TLIG Readers we want to hear from you!!!
Do you have thoughts or experiences in relation to any of these questions?
How has True Life in God helped you in your life?
What is one of your favorite messages and why?
What convinced you that the True Life in God message is authentic and from Jesus Christ?
Why do you believe the spirituality of True Life in God is so important for our times now?
We would like to hear from you. Please keep submittals to one page and no more than 5 paragraphs.
Not all submittals will be published. Please indicate if we may use your full name or just initials.
Share the light you have received with others!!! Write to us at [email protected].
WASSUP TLIG Youth? We want to hear from you too so write to us at [email protected] or [email protected] and share your stories with TLIG readers around the world!