
29 July 1998 11:55

At the suggestion of a member of the list I am writing to make clear that any personal testimony from members, concerning their conversion or how they came to know about Vassula and the messages she receives, would be very welcome.

Some people consider they might consider they are being too ‘forward’ if they do this but I believe it would be very helpful and encouraging to hear of other people’s experiences.

To encourage others to do the same, I will say a few words about my background. I am a ‘born and bred’ Catholic who has never seriously doubted God’s existence. In later life, dispirited by the ‘dryness’ I found in the people I saw around me at Mass on Sunday, I decided God would ‘understand’ if I stopped going to weekly Mass. I went downhill from then on. I got into serious moral difficulties until I decided, after I almost reached ‘the bottom’ that in desperation I would choose to take seriously the messages of Our Lady in Medjugorje.

Despite having stopped frequenting the Sacraments I had remained a believer and ‘interested’ in the events in Yugoslavia. However, I had considered Our Lady’s requests for serious time spent on prayer to be a little ‘over the top’. But now, such was my desperation, I decided to ‘throw in the towel’ and do things Her way!

From that moment (about ten years ago) I have never looked back. I came to hear about Vassula soon after, and her messages provided just that intimacy with God which is necessary if we are to learn to love Him.

And now it’s someone else’s turn to tell all!!!

David Armitage