Dear TLIG Readers worldwide,
Today marks the 25th Anniversary of the True Life in God Messages. It was November 28, 1985 when Vassula received her first Message from Heaven. Since that time, she has received nearly 2000 published Messages which are now translated in more than 40 languages. Vassula has been invited by and traveled to 76 countries in 6 continents – from the small, remote lands of the Faroe Islands to the Philippines where she spoke to almost a half a million people in one meeting. She has delivered 932 meetings to date and the mission continues today.
At the request of God, Vassula has tirelessly worked to spread Christian Unity. She and other TLIG volunteers have organized 7 International Ecumenical Pilgrimages where people from several Christian denominations come together to live and practice Unity. The most recent Pilgrimage in Greece in 2009 had more than 800 people from 17 denominations and about 100 clergy members, including Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops.
Jesus has asked us readers to observe the anniversary of TLIG each year:
“…indeed if I am your ‘Feast-of-your-own-heart’; celebrate annually the date of today where I brought you and so many others to come into My Heart; and discover those innumerable treasures I kept for your times; keep this great day in mind; be by My side as you have been for the past ten years now: NEVER leave My side, walk with Me as you have done all these years; see how I educated you? see what I have accomplished? see My Wisdom? by adopting you, I adopted so many others; My path is straight, My ways of approaching you are delightful …. your King is perfect and beautiful;” November 28th 1995
May all of us offer prayers of thanksgiving to the Tender Father for this Wondrous Treasure of Mercy in our days!!!:
True Life in God
Fr. Tony’s TLIG 25th Anniversary Reflection
Every year the Christian Church celebrates the main actions of God in history. For example, Christmas -God becoming man in Jesus. In True Life in God every year we celebrate God’s actions, in history, in the 20/21st Centuries, through His instrument Vassula Ryden. The Messages of True Life in God are a great sign of Hope in today’s world of violence, political instability, pollution of the atmosphere, economic problems, spread of poverty and disease, break down of family life, increasing mental diseases, increasing spread of many drug addictions, multiple disunity in the Christian Church. Only God can heal the world of all these problems
The Messages of True Life in God reveals that God is a God of Love, and through the Messages, He is reaching out to His Creation to heal it of all the serious problems of today’s world. So it is with great Hope and joy that we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of our God of Love and His actions in today’s world through the Messages of True Life in God.
God Bless Fr. Tony
A Reminder that the Special 25th Anniversary Edition of The True Life in God Magazine is Now Online
In celebration of 25 years of the Messages of True Life in God this coming November 28, 2010, this special edition of the True Life in God Magazine has been made available online. This is the first (and maybe the only time) this has been done. Enjoy!! … and share!
View 25th Anniversary Edition of TLIG Magazine Online
Additionally, a free printed copy of this magazine will be sent to all new subscribers of the magazine.
Details of the magazine and how to subscribe
Share With Us How your Prayer Group is Observing the 25th!
All over the world prayer groups on November 28th are marking 25 years of TLIG with special meetings, prayers and celebrations. Some groups have organized regional prayers, regional retreats, or have invited Clergy to join them in holding Liturgies in honor of TLIG’s 25th. Whatever you are doing tell us about it and send us some photos or video and we will share it with other readers around the world.
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World wide Rosary Will Be Prayed For The Intentions of Jesus for the Mission of Vassula and True Life in God
A coordinated Rosary will be said at 1pm GMT, today, Novemeber 28, 2010. If you are not able to join at that time, then any time is always good. We will be praying the Glorious Mysteries with the reflections of the Messages of True Life in God found in the TLIG Prayer Booklet (PDF).