Mission to Vietnam

March 2017

While Vassula was deliberating on which countries in Asia, and which cities in China to include in her March, 2017 trip, I suddenly received an e-mail from her mentioning Shanghai and Hanoi.  That was a surprise to me because I know Hanoi is not in China and is situated in Vietnam.  Had Vassula received an inspiration to go to Vietnam or did she mix-up her Geography?

For many years now, I knew of the existence of the Vietnamese translation of the True Life in God messages through Suzy Vardanian of TLIG Australia.  I immediately contacted TLIG Australia and they put me in touch with Mary Xuan Dinh, a Vietnamese who lives in Melbourne, and who is today, one of the translators of the TLIG messages.  Mary told me the history of TLIG in Vietnam: long ago, the late Vietnamese priest,  Fr. Augustin Nguyen Duc Thu, S.J. attended Vassula’s talk in Adelaide, Australia and saw the Holy Face of Jesus on Vassula!  From then on, with the help of his friends, priests and lay people, he translated the Messages and TLIG in Vietnam was born.  Amazingly in 2004, the Lord called Mary Xuan Dinh by covering her with the fragrance of incense for three days and led her to the home of Avo and Suzy Vardanian who had set up the TLIG Australia Association.   There, Mary fell upon the TLIG book, My Angel Daniel, and was touched.  She now continues working with the Vietnamese TLIG translation team on volume four and the HIR (Heaven is Real but so is Hell) to complete the Vietnamese translation of these books.  Thanks to Fr. Thu’s engagement, the road to Vietnam was starting to open and True Life in God was slowly  making its way into that country.

We were then put  in touch with Mr. Hoang Tran who lives in Austin, Texas and had been disseminating True Life in God message for many years.  Through Mr. Hoang’s commitment and desire to have the Messages known in his country, he agreed to organize Vassula’s visit through a couple of newly acquainted contacts in Saigon.  Vietnam was to be the eighty-sixth country to formally receive a witness talk by Vassula.


Organizing preparations for our Lord’s messages is full of challenges, especially when dealing with Communist countries like China and Vietnam.  We were already made aware of the strained situation between the Church and State in China, and realized it was the same in Vietnam.  Permits are needed for any gatherings of crowds; therefore, Hoang informed Vassula, as it would be her first visit in Vietnam, to speak only at convents and at an ecumenical meeting held in a pastoral center.

Two days before departing from Guangzhou for Saigon, we were informed that the Vietnamese TLIG books and HIR that were supposed to be printed and available for Vassula’s talks were, at the last minute, not allowed publication by the government!  At that stage, Vassula was about to cancel her trip to Vietnam.  However, the good Lord came to our rescue.  Hoang and Mary tried their best to ship the books and asked their friends to carry about 80 copies from Australia and the USA to Vietnam as samples for the audience.  Besides this, Sophia and Lulit from a TLIG Thailand prayer group who planned to attend Vassula’s talk and assist the organization in Saigon, if needed, were willing to carry another 30 copies into Saigon with the help of Fred, Sophia’s husband, and Bethany from the TLIG Australia Association.  Fred happened to be leaving the following day for Sydney, Australia on a business trip and he took with him a huge empty suitcase, filled it up to the brim, brought these books to Bangkok, and Sophia and Lulit flew them into Saigon!  Upon knowing this would happen, Vassula was then willing to continue her visit to Vietnam.

March 8 Arrival in Saigon

After a two and a half hour flight from Guangzhou, we were met in Saigon Airport by Sr. Frances Ha Thanh Tinh, the Mother Superior of the Missionaries of Christ’s Charity and Kien Tran, a supporter of the TLIG Messages.  They have known about True Life in God for many years through Fr. Thu and Mary.

They were very happy to welcome Vassula and Fr. Joseph to their country.

Vassula is welcomed in Saigon Airport by the Mother Superior of the Missionaries of Christ’s Charity

 March 9 Planning of Ecumenical Meeting and Vassula meets Cardinal Emeritus Jean-Baptiste Minh Man 

Vassula and Fr. Joseph met Fr. Francis Xavier Bao Loc, Director of the Office of Interreligious and Ecumenical Relations.

Vassula and Fr. Joseph met Fr. Francis Xavier Bao Loc, Director of the Office of Interreligious and Ecumenical Relations.

Fr. Francis Xavier Bao Loc invited Vassula, accompanied by Sr. Frances to his office

Through Fr. Francis’ team, the ecumenical meeting was confirmed for the following Tuesday, March 14.  Fr. Francis expressed his view of God’s Message given to Vassula: “I like the image of 3 iron bars.  It’s true that the key to unity is humility and love.  It’s time to place garlands of love on our Lord’s Head instead of the crown of thorns.”

On our way to visit His Eminence, Cardinal Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Man, we were shown the chapel within the seminary grounds, built by French priests.


The Saigon Seminary Chapel

Vassula meets the cardinal

Vassula is introduced to Cardinal Emeritus Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Man

March 11, Saturday: Saigon Meeting at the Convent of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

With God’s grace, our TLIG Vietnam organizers were able to prepare three talks in Saigon, despite all the difficulties, hesitations and unknown variables.

This convent, which is located in the center of the city of Saigon, hosted the first TLIG event.  This event was an invitation from the Superior General of the Congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.  It was a perfect opportunity for Vassula to witness on her experience of God, mentioning the many clarifications made to confirm the authenticity of the messages of True Life in God.

The Mother Superior of the Convent welcomed Vassula

Sr. Marie Rose Vu Loan, the Superior General of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, welcomed Vassula to the meeting.  As she has known about the True Life in God messages for many years, Sr. Marie Rose was so happy to have her guest share the Messages in person with her community.  She said: “Vassula’s sharing and witness are very familiar to what we live and commit to God. Although there’s limited time, Vassula has delivered the main points of the TLIG messages.”

The audience in attendance was made up of 150 nuns and novices, and some family and friends who were so eager to hear and know God’s message for the world today.

The 10 a.m. Meeting was held in the Convent Hall

Vietnamese TLIG books and Prayer Guides were available

The books were very quickly dispersed after Vassula’s address.  We were told that many years ago, volumes one-three (1986-1990) had been printed in Vietnamese and over 2,000 copies were distributed in Vietnam, Australia, Canada, and the USA.  A Vietnamese website had been created for Vietnamese people worldwide to access the TLIG messages, TLIG information, and a dubbed Vietnamese version of Vassula’s 1998 meeting in Australia online.  This had been posted on YouTube five years ago and had 60,000 visits.  Many telephone calls were received from those who were touched and converted after reading the first three volumes online and watching the video.  Readers have expressed the joy they feel for the intimate love that Jesus reserves for His children, the tenderness of God, and the two virtues that bring unity: humility and love. 

Beside her mother, Van holds the book that saved her

In the audience were Van and her mother who listened closely to Vassula’s talk that morning.  Van was very happy to share her experience of True Life in God which started in 2012.  “Long before that, while I was a university student, I had strayed from my faith; I no longer believed in God.  I had searched on my own for information and read many books on different religions, leaving my Catholic background behind.  This saddened my mother and the rest of my family, leading them to pray intensely for me.  I was at a stage in my life when I turned a deaf ear to anything my mother would say. 

When the TLIG books were published in Vietnam, my mother bought a book and left it lying on my bed without saying a word.  When I retired to my room and saw the book, I started to read it.  I instantly felt God’s love come close to me, undergoing a change of heart while I went through a spiritual cleansing through heavy tears.  My life changed; I now go to church daily, spending hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament adoring God.  I feel I belong to God.”

March 12, Sunday   Vassula speaks at the Convent of the Missionaries of Christ’s Charity

This congregation which was started by St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta is dedicated to helping poor elderly people, children, and pregnant single mothers.  The Superior General, Sr. Frances Ha Thanh Tinh, and the many nuns and novices were so thrilled to welcome Vassula!

The sisters ran to meet Vassula

Vassula spoke as Hoang translated her talk to Vietnamese

Vassula’s talk took place in one of the children’s classrooms filled with about sixty novices, nuns and single mothers.  Details about the very beginning of her experience with God’s call through her Angel Daniel were revealed.  She described her Angel’s reactions to her ignorance of her knowledge of God, her outright “wretchedness” with regard to her behavior, and her submission to this divine call through repentance.  This profound regret in displeasing God came after she had undergone a three week purification wherein God revealed her soul to her the in the manner He sees it. 

It was such a beautiful story that it can only be to God’s glory, resounding in our hearts an awareness of God’s grace and drawing us into a sincere repentance.  This Love Hymn entitled True Life in God with its many themes of Intimacy with God, His Mercy, Repentance, Prayer without Ceasing, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Unity of all Christians is given to us today, to teach us and guide us through this End Times.

The young novices, the nuns and the Superior General, St. Frances, were filled with joy to see and hear the Messages that reveal the simplicity of God and His nearness.  The questions that were asked after Vassula’s talk concerned the gift God gave her and how she receives the Messages through locution.  Sr. Frances showed the audience the books with the original handwriting.  She had known about Vassula from Fr. Thu and has been reading the Messages for a while.  Her comment expresses how she was touched, “God sent Vassula to Vietnam during this Lenten season to be a witness.  When Vassula talked, I felt like God was talking directly to each one of us out of His Love.  We have to humble ourselves and stay in silence so that we can hear God’s voice because He is so close to us, around us and in each one of us.”

After Fr. Joseph celebrated the Sunday Mass, a group of single mothers came forward with their infants for a special blessing.

After Fr. Joseph celebrated the Sunday Mass, a group of single mothers came forward with their infants for a special blessing

Taken in their chapel, this group picture will surely find its place in their album of precious memories

Archdiocese of Saigon Pastoral Center

March 14, Tuesday   Ecumenical Meeting at the Saigon Catholic Pastoral Center 

This Pastoral Center in the Archdiocese of Saigon includes the Headquarters of Ecumenical Affairs, the Office of the Archbishops’ Conference, the seminary, and the headquarters of various Catholic groups.

Fr. Francis Xavier Bao Loc introduced Vassula

Vassula’s talk at the Pastoral Center based on “Unity in Diversity,”  was well received by pastors and religious leaders of different denominations.  It was organized by Fr. Francis Xavier Bao Loc. As a result of this talk,   a positive communication channel for future dialogues in Vietnam was established.

Seated in the front rows were pastors of the different Protestant denominations in Saigon: Pastor Hồ Tấn Khoa of the Presbyterian Church, Pastor Nguyễn Văn Kiêm of the Lutheran Church, Pastor Phạm Đình Nhẫn of the United Gospel Outreach, Pastor Bùi Thanh Sê of the Pentecostal Evangelical Church, and Pastor Vũ Văn Hoàng of the Glorious Baptist Church.  The rest of the audience was composed of representatives from the Cao Dai Church and Roman Catholic clergy, headed by Fr. Peter Nguyễn Văn Hiền, Executive Director of the Pastoral Center who very enthusiastically welcomed Vassula and Fr. Joseph.

After each pastor introduced himself and then, subsequently after Vassula’s talk on Unity, one could feel a joyful lightness in the atmosphere and moreover, I should say a relief.  The comments we received from some of the participants showed how Our Lord’s message affected positively all those Christian denominations bringing urgency, but hope as well for the Christians to unite in diversity.

The hall was filled with representatives of many Christian denominations

Vassula and Fr. Joseph with some Pastors


“I was touched by what God revealed to Vassula.  I believe each one of us felt that it was really the cry from Jesus’ Heart towards His Church, His Mystical Body.  Thank God for getting me over here.