A message from Vassula in 2013 about the launch of her book “Heaven is Real, But So is Hell”

Dear TLIG Supporter,

May the Lord be praised for what I am about to share with you!

In the midst of our modern culture which continues to turn its back on God, HE is once again offering us a solution to lead millions back to Him, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. We have been praying for God’s help and HE IS ANSWERING OUR PRAYERS.

I have written a captivating new book. It will be published in March 2013, and with your help it will reach millions of people. It is called, Heaven is Real, But So is Hell. I believe it could be the most powerful tool for evangelization and for drawing people to discover the TLIG messages.

Heaven is Real… will attract believers and non-believers alike. I have written detailed descriptions of Heaven and Hell, gripping stories of God’s Mercy, His obvious signs and wonders, and mainly God’s personal invitation to accept His mercy before His justice arrives.

We do not know the hour when God’s wrath will come upon us, but we know that His judgment is awaiting millions of people who are dying outside His friendship. How many of our own family members, friends and co-workers could be among those that could be lost?

How can we bring them to know God’s divine Hymn of Love? How can we rekindle our own faith? How can we bring our lukewarm churches back to life?

The book Heaven is Real, But So is Hell is one major attempt to draw them and inspire them to search the TLIG messages. We can get this book into bookstores, coffee houses, colleges, churches, libraries, airports, and onto the New York Times Bestseller List so that the media will take notice and Heaven, Hell, and God’s redemption will be known.

Please know that I am personally praying for you and your family, asking God to bless you and use you for His Glory.

In Christ,