Asia, this mighty continent, created by the will of God for his glory was once more richly blessed by God’s desire to send the seeds of His love Hymn to it’s soil. This time Bngladesh, the Philippines and India were the privileged countries to which God sent Vassula to address His message of asking everyone to come and truly repent from the heart; to reconcile with God and our neighbour and fan into a flame the gift of God bringing us back to our senses.

For God who has saved us, has called us to be holy – not because of anything we ourselves have done, but for his own purpose and by his own grace.

Thus, Vassula’s journey began on January 6th, 1998 with a ten hour flight from London to Dhaka via Bombay. A crowded plane and many crying infants made this trip a sleepless and most uncomfortable journey. This was only a foretaste of what this four week mission, would demand as sacrifice.

Vassula’s journey was especially noteworthy for three reasons that imediately come to mind. For the second time, she returned to Bangladesh, the land where True Life in God was born. For the fourth time she returned to the Philippines, the only Christian nation in Asia and the only Catholic nation in Asia. She came to India, the second most populous nation in the world, with more than 800 million people, and a land which is still largely not evangelized, with Christians numbering just three percent of the population. The underlying theme of this visit to Asia is aptly summed up in the words of St. Paul in reference to the ministry of the prophets: “The sound of their voice went out to all the world; their words reached the ends of the earth” (Rom 10:18).

Vassula arrived in Bangladesh on the evening of January 7. Remembering the importance of Russia in messages of Fatima and True Life in God, it seemed appropriated that she arrived as Russians celebrated their Christmas day. In her journey she was escorted this time by two people. One was Erwim Schlacher, a Catholic, whom many ‘True Lifers’ know because of his work for True Life in God in Israel. He came along with the camera so that there would be a visual record of this journey. Vassula was also accompanied by a Greek Orthodox friend. Giorgia Braun who throughout the journey was always there to help in any way possible.

At the airport, they were picked up by Carol Chamberlain, who had made the arrangements for their accommodations. Carol has been involved in True Life in God since just before her arrival in Dhaka in 1993. Fr. “X”, PIME, from the National Major Seminary was also there to accompany them from the airport. After a brief stop at their accommodations, all five went to the seminary chapel for the Mass. This is the very same place where Vassula used to attend Mass after the dawning of True Life in God.

On January 9, we began the day with the Mass, which was concelebrated at the seminary chapel by Fr. “X” and Fr. Bernard Palma, the dean of studies at the seminary. Fr. Bernard is one of the senior members of the staff who remembers Vassula from the early days of True Life in God. That evening, after an early supper, we left for the venue. Fr. Arturo took full responsibility for organizing everything at the venue, and had brought in extra seats to accommodate everyone so that there were sufficient seats for all. Tapes and books, both in Bengali and English were on sale at the door. A number of clergy also attended. The rector of the National Major Seminary, Fr. Francis Sima, was the translator that evening, and he knows the messages well since he also supervised the Bengali translation of the first three volumes.

After introductions by Fr. Arturo and Fr. “X”, Vassula spoke to the crowds. Vassula always stresses in every talk she gives that she had not “merited” all these graces. However, by God’s grace she was brought to the point of total self-offering. As she once said (June 21, 1998): “Lord, I am but following You, and my soul is in peace as a child with his mother, trusting You fully, and as a child I want to obey You.” Besides some background information on the beginning of True Life in God, Vassula also stressed much the coming of the Holy Spirit and the Second Pentecost. And this was true of subsequent meetings throughout this journey in Asia. As the prophets said “I will put my laws in their hearts and write them on their minds” (Heb 10:16). Coupled with this idea was the idea of purification. Vassula reminded the listeners that all mankind will undergo a spiritual purification which is now imminent. To prepared ourselves we must be reconciled, not only at the level of Christian unity, but also especially at the most basic level of society, the family. (“Happy are those who work for peace, God will call them His children” Mt. 5:9.)

The meeting was interrupted by a power failure, but this occurs so regularly that preparations had been made in advance and a portable power system made it possible for her to continue. The meeting closed with the consecration to the Two Hearts as found in the True Life in God prayer book. Vassula then blessed the people with the relic of the True Cross as Jesus desires her to do. “The message of Christ’s Death on the cross is nonsense to those who are being lost, but for us, who are being saved, it is God’s power” (1 Cor 1:18). Because of the darkness at this time, it is impossible to say how many rested in the Spirit.

Although it has not been scheduled, Vassula remained afterwards to patiently bless the foreheads of all those who approached her. They were quite numerous, and a number of people from various nationalities were present as well, especially Filipinos. This variety of nationalities contributed to the atmosphere of preparation for a new Pentecost: “When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place… religious men had come from every country in the world” (Acts 2:1,5). Christians in Bangladesh number around three tenths of one percent of the general population which is 85% Muslim. Thus, we know that at this point one in every hundred Catholics actully has bought a volume of True Life in God, which costs more than half a day’s income in this impoverished nation. This is all the more significant due to the fact that the national literacy rate is only around 30%: “He has filled the hungry with good things” (Lk 1:53). It would be accurate to say that in Bangladesh Vassula is the most widely-read and best known of all contemporary visionaries put together.

In spite of confusing statements coming from the Vatican, the local bishops avoided any sort of negative publicity against her during the recent period of confusion, and Prodipon, the only Catholic scholarly magazine, recently published an article strongly defending her. The imminent publication of volume three will hopefully galvanize the clergy which until now has remained at the periphery. The reluctance of the clergy in many nations to take seriously messages like Vassula’s is no doubt yet another example of what St. Paul meant when he spoke about prophets in these words: “We do not speak in words taught by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, as we explain spiritual truths to those who have the Spirit. Whoever does not have the Spirit cannot receive the gifts that come from God’s Spirit. Such a person really does not understand them; they are nonsense to him, because their value can be judged only on a spiritual basis. Whoever has the Spirit, however, is able to judge the value of everything, but no one is able to judge him. As the Scripture says: ‘who has known the mind of the Lord? Who is able to give him advice? We however have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor 2:13-15).

The following morning, January 10, we left at 5:45 AM for our flight to Manila via Singapore. Once again it was Carol Chamberlain who drove us. In our weariness, we could reflect on the words of Scripture: “All of this I do for the Gospel’s sake, in order to share in its blessings!” (1 Cor 9:23). Our plane in Dhaka left at 7.30 a.m. and we arrived in Manila Airport around 8 p.m. We were welcomed in VIP style by Mrs. Cecilia Lutz, and other hard working organisers of the True Life in God committee.

Despite a very late night due to luggage problems at the airport, a late dinner, 11:45 pm mass and jetlag, a press conference was scheduled for the next morning at 10 a.m. This was thanks to the organisational efforts and media connections of a person in the local prayer group. Thus opened Vassula’s 4th visit to the Philippines.

Her introductory speech summarised the latest messages of Jesus and God the Father who desire to draw all of us into the nuptial chambers of their Heart. Vassula stressed the importance of reading the messages in a spirit of prayer, in a meditative way, beginning from Volume One.

Jesus, our Teacher, in this way, schools us in True Life in God, to understand the mystical language used in the latest messages. This manner of reading will help us to enter into the mysteries of Christ comprehending them with our Saviour’s mind, and see them with his divine light. If we also allow our Lord, he could mould and form us into his likeness, so that we radiate his light to the world.

The reporters, who represented national TV, newspapers and magazines, displayed their interest on Unity through the focus of their questions. Vassula relayed Jesus’ earnest desire of how to bring unity about. Vassula said; “only a sincere repentance and a spirit of forgiveness, will bring forth the fruit of love and humility, which are the key to unity. We will then be able to serve God’s purpose for unity by unifying the dates of Easter as desired by Christ. From there God will do the rest”. This message was received with great interest and appreciation. Philippine national Catholic TV and Radio stations will broadcast this press conference at a later date.

Immdeiately afterwards, we boarded a plane that flew us in two hours to Tuguegarao, a city in the north of the main island of Luzon. Here, the local True Life in God group had organised a meeting with their Archbishop Monsignor Talamayan, who warmly welcomed Vassula and gave her a 30 minute audience. Monsignor had given permission to invite Vassula to his city and so wished to hear the testimony on God’s love and the action of the Holy Spirit from Vassula herself. He listened with great interest, rejoicing especially when Vassula told him that the Holy Spirit already is very active. Archbishop Monsignor Talamayan encouraged us to arrange a meeting with Cardinal Sin, but because of time pressure, it was not able to take place.

On the same day about 700 people attended the main meeting in Tuguegarao at 5 pm in Baseball Hall. Fr. “X” gave the introductory speech to Vassula, then Vassula came up to address the people. She echoed God’s word fervently, following the Lord’s command to, “be His Echo”. We were reminded of the Father’s real Image. The world has a distorted image seeing Him as harsh judge, whereas Jesus described Him in the messages as follows: “My Father is a King, yet so motherly, a judge, yet so tender and loving. He is the Alpha and Omega, yet so meek”.

Vassula asked us to learn to trust Him, for He delights so much when we do. For this, we need to approach Him and get to know Him intimately. Thus we will learn to love Him as our Father who will never break us, but treat us kindly according to our capacity. Vassula continued saying that when our Father in Heaven gives a message, He will always give it with a tone of hope, but as Father He will also reprimand us, for we deserve it, because it is for our salvation that He speaks. Her 90 minute presentation was followed by a Mass concelebrated by Fr. “X” and Fr. Richie, a young Philippine Priest of Don Bosco, who experienced a re-conversion in reading the True Life in God messages. One could say that Fr. Richie is a fruit of True Life in God. He accompanied Vassula in all her meetings in his country, supporting her in prayer as she prayed over each individual. He too, rested in the embrace of the Holy Spirit as Vassula prayed over him.

During the healing service many fell backwards resting in the Holy Spirit. Others, without even being prayed over were surprised with the gift of praying in tongues. God was manifest which could be read in every face being lit up with joy praising the Lord for His Generosity. The excitement of the crowd reached it’s peak as Vassula left the hall along the aisle and everyone flocked to get a close glimpse of her and even touch her. Those escorting her had to make a great effort to keep the crowd from crushing Vassula, who hastened her steps to the waiting car, as the people turned wild.

Next morning, January 12th, we flew back to Manila. Vassula was invited to Kamunig Quezon City, Manila, for a Conference in the Parish hall for clergy only. About 80 Priests and Nuns from different congregations eagerly listened to the words of God through His chosen one.

Fr. “X” introduced Vassula briefly, paving the way for her powerful 90 minute presentation. First Vassula gave an overall picture of the Divine Message, then she conveyed Jesus’ latest teachings on the Sacred Heart’s desire for all His children to draw from His riches and to live in His Heart. Vassula said; one should respond to His invitation to make a retreat and a pilgrimage in His Divine body, where He would restore and nourish our soul with the riches of His Heart in intimate privacy, filling us with His Peace and Joy. The treasures that one finds in the Sacred Heart’s Heart, above all, Vassula says, is tasting the sweetness of His Divine presence and intimacy. She went on saying, the Hope that God offers in these messages is the Holy Spirit who is already at work renewing His sanctuaries (our souls), and that through a Second Pentecost, (for which Pope John XXIII prayed), the face of the earth will be transformed into a New Heaven and a New Earth, the promise of Apocalypse 21. This New Heaven and New Earth will be within us. We will be the New Jerusalem.

Vassula, as in the previous meetings, concluded her powerful presentation with a courageous appeal to all Cardinals, Bishops and Priests to join their voices with that of Pope John Paul II regarding Unity. She quoted his Encyclical “Ut unum sint” (That they all be one) and read out the Holy Father’s statement during the Prayer of Angelus on August 11, 1996 where he talked about the urgency of reconciliation between Catholics and Orthodox. He said: “the things which unite us are much greater than the things that divide us”.

Vassula openly declared her desire for all Cardinals, Bishops and Priests to join in the Pope’s voice becoming an echo to him and one in this work for unity, rather than ignoring or stifling his voice. By doing this they would be of great help to the Pope, who needs their support. The clergy present were amazed at this inspired mesage and flocked around Vassula who had to escape because everyone rushed to her wishing to receive a bleesing and wanted their books to be signed.

After Vassula’s talk, one priest, in fact the chaplain of Quezon City Prison, stood up to give a word of thanks to Vassula and left us speechless with a message coming from the prisoners, who wished Vassula to address them on that same afternoon. But this meeting was somehow cancelled in order to give the message to a group of clergy instead. The Priest said the prisoners were very disappointed, but that such “let downs” for people in jail are a daily occurence. He kindly asked Vassula to give him a few words for them, which he would transmit later on in the evening as a small consolation. To everyone’s great sur