Friday, May 24, 2002 10:27 AM

India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

Vassula is still on her witnessing journey which is taking her to India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Copied here is part of a letter from one of the organizers:

Oh what a time we had during the last few days. The devil was very active trying his best to cancel the programme.

Praise the Lord, He gave us sufficient courage to go ahead in spite of all the obstacles. On Thursday I received a threatening letter from the bishop not even to attend the meeting….. On the 19th Vassula visited the prison in Kandy. She was given a rousing welcome with Kandyan dancing by the prisoners. She spoke to them for about 45 minutes. Then she arrived at the Police grounds at 11.30 again welcomed by the Kandyan dancers from the prison. It was very grand. We constructed a stage and it was beautifully decorated. But the crowd was about 600 hundred. The Bishop got all the parish priests to announce in their churches that no catholics should attend the meeting. I am the only priest who was there. A presbyterian pastor made the vote of thanks. At 6.00 p.m. Vassula spoke at the Presbyterian Church till about 8.00p.m. There was a small crowd but the speech was very touching. On the 20th she spoke in Colombo at the Anglican Cathedral auditorium at 5.30 p.m. There was a good gathering there.

It was a hectic programme for Vassula but she obliged very willingly. But unfortunately the bishop prevented thousands from coming for the meeting. Very soon I may be called by the bishops for an inquiry. I’ll face it.

Earlier this year, Vassula attended the Potta convention in Kerala, India. Copied below is a report from Prof. C.J. John on the visit:

I am very happy to write the report of the third visit of Vassula in Kerala. She had visited Kerala in 1998 and in 1999. This time Vassula visited Kerala to attend the Potta convention from 13th – 17th Feb. 2002. Arrangements for Vassula’s programme at Potta began since June 2001. Potta is a place about 25 kilometers from the Kochi International Air Port.

Once in every year a big charismatic convention is held on the premises of Potta Ashramam for a period of five days. It is roughly estimated that about five hundred thousand people from different places in Kerala come and attend during these five days. The convention begins at 9 a.m. in the morning and ends at 5 pm in the evening. Bible Scholars, Retreat preachers and Bishops are the resource persons of this convention. At any time it is estimated that about one hundred thousand people attend the convention. For the convenience of retreatants closed circuit TVs in large numbers are arranged in the premises of the Potta Ashramamam. In short, this convention may be regarded as one AMong the biggest Charismatic conventions held in India. People seeking physical, mental and spiritual relief return home with immense solace after attending the Potta Convention.

Even though there had been some hurdles to overcome, Almighty Jesus opened the door of Potta Convention to Vassula. Let us praise and adore God for the mercy He has showered upon us. We, the people of Kerala are very much gifted to listen to the word of our Lord through Vassula.

Vassula, Very Rev. Eugene Nicolau of New York City, Mrs. And Mr. Gays from Switzwerland and Catarina from Bangladesh arrived at 2.45 pm at the Kochi International air port.

Prof. C.J. John, Prof. M.P. Mathai, Mr. George Elavunkal and Rev. Fr. Gratian, Assissi Ashramam Bharananganam were there to receive Vassula and members of the team. Accommodation for Vassula and team was arranged at the English section of Muringoor Divine Retreat Centre, Chalakudy. Potta Ashramam is about four kilometers from the Divine Retreat Centre. Potta Ashramam and Divine Retreat Centre belong to the Vincentian congregation. Even though these centers are headed by different directors they are closely related. All of us reached Muringoor at about 4.30 p.m.

Rev. Father George Panackal, the Director of Malayalam section of Divine Retreat center, came to the English Section within a short period of time and cordially welcomed Vassula and members of the team. He showed keen interest to give all necessary facilities to the team.

Rev. Fr. Mathew Naikamparambil, well known Charismatic preacher and also the spiritual advisor of Potta Ashramam came over there in the night to extend a sole hearted welcome to Vassula and the Team.

Even though Vassula’s third visit in Kerala was only for Potta Convention she gave talks at various sections of the Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor.

She gave her first talk on 14th Thursday at 10.15 am for the English retreatants of Divine Retreat center. There were about 250 people. People were enlightened by her speech. In the afternoon she gave a presentation at the Malayalam section. About three thousand and five hundred people were there in the retreat hall. She talked about the importance of the rosary, prayer, and consecration to the two Hearts, Unity of the church etc. based on the messages of True Life In God.

On 15th Friday 2002 at 2.30 pm Vassula addressed the Potta Convention. The audience may be counted over 100,000 people. Keen listening of the people was a sign of Vassula’s influence on the audience. She talked about various messages of True Life In God emphasizing how one could be intimate with God. All were delighted by the speech of Vassula.

On 16th Saturday 2002 Vassula was invited by the Principal of Bible College of Muringoor Divine Retreat Centre as Chief Guest in the Valedictory function of the English Bible Course. She gave a talk for one hour. In the last section of the Valedictory function she distributed the certificates to the students. Very Rev. Eugene Nicolau led a prayer at the end.

After this we all rushed to Mundur for another programme of Vassula at Senai Retreat Centre at 3 pm, about 15 kms from Palakkad. There were about one thousand eight hundred people. As we had to travel about 125 kms from Divine Retreat Centre during the busy traffic hours we reached Senai Retreat Centre by 3.15 PM. The people were gathered here in this center for a one day convention. Hearing the arrival of Vassula, people were eagerly waiting for her. She addressed the audience for about one and a half hour. The people of this area came there from remote areas of Mundur where there are no sufficient traffic facilities. All were very happy to have this Golden opportunity to see Vassula and to listen her talk.

All then went to the house of Rani, a visionary at Kanchikod about 5 kms from Senai center.

About 100 people were present in the prayer hall attached to the small house of Rani. The people were informed earlier about the visit of Vassula. Vassula gave a talk for 15 minutes. Rani told Vassula that she received Galations 1-15 as the message for this occasion. Very Rev. Eugene Pappa blessed the people.

All could experience an indescribable fragrance at that time. Rani says this is a sign of the presence of Our Lady. People handed over their Rosaries to Rani. She prayed and gave it back. The Rosaries were emitting fragrance. Everyone could witness this fragrance on their Rosaries. We all returned to the Divine Retreat Center by about 8.30pm.

On 17th Sunday 2002 Vassula had programme at Potta Convention from 10.15-11.15 am. She lead a special prayer section for childless couples. Rev. Fr. Mathew Naikomparambil, who is able to foresee future events, announced to the people that during Vassula’s prayer for childrenless couple more than three couple would definitely be benefited. Rev. Fr. Antony, Director of Potta Ashramam gave a Cross as memento. All were very much happy to hear Vassula for the second time in the Potta Convention.

On 18th Monday Feb. 2002, Vassula was invited to the Bible College Convention of old Students as Chief Guest. She gave a talk for about 30 minutes. This meeting was actually held in connection with the retirement of Rev. Fr. Karimattom, the Principal of the Bible College.

On 18th Monday afternoon Vassula had another talk at the English Section of Muringoor. This was for the new retreatants of that week. There were about 600 people to participate in the retreat. At the end Rev. Fr. Eugene Pappa and Catarina together sang a Greek Prayer hymn. Rev. Eugene Pappa blessed the people. This was the last programme of Vassula during her third visit in Kerala.

During Vasslua’s stay at Muringoor the Editor of a prominent Catholic Journal (Sunday Shalom) interviewed Vassula. This interview was published in the Sunday Shalom weekly over one and a half page coverage in the prominent pages of the weekly.

I am very happy to state that Vassula’s third visit in Kerala was a great success. We pray and adore God for the mercy He is showering on us.