4-8 November 2023
“all I ask from you is to listen to Jesus all that comes your way, let it come;
allow Jesus to work and speak through you;”
(TLIG, Holy Mother: 15 October 1992)
Having known the TLIG Messages and Vassula for many years now, I am always pleasantly surprised at the way the Lord prepares her program, almost without her knowledge… This time, Vassula received an invitation from the editors of “Inside the Vatican” Magazine, Deborah and Robert Tomlinson, to participate in a retreat organized by them inside the Vatican! A few days later, Vassula received an invitation from the TLIG Association of Italy. The book “Heaven is Real but also is Hell” had just been published in Italian and its presentation was going to be heralded in a bookstore in Rome. Unfortunately, this presentation of the HIR book coincided with the dates of the retreat. At the same time, Vassula had also received another invitation from the Charismatic Group of Rome to be a part of the Papal audience at the Catholic Charismatics Groups International, on November 4 in the afternoon.
Somehow, in a simple and natural way, the three invitations came together in a “no schedule” program, which evolved day by day and was full of pleasant surprises!
4 November 2023
We were met at the airport in Rome by Fr Vincent and went straight to the Vatican to catch the audience with Pope Francis. At the entrance of the Paul VI Hall, where the audience was held, we met Katerina Andritsaki, who was waiting for us, providing us the necessary invitations on behalf of the Charismatic Rome Group. The hall was nearly full. A large crowd had gathered there from 100 countries. The audience lasted for about an hour, with expressions of enthusiasm and joy for Pope Francis.
Upon arriving at our lodging hotel, we met TLIG Italian friends who had come from Rome, Venice and Milano to see Vassula and host the presentation of the HIR Book published in Italian. After introducing themselves, Caterina from TLIG Italian association talked about their prayer group.
She said: “Our prayer group meets on zoom twice a month, every other Friday. Our zoom meeting gives us the chance to come together from Northern to Southern Italy (Torino, Milan, Varese, Treviso, Venice, Rome, Isernia, Catanzaro) and has created a real understanding among us, we can feel Jesus is with us because of the joy we have every time we meet.
Because of this joy, why we have decided to increase the number of our annual in-person retreats from one to two: one during Unity Week in January, the second one in September. This may be possible thanks to Fr. Vincent, a blessing and a guide for all of us. Maria Stella, Elisabetta and I are part of the association. Elisabetta lives in Milan. Maria Stella and I have committed to meet once a month to pray for the prayer group and to present to the Lord and to our Holy Mother a request for help in spreading the TLIG Messages, and to provide whatever the Italian association needs to fulfill the mission God has granted it.
We are sure that Italy will enliven its fervor for the True Life in God Messages since more than once Jesus has given us this Word: “we will become a rivulet, than a river, then a sea, and an ocean…” (cf. TLIG Messages, 6 October, 1993). As Maria Stella said: ‘l’Italia ha acceso i motori!’ meaning: ‘we fired up the engines’…”
Our visit with the TLIG Italian friends ended late in the evening with a prayer in the hotel’s chapel for the intentions of the two Hearts and the success of the presentation of HIR book.
5 November 2023
The next day we met the mother superior, responsible of the hotel. She spoke very good English and wanted to know more about our group. She said that she asked the Italian women in our group about the group the night before, but the information they gave her was not sufficient… Addressing Vassula, she asked: So, what does your team do? Thus began a torrent of testimony about the TLIG Messages and Vassula’s mission. Sister Christina listened in silence. Her facial expression showed her surprise at what she was hearing and she was impressed when she saw the short video with the highlights from the TLIG pilgrimage to Egypt-September 2023. She asked for more information. We gave her the link to the TLIG website and the promise that the Italians of the TLIG group will soon provide her with the TLIG books in Italian. Later, Fr. Vincent told us that the first day we entered the hotel, two Filipino nuns who were there, working in the hotel, recognized Vassula and smiled at each other. Apparently, they spoke to Sister Christina, who then wanted to know more… She greeted us with kindness and love and wished Vassula well in her work and in her book presentation.
Later, after visiting the Basilica of St. Peter, we met with Caterina and Maria Stella, two of the organizers of the ΗΙR book presentation in Italian. They were thrilled that Vassula accepted their invitation to attend the presentation of her book, which had just been published in Italian. The time they had to prepare for the presentation was minimal… but their joy and enthusiasm were great. So, they managed to announce the event through friends, word of mouth and social media. It was the first time they were organizing such an event, and of course, they contained excitement about the outcome. From our conversation, I could see a strong spiritual fire and great faith in them because the time had come for them to spread the TLIG Messages to Italy. In the certainty that God hears their prayers and sees their efforts to spread His Message, they continue to work. They remain steadfast and committed to God, and believe that despite the difficulties and obstacles that exist, no one will be able to thwart His plans for their country…
“… I have given you the freedom of heart; through My Spirit, you get your freedom; through His purifying Fire you are washed clean; where My Spirit is, there is freedom, for there is a renewal, a transfiguration in His Presence; your new birth is not from mortal seed but from My Spirit;” (TLIG Messages, 17 October 2023)
6 November 2023
Early in the morning, Vassula received a message from Deborah and Robert inviting her to have coffee and meet their group. We met at St. Peter’s Square. The day was sunny… After our introductions, we headed-off, chatting, towards one of the cafes nearby. One of the ladies accompanying us, Ingrid, a German by birth, who has lived in London for many years, knew about Vassula’s mission and the TLIG Messages. “Vassula is very famous” she told me… Also, the American friend who was with us, said that she had read all the TLIG Messages, but had not met Vassula personally.
We talked about Vassula’s mission and the Messages of TLIG, the Unity of the Church, the prophecies about Russia, and the references to Medjugorje, Fatima and Garabandal in the TLIG Messages. Vassula emphasized that “God exposes His character in the TLIG Messages.” She told them about the pilgrimages she organizes with the help of a TLIG team, and mentioned the great success of the last pilgrimage to Egypt. She disclosed the efforts she has made over the years in the unity office, highlighting the difficulties she has faced from the Catholic Church. Thus, she personally met with Cardinal Ratzinger before he became Pope, received the respective letter and completed the answers to the questions posed to her by the office on the Doctrine of Faith; and then later, when he became Pope, met with him again in an open audience and gave him all the TLIG messages, collected in one Book. Despite the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur that the TLIG Messages have received, the messages are still blocked by the Catholic Church…
Shortly afterwards we met with the Nigerian Cardinal of the Catholic Church, Francis Arinze, who led the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue from 1984 to 2002. The meeting had been arranged by Robert, whom he knows personally.
Presentation of the Italian HIR Book
At 4 pm, just before the presentation, Vassula had a small meeting with the organizers… and shortly afterwards we left for the Caffe Letteratio Horafelix in the center of Rome, where the book presentation was to take place. The venue was beautiful and welcoming. When we arrived, there were already a few people in the room. Caterina Delfini, translator of the True Life in God Messages in Italian, welcomed the attendees who kept coming, and introduced Vassula, speaking briefly about the True Life in God Messages and Vassula’s mission around the world. She handed the microphone to Vassula and continued by translating Vassula’s talk, with great ease and authority, like a professional translator.
Vassula greeted the audience, and spoke about her angel Daniel and the beginning of this divine revelation. She said that what she wants to say through her book is that God can transform a heart of stone into a living, burning heart! She spoke of God the Father’s infinite Love, His Simplicity, His Goodness, His Sweetness and His Affection for His children! She explained some of the chapters of her book in a few words: about her mission, the prophecies, God’s education through the Bible. She spoke of God’s Mercy and Love, of Unity, and that the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ should become One. She emphasized that the devil exists and described the vision of hell she saw. Vassula said that she was in a state of complete ignorance when the revelation began and that what she learned came directly from Christ and Our Blessed Mother. A few questions followed, such as whether the books are known in the Catholic Church. And the answer was that they have received the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur from two Archbishops of the Catholic Church. One gentleman excitedly said that it was the first time he had heard someone talk about Christ in such a wonderful way! An Italian man, who had arrived late and apparently had not heard the beginning of the presentation, raised some objections in a strong and aggressive tone. After we closed the evening by saying the Lord’s Prayer together, Vassula approached him politely, offering him her book with a personal dedication, saying: If you love Christ, you should imitate His ways, His sweetness and His goodness. The Italian smiled at Vassula, whispered some excuses, hugged her, and asked to take a selfie with her. Through the manner Vassula spoke to this man, full of kindness and love, despite his own rudeness and aggression, I recognized Christ!
The Presentation was wonderful! The first presentation of the Italian ‘Heaven is Real, but also is Hell’ book, was made possible with the help of the Lord, and the hard work of the True Life in God Association in Italy!!! The race is not over… The road is long, but “the beginning is half of everything”, as the ancient Greek philosopher Plato said.
7 November 2023
Robert and Deborah invited Vassula to a scheduled meeting at the Office for Christian Unity with Fr. Hyacinthe Destivelle, O.P., official of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity at the Vatican. Our appointment was held in front of the offices for Church Unity. On the 4th floor of the building, Fr. Hyacinthe, very pleasant and friendly, received us with a smile. Robert introduced his team and Vassula, and from the way he greeted her, it was obvious that he knew about her. When it was Vassula’s turn to speak, she talked about the pilgrimages she has organized over the years with her team of volunteers.
She mentioned in more detail the last one: the 13th Interfaith pilgrimage to Egypt, in September, highlighting the participation of 500 pilgrims from 65 countries, 80 clergy from 22 different Christian denominations, as well as the participation of Muslims: Sunni, Shiat, Druze, along with Buddhist monks. She spoke of the foretaste of the unity experienced by the different Christian denominations as they gather around an altar to praise God and receive the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion. And, of course, she added that the focus lies on Reconciliation, Peace and Love between all the creatures, since we all come from the One and Only God regardless of our creed.
Fr. Hyacinthe listened with interest, and just before we left we took photos with him, under the Icon of Peter and Paul, which he told us was a gift from Patriarch Athenagoras to Pope Paul VI when they met. Just – before we left, he conversed with Vassula in French, saying that he is a French Dominican priest from the Toulouse Province. His ministry has always been linked with the question of Christian unity. During the meeting with him we learned that at first he was a director of the Istina Ecumenical Centre in Paris, then as pastor in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and for the last seven years as an official of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in the Vatican. Since last year, he has also been the director of the Angelicum’s Institute for Ecumenical Studies.
The invitation of the day included a big surprise for Vassula and me… Vassula, a Greek Orthodox, was to have dinner inside the Vatican, in the Santa Marta building, where the Cardinals’ apartments and that of Pope Francis are located. Inside the same building, below the dormitories, is the dining room. It looked like a joke, but it wasn’t! Vassula, who has been mercilessly beaten in circles inside the Vatican, invited by the couple Deborah and Robert, was to have dinner in the same dining room as the Pope! We crossed the Vatican gardens and arrived at the entrance to Santa Marta. It was an imposing building, like most buildings inside the Vatican. At the entrance, the guards allowed us to enter. We arrived at the dining room where the clergy and the Pope dine. A large table was reserved in the name of those who invited us. We were seated, and during dinner, the door opened and Pope Francis entered. He sat three tables away from our table. He stayed about 25 minutes and left with his entourage immediately after dinner.
After dinner, we continued to the room where the Pope usually receives some of the faithful. We sat in the living room, feeling comfortable and familiar with the space; on the walls of which were two large portraits of the Apostles Peter and Paul. Questions from our friends brought again our discussion around the messages of TLIG. Deborah asked me what I do exactly for the TLIG Messages, that is, if I have any official responsibility. I spontaneously replied that I am the Echo of the Echoes, repeating what Jesus says to Vassula in the TLIG Messages: “Be My Echo.” The readers of the TLIG Messages work diligently to spread the TLIG Messages. By reading them, the soul recognizes the voice of the Shepherd, as He puts a seal in our hearts. So, as the Lord says to Vassula, “Be My Echo”, we become the Echo of the Echo, to defuse His Messages and to also thank Him for His trust and the honor of working for His glory, in faith, hope and love!
“… My command to you is: love Me, write down My Messages and go from nation to nation proclaiming My Words, be My Echo; those who have ears, let them hear, those who do not want to hear, let them not hear;” (TLIG Messages, 11 October 1993)
It was a beautiful, warm night. While walking through the gardens of the Vatican after dinner, I was thinking with a smile about Christ and His sense of humor! I wanted to shout with all my might, for what He did and more…
I believe, I hope and I love You Lord! You called Your hunted prophet into their house, right under their roof to eat beside them and to speak of the Unity of Your Church once more. Will they welcome your great Gift for these End of Times or will they continue to be deaf to Your Word?
“… I tell you, Vassula, one day, in My courts and on the Judgement Day, all those who accused you and sneered at you will be struck with remorse for having rejected My Inexhaustible Treasure from which their spirit could have acquired Wisdom and won My friendship, this friendship that would have led them into the beauty of My Sovereignty and Splendour and the intimacy of their God; your accusers will look at you and say, as Scriptures say: “this is the one we used to laugh at once, a butt for our sarcasm, fools that we were! her life we regarded as madness ….” and you, My child, will face every one of those who have oppressed you, and they will realise how bitter they made My Cup (…) My Own, never leave My Heart; My enemies persecute you but in reality are persecuting Me;” (TLIG Messages, 1 May 1995)
I wish to witness a caress I received from God the Father on Sunday, November 5, during a relaxing time with Vassula.
I had been suffering from a widespread pain in my left leg for three days; but since I wanted to enjoy the planned weekend with Vassula in Rome, I decided not to worry about it. But, after a little walk with her on Sunday, while sitting at a cafe, I realized that I could not even skim my leg because of the pain I felt.
I promised myself again not to think about my leg, not to spoil those magical moments I was spending with Vassula. So, we started a talk about healings through the intercession of the Mother of God, and I pointed out, in particular, a message in which Our Lady expressly says: “…love the Father, for He is most Compassionate;…” (Message 19 August 1988)
At that point, Vassula also paused with me on this sentence, confirming it, smiling and looking at me with a particular light…
I started to repeat the sentence and at the same time I felt in my body, at the height of the chest, an internal heat, accompanied by an intense emotion… I felt the Presence of the Lord. Immediately later, after touching the sore part, I realized that the pain in my leg had suddenly disappeared and it never returned. Thank you Father! Praise and Glory to the Almighty God!
Maria Stella Ventani. Roma – Italia.
November 8, 2023
On the day of the Feast of Archangels Michael and Gabriel, in the Orthodox Church, we left Rome for Athens.
Our mission was accomplished!
In Christ,
Gethsemane Vlaserou
Reader of TLIG Messages