The Mercy of God binds us in Unity to Worship and Exalt God

by Vassula Rydén

I give glory to our Merciful God who united us here today to worship Him, praise Him and exalt Him. God will never cease calling everyone to pay tribute to Him and worship Him in His Sacred Courts. Since the beginning of God’s approach to me, I was taught by God to put Him first in my life, because without Him, my table will be empty, but with God my table will be full.

We are born not to live only for ourselves, but to be of service to God and to others. Do we want to glorify God? Then, we should become an example of Compassion, Tolerance and Charity, for these royal virtues will be pleasing to the Most High because they will be coming from Divine Sources, they will be coming from God. Let us keep in mind from whom do we descend, and who is our Father. Who created us and who breathed in each one of us, giving us Life? We are all carrying His Divine Breath, and this makes us all to be the sons and daughters of the Most High; so realistically, we are of Royal Descent. We come from Sovereignty and Splendour; we belong to Heaven, so let’s allow God to clothe us with His Splendour…

Let us not be of those who have mouths but say nothing, have eyes but see nothing; let us be Ambassadors of the Most High; let us be the Echo of God spreading peace and unity in the world. Today, God’s Kingdom is offered to us; let’s not pass by it without noticing it, nor allow it to overtake us either. The fact that we are indeed of Royal descent, because our Creator and Father is the King of kings, we should carry in our heart noble thoughts, pure thoughts filled with the Light of God.

If we see in our days that there is no peace, and that the world is pursued by disasters, diseases, even nature rebelling against us, it is because of the great Apostasy the world has fallen into. The world draws all these catastrophes upon itself because of its indifference towards God; the world gives no place for God. Today’s world glorifies itself instead of glorifying God. God has been calling every human being to repent and if they do so, God will favor us with a period of peace. Everything will be uncovered and open to the Eyes of the Almighty God to whom we must give account of ourselves in the Day of Judgment. Therefore, the Will of God is to Love and to Forgive. This will be the way to exalt Him. This is our entry key to Heaven.

Let us open our spiritual eye and observe the Signs of the Times. There are so many of them that tell us that Jesus Christ’s Return is imminent, Christ is on His way back for Judgment, but just before His Return, God, as a last Warning, will reveal within us in His Pure Light the condition of our soul through an illumination of consciousness! And woe to the unrepentant! This is what we call the Day of the Lord, which is in fact an act of great Mercy coming from God, for it will give us a last chance to repent and to make us realize how immensely unworthy and tarnished our soul is in its state of sin, when God’s pure Light will be exposed in the darkness of our soul.  This act of Great Mercy will bring us to bend and repent in full!

Our soul from thereon will know how to adore Him properly and worship Him with reverence, giving ourselves more to Him while He too will be giving Himself more to us. He will be increasing in us, filling us with His divine Love, while we will be decreasing in our ego and self, effacing ourselves into naught. Filled with Divinity, the scales of our eyes will drop, and we will be mending our differences and promoting universal peace where there is war, unity where there is division, forgiveness where there is still vindictiveness.

This is what the Lord said in 1997: “My Flame within My Heart, will be your purification, creation, and this will be executing My Judgment; this will be done so as to remove your veil and see Me clothed in glorious beauty and holiness; I will be executing My act of love so that I win you to Myself; “ 25.9.1997

And when this is done, He will show us that Love was always to live in the Truth, for the greater the gift of love, the more our knowledge of God is complete. The more our love is ardent for God, the more our prayers are ardent. The more perfect our love, the more our life is holy. Love delights in the Truth and it is our entry key to Heaven, for on Judgment Day, Jesus said, we shall all be judged according to the measure of the love we have had here on earth.

To live Unity with love and humility is not a question of sentimentality, nor is it trading the Faith and the Truth, but it is putting the Word of God into action; for the Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. We should stop treating the Scriptures as events of the past, like a history book, because we will be remaining dead to the Word of God, thus killing the Word of God.

The Signs of the Times are calling us all for Reconciliation. We cannot dismiss those Signs coming from the Holy Spirit, and yet some do. Is it because they have lost the sense of the supernatural from a rationalistic spirit and believe only in materialism and in what they see? It is a grave sin when we do nothing about it and remain silent, becoming just like sepulchers in a vast graveyard.

Are we afraid of being persecuted because of our openness and our boldness? I, for my part, chose not to be like those inanimate tombs who are dispersed and torn asunder by their spirit of cowardness, pride, prejudice and self-interest, but I chose to listen to our Lord’s Command and I will remain in Him, for I have read with the help of the Holy Spirit the Signs of the Times which call the Churches for Unity, sharing around one Altar during Masses; and together proclaiming in one voice, that there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God who is Father of all, over all, through all and within all. And no less, we are called to have Unity in Diversity, sharing our brotherly love with other Faiths and traditions.  

I want to be the perfect Icon of Unity, abiding permanently in the Embrace of God and graciously drawing everyone to live, “A True Life in God.” Therefore, all of us have not only an important role to accomplish in maintaining peace and unity, but an obligation. I sincerely hope that the day will come that through our efforts and sacrifices, God will grant us the peace that is so desired by all of us.

And I’ll complete by asking you to allow God to hide you in His Heart and embrace you, for you are His own beloved child, His treasure, for He has your name engraved on His Heart.