Vassula’s Mission in Berlin
Friday, 25 May

It was some time ago that had passed since Vassula had visited us here in Germany. This time she came with Fr. Rolf Schoenenberger, a faithful priest of True Life in God’ messages. Of course many people were eager to hear again Vassula’s testimony where she would be witnessing and reading parts out of the revelation that she is receiving from our Lord. True Life in God messages have become like the yeast, spreading with time but with the efforts of His messenger and the chosen ones who have accepted to become collaborators of this Divine Call. Guided by the Spirit, Vassula goes where she is sent to spread the good news of this calling. Since the Spirit is our life, let us all be directed by the Spirit and stop judging something we do not know or understand.

At 17.00 pm a brief meeting was organized to meet the parish priest Father Christian Respondek  at St.Kamillus Church.  He welcomed us in his presbytery and was very hospitable. We were 12 people a number he did not expect. Fr. Respondek allows our prayer group to pray in his Church and this was a unique opportunity to meet not only the entire prayer group but also Vassula. Fr. Respondek invited everyone for coffee and cakes generously spread on his dining table. It was the first time he met the entire prayer group and Vassula. This was a breakthrough because he had never met the entire TLIG prayer group in one go, while he used to give generously used to offer his Church for the prayer group to pray and during this time his Church for them to pray inside it. It gave us the opportunity to get to know us and speak about the messages to him.

Fr. Schoenenberger at one point mentioned that in the TLIG messages Jesus reproaches the Churches that have turned to be doing only administrative work in His House. That made Fr. Peter from Czech Republic who had joined us, give his testimony. He was accompanied with other Czechs and with a choir of children who were volunteering to sing during the time of the conference. He said that at one time he was ready to leave his priesthood but, when he read the messages he was uplifted in such a way that it made him change his mind and finally did not leave his priesthood.

Saint Kamillus Church

Later that afternoon we went to Saint Kamillus Church to pray the Rosary and to celebrate the Holy Mass. Before the end of the Mass Father Respondek welcomed the TLIG-people and introduced Vassula and us to the people of the parish. Also he informed about the meeting in the Novotel -conference hall the next day. He asked Vassula to come in front to introduce herself and her mission. This was a beautiful surprise for us all as we never expected Fr. Respondek to talk about Vassula and her calling.

Saturday, 26 May

During the mass Father Rolf mentioned, that this day is the feast of Philip Neri, the saint of joy and told us funny stories from his life.

Press-Conference in the Novotel- Here Genevieve Hesse, a free journalist interview Vassula for 1 hour.

Holy Mass in the chapel of the Caritas-Nursing-center


After a short welcome to the audience, Michéle encouraged them to sing together with the choir the Our Father in Aramäic language. The flyer with the prayer was placed on every seat. After the prayer we watched the introduction video, in which Vassula testifies the dawn of the call. When her Angel came to prepare her so that she meets God. This video touched the hearts of people because Vassula’s testimony is so simple and clear that people like Fr. Schoenenberger who had heard her say these words several times made remarked that it was excellent.

Vassula gives her testimony

The conference started at 16.45 with the Czech children choir.

Vassula addressed the people with the way Jesus instructed her to speak. Quoting here and there excerpts of the messages. She brought up the unfailing subject of intimacy with God, the signs, the wonders of God.

She was speaking before God, for the benefit of the people listening, she reminded people how God grieves before an unrepented soul. Then she told us the story how of how the Father in Heaven wanted her to learn to pray the Our Father and how she blurted out calling Him „DAD “unwittingly. She finalized her speech by introducing her autobiography “Heaven is Real but so is Hell, as well as the 1 Vol.-book.

After Vassula’s address to the assembly announcements were made.  At approximately 19.30 the people were welcomed to pray altogether the prayer for repentance and deliverance that was printed on a flyer for everyone. I should mention that Father Vinzenc Hoffmann, former responsible priest in prison attended as well the speech of Vassula.

Last but not least, the hall was decorated with two beautiful flower-buckets by a monk by the name of Brother Waclaw Mrocz.  The English speech of Vassula with German translation was filmed by Magda Skalova from Czech Republic and Markus Maria Hübner from Cologne. It will be available on the internet and as a DVD as soon as possible.

At about 19.30 the meeting ended with the choir singing while Vassula left the hall. Many people visited the tlig book table to get the tlig books and other tlig material.