The visit of a TLIG Witness to any country is always a gift and blessing from Heaven. It allows the TLIG Message to be introduced to many new souls in a special way, while at the same time invigorating, uplifting and infusing the local TLIG people anew. As before in August 2006, when Carol last witnessed in Dublin, the Southside Dominican Community, which is ‘home’ to one of the Dublin TLIG Prayer Groups, was more than happy to provide their Concert Hall as our meeting venue.
We had a call from a journalist who had seen one of our ads in the newspaper and was interested in writing an article about TLIG. We sent him some background information and, following a telephone interview, he wrote an article for publication the following day. Unfortunately, the article was not accepted by his Editor … but we were not too disappointed though, as we knew that this journalist had somehow been touched to take this much interest, and a seed was sown.
People arriving for the meeting spent time at the large wall presentations with TLIG photomontages & information, which were on display in the lobby outside the Hall. The TLIG bookstands were very busy before and after the meeting – a large number of books/ DVDs were sold. We were pleased to have TLIG books in French for a couple who phoned ahead and wanted a set of books in French!
Approximately 80 people came to listen, most of whom were new people we’d not met before. People left their contact details so that they could be reached in future for Monthly TLIG Video Evenings and/or Prayer Groups. We were delighted to have Fr. Colm O.S.M. with us at the meeting – one of the two Irish priests who were with us on the May 2007 Pilgrimage.
Everyone present received Vassula’s Pilgrimage 2007 speech and the TLIG messages which were given over the years specifically for ‘Ireland’, along with our regular TLIG Info Flyers. Carol’s talk was uplifting, informative, touching, thought provoking and brought the Love of God and the spirit of TLIG to all present.
Opening the meeting with a prayer, Carol started the talk by outlining how the Messages had begun, as a way of introduction for the new people present. Moving on directly to the Messages, she explained that the whole theme of TLIG is Love and that God is stooping down to us today to remind us of that Love. She touched on the perfect pedagogy of Jesus – how He is repeating and repeating His message, because we do not listen…
Referring to the Bible Reading (Romans 12) from the Mass that morning, she spoke of the different gifts which we are ALL given by God…and our individual responsibility to use those talents which God has given us, for His Glory…Vassula has been given the gift of Prophecy – and God has commanded her to Prophesy…
People were very struck by Carol’s explanation from the TLIG message of what the Will of God is: To love is to do the Will of God…God is offering to transfigure our souls through His Holy Spirit, to become one with Him, to move in Him, to walk with Him, to return to Him and to be gods by participation …because we are the flesh of His Flesh, the bone of His Bone …she emphasised how there is nothing new in the Messages – all is to be found in Scriptures – the Messages are a re-spelling of Scriptures for this generation which has forgotten God, though God has never forgotten us.
It was striking to hear Carol say how, these days, with widespread coverage on global ‘Natural Disasters’, and at this time when much of the Western world is preoccupied with one’s ‘Carbon Footprint’, that Jesus’ bloodstained Footprints have all but been forgotten…eclipsed. Are we following Him in His bloodstained Footprints? We are reminded in the TLIG messages that what comes from the earth returns to the earth…
Explaining that True Life in God is an Apostolic Call, people listened attentively as Carol shared what living a True Life in God is all about…
People were visibly moved to learn that God is waiting for each one of us to return to him and listened closely to what we need to do in order to allow ourselves be transfigured – we need to have a deep repentance / deep metanoia… God is just waiting for us to take a step towards Him. He asks us to do our best and promises us that He will do the rest…
This led on to the theme of Unity in the Messages – the keys to Unity being humility and love… people learned much regarding the current state of division of the Church, that division does not come from God, that we have divided ourselves, that we need to pray and work for the unification of the dates of Easter, since as things stand now, we have 2 Lents, 2 dates of Easter; that we are crucifying Jesus twice… Having shared what Jesus tells us in the messages about His desire for Unity, Carol drew everyone’s attention to Vassula’s 2007 Pilgrimage speech, explaining that prophecy is a charism, always for the benefit of the Church and the community; that prophecy is speaking the Word of God (not foretelling the future). Vassula’s speech has the force of prophecy – she is being used as an instrument, a modern-day prophet, for God to speak through. Carol encouraged everyone to take the speech home and read it carefully, meditatively, in light of what she’d been sharing from the TLIG messages regarding Unity – Jesus’ great desire. It stirs the conscience and demands a response. We all need to move, to take action for Unity.
This led on to sharing about the TLIG Pilgrimages where Unity is lived and we celebrate around one Holy Tabernacle, around one Altar. Jesus tells us that we need to lower our heads and our voices to allow His voice to be heard:
“learn to bow your head low so that I may be seen, learn to lower your voice so that you begin to hear My Voice and discover My intentions, My desires and My Will,” (June 19,1995)
Returning to the theme of the gifts each one of us have been given…Carol reminded us that the greatest service we can render to God is to bring one soul back to Him. As we know that God is speaking to us in our days in the TLIG messages, we now have a responsibility to share that good news with others…this is also an act of love towards others…sharing with them the Love of God. We were reminded that in the end – on Judgement Day – that we will all be judged according to the measure of the love which we have shown here on earth. Love is the root of all Virtues.
Carol then spoke on the themes of the “unceasing prayer”, the Beth Myriams and the deep teaching Jesus gives in the messages regarding errors in the Church. Following this, the importance of Mary our Blessed Mother was beautifully shared and some lines read from Emmanuel’s Song. As ever during the meeting, when a message was being read, everyone listened in a special way to these words from Heaven…it was touching to see the faces of those hearing these words from Heaven for the first time…
A lively Q & A session followed Carol’s talk and Fr. Colm then concluded the meeting with a prayer for Unity and a blessing for all present.
People stayed on for a long time talking over coffee and browsing or buying books and DVDs. There was a palpable love and joy and in the end, we had to guide people to the exits!
We have had many calls following the meeting – people wanting more books/DVDs for themselves and to give to their friends, also placing orders for the DVD of Carols talk. One lady who called explained that her sister had not had any interest whatsoever to go but went simply to accompany her. However, despite this, she said: “My sister left that Hall a changed person.”
As it was summer, many TLIG readers here were away on holiday and unable to attend – but as we videotaped the meeting a DVD will be available and so they’ll not miss out.
Quite a number of people who came to listen were very much involved in New Age, psychics, crystals and so on – they have been searching…now they are starting to read the Messages. May they recognize His Voice and be drawn to follow His Footprints…So many of the people of Celtic Tiger Ireland, despite its amazing and exponentially booming economy, are searching and are hungry for ‘real manna from Heaven’ … there is a space and an emptiness in people’s lives which only God can fill…
We thank God for the gift of Carol’s visit and ask Him to help us water the seeds sown during this visit…
A.M. Sands, for TLIG Ireland – August 2007