This is to testify how prayer of the Holy Rosary and the readings of the Holy Bible and the messages given to us through Vassula have made me change my way of living and my way of looking at the world, culminating in work in one Beth Myriam and plans to open a second one in Peru, which are the fruits.
I started visiting a friend?s house where my wife went every Tuesday to pray the Holy Rosary. But since she went at 6 pm. and did not return until past 9 p.m., I arranged one day to go pick her up.
I was invited to enter and heard about the True Life in God Messages. I became interested (we only have 6 published in Spanish in our country) and started to read the books of Messages.
For about five years, praying the Rosary, and reading Scripture and the Messages, I began to understand the depth of love the Persons of the Holy Trinity have for us and how immense Their mercy is. They had forgiven my sins even before I asked Them to do so.
About the same time as my wife and I were going door to door to bring people the Word of God, the first Beth Myriam opened in our city, Lima, Peru, and we started working there every Monday. At the beginning I only helped serve the food, read aloud and explained the Word of the Lord and the messages from Vassula. Since I am a medical doctor, I was able to take care of some medical problems of the poor people that visited our Beth Myriam. As time went on, my health ministry grew to sometimes four hours on Mondays. I wrote letters to the pharmaceutical laboratories which responded by sending me some medicines that I could use to treat illnesses, and even today I am writing new letters in order to get more donations of medicines.
At present we have our weekly TLIG meetings on Thursdays with the help of Father Antonio Acu?a, Pastor of the parish in Ventanilla, Lima, Peru. My wife and I have been incorporated into the Parish Council and besides attending the Rosary and Mass daily, we are actively working with Father Acu?a. With him we analyze in depth the Sunday gospel and the questions and the enlightening answers of Vassula in the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith Clarification documents.
All these changes in my life are the fruits of the TLIG Messages received by Vassula, and as the Lord says, by good fruits we will recognize Him in the Messages.
In the future I intend to open a second Beth Myriam in our city, where extreme poverty is very high, and I am praying for guidance. My plans include a web page where all the donations could be published and the use of all that money would be very clearly expressed, together with good administration and the creation of an Association recognized by the Peruvian government to receive tax exempt donations in order to secure a continuous work of the Beth Myriam; that should incorporate a complete clinic for the attention of the poor people’s illnesses, including diagnostic facilities, like laboratory and X-ray facilities and also pharmaceutical assistance at no cost for the poor. This last part is still in my mind, but I expect to put it into reality very soon, with the help of The Lord, our Holy Mother and all of the readers of this TLIG e-Newsletter.
I thank you for your interest and for all the help you will give me, thus sharing in the fruits of my pursuit of the plans for a second Beth Myriam.
Thank you very
Emilio Crosby, M.D.