Invitation to debate interfaith subjects on a television show in Paris.

November 24, 2018

In the summer of 2018, Vassula received an invitation from Evangelist Pastor Said Oujibou to debate interfaith subjects on a television show in Paris.  Said Oujibou is a well-known multicultural show animator for programs such as “Liberté, Egalité, Couscous”, where he explains the necessity to better understand the diversity of religion and culture in order for all to live in peace.

The debate was scheduled to take place in the crypt “Sainte Jeanne d’ Arc” (Saint Joan of Arc) situated underneath the Church of ‘St-Denys’ de la Chapelle, in Paris.  France seems to be favoured; in the thirty years of Vassula’s public testimonial around the world; fifty-six conferences were held in this nation, of which thirteen were in Paris. 

The True Life in God French team prepared accommodation for Vassula’s arrival, as well as setting-up the conference room inside the crypt, decorating it, and making sure the conferencing hardware was functional.

In her 50 minute speech, Vassula reminded them why “God was calling us” and invited them to see the “signs of the times.” 

Vassula Speaking to the Public1

Vassula Speaking to the Public

Vassula Speaking to the Public2

Vassula’s testimony, in its substance, was the following: Vassula asked, “Why does God call us?”  She explained that God always manifested Himself to mankind, not so as to give us something new, but so as to respell His Word, reminding us of our foundations.  God will never in our lifetime cease calling us.  He invites us all to enter into the true and unique knowledge of His Deity, the knowledge of knowing Him and of understanding Him.  Our Lady says in a TLIG message: “what God wants of you is a change of heart; do not be afraid to acknowledge your sins; live and practice the sacrament of confession;” (TLIG Messages, 23 April  1993)

All these calls from heaven are lessons like those in a school.  Jesus calls His school, “True Life in God.” He invites everyone to this school. 

Vassula said that after having passed through a purifying fire, Jesus trained and taught her with patience and tenderness.  He educated her on spiritual things.  His teaching was divine, giving her cognitive lights to penetrate His words and understand them.  Vassula spoke about Apostasy, explaining that this is a rebellion against God.  She said that Jesus explains in the TLIG Messages that we are living in a great apostasy; that is why He had to intervene. This apostasy was predicted by St. Paul. He said that we would recognize the End of Times by two signs: apostasy and the spirit of rebellion. Our era has both signs and they are quite visible!  Of course, God, in His Great Mercy, will intervene. God intervenes to call us to repent!   Vassula read a message from Our Blessed Mother:

“… your generation failed to appreciate God’s great Love, this is why your lands are set aflame by egoism, by godlessness and by the fury of Satan; (…)  I call in agony from above, to you all to make peace with God, to reconcile with your families;” (TLIG Messages,  10 October  1990)

Vassula emphasised about a chastisement by fire that would happen if we did not repent and make peace with God. “…On the Day of Judgment, He will hold us responsible for all kinds of indifferences we have had… We should therefore examine ourselves and correct ourselves; otherwise he will drive us all out as He did in the past with the Israelites!”

She added that, “we live in a time of ineffable grace and Mercy. God is renewing His Creation. He is rising-up new apostles of the End of Times and they will become pillars of faith and defenders of Truth”. 

“I am, renewing, Vassula, My creation; it is the beginning of this renewal; it is My passage among the tombs, among this vast graveyard, My passage will turn the tombs into glorious Cathedrals with the Fire of My Love within them! the splendour of My Presence in them will be awesome;” (TLIG Messages, 31 May 2003)

Vassula said that the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, appears in many places around the world.  As the Lord says, she is preparing us for Christ’s Return, which is imminent.  She also said that the manifestations of Christ today are many. He even appears to non-Christians.  There is a multiplication of the appearances of Christ among non-Christians. She talked about the New Heavens and the New Earth, where God is renewing everything by giving us joy and peace in our soul: by transfiguring our soul into that of a new person.

Vassula talked also about the importance of forgiveness and love, about repentance, and about the power of prayer, with a lesson on how to pray, because it is through prayer that we can reach God.  She emphasised that we must remember that on Judgement Day we will all be judged by the measure of love we had here on earth.  The Lord says in a message: 

“yes, a word uttered with love can alter a whole situation; it can stop a war; it can melt ice and calm down a storm; it can extinguish a fire;” (TLIG Messages, 31 May 2003)

The Blessed Virgin says:  “A prayer of the heart vibrates with truth and God hears it!” When we pray for others, it is as if we are pouring our blood for them, because our love is like the Love of Christ who had no personal interest;” (cf. TLIG Messages, “Vassula Speaks about Witnessing”)

Vassula said: “I invite you today to learn and follow the footsteps of the ancient prophets, and to open a broad path in your mind and heart to see how they have maintained their perfect fidelity to God when He had them called to reveal His plans to them: Let us learn from them and meditate on their travel through these arid lands, these spiritual deserts. On the spiritual path, they learned self-denial, giving priority to God’s interests and God Himself.  They learned to shed their ego and their will.

Today, let us become aware of their indomitable courage, their zeal and their love for God.  They were also human and possessed no more than what we have, except they had a good will to glorify God.  They were weak, but God gave them His strength.  They did not have an easy life, but they struggled, putting their trust in God, and persevering to fulfil their mission and glorify God.

  • If every human being responded to God’s Love, displayed by Him for each one of us in His True Life in God Messages, our lives would be transformed into a Love Hymn.
  • If people took seriously Christ’s warnings about Satan’s rage in these last days, he would already be defeated and banished from men’s hearts and the world.
  • If all the world’s religions responded to God’s call to reconciliation, all men and women would have already recognized each other as brothers and sisters from one Source.
  • And if everyone realized that we are living in times of ineffable Grace and  Mercy, and that God, in full power, is renewing His creation, we would never cease praising God night and day, and our hearts would become blazing flames of zeal!
  • If only…”
After Vassula’s speech, the public was invited to take a break at the rear of the conference room, with some refreshments, tea and cookies offered by Saïd Oujibou and the French TLIG, so as to learn about and get to know each other, each one sharing information about his/her individual attachment to his/her  respective faith. 
At 3:30 pm, the designated interfaith speakers each took a seat for the debate.  Facing the public, from right to left, were:
Josephine Daherel Ghoul, (Journalist and TV director  of a channel for the young), Nour Alshaba, (from Télé Lumière, and a liturgical television channel), Nour Al Kodass, (ecumenical focus for all denominations.  She has a Doctoral degree in media and a Graduate degree in journalism from Paris 2 Sorbonne). Pierre Barnerias, (Journalist and ex ‘Grand Reporter’, he is also the director of the movie “M and the third secret”), Said Oujibou, (Host and debate presenter ); Vassula Ryden, Mohamed Khenissi (Islamologist), Fr Jean-Louis Haubert (Catholic priest of the Diocese of Strasbourg and chaplain of the University Hospital of Strasbourg), Camel Bechikh (President of the ‘Daughters and Sons of France’ and member of the Board of the Bordeaux Mosque)
The Speakers for the interfaith debate

Debate Members

Said OUJIBOU  with Josephine EL GHOUL and Pierre BARNERIAS

Debate Members

The debate took place under the theme: ‘How to live together in peace under the Creator’s Eye’

During the debate, the following remarks were given: Pierre Barnérias: (about the appearances of the Virgin) “The Church has always been cautious about the Apparitions, so everything that the Virgin has announced has not been said… The Virgin Mary, the perfect woman is a point of commonality between Christians and Muslims.”

Mohamed Khenissi believes that it is important to transmit the history of the prophets to the young.

Vassula Ryden: “There was a silence in the movie M and the 3rd Secret.  The Secret was revealed and the publication was not made.  Cardinal Ratzinger at the Vatican said that the Message of Akita (Japan) is the Secret of Fatima.  He says that we have fallen into apostasy and calls us to repentance; if we do not repent, there will be the punishment of fire. (…) generalized apostasy is the sign of the End Times (2nd Thess.)…”

Said Oujibou (Host and presenter of the debate) with Josephine El Ghoul (Journalist and director of TV channel “TV Lumière”); Pierre Barnerias, (Journalist and ex ‘Grand Reporter’. He is also the director of the movie “M and the third secret.”)

Mohamed Khenissi: “We are waiting for the return of Jesus who will finish his Mission. We must prepare His return together…”

Camel Bechikh: “To know if the Virgin has appeared or not is anecdotal … being able to learn about other religions in order to take comfort from one’s own is central.  Vassula’s speech is rallying; we feel love, a return to love, delivering us from the Evil One.  Love is universal.  If we do not practise discernment, we fall into division, that is to say evil …”

Josephine El Ghoul: “With dialogue, we can praise and sing to the Lord.”

Mohamed Khenissi: “Adults can help young people to practice the Faith.  We refer to their religious identity (eg. Muslims) and we forget that they are young people … it is necessary to be creative, to think how to teach, to organise outdoor activities, surrounded by nature and to discover the Creator, to try to be innovative; … not to give into fear; God asks me to share my Faith with the universe. “

Camel Bechikh: “National identity; we do not have the right to speak about it in France … We can integrate the habits and customs of the national integrity while keeping a religious identity.”

Vassula Ryden: “In Lebanon I saw a mosaic of confessions and religions within one community: no divisions, no prejudice, and no separations.  We must meet today as ecumenical and inter-religious.”

Pierre Barnerias: “The End Times is not the end of the world.  The most important moment is Judgment.  The most important thing is God and the moment when we present ourselves before God. “

Father Jean-Louis Haubert: “When we do not live according to God, we contribute to apostasy.  Through sin, we help the evil one.  When one lives the True Life in God, one opposes the evil one and the apostasy.  The end of the world and end times: The end times are the end of evil, when the evil one will no longer have power over the heart of the man.  When Lucifer has been chained, the end of evil will come.  Then there will be the end of the world, which is in the Hands of the Lord. “

Said OUJIBOU with Vassula Ryden

Said Oujibou (Host and presenter of the debate) with Vassula Ryden

Vassula Ryden: “It will be 33 years of messages on November 28, when I started looking for God … In these messages there is the 2nd Pentecost that gives a lot of hope.  The Holy Spirit is poured out on all humanity.  The end of time is the 2nd Pentecost that will renew the world. There will be a new heaven, a new earth; there will be no darkness.  On earth, we will all live under the same sun and we will form one great family.  As human beings, we have the same needs, a good health etc … we must take a path of righteousness and live it, that our life be transformed and transfigure the world.  The Creator has inscribed on each human heart the capacity for good, but when we find ourselves in rebellion against Him this capacity for good becomes a capacity for evil. Nature that revolts, originates from all kinds of conflicts in our hearts.  If we have no place for the Divine in our hearts, it will become externalized and it will be war.  The Lord once said to me, “live as though it is your last day on earth;” (TLIG Messages, March 2, 1993)

We must work together to fill the gaps in our divisions – education in the family – institutions and religious communities – actions that make it possible to live.  All religions respond to the Call of God.  They can unite as long as they learn to love.  Peace, harmony, unity is a desire for all of us, and above all for God, and to be able to say: my brother, my sister. “