“Find Me in simplicity of heart”
(TLIG 08.07.1989)
Vassula in Munich, Germany
Report Part II
In 2018, it pleased God to bless Germany once more in a most special way by sending Vassula back to share His “Love Hymn” True Life in God (TLIG) in two major cities in this country of about 81 Million inhabitants!
For the first time since 2011, Vassula was invited to speak in Berlin, the capital of Germany, located in Prussia the north eastern part of the country. This was followed by her visit to Munich in Bavaria, in the south, near the Austrian border.
This is the second part of a report focusing on her visit in Munich on May 27, 2018, where Vassula addressed a very attentive assembly of over 300 persons in attendance.
Due to the special way Munich came about, we feel it should be shared to see what God’s providence is able to accomplish if our will cooperates with His Will. Munich was initially not at all in the plan. Everyone focused on Berlin as being the only place for Vassula to speak. In fact, there was some quite strong opposition when Munich came up as a second option. It was presumed that there were no active TLIG persons in Munich and it was thought that the city was torment of all that concerns True Life in God.
So we ask God in prayer to enlighten us through His Spirit of Discernment, just like Jesus tells us in the messages of True Life in God (TLIG) to always ask for His Spirit of Discernment who enables us to differentiate His will from our own subjectivity. Since we are privileged to work for God’s Glory it is essential to try and discern His will and do what He desires, regardless of our human ambitions.
Within days, while sharing the idea of Munich again in a conversation with a TLIG friend in Potsdam, it turned out that she knew someone in Munich whom she wanted to ask if interested of inviting Vassula to present True Life in God to Munich. And so it was. In fact, there was a great interest shown by Jabo, who turned out to become the main organizer. He is a young man from the Iraqi Chaldean Catholic community who came to Germany as a refugee with his family twenty years ago during the war in Iraq. They have well integrated into the German way of life and are very grateful for the safety and opportunity Germany has offered them in their time of crisis.
Jabo was introduced to TLIG one day while walking in Munich. Someone gave him a TLIG flyer on the street with the picture of Jesus. He was very touched by this painting and begun to read the TLIG messages on the internet www.tlig.org and immediately recognized God by reading them. Ever since he ‘can’t let go of Jesus” and “discerning His Will for God’s greater Glory has become his life”, as he shared later on. We learned that there is a TLIG prayer group in Munich who meets weekly in a chapel and that this group consists of TLIGers from several nationalities including Germans, Iraqis, Ethiopians, Greeks etc.
Jabo’s intention was to invite Vassula to speak to the huge Chaldean community who celebrate liturgy in Aramaic, their language of prayer next to Arabic. The Chaldean community consists of about 3000 members in Munich and is served by two Priests from Iraq. The Priests knew about the TLIG messages from Jabo and offered the huge community church as a venue and invited Vassula wholeheartedly to speak right after their liturgy on Sunday, May 27, 2018. This was more than expected but gladly accepted.
Upon consulting Vassula about this she immediately agreed to visit Berlin and Munich and thus extend her stay in Germany for both meetings. This was the ‘final sign’ that God definitely wishes her to visit Munich. However, when hearing about the invitation to speak in the church, she advised to look for an alternative meeting hall just in case
the clergy change their minds about their invitation. This expression of prudence and insight from Vassula came due to her many years of experience as the ‘bearer of God’s messages” travelling throughout the world where she had not always been welcomed with open arms by clergy who in the last minute withdrew their initial permission to speak in the Church. We have learned that her advises should never be taken lightly!
Several weeks later, after the invitation flyers had been printed with the address of the church and partially diffused, the Chaldean Priests were advised by the local German Bishop and his entourage, not to allow Vassula to speak in the church. Surprised and concerned they had to inform Jabo of this development and it was understood that the Chaldean Priests had to adhere to this advise, since they too were only ‘guests’ themselves in this church.
This was quite a setback for the organizers, who had prior to this no experience in organizing such a meeting and all that it entails. However, nights of prayer in adoration gave them an unwavering trust in God’s providence and a courageous spirit of endurance, so they continued to focus in discerning God’s Will and not be irritated nor intimidated by anything that tries to discourage His will from being accomplished.
So the organizers begun to look for this alternative place as to where Vassula could speak without being hindered. After a lot of research, they were accepted at the Hofbraeukeller in Munich, a historical and typical Bavarian Beer garden restaurant with a huge outdoor-garden, where people meet for leisure, watching football while enjoying typical Bavarian food and beer. The conference hall was on the first floor. The owners were very hospitable and flexible despite of having to attend to a full house and serving hundreds of guests throughout the day till closing hours. New flyers could be printed with the new place and distributed.
About 50 personal invitations were sent to the clergy of every Christian denomination present in Munich and to non-Christian leaders including Muftis and Rabbi’s from the Muslim and Jewish faith. The press was invited by sending a press release to about hundred media representatives in the region. One thousand flyers were printed and distributed by the members of the prayer group in Munich on the streets and pedestrian areas in the city. Posters were placed in every public area with the permission of the town hall regulations in Munich. Everyone worked very hard and did their best, so that God can do the rest.
At noon on May 27, 2018, Vassula, together with Fr. Rolf Schoeneberger who accompanied her for this mission in Germany were welcomed at the airport in Munich by some overjoyed organizers. The first schedule after the airport was Sunday liturgy with the Chaldean Catholic community at their church. Fr. Rolf was concelebrating with the Iraqi Priests who sung the liturgy in Aramaic in a most mystical and beautiful way. Before dismissal Vassula was introduced to the assembly and welcomed by the local priest. Then Father Rolf was invited to address the assembly and to announce Vassulas talk that same afternoon, inviting them to come and listen to what God has to say to this generation.
The meeting begun at 4 p.m. The hall was full with over 300 people. Extra chairs had to be set up. Excited people of all colors, with smiles and expression of expectation and awe in their faces, young and old and from many nationalities were waiting to hear what True Life in God means. They came from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Serbia, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Ethiopia, Italy, The Netherlands, Hungary, France, Croatia and Peru. It was a very joyful welcome with clapping and cheers as Vassula entered the hall. A very warm welcome indeed! It took some time to calm down the crowd before the meeting could begin. Due to the Arabic community present, the speech was simultaneously translated in German and over headsets also into Arabic. After welcoming Vassula, Fr. Rolf and the assembly, the “Our Father” in Aramaic was prayed, accompanied by music and with the lyrics of the song projected on the screen.
Father Rolf spoke briefly introducing himself sharing that he knew Vassula and True Life in God since 30 years; that he sees it as his duty and mission given by God to accompany Vassula whenever he is asked to do so. He shared that Vassula has been travelling around the world since 1988 by invitations speaking in over 86 countries giving more than 1500 presentations and that she receives no personal royalties, fees, or benefits for her efforts, nor for the sales of the books; that Jesus told her that He gave freely, so she is to give freely as well!
He informed the listeners that the messages of True Life in God enjoy the seal of the Magnisterium of the Catholic Church: the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur indicating that nothing in the TLG messages contradicts Sacred Scripture and Church teaching. He explained that God has always send His messengers, the Prophets to remind us of our true foundation and to warn us that God will not allow us forever to offend His Holy Name and if the world continues to live without Him, is self-destroying itself in its apostasy and provoking His Holy Justice to fall on us; that prophecies , like the destruction of the Twin tower in New York, the Tsunami in 2004, the fall of communism in Russia and other prophecies, were foretold to Vassula and have all come true.
Then, an amazing 15 minute introductory video of Vassula was shown in which she shares the beginnings of her experience in 1985 while living in Bangladesh. She spoke of her Guardian Angel Daniel who prepared her to meet God; of how He approached her despite having lived a life without God for many years, while she was living a successful worldly life of an expat attending to her family with her husband and two children with painting, playing tennis, cocktail parties and modeling cloths as her hobby’s.
This was certainly something to learn about God and His approach to us. She continued to explain that God is not as complicated and unapproachable as He is often thought of. God does not wait until we are saints to start caring for us, but that He wishes us to approach Him as we are, and not to wait until we are saints, but that He will make us to saints by shaping us if we are willing; that He wishes us to find Him in simplicity of heart with a child-like faith and not to complicate him; that we need to approach Him without fear and seek this intimacy with him that He desires of us, however, never forgetting that He is Holy; that we can only love God and have a personal relationship with Him if we come close to Him and get to know Him. Once we get to how who He really is and the loving heart of our real Father, we will fall into His Arms and never let go of Him as we realize that He is the source of Sublime Love.
She also said that when God speaks today, he speaks to each one of us. Therefore we should take out her name when reading the messages and replace it by our own name, because at the moment we read, God is speaking to us personally through the messages of True Life in God;
She shared her experience when God, the Father approached her for the first time and when she heard His voice, that she felt Him like a real Father, loving, very gentle, compassionate and paternal. It felt to her like she had woken up from amnesia recognizing who her real Father was. Not the one on earth is our first father, but the one who created us, God Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the God of Abraham, Moses and Isaak, is our real and first Father; a personal God before the universal God; and that we are of royal descent since our Father is the King of Kings; that we have a responsibility to behave like the children of the Most High and not like children of the beast (devil).
This was a very touching introduction to realize that we ARE God’s children and that He is our real Father and indeed cares for us! That He is calling us out of Love for a return of love and to tell us that all is not well at all of how we are living today.
Vassula’s speech lasted for about 2 hours with translation. In every word uttered one could feel love, simplicity and real gentleness. Jesus was undoubtedly shining through her making us feel, how loving God really is in His approach to us. Despite the seriousness of His call, the hall was filled with this love and joy that was reflected through her presence. This indeed was the manifestation of God’s own Words in the messages when He told Vassula, that she will be the only sign of the authenticity of this messages, for through her He will speak, act and show Himself to this generation. All this without sensationalism, but with simplicity of heart, in all humility! Awe inspiring indeed!
She reminded the assembly that we must have noticed that the world has become more violent and more evil; that the natural disasters have become more powerful than ever and that nature is rebelling against us, against our wickedness and that the world is self-destroying itself, due to its apostasy; that the world has no place or God anymore, and refuses to give glory to God. Instead, it glorifies itself, playing God. Satan is deceiving the world with the same lie he deceived Eve, that we do not need God because we can be gods ourselves.
She continued by sharing that the times we are living in is Satan’s hour in this end of times. God, the Father says in a message from April 15, 2996: “I look at the earth today and wish I never did… My Eyes see what I never wanted to see and My ears hear, what I dreaded to ever hear! My Heart as a Father sinks with grief; I fashioned man to have My Image, yet they have degraded themselves and today so many of them have taken the likeness of the beast.” …”My Heart pains Me, my Child, for I see to the ends of the earth and what I see is not according to My Hearts desires… Then she read one of the messages of our Holy Mother Mary given on May 15, 1990: “The world has grown cold, icy cold; the world is dead to love; it lies in deep obscurity, because hatred, greed and selfishness dominate the entire earth all the way to its core…. I am shaken by terrible sights with the iniquities of this dark world and the apostasy that penetrated in the sanctuary itself; the disasters, famine, afflictions, wars and plagues, all these are drawn by you; the earth is self-destroying itself and it is not God who gives you all these disasters as many of you tend to believe. God is Just and all Merciful, but evil draws evil.”
About those who say they are believing in God, Vassula explained that many in the these last days (the End of times, the end of an era before God’s justice strikes this world) have become cold towards the love of God, others go to Church out of habit or out of tradition, and to feel good towards God, but have lost the real roaring flame of love within them, and their flame is about to die; the Lord once said, “My seed is filled up with dead words…”
She continued to say that the Lord is calling each one of us to come closer to Him and become intimate with Him. It means to have a personal relationship with God. God wants us to speak to Him from our heart. Jesus said: “Come and approach Me and get to know Me and you will learn to love Me… For this we have to lower our voice so that we hear His voice, lower our head so that we see His head and to lower ourselves entirely, so that He can lift us.
That the key to this unity with God and one another is humility and love. The less we are in our Ego, the more He can be. She shared this message: “Your Father rules everything, but not your freedom, and man has perverted his freedom…” (Oct 18, 1994). She explained that the biggest rival to God is our will. The Lord says that we must put Him first by being nothing and annihilate ourselves, dying not only to ourselves but also to our ego and our will. Our will is the biggest rival to God’s Will.
He will never violate our freedom. That’s why He asks us to offer our will back to him on a daily basis, so He can mould and form us as He wishes us to be. Only by asking Him to shape us, we will become a shining light in this dark world. Then in this elevated state of grace we would be transfigured into a perfect image of God because all our undertakings will be done without any flaw since they would be divine and according to God’s Mind and Will.
She continued saying that God said one day: “Do not fear Me, fear Me only if you rebel against Me.” If God comes down from His Throne to talk to us it is because He is Father to all of us and a worried Father, anxious about us. Jesus’ love is so ineffably GREAT and amazing that he cannot remain silent and to hold Himself back, and so His love compels Him to rush to us. He cannot wait any longer, He sends our Blessed Mother all over the world to bring us back to a Life in God. For He is truly our Savior. He said once: “Where do you think you are going? I am your Salvation, so lean on Me (June 29, 1994).
On June 02 1991, Jesus said: “I do not come by force upon you with My Holy Spirit to violate your liberty, nor do I come to condemn you, I come to you out o My Mercy, to give you freely the fullest knowledge of My Will…. I do not come to add new things into that which has been given you already, but I come to place My Kingdom in the middle of your hearts.” …. “so allow My Holy Spirit to transfigure your soul into a garden, where I can have My rest in you; allow My Holy Spirit to transfigure your soul into a palace, where I can be King and reign over you; allow My Holy Spirit to transfigure your soul into an Eden, a Paradise, for Me your God, so that I may be glorified.”
She continued to explain that God asks us urgently to repent, to change our lives, do His will and to live holy. It is only through the Holy Spirit that we would know God’s Will. But the Holy Spirit will shy away from someone who has not repented and is in debt to sin. Therefore, this person will be unable to see God’s Will, and worse still, this person will be unable to grow in His Love in the way God wants us to love. So repentance and to confess our sins often is important, because after our repentance, the Holy Spirit will enlighten us with His Light and we will glow inside us like a thousand constellations of light within us. The fruit of repentance is Love. Therefore, it is so very important to have the gift of love because, the Lord said that in the end, in Judgment Day we shall all be judged according to the measure of the love we have had on earth! To love is doing God’s Will! Then we can say, “I am walking with God.”
Jesus invites us by saying that: “Come and I shall show you, if you are willing what True Life in God means. I tell you solemnly, that anyone who lives love, lives in Me, your God and I live in Him.”
She stressed the fact how quickly Jesus forgives, once we repent and about the power of prayer. Our Holy Mother said in a message from August 02, 1991 that “Your answer to your problems can be found in a constant prayer; let this be your weapon, pray with your heart, converse with God in this way. Satan flees every time you invoke God with love.” … it is not he who says to Me Lord! Lord! Who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the person who does the Will of My Father in Heaven. So speak with Love and I shall hear you! Give with love and I shall know you; pray with love and the doors of My
Kingdom will open to you to receive you! Act with love so that I may tell you one day: “You are Mine, you are My seed, com to your Father!”
She ended her presentation with this message from July 8, 1989:
„Come, you who err still in this wilderness, saying: “I have sought My Redeemer but have not found Him;” find Me, My beloved, in purity of heart, by loving Me without self-interest; find Me in holiness, in the abandonment I desire of you; find Me by observing My Commandments; find Me by replacing evil with love, find Me in simplicity of heart; sin no more; cease in doing evil; learn to do good; search for justice; help the oppressed; let this wilderness and this aridity exult; let your tepidness enflame into an ardent flame; relinquish your apathy and replace it by fervour; do all these things so that you may be able to say: “I have sought my Redeemer and I have found Him; He was near me all the time but in my darkness I failed to see Him; O Glory be to God! Blessed be our Lord! how could I have been so blind?” I shall then remind you to keep and treasure My Principles, so that you may live;”
Her speech was appreciated with great applause. After some announcements the meeting was concluded by the prayer of Healing and Deliverance, given in January 1998:
“Blessed be Your Name, O You who hear my prayer!
Blessed are You, My Lord, who removed our soul from the pit;
Blessed be Your Graciousness who draws us into Your Heart,
to save us and set us free.
God, You are our Salvation, our Riches, our Sight and our Life.
You who daily enchant our soul and rejoice our heart with your Presence,
Allow us to profit from Your Presence;
We ask You, Jesus Christ, in Your Name,
Peace, Integrity and a Spirit of Forgiveness.
We beseech You, Jesus Christ, in Your Name to heal us, dear Lord,
from our inequities and our vices,
Heal us, Lord by the power of your Holy Spirit;
Heal us spiritually, uprooting all that is evil.
Refresh us, O Holy Spirit, and revive us by renewing us;
Jesus Christ, in Your Name, we beseech You to Heal all spiritual sickness,
and physical sickness and anything that troubles our soul.
Let every fiber of our heart proclaim now with love Your Glory;
Hear our prayer, Most Gracious Lord, and answer us. Amen.”
Upon leaving the hall, Vassula was literally swamped by excited people approaching her. Everyone wanted a prayer, had a question, wanted a picture taken or even to touch her. In the end she had to be escorted to a separate room until the hall was slowly emptying. People realizing that she is still ‘hidden’ somewhere kept asking to take a picture or have a book signed or to be prayed over. It was very rewarding to see the excitement and how people had been touched by God’s message of True Life in God.
The volunteers at the book store were also inundated by the people and they, beaming, did indeed a wonderful job by attending to everyone’s needs with patience and love.
Over 300 TLIG Prayer booklets & Guidelines were sold at the book store and many One Volume books of the messages, so as the HIR books in German and Arabic language. This shows the thirst people had to know more about the messages of True Life in God. We understand that the prayer group in Munich has received several new people from that meeting wishing to join the prayer meeting.
We do feel that through this visit, God enflamed hearts and that there may be a new dawn and a thirst in people desiring to learn to live a True Life in God! We pray that this desire will be a lasting phenomenon bearing much fruit in Munich.
In conclusion, we praise God and thank Him , Vassula and Father Rolf for having sacrificed their time by accepting our invitation to Munich. A great blessing indeed! We also wish to thank the humble and ever so willing members of the TLIG prayer group in
Munich who have been wholeheartedly given their Best to serve, even though it was their first time, God wished to work with them and they did a great job – and God did do the rest! Vassula upon leaving the venue for a delicious oriental dinner in true ‘biblical fashion’ expressed her heartfelt feelings with her hands raised saying: “It was a success!”. A success it was and to God be all Glory and thanksgiving! Alleluia and Thank you!
The members of the TLIG prayer group in Munich, Germany