her and began to sob with tears of joy. Her heart was touched. I know that there were others but their time to testify will come at a later date.
On the following morning of the event it turned out that Vassula had some free time before her afternoon flight and she had expressed an interest in seeing the Niagara Falls. This was a treat for her as she is rarely allowed to sightsee due to her tight time constraints. So my wife and two of my four daughters had the pleasure of taking Vassula and Cecilia to visit one the seven natural wonders of the world that happens to be in our backyard. We had great weather and the ride to the falls was a short 35 minutes. On the way, I brought many antique stereo-views (3-D pictures seen through a stereoscope) that I had collected over the years, and showed them to our guests to give them a historical perspective of what the falls looked like over time. The view has changed due to erosion and fallen rocks but the awesome power and thunderous noise generated from this waterfall continues to inspire people from all over the world. The American Indians once called it “Water-Thunderer”, and it was the passageway between the rival Indian nations of the Algonquin and the Iroquois tribes.
Though it is now a big tourist destination, it is still a peaceful place to think, ponder and pray. St John Neumann, the founder of my church SS Peter & Paul of Williamsville, said that Niagara Falls was his baptismal font. As I was watching Vassula and Cecilia observe this masterpiece, the wind changed its course and the mist of the falls sprayed right on them giving them a Niagara baptism!
Vassula and Cecilia getting the “Niagara Baptism”!
We walked further down the path to reach the American falls where a group of 30 to 40 young Jewish girls were praying. They found a spot where they could reach God and communicate while contemplating the majesty of his creation. I found myself thinking of God and feeling blessed with having had the opportunity to witness and meet this person who has been entrusted with His messages for all mankind.
In closing, Vassula’s visit has been a milestone in our lives and has inspired us to be more faithful followers of our Lord. We continue to pray for her, the burden of her mission.
Vassula by Meghan Cesar (15)
Vassula Ryden is a “normal” woman who was converted to the true faith by receiving dictation from God himself. What could I possibly feel about having the chance to meet such a woman? Well…excitement, anticipation, nervousness, and awestruck. My expectations of her were very high since I had never believed of seeing, much less meeting someone who had actually talked to God. Then when the day arrived I was not disappointed.
Vassula almost seemed foreign to this world, as if she belonged somewhere else. This was because of her wisdom and knowledge of things unknown to most people on earth. What Vassula said confirmed some of the beliefs I had wondered about and made me realize more about life and God. It all also confirmed my belief that her claim on receiving dictations was true.
Some of her messages were simple and well known (yet still ignored by many), like that God loves us and has not abandoned us. Another was to love God more (which for many people is harder than it sounds). Other topics though, were much more complicated. One such talk was on purification which someone must go through to be closer to God. To go through this, one must give up all worldly desires and passions (which will not matter after we depart from this life). Then we must give up our will to God so that he may guide us to live a more fulfilling and worthy life.
After the speech that afternoon I had the good fortune of sitting right next to her during the dinner I had with my family and other believers of her. I was to have some interesting serious conversations on death (like on how you have nothing to fear when you die as long as you live a good life in God and how everyone is individually judged according to certain chances and mistakes they go through in life). I also heard about hell and how people suffer from internal fire there and are stripped of all that is good (people who do not accept God choose to go there). I heard of purgatory where every wrong or right that you didn’t do comes back to haunt you so that you can be purified of your sins (and that you are promised a place in heaven afterwards). Then of heaven where you feel an unimaginable happiness with God that is more fulfilling than anything on earth could be.
This all made me wonder on how people refuse to believe in God or believe in God, but won’t do anything about it (and by doing so they forsake their souls). As Vassula says, “They are asleep and are in need of being awakened to the truth”. A passage from My Angel Daniel by Vassula reminded me of this:
“I am Yahweh, your Creator and you are my children; where, where do you think you will go? Did you really believe you just came on your own? Had you believed that I had left you? Or that I never existed? My Word is alive and the Truth; it is to enlighten you and help you understand who I am, what you are; My Word is to help you find Me… I, God, am your Creator; I created everything; how else did you think all this was done? …let your academies…find the answer to the vital question: why do you exist? …some of you do not even bother to ask any questions, accepting life as it comes, not believing that your soul keeps on living once you die; blind! blind! and deaf! Refusing to see and hear; are you afraid of finding the truth? I am the Truth… are you searching? I am the Way… I am the Way and I love you; I am the Light that shines for everyone to see the Truth; beloved children, My heart pains to see you all sleeping; how could I not come to you and warn you? How could I leave you when evil is prowling among