Vassula’s visit to Brighton and Chichester England, July 2008

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Five years after her last visit to Brighton, Vassula visited that same clean and wonderfully structured city by the sea. Brighton is set 1 hour south of London, with many miles of beach running alongside of the city. She had been invited by Anglicans to give a speech to many Anglican clergy and laity, but also to Roman Catholics and people from other denominations.

We reached Heathrow airport on Thursday, July the 10th. Unfortunately, the temperature was pretty low for the season and it reminded us of winter. Valerie and Albert Muller -the basic organizers of Vassula’s meetings- welcomed us and at the same time, Charles Muller welcomed at the Gatwick airport, His Eminence, Archbishop of N. Delhi, Vincent Michael Concessao, who escorted and introduced Vassula at both meetings and travelled to the UK as an expression of the ecumenical responsibility of both the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches. His quiet support and serene faith in the genuineness of the messages was impressive. His involvement in Vassula’s ministry throughout his six-day visit was much appreciated, and he voiced a strong call to all Christians to listen with their heart to our Lord in these troubled times.

Everyone, volunteers and organizers of True Life in God in England, worked hard to prepare the 2 meetings of TLIG, dealing with many obstacles and difficulties. Fr. John Abberton wrote that “we cannot expect God to act in great power, unless we are prepared to play our part, however small that may be.” And the readers of the Messages were called to play their part by inviting clergy, bishops or any other member of their parish to attend that truly important meeting with Vassula. Invitations were mailed to a long list of people inviting them to attend the meetings. A week before the meetings flyers and leaflets were distributed at the Anglican Caritas event in the Brighton Centre, attended by 5,000 people, where TLIG had a book table.

Holy Trinity Monastery, West Sussex

On Friday, July 11th, driving through the greenest of nature and passing by the picturesque country houses, we set off for the Holy Trinity Monastery in West Sussex, home to the Community of the Servants of the Will of God. Fr. Peter and Br. Andrew welcomed us and participated in the working meeting that had been arranged. (The CSWG is an Anglican community based on the Rule of St. Benedict and from its inception has been concerned for the unity of the Church through a sharing in the One Great Tradition of prayer of East and West. The monastery has become a ‘True Life in God centre, hosting meetings and selling many books to visitors, as well as publishing numerous articles on the messages.)

Barbara from Germany and Charles from Switzerland joined the informal meeting opened by Vassula, comprising active English readers from the south. She opened by explaining in depth the message of our Holy Mother, given to us in January 2008, reminding us of the letters she had previously written based on the important message from Our Lady. Vassula spoke of our duty to spread the messages to everybody, not only to Christians, and called upon us to fulfil our mission as ‘apostles of the end times’.

Meeting in the Holy Trinity Monastery

She spoke about the prayer groups, reminding us that most of them were formed years ago and in most cases neither the numbers attending individual groups nor the number of groups have multiplied. Why? The groups stagnate because the members are not outgoing. We must speak about the writings to those we meet without fear or hesitation and invite them to read the messages. We must try harder to increase our numbers. The Holy Spirit cannot move for us unless we take the first steps and increase our personal commitment. Vassula reaffirmed that, of course, there are exceptions.

She mentioned the hard work that is being done in some countries so that the messages are spread: For example, some TLIG Associations at the beginning of the year prepare an annual program which include meetings in houses with coffee and DVD presentations of Vassula’s speeches; organizing meetings in hotel halls for witnesses; DVD presentations of TLIG material on small local TV stations, offering the 1st volume free to the people who are interested to get to know the messages better; book exhibitions and fairs; and last but not least evangelizing to other cities of the country.

Vassula underlined that: “These ideas and aspects’ exchange concerning the expanding of the message and the growth of the prayer groups must be transformed from word to action. Prayer groups should meet once a month not only for prayer but sharing, because socializing is also very important. God has given us so many riches and it is time that this wealth is given to all humanity. People who cannot forgive and they hold grouch, will not grow in Love.”

And she went on, “God is warning us…As you already know, every prophetic word is being persecuted, in general. That way, True Life in God is being persecuted, though Jesus says that “My Message saves!” The message is the call of intimacy with Christ. Anybody who has read the message of TLIG with an open heart is responding to the call of God. Jesus asks for giving back the love we receive. He only wants one thing back. Very few are the people who work and evangelize. God is giving us food and it is our duty to spread out and share it with other people.”

Our Lady also tells us: “Give more sacrificial love” and reminds us that we are very near to the events of fire. The earth is in danger and will suffer with fire. The day of the Lord is with fire (purification) and you will realize who you really are. Sacrifice and commit your selves more to Him. Do not keep silent anymore. Speak up, tell the world that you have met God and what changed in your life, make videos and upload them on you-tube. Move more.

There was a general discussion time when those present decided to copy tried methods from other countries and also suggested new ways to increase evangelization. It was apparent that, as Vassula has previously recommended, we must all ‘leave our comfort zones’ and get out there to try again. The exchange was stimulating and all felt ready to return to their TLIG groups and initiate further activity to spread the messages.

Vassula underlined that the ideas and aspects discussed, including ways to encourage the growth of the prayer groups, must be transformed from words to action.

St Martin’s Church, Brighton

On Saturday afternoon, 12th July, Vassula spoke to over 300 persons (some priests among them) gathered in St Martin’s Church, Brighton. During the 2007 pilgrimage, James – our TLIG Afro-English evangeliser – asked Vassula to «Please, come to Brighton again». In due course, God sent her and Canon Beaumont Brandie, James’s parish priest, was happy to welcome us all and address the attentive assembly.

The parish priest invited His Eminence Archbishop Consenssao to introduce Vassula to the people. The Archbishop said how he met Vassula for the first time in New Delhi, a few years ago, then, he went to the last pilgrimage at Biblical Turkey-Greece and then, he read the messages. He continued saying: “I feel very strongly about these messages, they are a gift from God to humanity and Vassula’s mission is to spread the messages and bring all Christians together. Her call is a call for Christian Unity and holiness. Vassula has been playing a prophetic role. The messages have brought people to the path of God and give life to dead bones. He concluded saying that “from the fruits we need to judge the tree.

Archbishop of New Delhi, Vincent Consenssao introduces Vassula to the people.
Archbishop of New Delhi, Vincent Consenssao introduces Vassula to the people.

Vassula thanked the audience saying:
It’s a delight to be with you here and I know that you came not only from Brighton but also from other places and I want to thank you for your sacrifice, because it is a sacrifice to travel to hear the messages of our Lord.

Vassula speaking with Archbishop Consenssao present

Before she started her speech, she said:
“Our Lord asks me to tell you, when you read the messages of TLIG, pleas, take away my name and put yours and then you’ll understand that the Lord is also speaking to you. Because, when God speaks, it is for the benefit of His Church. As you know, there are many problems in the Church, especially in Europe. There is a great apostasy, people are rejecting the faith and do not believe in God; they do not practice their religion and do not go to the Church anymore. God manifests Himself so powerfully to call us back to repentance and make us realize that we should live holy as He is Holy…We are from Royal Decent because our father is the King of Kings and we come from Majesty.”

Vassula explained to the people the ways she receives the messages and that she was not going to church before, that she was not looking for God and did not know either that God speaks to people in our times. So, when all that started, she was confused and could not explain what was happening. It took her a long time to understand that it was real and true and that this charisma exists.

Onlooking crowd

She said: “…The Holy Spirit speaks to all humanity like never before in history. We are in special times of Mercy and this Message is for our times…We need revival and a renewal to lead us into Unity, Reconciliation and Unity in the heart. No more quarrels, no more “I know better than you do, my church is better than yours”. Jesus wants us to be united. And since we are baptized and we have one faith and One Christ, how is that we are splitting into splinters? The Church is weak because of this division and God wants the people of the Church to unite and reconcile through repentance and this is the key to Unity, the Lord said. For as long as humility and love do not exist, unity will not happen.

God is warning us. All these years, He’s been giving us prophecies, the twin towers in New York, Tsunami and many others. He reminds us about our Foundation and He invites all of us to enter the True and Unique Knowledge. The Knowledge of deeply understanding Him. Knowing God and understanding God is one of the most powerful, spiritual wealth that you can obtain…

Christ is constantly knocking on the door of our heart. He is present and alive…

…Our Lord asked me on the 13th of September 2002: “Tell Me; tell Me, what is the great miracle of your epoch? Tell Me! Tell Me!

“The great Miracle of our days is that You have descended from Heaven, manifesting this way or that way to sinners; the great Miracle, is that the Holy One who transcends understanding and reasoning, is visiting us and speaking to us; He is among us and with us; He speaks in different ways; He heals the sick; He raises the dead; He overwhelms us by His instructions; He visits the poor; He frees the prisoners and He consoles the broken hearts; this is the great Miracle of our times…” Today, we can easily say that the manifestation of God in our times is His visitation and can be called “The Day of the Lord” or “The 2nd Pentecost

…TLIG messages are recalling to a radical transformation of selves, mind and soul. Our Lord says that this transformation takes place through purification and the dying to one self.

…The Lord wants to detach us, so He starts by working inside you to detach from certain things that are obstacles to His passage in you. From the detachment He brings you to the higher level that is called: impassibility. It is an angel virtue to be detached totally. So, He is helping us to obtain this evangelical virtue.

…The Holy Spirit says: “You have been called to participate in this divine Salvific Plan but also to enter in the Triune life as well; come and breathe in Me and fill your soul with Our Divine Love, this Divine Love that draws you into a perfect union with Us”…

Vassula, with the Canon Beaumont Brandie, James’s parish priest and Archbishop of New Delhi, Vincent Concenssao
Vassula, with the Canon Beaumont Brandie, James’s parish priest and Archbishop of New Delhi, Vincent Concenssao

Vassula ended her speech by asking the people who were present to stand up and say the prayer of repentance and redemption with her. That prayer was given to her by the Lord on the 13th of November 2006.

The entire next day, Sunday, July the 13th, was a meeting day with Bernard Tansey, Nick and Albert Muller.

Chichester Cathedral

On Monday, July the 14th, after Mass, we took the train to Chichester. The ride lasted about 45 minutes and it was really pleasant. Vassula was accompanied by Archbishop Consenssao, Fr. Tony Sullivan, Albert’s family, Valerie and Charles Muller with his 12 years old son James Muller and me.

From the Chichester station to the Cathedral, we walked for about 10 minutes. We arrived one hour before the lecture begun. At the Chichester Cathedral, we were welcomed by friends and volunteers of TLIG. As well as in Brighton, the organizers of this meeting had worked eagerly to prepare everything. Vassula would address to an audience composed mainly of clergy of all denominations. Although the meeting was mainly for the clergy, it was also open to the public. More than 250 people, including over 40 priests and clergy of different denominations, gathered in the main Nave of the historic Cathedral, a fitting venue for Vassula’s address.

Vassula thanked, as she always does, the audience for their presence and in very clear and unequivocal words, she passed on to the Church the messages she has been given concerning the disunity of the Church of Christ, saying that our division is a grave sin and we are asked to take steps to rectify this pitiful situation. She spoke of the three iron bars the Lord had asked her to draw, representing the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches. She pointed out, that according to our Lord, we are unable to get to the root of our disunity because we lose ourselves in never-ending discussion of what are in effect secondary issues.

She stressed that the Lord is awaiting a unity of the heart from His Church, and asks just one thing of us: « that we unify the date of Easter ». He will then restore the Church to Unity.

Vassula read out many of our Lord’s messages on Unity and spoke of His distress that we are not ‘0ne’, underlining that the Lord wants to see us all around one table.

“Today, any delicacy from the part of My creatures to restore My tottering House touches Me profoundly; any step towards Unity, all heaven rejoices; any prayer offered for the restoration of My Body, My Father’s wrath diminishes; any gathering in My Name for Unity, my blessings are poured out on those sharing these meetings.” 05/10/1994