My very best friend
10 December 2000 18:01
Here is another testimony, sent in last year, from a lady in Malta.
Briefly, I first got to know about the True Life in God books from a student of mine who at the time was also a novice. I had not been to church for over ten years, due to a very strict Catholic religious upbringing – my very dominant mother, an ex-nun, psychologically abused me as a child, so her insistence on religion had the totally opposite effect on me.
Then I started reading the books and my life changed: my husband and I started going back to church, if possible every Sunday, and we also went to confession and received Holy Communion for the first time in many many years. We try to keep this up as much as possible, but we do lapse at times, since we are human. Meanwhile, slowly slowly, I started saying the Rosary, at times even daily, though I still find it very difficult to understand.
The books have definitely changed my outlook on life, with me consequently influencing that of my husband who has refused to read the books from day one. However, we have and still are receiving many graces from God since the books have entered and remained in this household, and what I find most effective is speaking to Our Lord like I would speak to my father – making him a friend of mine, my very best friend, with whom I can have any conversation whatsoever. He does respond to my requests! and I have learned to look for Him in the little things, unobvious things and subtleties of daily living, for that is where He is to be found.
Meanwhile, there are many more circumstances and events that have been happening in our lives that initially seem completely contradictory, yet when one examines them further, they are perfectly woven into each other and make perfect sense, which are too long to be mentioned here. Suffice it to say that Our Lord, in His generosity, has surpassed both our expectations, even though we are nothing more than sinners, who keep on sinning in some way or another every day, even if just by not doing our best to please Our Lord! I, for one, have learned to leave things in His hands, for whenever I plan things they always go astray, yet whenever I leave things in His hands, although they may initially seem completely nonsensical, eventually they make perfect sense and do come to pass.
We therefore post this testimony so that others may take faith from it, and ask all of you to remember us in your prayers. Thank you.