Wednesday, February 20, 2002 8:57 AM

Vassula in Kerala (continued)

Here is a second report from Kerala, India, of Vassula’s visit there. Today, Wednesday 20th, Vassula and her companions will return home.

On Friday morning, Vassula gave an interview for two magazines, a weekly Malayalam (language) spiritual magazine Shalom Tidings, and a twice monthly spiritual magazine.

On Saturday, Feb. 16th, Vassula was invited as ‘guest of honour’ to the Bible College which is a complex within the Divine Retreat Center. There she gave out the diplomas to about 200 participants who had just completed 6 weeks of courses there.

Then she was invited to speak for 45 minutes. Fr. Eugene Nicolau was also asked to say a few words and also to bless the crowd in Greek.

In the afternoon, at the Sinai Renewal Center in Mundoor, Palakad, Vassula had been invited there by Father Paul, a Capuchin father who had heard of her presence in Potta. About 2,000 people were present, among them many young people and children.

On Sunday, Vassula was again asked to speak at Potta Convention. This time there were more than 100,000 people Reverend Mathew said. He is the founder of Potta Divine which is the name of the complex which englobes the different centers.

After Vassula had finished her one hour talk, a large sculpted cross was given to her as a thank you gift.

Vassula was asked to pray for 200 couples who have no children. After this prayer, Father Mathew said that 3 couples had been particularly blessed at that very moment.

On Monday, Vassula gave a conference to a gathering at the Bible College composed of people who had already attended several earlier sessions. There were more than 1,200 people present.

In the afternoon a conference was given by Vassula at the Divine Retreat Center’s English section to a new group of people. There are new groups each week. This group had more than the previous one – there were around 500 in all. After the meeting they all wanted TLIG books.

We left at noon our ears had been filled with charismatic songs since 5am., in stereo, as was the case every day. Those on retreat don’t sleep very much. Last night we were enchanted by an evening at the centre which included dances, sketches, and speeches we couldn’t understand as they were in Malayalam.

The director of the Divine Mercy Retreat Center, Rev. Fr. Augustine Vellooran, was thrilled to be able to welcome Vassula there.

The program is not over yet. We go from one surprise to the next. Only God knows the program! We’ll have more details when we get back.

Isabelle and Catarina

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