Fw: Books on Orthodoxy (2)
16 August 2000 11:08
Following the mailing of a list of books about Orthodoxy sent out yesterday, Janice Edwards from here in the UK has drawn my attention to another list of such books which she has compiled and which, importantly, she has in stock and can supply worldwide.
The prices quoted are in UKPOUNDS and include delivery in the UK. The books may be purchased by credit card. Please contact Janice at: [email protected] for further information.
The Way of a Pilgrim £6.95
A Classic of Orthodox spirituality. A 19th century pilgrim tells of his journey through Russia in search of the way of unceasing prayer. 144 pages
The Pilgrim Continues His Way £5.95
The much-loved sequel to the Way of a Pilgrim, in which the narrator shares more of his story as he seeks to encounter the heart of God. 128 pages
The Jesus Prayer Per Olof Sjogren £5.95 | |
A good introduction to the ‘Orthodox Rosary’ | 96 pages |
Praying with the Orthodox Tradition Stefano Parenti (ed.) £5.95
A collection of prayers for the different hours of the day, making accessible some of the riches of Orthodox spirituality. 96pages
The Quest for Unity £11.95
Orthodox and Catholics in Dialogue. These official agreed statements analyse the major themes: The Eucharist, Church unity, the sacrament of Orders, primacy and conciliarity.
The Orthodox Church Timothy Ware £10.95
This is the classic and authoritative introduction to the Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware, Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia. A sound basis for anyone who wants to understand Orthodoxy.
The Orthodox Way Bishop Kallistos Ware £9.95
A classic account of the belief, worship and life of the Orthodox Church, simply and accessibly written. Presents a picture of the Orthodox way of faith and prayer, showing the connections between doctrine and devotion, dogma and experience. 164 pages
Light from the East – Fr Michael O’Carroll £9.50
The author explores the historical background and the rich spiritual life of the Orthodox Church, leading to a greater understanding of the road to unity.
A Manual of Eastern Orthodox Prayers £5.95
Morning and evening prayers, communion prayers, selected teoparia and prayers for various occasions. 113 pages.
Gateway to the Trinity Tony Castle £4.25
The Council of Nicea placed icons on the same level of dignity as the Scriptures as a means of revelation and knowledge of God. This book is a catechesis on the Trinity, in the perspective of Rublev’s icon, ‘The Hospitality of Abraham’.
Doors of Perception John Baggley and Richard Temple £13.95
This introduction to icons offers an entry to the understanding of their significance and spirituality. Covers historical background, biblical language, the visual language of icons and their interpretation. Contains 19 colour plates. Highly recommended. 160 pages
St Seraphim of Sarov Valentine Zander £10.95
This book, constructed from personal accounts of those who knew this important Russian saint, reveals St. Seraphim’s profound insight into the soul. 150 pages
The Way of Repentance Irma Zaleski £6.95
The West sees repentance solely in terms of guilt, while Zaleski uses the influence of the Orthodox tradition to help us to see it as healing from guilt and liberation from self, the occasion of God’s great love. 80 pages