The youth from TLIG Children Choir met with Vassula in Switzerland and they are sharing their experience of God’s Love poured out through the Messages of True Life in God. Children were invited to sing during TLIG meeting in Dietikon (Switzerland) in April 2023. The lyrics of the songs are all taken from the Message of True Life in God.
My name is Iuliana, I am 29 years old and I’m from Romania. I would like to share with you my testimony, the way God changed my life through The Messages.
I was raised in an orthodox family. My parents raised me to be a good Christian. My dad had many problems in his life and his only hope and comfort was The Lord. He sought after God for 30+ years, reading a lot and visiting different churches, to discern which one is the ‘good’ one.
I remember praying since I was a little girl, but throughout the years, my prayers became lip-service and I thought I had a very good relationship with God, when in fact I was a hypocrite. I was saying that I was a Christian, yet I was sinning a lot. I was selfish, cold, perverted, numb to other’s sufferings. Only now I realize how God must have been near me when I was ignoring Him. I wish I would’ve come near Him sooner.
During my school years, most of my time was spent studying, and I lost my relationship with my parents. I was mad at dad and I did not talk to him for 10 years, besides ‘hello’ and him trying to impose on me his faith.
In 2011 something weird happened. I started to have anxiety, depression and a whole list of other symptoms. The scariest part was that the doctors didn’t know what I had,because my symptoms were so strange. I tried to go to the psychotherapist, but problems were still persisting, because I didn’t have God in my heart.
Now about The Messages. Somewhere between 2014-2015, dad, being fed up with the Orthodox Church, wanted to go to the Protestants. Before he made his decision though, he asked God: “Please, Lord, send me a prophet of Yours that talks to You nowadays”. God immediately made him discover dear Vassula on the internet. So God stopped dad in time before he lost his way and made him understand unity.
He tried to convince me and mom that the Messages were true but I simply thought he was crazy and that he should not read something like that, lest he gets tricked by ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing’.
One day, I was tired of this ‘Messages talk’. I said ‘let me go on the internet and find proof that Vassula is a liar and to prove once and for all to dad that he’s wrong and is being mislead’. To my surprise, all the articles against Vassula seemed ridiculous and I didn’t believe them. So, driven by curiosity (and of course, God), I started to try to read the Messages and at first I felt joy. My impurity was at work though, because I found the way Jesus spoke to Vassula and their relationship to be so inappropriate, that I put the Messages away for a while. I read them on and off.
I reached a dark point in 2017 when I thought about suicide. But God never gave up on me. Immediately He put His Words in my mind: if I commit suicide, I’ll betray the Lord, because the most amazing gift that He gave us is life. My dark thoughts stopped at that moment. After a month or so, part of my gastritis was healed by the Lord and I was off medication, after 7 years.
Still, my psychological disorder progressed and my anger towards the Lord persisted because I thought He punished me.
In 2018, God converted me to a true life in Him. For a couple of weeks, He made me feel His presence and He made me think about all the sins I‘ve done, when I thought I didn’t have many. I became very close to Jesus. I went to confession after a long time. I started going to church, and dad brought me to the Catholic Church too, because God showed us in the Messages that we have to be one flock. I started feeling compassionate about others, I started acknowledging and praying to Our Lady, I felt like my personality changed. Last but not least, God repaired my broken relationship with my dad in a matter of minutes. Our family was one again. I felt that somehow, the Messages are alive. It’s like every time you read them ,something in your soul or life changes. Probably that’s why they say that The Word of God is alive.
Fast forward to present day, since 2018 the Lord performed other miracles: after my first general Confession and receiving Holy Communion, my depression disappeared and after a while, anxieties started to vanish one by one. Plus, one of the most precious things He taught me (besides loving Him,of course) is how to suffer and the incredible importance of suffering. I was ALWAYS mad at Him for having ‘taken’ my life away from me when in fact, He gave me my life back, a true life in Him. To this day, although my psychological disorders diminished, my bodily illness is still there and He gives me incredible strength, support and love to be able to carry the Cross further. I still have a ton of things to learn, I rebel against my Cross sometimes, but He is always there for me, teaching me- we, us?
For anyone reading this who is suffering from psychological disorders or any suffering, know this- turn to God, go to a general, truthful Confession (my Confessions of before didn’t help me much because I was superficial) and then every month, like the Lord advises, receive Him as often as possible and turn all your life to Him. He will become your best Friend and your everything. Know that your suffering, when offered to the Lord, becomes priceless. And for anyone who doubts these Messages, pray to the Lord from the bottom of your heart for discernment and He will show you the truth.
All Glory be to God and His Blessed Mother and may Vassula and all who work with her be blessed!
Jack Matusiewicz

Jack Matusiewicz
Ik wil graag met jullie delen wat ik zou willen noemen: het begin van een bekering van het hart.
Iets over mij. Ik ben al mijn hele leven katholiek en hoewel ik mijn hele leven regelmatig naar de kerk ging, dreef ik de laatste jaren langzaam weg in mijn relatie met Jezus. In principe heb ik mijn geloof nooit verloren, maar ik plaatste God niet meer op de eerste plaats in mijn leven en zo dreef ik steeds verder weg van God en Zijn wegen.
Vorig jaar, op een dieptepunt in mijn leven, stuitte ik op de Waar Leven in God-boodschappen. (Natuurlijk geloof ik nu dat dit allemaal door de genade van God kwam). Na, wat ik geloof, mijn “Dag van Zuivering” was, was ik langzaam in staat om de boodschappen te begrijpen als zijnde volledig niet-zintuiglijk en geheel geestelijk.
Na mijn zuivering begon ik me enkele momenten/ situaties uit mijn verleden te herinneren en voelde ik sterke wroeging daarover, zelfs dingen die misschien meer dan tien jaar geleden of zelfs langer waren gebeurd, dingen waarvan ik nooit eerder had gedacht dat het echte zonden waren, maar ik voelde sterke wroeging daarover. Kort daarna voelde ik een sterke drang om te gaan biechten, en dat deed ik dan ook.
Sinds deze gebeurtenis heb ik een zeer sterke dorst naar het Woord van God en naar de WLIG-boodschappen zelf, een dorst die niet te lessen lijkt. Ik heb de WLIG-boodschappen al een paar keer helemaal doorgelezen, en nu lees ik de Bijbel helemaal van begin tot eind. De WLIG-boodschappen stillen deze dorst het meest, maar ik voel dat zelfs als ik ze 10 keer zou lezen het niet genoeg zou zijn.
Mijn leven is uiterlijk niet veranderd, hoewel mijn passies van vroeger, over aardse/ carnale dingen, nadrukkelijk veel minder zijn geworden. Ik neem deel aan de Mis, zoals altijd, elke zondag, maar nu neem ik deel aan de Eucharistie bij elke Mis, in plaats van slechts een paar weken na Pasen of Kerstmis, zoals ik altijd deed. Bovendien voel ik me nu meer bereid om te biechten, ik doe dat nu elke maand, in plaats van terughoudend te zijn en maar twee keer per jaar te gaan, zoals ik vroeger deed. Ik bid nu dagelijks de rozenkrans, wat ik voorheen nooit deed. Ik leer ook om onophoudelijk te bidden en ben onlangs begonnen met evangeliseren in mijn gemeenschap door de WLIG-Boodschappen met anderen te delen. En hoewel ik nog steeds zondig, lijk ik me nu meer bewust te zijn van mijn zonden, en ik doe ook oprecht mijn best, op elk moment, om Gods geboden van liefde op te volgen.
Jack Matusiewicz
Arlene Angela Roncal

Arlene Angela Roncal

On the TLIG writings and their Ecclesiastical Approval
Dear True Life in God Readers,
It was recently brought to my attention that a website which is not in receipt of any endorsement, support or authorization of the Church, and is run by an anonymous non-theologian, has posted numerous false statements against the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and the True Life in God messages of Mrs. Vassula Rydén.”1
To obtain clarity on this matter, I contacted His Excellency Bishop Toppo who, on April 25, 2018, provided me with the following answers that once and for all expose the falsehoods posted on said unauthorized website.
Bishop Toppo’s answers are of great service to Christians around the world who continue to receive spiritual teachings and nourishment from the TLIG messages.
+ Rev. J.L. Iannuzzi, STD
April 26, 2018
Written Interview with His Excellency Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J., D.D.
Fr. Joseph: Your Excellency, on the unauthorized website2 there is the public statement that affirms as follows,
“The nihil obstat and imprimatur were not sought in accordance with Canon Law dispositions. Although Vassula never resided in the Philippines nor was the TLIG One volume of messages published there, the imprimatur was granted by a bishop of that country (Archbishop Argüelles of Lipa). Canon 824 §1 states that the permission or approval to publish should be granted by the local ordinary (= bishop) of the author or of the publisher.”
Obviously this statement is false, as Canon 824 §13 clearly states that “the ordinary of the place where the books are published” is vested with the authority to grant the Imprimatur to a work that is circulated in his diocese even though the author does not live in his diocese.
Bishop Toppo: “I thank you very much for pointing out the false criticisms against Archbishop Arguelles of Lipa and Me ( with regard to Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat given by us to the TRUE LIFE IN GOD.
In response to the false criticisms against us I would like to say that Archbishop Arguelles of Lipa in giving the Imprimatur to the TLIG book did not go against Canon Law as it grants permission to any Bishop to give the Imprimatur for a book that is circulated in his diocese, even though the author does not live in his diocese.”
Fr. Joseph: Thank you for your response. May I ask you to address also the following assertion on the aforesaid website,
“Canon 830 §2 warns the censor that any favoritism should be laid aside, and only the doctrine of the Church as proposed by the Magisterium should be considered. This canon was blatantly ignored… Bishop Toppo of India is a regular participant at the TLIG pilgrimages and has declared that he believes the messages to be of supernatural origin.”
Bishop Toppo: “It is alleged that I, Bishop Toppo, S.J., showed favouritism in giving Nihil Obstat. It is absolutely false. I did not show any favouritism, nor can the contrary be demonstrated. It is to be noted that the CDF never condemned the TLIG writings but rather petitioned clarifications which were then accepted by Rome.
Before I gave the Nihil Obstat to the TLIG messages, I read many times and meditated upon them. The Nihil Obstat is the result of unbiased and uncoerced theological review of the TLIG writings. I found that the Messages were immune of all theological errors. I am a regular participant of the TLIG pilgrimages. The Canon Law does not forbid any bishop from attending retreats or conferences of those individuals whose writings they consider immune from error.”
Fr. Joseph: Lastly, Your Excellency, would you be so kind as to provide for the True Life in God readers a response to the below posting on said website, as it falsely suggests that a canonical advisor overrides your episcopal authority to pronounce matters of Church doctrine,
“Bishop Toppo told in an interview, that before giving the nihil obstat to Vassula’s books, he previously asked the opinion of a famous Canon Law expert, who clearly told him that according to Canon Law, he could not give the nihil obstat.”
Bishop Toppo: “It is alleged that before giving the Nihil Obstat to Vassula’s book, I said in an interview that I had asked for the opinion of a famous Canon Law expert who clearly had told me that I could not give Nihil Obstat. After a bishop has consulted with others for advice, he retains his authority to grant the Nihil Obstat. Some assert the opposite, but this is absolutely false. After I consulted with a canon lawyer and a renowned theologian who offered their respective advice, I then brought the matter to prayer before the Eucharist. I did not find anything in Vassula’s book that is contrary to the teachings of the Church, but found that it contains much good for the universal Church, that is, for all the baptized in Christ. It was after advice, prayer and discernment that I granted my Nihil Obstat.
Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, thank you for your suggestions and support! Hope this will be useful to the TLIG readers!”
+Felix Toppo, S.J.
Bishop of Jamshedpur
Bishop of Babylon, Theofylaktos Egypt
Bishop of Babylon, Theofylaktos Egypt
At the beginning of the ‘True Life in God’ pilgrimage in Egypt all the participants of the ecumenical and inter-religious group were invited to a Divine Liturgy held at the Greek Orthodox Monastery of St. George in Old Cairo. Copied here is the address of Bishop of Babylon, Theofylaktos, given at the end of the Liturgy on 22nd October 2002: “My beloved brothers, bishops, elders of all the Christian denominations, I welcome you with special love in this holy monastery. I bring you the greetings and blessings of His All-Holiness, our Patriarch, Pope of Alexandria and all Africa, His Holiness Peter VII, who couldn’t be with you all because of other duties. He is wishing you a pleasant stay in the country of the Nile, Egypt.
The place in which you are today is not only holy but also ‘Theovadistos’ (walked by God). Here the Holy Family came and stayed for approximately 18 months, fleeing Herod’s terror. Here Jesus Christ took His first steps, here the little Emmanuel heard the first chirping of the birds. Our monastery is one of the most ancient monuments that North Africa has to show, built in the 4th century AC. Here is where St. George the great martyr was imprisoned for 30 months and from here his martyrdom started and ended in a small town in Palestine.
I’m especially glad for all of us gathering here today and raised our hands in common prayer and supplication towards God for peace for the whole world and for all the peoples on earth. Humanity is suffering from wars and other kinds of catastrophes. We, as the representatives of all Christian denominations and other religions, have the duty to teach our peoples to live in reconciliation with all people. Unfortunately, we all have forgotten that we have common roots, common Father, God and Creator of the Universe. Enough! The earth is tired of receiving, for centuries now, unjustly shed brotherly blood! Man must understand someday that differences aren’t solved with weapons but by the language of the heart and of love. Someday we all must work, and are obliged to do it with all our power, towards this direction: to try and reconcile man first with God and then with his fellowman, because in the Eyes of God we are all the same! St. Paul says there is no Jew nor Greek, slave or free man, man or woman. All, in the Eyes of Christ, are one.
Our gathering today should have a cause, so that all of us make it our daily program in our life to pray everyday so that peace prevails in the world. We should take the message of peace and love and carry it to the peoples of all the earth. We can indeed be the new apostles that will speak of love and peace. Everyday we hear by the media about catastrophes and violence among peoples. Wherever one might turn his eyes will see destruction, fires, human casualties and will hear weeping and laments. Maybe it sounds illogical, but we, the Patriarchate of Alexandria, for 2000 years now, coexist in harmony, in friendship, with love, with all the people of Egypt that are Muslims. We never had any problem. See every morning when the sun rises, it doesn’t differentiate where it will send it’s rays, either to the Christians, the Muslims, the Hindus or the Buddhists because we all live under the big sky, the love of God! If we put aside our personal interests, I’m sure that some day we will all be happy. We will shake hands in reconciliation. I believe and hope and pray that this day will come where the peoples of the world will meet at one point, will shake hands, will lament for the blood that was shed and they will reconcile for ever in their life.
From the land of Egypt, which is ‘Theovadistos’ (walked by God) exactly because Our Lord Jesus Christ walked on it, we are to send today to the ends of the world a brave message of love and peace: as we gathered today in the Church under the same dome and we didn’t differentiate Christians from non-Christians or of other religions. From today we will announce to the whole world that men can live in reconciliation as long as they learn to love first their God, whoever He is, whatever His Name is, and then I’m certain that love for their fellowman will spring also.
Pass on to the leaders of your Churches, to the leaders of your religions, to your people, to your communities, to your towns, to your villages, to your cities, to your countries our greetings and our blessings, our love. That we pray, a few Greeks, a few Christians, whatever the number, we pray for peace, for the whole world so that next year that I hope to have you close by, the smiles be wide! To reveal the message that there is no more war, no men are killed, there isn’t anymore unjustly brotherly bloodshed on earth!”
Amy Olsen-Davis
Amy Olsen-Davis
I was born in California, I was raised in Salt Lake City Utah. Born into a family of active Mormons who’s ancestors had been in the faith for 5 generations. I, myself was an active Mormon, raising my children in that faith. I came across the messages of True Life in God 6 years ago, through a mention in a book about Vassula Ryden. At that time in my life I had been searching for a deeper connection to God, and a greater understanding of Him. The way that God had been presented to me as a child and as a young person, is that He was very conditional. And the love He had for me was more of an impersonal love, He loved me from a distance, more of a lofty sense. And that caused me a lot of grief because I felt that I needed a deeper connection to the Lord. When I came into the True Life in God writings, the first time I read them, it was like a recognition process. I recognized instinctively in the deepest place in my heart, that was the Lord speaking directly to me through those pages. What the messages of True Life in God has shown me, is the tender, intimate, all-encompassing love of God our Father, His Son Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit has for each and every one of us! It is a love that is intimate, passionate, intense, and extremely personal. The knowledge of that has made a HUGE difference in my life. After many years of studying investigation and researching, I chose to be baptized into the Catholic Faith, and now come to Mass joyfully every Sunday to celebrate my connection to My Savior!
What does Christian unity mean to you?
Christian unity is especially meaningful to me because I live in a family where there is more than one religion. My husband is active in the Latter-Day Saint faith, and I now, though I used to be in that faith, am now a Catholic. So, Christian unity is everything to me, because it is what keeps my family united and loving towards each other despite some very significant theological differences. Unity for me is understanding that God sees all of us in a very different light than we see each other. When He (God) considers His Church on Earth, He is not referring to one denomination, He is referring to ALL of His children, who recognize and who love Him either through explicit knowledge of Him, or through the loving nature that they manifest in their lives.
Bishop Felix Toppo
Bishop Felix Toppo
May 28, 2007
”I am Bishop Felix Toppo of Jamshedpur diocese. My diocese is very close to Kolkata. In 2004, I was introduced with the True Life in God and when I first started reading, I immediately knew, a Spirit touched me deeply, that something… there is something divine in this reading. And so continuously I read. Continuously I read, read, read and finished all the volumes and I was very deeply moved, very deeply touched, and started meditating, reflected, and then I also started reading the second time. Vassula Ryden one day asked me whether I would give the Nihil Obstat for her books because she was planning to compile all the messages together and make one book. Now, I was hesitating because of the implications of it and also because of the Church authorities and one day as I was praying in the chapel, you know, something struck me. I said “Why not to give? After all, I believe that this is a revelation from God, I believe that this is a dialogue between God and human being through Vassula. And you know, it has done a lot of good to me and is doing good to others. Why not, you know, why not to give?” And when I decided that, I was very happy and joyful and immediately I wrote to Vassula a letter saying that this is a dialogue between God and human being through Vassula and also it is helpful for any Christian who reads it and there is nothing objectionable according to the Teaching of the Church. That letter I wrote, then I also wrote a letter of Nihil Obstat. I never regret it, I’m happy that I gave it and I’m hoping that many more people would read this and profit by it. ”
Adrian Ortega
Adrian Ortega
Adrian Ortega Conversion Testimony
God be praised. After more than 18 years of rebellion against God, against my Holy Mother and the Church, my Lord went in search of my lost soul.
My first marriage was carried out in court and the Catholic Church, and after 2 years I had abandoned it. What happened was very painful and incomprehensible for me, because the foundation that should have been built was not based on my understanding of “The Love of God”. Due to my civil divorce, I learned of the annulment process of the Sacrament of Marriage. My first thought was, “The church is useless. How could the church DIVORCE what has been united by God?” and I thought this without considering the role that I had played. I had ended this relationship, and I had also entered it with my own ideas about marriage, without emotional maturity, and without financial responsibility. I just wanted to be with the person that I thought I “loved”. This led me to resentment with the church and with God. I made the decision that my intellect would be capable of making me understand that the processes of the church were absurd and that other religions and ideologies had some truth to them. That was how my war against God began. I began reading all different types of books following what people had once told me, “Read different types of books and your mind will comprehend their contents.” That is how I came to new age literature and secret societies that cultivated knowledge for one’s own growth. Now I know that God allowed my heart to toughen into a shielded organ that nothing and no one could hurt. However, my most harmful relationship ever had begun, my alcoholism was uncontrollable, and my anger was unstoppable. Nevertheless, my appearance was that of a normal, centered, educated, cultured, and ambitious person that could accomplish anything by simply thinking about it and being mentally focused. I had a lot of downfalls, but I thought, “I can reinvent myself.” My relations to the mundane were growing and I eventually reached complete rebellion without even kneeling for the Sacred Eucharist. The mercy of God, however, is greater than that.
I almost lost my life several times due to my lack of responsibility with alcohol and my lifestyle. One day I started to have a really high fever that did not go away. After a week I went to my doctor and was diagnosed with Typhoid which infected my liver and gave me hepatitis. Since my liver was not working I was not able to take any medication. I could only to hope to get better through rest and candy. One day, the pain from my liver was so strong that I was afraid I would die. My mother wanted to call the ambulance, but I told her not to. At that moment I looked in the dresser drawers of my bedroom and saw a figurine that belonged to my grandfather. It was a statue of San Antonio of Padua with baby Jesus in his arms. At that moment I looked up and said: “Saint Anthony since you are closer to God, tell him to give me more time so that I can see my daughter and change my life.” Like a miracle, the next day I started to get better which led to my recovery. Once I was better, I immigrated to the United States and began a new life. My ideals had not changed much, I remarried, God blessed me with two sons, however, I did not have the intention of reconciling with Him.
I believed that I did not need anything. I had a job, a house, a family, but there was a tremendous emptiness in my life that not even money or my home could fill. I continued drinking but at a different rate due to my liver damage. Once, on a good day, I tried to “help” a family member. I lied to them so that they would come with me to retreat. Of course, according to me, it was he who needed it, not me; and that is how I went through the most profound experience of my life because God had a surprise for me. He was in search of his prodigal son. After going through the experience of this retreat, my hunger for the Eucharist was so great that it motivated me to reconcile through the sacrament of confession. The following week, I heard the announcement for another retreat through the Catholic Church and that is where I went through another indescribable experience. The Holy Spirit receives me with its sublime warmth and takes away my fear of speaking openly about Jesus, my Lord and Savior. I began to research the process of annulment knowing that I could not continue living the way I was. My conscience had been awakened inside me making me look for things of God which led me to look on the internet about the lives of Saints: Padre Pio, San Juan Bosco, Madre Teresa de Calcutta, San Antonio de Padua and more. That is how I came to see a very peculiar film that caught my attention. At first, I had to check various sources to verify the authenticity of what I saw and heard. So I checked web links from the Vatican to see if they corresponded. The film was about a person named Vassula Ryden, who said that she had been receiving messages from God since 1986. The messages are translated into dozens of languages, so I began reading them in Spanish and personalizing them with my name as Vassula had mentioned. My body began to tremble during the reading.
I had begun the marriage annulment process by now. At times my mind was hesitant with doubts, but God filled me with peace. I also had the support of the group with which I lived my first spiritual experience, who helped me to balance my feelings and emotions. The annulment process came to its final stage. The nun who was managing my case contacted me to see if I still wanted to testify my case in the church. For a moment I felt a spiritual power to change the course of the verdict. I told the nun that I would like to testify, and in that moment, she mentioned that we would have to speak with the judge so that I could be assigned a day, and that the process would be further delayed. The case was already ready to be examined. My Mother Santa Maria has nourished me through the rosary to obey my Church. I advised the nun that I trusted in the decision of the judge without my testimony.
At that moment I remembered one of the messages to Vassula that follows:
Yahweh Is With You
December 23, 1990
O Father,
like thirsty land I yearn for You.
Rest me for a while on Your Knees now and console me.
Let me feel enveloped by Your Consoling Heart.
I need Your warmth.
repose your head on My Heart, rest and feel consoled… your Abba is caring for you; your Abba is happy to have you near Him; repose your head on My Heart, My child, and listen to the Desires of My Heart: My Heart is still seeking, longing, pleading for the rest of My children’s love; …
(A few seconds’ pause.)
child? 1 what would you give to console your Abba?
O Lord, anything you want. My love, my will, my heart and my soul.
and what more?
My life, as an atonement to Your Desires.
descend then from My Knees and go and bear witness in My Name; go and tell the nations of My Great Love; remind them that My Promise is very near to its accomplishment and that My Return is imminent; the New Jerusalem2 is at hand; I am going to renew My Church and My people;
so My child, descend from My Knees and go out into the world for My Sake … and make My Love known to the world; let the world realize how I love My children; as it is, you have not sought Me, it is I who found you and have chosen you to go out to the world before My Great Day; it is I who formed you and although you were aloof to Me, I have chosen you and revealed My Holy Face to you; so when you have accomplished all the work I have commissioned you for, My child, I shall take you up to Me and you may then rest on My Knees;
I shall, in the meantime while you are in the world, protect you from your oppressors; I want you for your part to look up in Heaven constantly for Me and talk to Me; “Yahweh is with you”, have always these words engraved on your mind and on your heart, for I-Am-With-You; now let your heart treasure all that I have told you and remember: offer Me prayers to reach Me like incense, for the conversion of souls and the revival of My Church;
1 Suddenly the Father’s Head turned and looked at me.
2 Church.
Soon after, I spoke with the sister and asked her if I could send an email with my final testimony. She told me I could and after several attempts she told me that she was unable to receive emails. So, in my own thoughts I told God, “I tried.” A couple minutes after I had hung up the phone with the sister, she called me and told me I could send it by fax. My heart was filled with joy.
This was my final testimony in English which I had to write with my cousin’s assistance in the translation:
Dear Sister Clare,
The following Message explains my conversion. I was fighting against God, but now He brought me back. I did not understand the process of annulment and therefore did not accept it, even though I knew about it 20 years ago. My resentments against God and the Church were so big that I created my own God, became a Free Mason, read up on occultism and so on. Please read this Message. God explained everything to me. I am hungry for the Eucharist
God Bless you.
You Were Wrestling With Me
December 22, 1990
My Jesus?
I am;
I treat you very gently so that you, as My flower, grow; I want you strong and believe Me I shall make it possible; you shall be strong, daughter(Son), since you carry My Word; in front of you, I Am, to break all barriers that come up while you are witnessing; I am the Most High, and I tell you, daughter(son), that I shall see to it that no power from beneath stops you from proclaiming My Message;
I have taken you out of the land of Egypt to respond to Me in a foreign land and witness to a people not your own; so although your behaviour was appalling and your senses blemished, unabling you to see the Light, Mercy1 and Compassion was seized by your astounding misery, guilt and wretchedness and came to your rescue;
no-o Vassula (Adrian), you have not deserved any of My Gifts; why, I had servants in My Hand who honoured Me, never uttering but My Name in holiness, who blessed Me without cease, who praised the Holy Trinity wholeheartedly; but yet My Heart, an Abyss of Love, cried out for you; you had accumulated sorrow upon sorrow in My Heart, treason upon treason; you were wrestling with Me, puny little creature … but I knew that your heart is not a divided heart and that once I conquer your heart, it would become entirely Mine; an object of your era, you were wrestling with Me, but I have thrown you down in the wrestle and dragged you in the dust and into the desert where I left you there, all alone;
I had provided you with a guardian angel, since the beginning of your existence, to guard you, console you and guide you, but My Wisdom ordered your guardian angel to leave you and to let you face the desert on your own; I said: “you are to live in spite of your nakedness!” 2 because no man is able to survive alone; 3 Satan would have taken over completely and would have killed you; My order was given to him too; I forbade him to touch you then; in your terror, you remembered Me and looked up, in Heaven, searching desperately for Me; your laments and your supplications suddenly broke the deathly stillness surrounding you and your terrified cries pierced through the heavens reaching the Holy Trinity’s Ears …
“My child!” the Father’s Voice, full of joy, resounded through all Heaven;
“Ah…I shall now make her penetrate My Wounds4 and let her(him) eat My Body and drink My Blood; I shall espouse her(him) to Me and she(he) will be Mine for eternity; I shall show her(him) the Love I have for her(him) and her(his) lips from thereon shall thirst for Me and her(his) heart shall be My Headrest; she(he) shall eagerly submit daily to My Righteousness; I shall make her(him) an altar of My Love and of My Passion; I, and I only, shall be her(his) only Love and Passion; and I shall send her(him) with My Message to the ends of the world to conquer an irreligious people, and to a people who are not even her(his) own; and voluntarily she(he) will carry My Cross of Peace and Love taking the road to Calvary;”
“And I, the Holy Spirit, shall descend upon her(him) to reveal to her(him) the Truth and the depths of Us;5 I shall remind the world, through her(him), that the greatest of all the gifts is: LOVE;”
“let Us6 then celebrate! let all Heaven celebrate!”
… I have taken you by the hand and formed you to become a living sign of My Great Love; – a witness of My Sacred Heart, and of the renewal of My Church;
(The Father, then the Son, then the Holy Spirit spoke.)
I am the Resurrection;
1 Mercy and Compassion = The Lord.
2 I became “naked” as soon as my guardian angel and all Heaven had turned their back to me.
3 Abandoned by Heaven.
4 The Son then spoke.
5 The Holy Trinity.
6 The Holy Trinity spoke.
7 From purgatory.
The annulment process concluded, and my previous union was declared annulled, since there were irregular situations called vices and defects.
God transformed my life through a personal relationship with him, expressed in a deeper sacramental life in the Holy Catholic Church. On July 11, 2014, after 11 years of civil union, God gave me the grace of the sacrament of marriage with my wife Barbara and blessed my two children on the same day with the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion. My daughter from the first civil union has given me two grandchildren and the Lord has healed the wounds between us.
Currently, my wife and I are celebrating 5 years as catechists at St. Nicholas Parish in Aurora, as well as giving testimony for the Glory of God on Channel 36 in Chicago, through a program called “The Harvest of Faith.” In giving my life over to God, I formally renounced Freemasonry in a written letter of resignation and gave testimony of the truth of Jesus Christ our Savior before the members of the Masonic Lodge to which I belonged in the past.
The Fire of the Holy Spirit impels me to bring more souls to God by sharing the Holy Gospel. At the same time, I work to expose the falsehood of Freemasonry’s doctrine, which the True Life in God messages illuminated for me by revealing the purposes and objectives of these false and dangerous teachings.
Adrian Ortega
Australian people
The Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Theodoros II

The Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Theodoros II
The Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Theodoros II, opened the doors of the Patriarchate in Alexandria of Egypt in April of 2008 with a welcoming embrace and gave a moving speech in the Throne Room to officially welcome TLIG and Vassula. Here is what he said:
“From the depths of my heart, I wish to welcome you all officially, here in the Throne Room, where our companion is St. Mark, the Apostle and Evangelist. In the morning, I received you at the monastery of St. Savvas, a humble monastery, which was founded in the 4th century. Today, I greet you officially here, in our Patriarchate, whose history spans 2,000 years from the time of Jesus Christ to the present. Thus, on the one hand, with the exception of the Apostle Paul, we have our history involving the great Apostles, whose successors were the Great Fathers of the Church. That history brings us to present times and, thus, you can see all the Patriarchs that have been appointed to Alexandria on your right and left.
All this is our heritage, the future lies before us: it is for us the entire land of Africa. That is why I want you to know that, before I ascended the steps to the Throne of St. Mark, I was a missionary in Cameroon, the Sudan, Gabon, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Botswana and Angola. As a missionary, therefore, I really got to know Africa: the difficulties that it faces and the enormous poverty issues but, most of all during my journeys, I meet people that are searching – searching for the love of Jesus. That is why, Vassula, I was very moved when you all sang to Jesus Christ a few minutes ago as my thoughts went immediately to all my African children who also raise their hands towards the heavens and sing in thousands of languages about Christ; the love of Christ that we so desperately need. I am planning shortly to make a long journey to Ghana, having recently returned from Madagascar.
And now, I would like to welcome you all from the bottom of my heart, especially you, Vassula, as I said in church this morning, welcome to your homeland, welcome to the country of your birth, and greetings to all who accompany you. As they say here, Vassula, “Anyone who drinks from the waters of the Nile never forgets this country.”
I would also like to greet the Bishop from India – welcome dear brother to our Apostolic Patriarchate. I wish to welcome the monk, you, Sister, you, Father and you, Father from the Roman Catholic Church and tell you all that with much love we receive you, we love you and that we are under the same protection and love of our Great Lord, Jesus Christ.
Vassula, I would like to thank you for this opportunity, to be together over the next few days. This evening, we will follow together the Passion of Our Lord. Tomorrow, we shall worship before His Epitaph and we shall live, in our devoutly beating hearts, His Passion and His Resurrection. And that joy – that is my wish – that the joy of the Resurrection and the Light may be with us always all the days of our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ I wish to bless you all and your families and please know that Alexandria’s and the Patriarchate’s doors will always be open to you. Thank you”
TLIG Participates in Greek Orthodox Easter Alexandria, Egypt – April 2008
G. S.

G. S.
Prof. Todor Sabev

Prof. Todor Sabev
Theologian, Church historian and former Deputy General Secretary of the World Council of Churches.
In His divine plan for the salvation of humankind, God, throughout history has been sending His messengers as prophets and apostles, teachers and guardians to lead all nations into the right path, to nourish faith, sustain peace and protect unity.
Nowadays, the prophecies of Isaiah (44:3) and Joel (2:28): “I will pour my Spirit upon your descendants”; “your sons and your daughters shall prophesy (and) shall see visions” come true in a variety of charisms. Gifts of grace are being bestowed on women and men for the enhancement of Christian life, worship and service to the glory of God.
Such a spiritual gift (charisma) has been granted to Mrs. Vassula Ryden for the fulfillment of a particular vocation. ‘From the depths of her obscurity,” Vassula has seen the Light. The Lord has touched her heart to cleanse and heal it. Since then, she is “seeing Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary interiorly” and “has been enabled to hear their Messages.” This unique experience of visions is testified in 70 notebooks published in seven volumes. The Messages that Vassula is receiving are written by herself but dictated “from on high.” Her human handwriting is completely transformed.
The Messages are God’s gifts of spiritual healing, love and mercy “directed to all.” Vassula was called to become an ardent witness of Christ, carrying His Cross “to the four corners” of the secularized world. Together with many other disciples, she has to be an instrument of divine providence, an echo of God’s Word, compassion, reconciliation and peace.
The Messages are not a new revelation but a reminder of the Gospel of Christ. The basic task of Vassula is sharing of the Good News through proclamation in communities and assemblies of prayer and meditation, diffusion of the Writings by publication, and “drawing souls to Jesus Christ.”
The surprising nature of this calling has raised questions and bewilderment for Vassula herself, as well as for friends and listeners. Some of the wonders will still accompany readers of True Life in God. Nevertheless, we are aware of the fact that many expressions of mysticism have encountered different assessments and attitudes within one’s Christian tradition. During the whole period of marxist militant atheism, imposed by state authorities in my country, Bulgaria, a woman with great gifts as a seer kept telling both native and foreign people secrets of their past, present and future. Her faith and prophetic voice have shaken atheistic conceptions and changed the lifestyle of tens of thousands. Bishops, priests and theologians have personally experienced and individually recognized the gifts of that woman. But it was not in the tradition of the Church to make an authoritative pronouncement on this phenomenon.
Several years ago, I was so much impressed by the story of the apparition of the Virgin Mary, which three of my very dear Protestant friends had seen simultaneously “without considering however this event an extraordinary spiritual experience” because this was not part of their church’s tradition!
“We walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7)” and “by faith understand…” (Fleb. 11:3f). Distinguishing between the Spirit of God and other spirits is a delicate Christian duty. Discernment is also a gift of the Holy Spirit (cf. 1 Cor. 12: 10-1 1; I jn.4: 1). The main criterion for testing the spirits is the faith in Christ as Incarnate Son of God and our Saviour (1 jn. 4:2f).
Basically, the content of the Messages in ‘True Life in God’ is in harmony with the Holy Scriptures and with the tradition of the Church. They are being distributed, read and meditated within the Church, aiming at a revival of Christian faith, renewal and unity. References are often made to the Bible as source of truth, knowledge and wisdom. The doxological part of the Messages is biblicallybased. Very dear to Orthodox spirituality are the numerous prayers, the urgent call to conversion and repentance, fast and a holy life. In the centre of Vassula’s vision are placed also many other fundamental truths, values and teachings of the Church. Prayer, humility, charity, generosity, peace, reconciliation and mutual love in Christ’s name are continuously underscored in all notebooks. God’s abundant grace and tenderness are often presented in the context of concern and care for the groaning creation, a warning about sin corrupting humanity, and a call to awakening for “the battle against Satan and his followers.” Thus one can feel the “prophetic tone” and the appeal to all Christians.
Remember the Beatitudes! Follow the Ten Commandments! Now is the time of repentance! “Live as though it is your last day on earth.” “Have you reconciled with your brothers and sisters?” “Share My Cross.” “Search for justice and help the oppressed.” “Wealth is to be converted.” “Evangelize with love, for love.” Your era of little faith is dead. “Do not accept Satan’s fruits which are … disunity and impurity.” Be vigilant and prepared for “the last days,” because the Lord is “on the Path of Return.”
And again we hear the Message of hope and Iife: “Shake off the dust that covers you and rise from the dead.” “The Holy Eucharist will keep you alive.” The “time of tribulations” shall be followed “by a new era of love and peace.” “My Kingdom is at your very doors.” God wants everyone to be saved (cf. Rm. 10:12-13).
The Messages are a hymn of God’s love which is “like a fountain, a well of living waters.” Love is “the Root of the Tree of Life” and of all virtues. Therefore, “sow the seeds of love in all directions.” “Judge nobody, and repay evil with love.” The Source of love is the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life. He guides us “into all truths,” transforming the darkness into Light. He uplifts and purifies our hearts, sanctifies us through the Sacraments, drives out ill spirits and brings renewal to the Church. The Holy Spirit creates community in which love rules. He gratifies the poor and the humble people of God.
One of the strongest elements in Vassula Ryden’s visions is the gravity of the divisions between the churches, the urgency of the work for unity of the Church, and the importance of the ecumenical movement.
The sin of division and wounds in the Body of Christ are so often due to lack of fidelity, humility and mutual love. “Rivalry and competition for earthly power,” egoism and pride cannot bring about unity. Those who endeavor to gather together the scattered sheep of Christ “should lower their voices” in order to hear the voice of the Lord; they should “bow down their heads” for blessing by the Head of the Church – Jesus Christ. Then He shall lift all and draw them to Himself. “Blessed are those who do not differentiate themselves” under Christ’s Holy Name. “Pray for the World Council of Churches” and for the world-wide ecumenical movement. Let us always remember that “the keys to unity are love and humility.”
The real unity is and will be in the heart, not “of the letter but of the spirit.” It is a gift of God, but requires also human commitment and effort: “where there is division give peace and love, where there is confusion ask for Light.” “Unity shall come upon you like Dawn … It shall come from God, and your nations shall name it the Great Miracle, the Blessed Day … In this day all Heaven shall … rejoice.” “Behold, what joy I will have when around One Altar you will gather … and praise Me; acknowledging your mistake, repenting for your rebellion and remembering My love for you.” God’s plan is “to unite all nations, from East to West, from North to South.”
In several Messages a great desire is expressed for a simultaneous celebration of Easter – “the Feast of Feasts,” and the “Triumph of Triumphs.” May this become a new impetus for bringing back such a tremendous issue on the ecumenical agenda. Actually it comes from the heart of the decision made by the first Ecumenical Council (325) to strengthen unity and inspire common witness.
While many Orthodox rejoice at Vassula’s gift and appreciate the texts referred to, they are prudent about accepting all points and details. I personally still struggle with some of the questions which had troubled me before. But cannot we find relief in the understanding that the Messages come to us also through the limited human nature, and are perceived according to our own spiritual capacity? The reading of Vassula’s Writings requires a mystical soul, prayer for “knowledge and all discemment” (Phil. 1:9), seeking for truth in the power of love and resisting any easy judgment.
The gifts of the Spirit should be spiritually distinguished (1 Cor. 12:10). Let us measure the value of the tree by its fruits (Nlt. 3:10; 7:16f). The great quality of the numerous fruits of ‘True Life in God’ has been acknowledged by many people. The Messages have deepened spiritual life, strengthened Christian faith and opened the sight of a certain number of non-believers. And we have yet to see the fulfillment of God’s promises: “I the Lord, will multiply the visions … (and) will pour the Holy Spirit without reserve on all humankind. ” You will grow like grass in the areas where there is plenty of water.”
Let us give thanks to God for all charismata.
Heavenly Father,
Kindle our hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Give us the Spirit of wisdom and faith,
of daring and of patience,
of humility and of firmness,
of love and of repentance.
Geneva, Easter 1994
Dominee Sverker Trônet

Dominee Sverker Trônet
(vanuit een Protestants standpunt)
Deze toespraak werd gehouden voor de internationale bijeenkomst van Waar Leven in God in Jeruzalem, mei 1998.
Mij is gevraagd om vanuit Protestants standpunt te spreken over de Eenheid van de Kerk en Onze Lieve Vrouw. Eerst moet ik iets zeggen over het Protestants of Luthers zijn.
De Kerk van Zweden werd als geheel afgescheiden van de Kerk van Rome en de Paus tijdens de Reformatie in de zestiende eeuw. Het was de koning die de enige heerser van zijn land wilde zijn en hij wilde geen inmenging van buitenaf, dat wil zeggen van de paus en de bisschoppen die ook behoorlijk veel wereldlijke macht hadden.
De leer van Maarten Luther paste heel goed bij de doelen van de koning. De koning nam de plaats in van de Paus. Uit Duitsland, het vasteland van de reformatie, werden de belangrijkste van de belijdenissen – confessies – van de reformatie geïmporteerd – de Augsburgse Confessie, die kritisch was over misstanden in de laatmiddeleeuwse Kerk, maar verder erg traditioneel was, zonder de intentie om iets nieuws te onderwijzen, maar alleen om een getuige te zijn van het geloof van de ene, heilige, katholieke (ook Romeinse) en apostolische Kerk. De Augsburgse Confessie wordt vandaag de dag door de officiële Katholieke en Lutherse Oecumenische Commissie beschouwd als een document met een katholieke intentie en een oecumenische wil.
Er was zeker een grote verandering van de Kerk in Zweden en voor de gelovigen in de tijd van de reformatie, maar er was ook een zekere continuïteit. Sommige priesters en bisschoppen verlieten het land, maar sommigen bleven en redden wat er te redden viel.
Na de onrust van de reformatie was er nog maar één Kerk in Zweden. Er waren nog steeds bisschoppen en priesters, die nu getrouwd konden zijn. De Mis werd opgedragen, maar in het Zweeds in plaats van in het Latijn en de mensen konden nu ook communiceren uit de kelk. Maria en de heiligen verdwenen al snel. En de kloosters ook, vaak met geweld. De Bijbel werd vertaald en er waren catechetische werken in de scholen. Driehonderd jaar lang was er geen alternatief. Was je Zweed dat betekende dit dat je een Lutheraan was.
Vandaag de dag behoren de meeste Zweden, ondanks een radicale secularisatie, tot de Kerk die niet langer wordt geregeerd door de koning maar door democratisch gekozen politici en hun partijen. Ik kan mezelf geen Protestant of Lutheraan noemen, maar ik behoor tot de Kerk van Zweden.
Ik denk niet dat de reformatie in Zweden vanuit religieus oogpunt gerechtvaardigd kon worden of noodzakelijk of goed voor de Kerk was, maar ik zie er wel een aantal goede dingen in, ondanks de onbetwist slechte dingen, en ook wat deze goede dingen voor de toekomst hebben betekend.
De Bijbel, gelezen binnen de horizon van de oude traditie en de Augsburgse Confessie, werd behouden als de eerste en laatste autoriteit voor het geloof. Hierdoor bleef de Kerk in Zweden een vrij orthodoxe Christelijke Kerk, ondanks de afscheiding van Rome. Maar je kunt je voorstellen wat er vandaag de dag gebeurt als de Bijbel, tenminste in de praktijk, niet langer een autoriteit is en als er al kennis van wordt genomen, wordt deze geïnterpreteerd volgens de meningen van de dag.
In het voorbeeld van de Kerk van Zweden kun je, zowel positief als negatief, de vitale noodzaak zien van de eenheid van de Kerk, zowel in ruimte als in tijd, in verbondenheid met alle andere lokale Kerken over de hele wereld, in de eenheid van de bisschoppen met de Bisschop van Rome, maar ook in verbondenheid met de heiligen van alle tijden, wat een actief gedenken van de traditie betekent. Wanneer een Kerk zowel haar geheugen verloren heeft én afgesneden is van de universele Kerk, wordt ze blootgesteld aan de druk van de wereld en de moderne seculiere opinie zonder de door God gegeven verdediging en correctie. Ik geloof dat alleen de hereniging met Rome de Kerk van Zweden als Christelijke Kerk kan redden en behouden.
Dit wordt gezegd als voorbeeld. Nu iets meer algemeens over Christelijke Eenheid. Er zijn zeker veel dingen die alle christenen bij elkaar houden, ook van verschillende denominaties. We geloven in en bidden tot dezelfde Drie-enige God. Wij geloven in de incarnatie van God de Zoon. We geloven allemaal in de reddende dood en wederopstanding van Jezus Christus. We zijn gedoopt met hetzelfde doopsel. Ook al kunnen niet alle christenen samen ter communie gaan, toch geloven we dat we in de verschillende kerken hetzelfde Lichaam van Christus ontvangen en daarmee verbonden zijn. Met kleine variaties delen we dezelfde overtuigingen. Is dat niet genoeg? Onze Heer bidt tot de Vader in zijn priesterlijk gebed in het zeventiende hoofdstuk van Johannes en zegt: “Mogen zij allen één zijn … opdat de wereld gelooft dat U het was die Mij gezonden hebt.” (vers 21)
De eenheid waar Jezus om bidt is niet alleen een geestelijke eenheid, maar ook een zichtbare eenheid in deze zichtbare wereld, “opdat de wereld gelooft”. De Kerk is zeker een instrument in Gods handen voor de redding van de wereld. Het is Gods Kerk. Hij heeft haar gemaakt volgens zijn plan en voor zijn doeleinden. Dat de Kerk één moet zijn en zichtbaar één, is zeker een deel van de wil en intentie van de stichter. De zichtbare eenheid behoort tot de natuur van de Kerk en is heel belangrijk – een topprioriteit. Zichtbare eenheid vraagt om een zichtbaar centrum van eenheid. Voor de lokale gemeenschap is er de parochiepastoor. Voor het bisdom de bisschop. Voor het patriarchaat is er de patriarch. En voor de hele kudde, voor de universele Kerk, is er de Paus.
Dat er een paus moet zijn, maakt deel uit van Christus’ plannen voor zijn Kerk. Dit is niet wat vanaf het begin door de hervormers werd betwist, enkel het misbruik van de pauselijke macht. Dat er een petrijns primaat is en moet zijn blijkt duidelijk uit de evangeliën. En net zo zeker als er een apostolische opvolging is van de apostelen naar de bisschoppen, is er een petrijnse opvolging van Petrus naar zijn volgelingen op de apostolische troon in de Kerk van Rome.
Kan een Protestant dat echt zeggen? Er zijn liberalen die dat niet zouden doen, omdat ze zouden zeggen dat het pausschap – het pontificaat – deel uitmaakt van een patriarchale structuur. Er zijn anderen die de belijdenisformules uit de zestiende eeuw zouden herhalen en uiteindelijk zouden zeggen dat de paus de antichrist is. Maar als je met ‘Protestant’ iemand bedoelt die trouw wil zijn aan de Bijbel, gelezen met de bril van de oude orthodoxe en katholieke traditie, dan kan een Protestant zeker zeggen dat het pausschap door Christus is ingesteld.
In de pauselijke encycliek uit 1995, “Ut Unum Sint”, vraagt Johannes Paulus II de niet-Rooms-katholieke kerkleiders om samen met hem na te denken over de vormen waarin het Petrijnse Primaatschap het best haar missie kan dienen, “opdat zij allen één zijn … opdat de wereld gelooft …”. Met betrekking tot de Kerk van Zweden en de Anglicaanse Kerken had deze uitnodiging drie jaar eerder heel interessant moeten zijn, maar in 1995 waren er in deze kerken al dingen gebeurd die een dialoog onmogelijk maakten.
De oecumenische dialoog tussen de Kerk van Zweden en Rome was gedurende enkele jaren, tussen 1989 en 1993, veelbelovend. De Zweedse aartsbisschop verklaarde vanaf het hoofdaltaar in de Sint Pieter in aanwezigheid van Johannes Paulus II: “Het moment is gekomen om te verklaren dat de aanklachten uit de tijd van de reformatie niet langer geldig zijn.” De Paus bezocht Zweden en Kardinaal Cassidy, hoofd van het Pauselijk Secretariaat voor de Eenheid van de Christenen, wilde een onderzoek naar en een dialoog over de apostolische successie in de Kerken van Finland en Zweden, om te zien wat er nodig was voor een volledige erkenning.
In de kwestie van de belangrijke reformatorische doctrine van “Rechtvaardiging door geloof” is een consensus bereikt tussen Rome en de Lutheranen. Er was ook een minstens even veelbelovende dialoog gaande tussen Rome en de Kerk van Engeland. Maar in beide gevallen kwam er een einde aan door nieuwe ontwikkelingen die verdeeldheid zaaiden. Johannes Paulus II verklaarde met Pinksteren 1994 dat de Kerk geen enkel recht heeft om vrouwen tot priester te wijden en dat deze beslissing definitief is voor alle gelovigen in de Kerk. Slechts vier en een halve maand later verklaarden de bisschoppen en andere leiders in de Kerk van Zweden dat “je niet tot priester gewijd kunt worden tenzij je vrouwen als priester erkent.”
De Lutherse Wereldfederatie verklaarde dat ze niet zonder vrouwelijke priesters zouden zijn of deze zouden opofferen omwille van de eenheid. Hierna zijn er in Zweden twee vrouwen tot bisschop benoemd en zijn er meer vrouwen dan mannen gewijd, en ook op weg naar een wijding. Er is ook een zeer uitgesproken feministische theologie, die nieuwe interpretaties van het geloof en ook van de moraal maakt. Deze ontwikkeling heeft een totaal relativisme noodzakelijk gemaakt. Je kunt geen kritiek leveren en zeggen dat het niet volgens de Bijbel is. Zij zullen antwoorden: Het zijn gewoon beelden en symbolen en alles is goed. Je kunt net zo goed zeggen dat God zowel onze moeder als onze vader is.
Deze ontwikkeling (in Zweden en Engeland en ook in andere landen) heeft verdeeldheid binnen de Kerken van Zweden en Engeland schijnlijk noodzakelijk gemaakt, en groepen proberen nu hun weg te vinden. De ogen zijn natuurlijk gericht op Rome. De situatie wordt als zo ernstig ervaren voor de Kerk van Zweden dat veel mensen zich afvragen of zij überhaupt zal overleven. Mijn persoonlijke gevoel is dat alleen het samenzijn met de Kerk die Christus op Petrus heeft gebouwd, ons kan redden van een transformatie in iets anders dan een christelijke Kerk of van vernietiging. Alleen een Kerk die in gemeenschap is met Petrus kan met recht vertrouwen stellen in de belofte van Christus: “Jij bent Petrus en op deze rots zal Ik mijn Kerk bouwen. En de poorten van de onderwereld zullen haar nooit overweldigen” (Mt. 16,18).
Onze Heilige Moeder Maria wordt samen met de Paus, door de typische Protestant, beschouwd als iets wat typisch katholiek is en daarom gemeden moet worden. De Paus werd met één zwaardslag gescheiden van de Kerk in Zweden. Maria bleef waarschijnlijk in de harten van de gelovigen van de eerste reformatiegeneratie. Daar kon de koning niets aan doen. Maar omdat de Rozenkrans verboden werd en de meeste Mariabeelden werden weggehaald, was er ook geen plaats meer voor onze Lieve Vrouw in de Protestantse Zweedse harten. Je kunt alleen maar speculeren over wat dit heeft betekend. Leven zonder de Moeder die Onze Heer aan zijn Kerk heeft gegeven.
Typisch genoeg is Jezus in het liberale Protestantisme niet Immanuel, dat is God met de mens, maar hij is mens met God en dat is wat Maria in werkelijkheid is. Leven zonder Maria als moeder en als ideaal, heeft van het Protestantse Christendom meer een leer gemaakt om te begrijpen dan een leven om te leven. De Kerk van de reformatie werd meer een school dan een plaats voor gebed en aanbidding. Tegelijkertijd moet gezegd worden dat Maria niet verbannen werd uit de leer van de Kerk, hoewel haar plaats erg op de achtergrond was.
Zo kun je in de belijdenisgeschriften, in de hymnen en in de geschriften van Maarten Luther zinnen vinden die op de één of andere manier de leer van alle mariale dogma’s bevestigen, hoewel niet als dogma’s. Dit, samen met andere soortgelijke katholieke elementen, is niet zonder gevolgen gebleven voor een Mariale renaissance in de Kerk van Zweden en het heeft het ook mogelijk gemaakt om in de Kerk van Zweden te blijven met een Katholiek geloof, zonder een conflict met de officiële leer.
Aangezien er geen problemen zijn met Petrus en de paus, zijn er geen moeilijkheden voor een Bijbelse Protestant, van wat onze oude oecumenische Aartsbisschop Nathan Sderblom de evangelisch-katholieke traditie noemde, om het katholieke en orthodoxe geloof over Onze Lieve Vrouw te delen. Het probleem met de hedendaagse Protestanten is dat heel veel van hen, ik heb het in de eerste plaats over de Kerk van Zweden, maar misschien kan het ook gezegd worden van Lutheranen en Anglicanen in West-Europa en de VS, niet meer lijken te geloven in Gods Openbaring noch in de Bijbel als het Woord van God. Maar als het Woord van God een lamp voor je voeten en een licht op je pad is, zal het je leiden om Maria te eren en te zegenen.
We kunnen er zeker van zijn dat alle handelingen en woorden van Onze Lieve Heer een betekenis hadden, niet alleen voor de specifieke situatie waarin ze werden uitgevoerd of uitgesproken, maar bedoeld waren voor de Kerk die hij stichtte en daarom een universele betekenis hadden en geldig waren tot het einde der tijden. Daarom is het heel natuurlijk om te zien dat Jezus, vanaf het Kruis, Maria gaf om niet alleen de moeder van Johannes te zijn, maar van alle apostelen en van de hele Kerk in alle tijden en plaatsen.
Vervolgens worden we door het woord van God geleid om met Johannes “het grote teken te zien dat in de hemel verscheen: een vrouw bekleed met de zon, de maan onder haar voeten, en met de twaalf sterren als een kroon op haar hoofd”. Natuurlijk is dit Maria. Ze leeft, ze wordt met haar lichaam ten hemel opgenomen en gekroond tot Koningin van hemel en aarde. We kunnen ons tot haar wenden en vragen om haar moederlijke zorg en haar gebeden voor ons. Maria is de Moeder van de Kerk, maar ze is ook De Kerk – Onze Moeder. Ze is een personificatie van de Kerk. In haar is alles waar we op wachten al vervuld en ze is er al, waar we haar en haar Zoon hopen te ontmoeten, in de hemel.
Zo kan ik doorgaan, van de Bijbel tot het Katholieke dogma. En in het geval van bijvoorbeeld het dogma van de Onbevlekte Ontvangenis, waar het niet absoluut vanzelfsprekend is, vanuit de Bijbel, dat “Gratia Plena” – “vol van genade” – betekent dat er nooit plaats was voor zonde in Maria, heb ik er het volste vertrouwen in dat de Heilige Geest de Kerk heeft geleid naar de volledige waarheid volgens de belofte van Jezus. (Joh,16:13)
Laten we onder de vele titels van onze Vrouwe en onder alles wat Zij is, haar vragen om voor de Kerk de Moeder van de Eenheid te zijn. Die eenheid waar Jezus voor bad en die zo moeilijk lijkt te zijn, soms zelfs onmogelijk. Laten we het aan haar zorg en gebeden toevertrouwen, dat het spoedig mag komen, op die tijd en op die manier die naar de wil van God is.
Er is mij ook gevraagd om te zeggen waarom ik de boodschappen van Waar leven in God steun. Als iemand me over Vassula had verteld voordat ik haar zelf had gehoord of de boodschappen had gelezen, zou ik waarschijnlijk niet geïnteresseerd zijn geweest, in de veronderstelling dat het weer zo’n dwaze sekte was. Ik zou niet gezegd hebben dat het onmogelijk was met profetieën, openbaringen of boodschappen als deze, maar ik had nog nooit zoiets ontmoet. Maar sinds ik Vassula voor het eerst hoorde in Rome in maart 1995 ben ik ervan overtuigd dat het allemaal waar is.
Misschien kan ik zeggen dat ik de stem herkende, ik was erg ontroerd en had tranen in mijn ogen. Sindsdien heb ik de boodschappen gelezen en ik ben nooit iets tegengekomen dat vreemd klonk of vreemd was aan wat ik uit de Bijbel en de traditie van de Kerk heb geleerd. Wat voor mij het meest heeft betekend, is natuurlijk de intimiteit van de boodschappen. De belangrijke positie van Maria. De centrale rol van de eenheid van de Kerk rond de Paus en ook de vermaningen om één te zijn met Johannes Paulus II. Zoals jullie misschien hebben begrepen, denk ik dat ik voorbeelden heb gezien van die afvalligheid waarover Jezus heeft gesproken in de boodschappen. Wat voor mij ook niet onbelangrijk is, is het feit dat Vassula formeel niet Rooms-katholiek is, maar wel een Katholiek leven leidt en het Katholieke geloof heeft. Dat is ook mijn situatie en met mij velen in de Kerk van Zweden.
Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi

Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi
On this day of May 13, 2017 I wish to address the Catholic Church’s present-day position on the prophetic revelations of God to Vassula Rydén contained in the publication, “True Life in God”. This present-day position is summarized in the following five points:
- The TLIG prophetic revelations enjoy the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat – official ecclesiastic seals of approval.
- The Church’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat are an exercise of the Magisterium.
- The Church requires of the Christian faithful “adherence with religious assent”1 to the Church’s Magisterium, which is particularly exercised by those bishops teaching in communion with the Pope.
- The teachings of those bishops in communion with the Pope and exercising the Magisterium2 have granted to the TLIG prophetic revelations said seals of approval (11/28/2005 Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur) that remain in full force this day.
- By virtue of the conferral of the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat upon the TLIG prophetic revelations, Christians are prohibited from setting themselves up as their judge and from publicly condemning them.3 On the contrary, inasmuch as all Christians are to “concur with their bishop’s judgment concerning faith and morals” and “adhere to this” judgment and to the Magisterium “with a religious assent of the mind”,4 the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat upon the TLIG prophetic revelations elicit from the Christian faithful said religious assent.
Below I elaborate on these five points.
1) The TLIG prophetic revelations enjoy the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat – official ecclesiastic seals of approval.
Because the Magisterium of the Church has the duty to “preserve God’s people from deviations and defections, and to guarantee them the objective possibility of professing the true faith without error”,5 as well as “expound it faithfully”,6 it examines publications, particularly works on faith and morals and pronounce whether they are free from doctrinal error.
On March 19, 1975, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued norms for pastors of the Church who have the duty to be vigilant with publication of materials on faith and morals, which should be submitted to the Church for “approval.” This mandate was reiterated in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, canon 823. This approval occurs through a process that begins with the author submitting the manuscript to the censor librorum or deputatus, who is appointed by the bishop or other ecclesiastical authority to make such examinations. If the censor finds no doctrinal error in the work, he grants a Nihil Obstat (“Nothing obstructs” its publication) attesting to this. If the bishop grants his Imprimatur (“Let it be printed”), this ecclesiastical seal constitutes an „approval‟ of the work that allows it to be “displayed and sold in churches”7 and a declaration of “both a juridical and a moral guarantee for the authors, the publishers and the readers”8 that the work “contains nothing contrary to the Church’s authentic magisterium on faith or morals” and “that all the pertinent prescriptions of canon law have been fulfilled.”9
On November 28, 2005 His Excellency Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J., D.D., granted the Nihil Obstat to the TLIG writings. On November 28, 2005 His Excellency Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles, STL, DD, granted the Imprimatur to the TLIG revelations.
Moreover on November 24, 2005 Bishop Felix Toppo penned the following letter that accompanied the Magisterial Nihil Obstat underscoring the supernatural nature of the TLIG revelations:
“I have read all the TRUE LIFE IN GOD books and meditated on their contents. I truly believe that the books contain the Divine Dialogue of the Holy Trinity, Our Lady and the Angels with humankind through Vassula Rydén. I have not found anything objectionable and anything contrary to the Church’s authentic authority on faith and morals. Reading these books and meditating on the contents are spiritually beneficial to all. I recommend these books to every Christian.”
On September 30, 2004 Archbishop of Lipa Ramon C. Arguelles, STL, DD, who granted to the TLIG prophetic revelations the Magisterium’s Imprimatur, wrote the following letter further attesting to the supernatural nature of the TLIG prophetic revelations10:
“Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger showed such Christ-like open-mindedness when he spearheaded the review of Mrs. Vassula Ryden’s case. Through Fr. Prospero Grech, Consultant of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the good Cardinal asked Vassula to respond to five questions (see letter dated April 4th, 2002) to clarify some difficulties suggested in the Notification of 1995, regarding the writings of True Life in God, and about her activities related thereto. The responses will immensely help some doubting Thomases, who are entitled nevertheless to peace of mind…
Cardinal Ratzinger asked P. Joseph Augustine Di Noia, O.P., Undersecretary of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, to provide Mrs. Ryden with a copy of that same letter to enable her to inform everyone about the exchange of clarification letters. I am extremely happy that Cardinal Ratzinger perfectly mirrors the attitude of the Holy Father whose great obsession and probably the reason for the life and energy he manifests is the UNITY OF CHRISTIANITY…
No matter what Mrs. Ryden’s past life may be, she can and already is an instrument of God in our days to bring to reality God’s dream, the Holy Father’s dream, the Church’s dream which may be the greatest event of the early years of the Third Millennium: THE UNITY OF ALL DISCIPLES OF CHRIST! People like Vassula who suffer for Christian unity with the Holy Father need encouragement, understanding and prayer. I am willing to give her that if only to join the Holy Father, Cardinal Ratzinger and many unknown souls who sincerely desire a renewal of Christianity, a renewed thrust of Evangelization, and unity of all Christian brethren. May Mary help us grow in the TRUE LIFE IN GOD.”11
2) The Church’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat are an exercise of the Magisterium.
It is noteworthy that the Church’s Magisterium enjoys three gradations of teaching authority which the Christian faithful are to uphold, and which elicit from them respectively the “assent of faith” (the first two gradations of her teaching authority) and “religious assent” (the third gradation of her authority, e.g., to the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat).
Of these three levels of magisterial authoritative teaching which establish “the order of the truths to which the believer adheres,”12 there are 1) truths taught as divinely revealed (depositum fidei13),14 2) definitively proposed statements on matters of faith and morals closely connected with the divinely revealed truth,15 and 3) non-definitive teaching that a) aids in the better understanding of the divinely revealed truth and makes explicit its contents, b) recalls how some teaching is in conformity with the truths of faith, or c) guards against ideas that are incompatible with these truths16.
In the official Vatican document, Donum Veritatis, from the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith entitled, a fourth category of magisterial teaching is mentioned, i.e., ordinary prudential teaching on disciplinary matters.17
- To the first gradation of magisterial authority belong “truths taught as divinely revealed.” This is an exercise of the “supreme Magisterium”,18 commonly referred to as the “extraordinary Magisterium and it is universally binding. These truths are de fide credenda doctrines,19 often referred to as “infallible dogma” or “definitive dogma”, that require from the faithful an assent of “theological faith;” they are contained directly in the Word of God and the Magisterium has declared them to be divinely revealed. These truths are infallible and to them the faithful owe the “obedience of faith”.20
- The contents of the second category belong to the Magisterium proposing “in a definitive way truths concerning faith and morals, which, even if not divinely revealed, are nevertheless strictly and intimately connected with Revelation.” These truths are not immediately contained in the Deposit of Faith (Depositum Fidei), but are rooted in the primary teachings of the depositum fidei as secondary truths, or secondary objects of infallibility, that necessarily follow from them logically or historically, and which are needed to expound them faithfully. The proclamation of these teachings constitutes an exercise of the “ordinary Magisterium”21 and they are binding universally. These secondary truths are de fide tenenda doctrines,22 which “must be firmly accepted and held”23 by all and anyone who rejects them “sets himself against the teaching of the Catholic Church”.24
- The third category of the Magisterium is non-definitive teaching that serves a) to aid in the better understanding of a divinely revealed truth and make explicit its contents, b) recall how some teaching is in conformity with the truths of faith, or c) guard against ideas that are incompatible with these truths25 (e.g., the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat).
I wish to emphasize that these three levels of magisterial teaching constitute Catholic doctrine26 through an „assent of faith‟ or a „religious assent‟. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reveals how Christians are to receive such doctrines: “To this ordinary teaching the faithful „are to adhere to it with religious assent‟ which, though distinct from the assent of faith,
is nonetheless an extension of it.” The passage in Lumen Gentium 25 addresses a “religious assent (assensus religious) of mind and will” – required for the third category; it is distinguished from the „assent of faith‟ (assensus fidei) – required for the first and second categories.
While such distinctions of assent emphasize the gradation in adherence to Magisterial teaching, the Magisterium places no lesser emphasis on the obligation of all Christians to submit loyally to the Church in all aforementioned categories of her magisterial teaching authority: “The willingness to submit loyally to the teaching of the Magisterium on matters per se not irreformable must be the rule”.27
3) The Church requires of the Christian faithful “adherence with religious assent” to the Church’s Magisterium, which is particularly exercised by those bishops teaching in communion with the Pope.
The reason why the Catholic Catechism affirms „religious assent‟ is to be given by the faithful to those official but non-definitive teachings of the ordinary Magisterium (e.g., the Church’s official Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat), is articulated in the following statement of the Catholic Catechism:
“Divine assistance is also given to the successors of the apostles, teaching in communion with the successor of Peter, and, in a particular way, to the bishop of Rome, pastor of the whole Church, when, without arriving at an infallible definition and without pronouncing in a ‘definitive manner,’ they propose in the exercise of the ordinary Magisterium a teaching that leads to better understanding of Revelation in matters of faith and morals. To this ordinary teaching the faithful ‘are to adhere to it with religious assent’28 which, though distinct from the assent of faith, is nonetheless an extension of it”.29
Although the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat may be given by the local bishop for his diocese, one ought not to lose sight of the fact that these official seals, though given locally and within one diocesan jurisdiction, customarily30 transcend juridical boundaries by virtue of episcopal collegiality and their acceptance by other bishops the world over. Despite the confusion within the Church foretold in various approved Marian apparitions, the following affirmations of the Church articulate the enduring collegiality and the mutual relations among bishops:
“This collegial union (of bishops) is apparent also in the mutual relations of the individual bishops with particular churches and with the universal Church… The individual bishops, however, are the visible principle and foundation of unity in their particular churches, fashioned after the model of the universal Church, in and from which churches comes into being the one and only Catholic Church. For this reason the individual bishops represent each his own church, but all of them together and with the Pope represent the entire Church in the bond of peace, love and unity.”31
“The collegial spirit (of all bishops) is the soul of the collaboration between the bishops on the regional, national and international levels. Collegial action in the strict sense implies the activity of the whole college, together with its head, over the entire church.”32
“Through episcopal consecration itself, bishops receive with the function of sanctifying also the functions of teaching and governing; by their nature, however, these can only be exercised in hierarchical communion with the head and members of the college.”33
In light of the foregoing, should one choose to publicly condemn the works that presently bear this Magisterium’s seal – whether at the hand or mouth of a priest or a lay person – that individual’s actions would be considered by the Church nothing short of „reprehensible‟:
“While the freedom remains for a member of the Church to reject a private revelation which has received official ecclesiastical approval, it would at the same time be reprehensible to speak publicly against it.”34
I here recall that in the history of the Catholic Church, there is no existing public knowledge of a case where a positive decision of Constat de Supernaturalitate (it is evident to be of supernatural origin) by the local bishop concerning a nationally or internationally known prophetic revelation was later changed to the prohibited category of Constat de non Supernaturalitate (evident to be of non-supernatural origin) by the Holy See. Admittedly, when considering the plethora of reported prophetic revelations and apparitions throughout the world, positive or negative judgments by the Holy See are rare, take much time and the Holy See is often silent on such matters. However, in order to avoid leaving the final judgment up to each individual Christian, the Church offers, as the best course of action, recourse to doctrinal safety through the conferral of the Bishop’s Imprimatur and/or Nihil Obstat, which, and as noted earlier, constitute an „approval‟ of the work so that it may be “displayed and sold in churches”35 and “a juridical and a moral guarantee for the authors, the publishers and the readers”36 that the work “contains nothing contrary to the Church’s authentic magisterium on faith or morals.”37
One is also reminded of the letters of the Bishops who conferred upon the TLIG prophetic revelations the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat, which attest to their supernatural nature when affirming that they “contain the Divine Dialogue of the Holy Trinity, Our Lady and the Angels with humankind through Vassula Rydén”,38 who “is an instrument of God in our days to bring to reality God’s dream, the Holy Father’s dream, the Church’s dream which may be the
greatest event of the early years of the Third Millennium: THE UNITY OF ALL DISCIPLES OF CHRIST!”39
4) The teachings of those bishops in communion with the Pope and exercising the Magisterium40 have granted to the TLIG prophetic revelations said seals of approval (11/28/2005 Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur) that remain in full force this day.
Because the duty of faithfully interpreting God’s divinely revealed Word is “entrusted to the bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome”41 who, even when not arriving at an infallible definition and without pronouncing in a „definitive manner‟,42 nonetheless exercise the ordinary Magisterium, and the faithful are to „concur‟ with their decisions on faith and morals. Consider the following statement of the decree of Vatican II Council:
“The bishops, when they are teaching in communion with the Roman pontiff, are to be respected by all as witnesses to the divine and catholic truth; and the faithful ought to concur with their bishop’s judgment concerning faith and morals which he delivers in the name of Christ, and they are to adhere to this with a religious assent of the mind.” 43
Insofar as the conferral of the magisterial seals of the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat upon the TLIG prophetic revelations and the letters of the Bishops who granted them express respectively an approval and guarantee, and a positive judgment on their supernatural nature,44 and the Christian faithful are to concur with their bishop’s judgment, the faithful may confidently approach these as an authentic revelation given by God for our times.
5) By virtue of the conferral of the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat upon the TLIG prophetic revelations, Christians are prohibited from setting themselves up as their judge and from publicly condemning them.45 On the contrary, inasmuch as all Christians are to “concur with their bishop’s judgment concerning faith and morals” and “adhere to this” judgment and to the Magisterium “with a religious assent of the mind”,46 the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat upon the TLIG prophetic revelations elicit from the Christian faithful said religious assent.
In his treatise on the beatification and canonization respectively of the Servants of God and Blesseds, Cardinal Prospero Lambertini (later coronated Pope Benedict XIV) affirmed that while one may not choose to follow a given Church-approved prophetic revelation, as God has blessed us with several to choose from, one is absolutely prohibited from doing so without reason, without due modesty and with contempt – to publicly condemn what the Church has judged positive with her official seals of approbation is nothing short of „reprehensible‟:47
“It is possible not to give assent to such revelations and to turn from them, as long as one does so with due modesty, not without reason, and without contempt”.48
In these End Times when many biblical prophecies are being fulfilled, in particular, Dan. 9:27; Mt. 24:15; 2 Thes. 2:3-13; Rev. 13, more attention than ever is demanded of God’s shepherds whom he calls to tend his flock with sound teaching that not only preserves the Church’s Deposit of Faith and living Tradition, but develops it, “penetrates the meaning of the revealed Word and communicates it to others”.49 During this third millennium in which all priests are exhorted to “set out for deep waters”50 and undertake a “new evangelization”,51 the Church’s approved prophetic revelations occupy a quintessential role, as they bear a divinely urgent appeal that will impact the future of mankind and alter the lives of millions. Let us recall that when our Lady of Fatima foretold that many nations of the earth would be
annihilated if mankind did not convert, she did so after she made an urgent appeal to the Church and to mankind at a pivotal time in its history. A parallel appeal to the Church and to mankind today is discovered in the ecclesiastically approved True Life in God prophetic revelations. More significantly, the consequences of this appeal, if unheeded, will be global. As a shepherd of souls, I warmly invite all Christians of good will to meditate upon the True Life in God divine revelations for their own spiritual welfare and for the betterment of mankind.
Rev. J.L. Iannuzzi, Ph.B, STB, STL, STD
Bishop F. Toppo - Bishop R. C. Argüelles

Bishop F. Toppo - Bishop R. C. Argüelles
The True Life in God prophetic revelations enjoy the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat – official ecclesiastic seals of approval. The Church’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat are an exercise of the Magisterium and the Church requires of the Christian faithful „adherence with religious assent‟ to the Church’s Magisterium, which is particularly exercised by those bishops teaching in communion with the Pope.
☩ The TLIG prophetic revelations enjoy the Magisterium’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat
Read also the
☩ Interview with Bishop Toppo on the TLIG writings and their Ecclesiastical Approval
Fr John Corbett, Jo Ann Miller, Tim and Vanessa
Fr John Corbett, Jo Ann Miller, Tim and Vanessa
“My Presence in the Eucharist”: TLIG Malibu, CA in the Serra Retreat Center owned/operated by the Franciscans
Oct 2017
Serra Retreat Center – Set in a monastery in Malibu, California, on land owned by a rich family that went bankrupt. In 1942 they sold the land and castle to the Franciscans. Since 1943 the monastery has been a retreat house. It began as a men’s retreat house, with retreats only for men, then came women, now people of all faiths or no faith come for spiritual renewal. There is a peace that is tangible here. People feel that and are deeply touched. People from all over the world come here for retreats.
Fr. John Corbett:
I took the kindergarteners or 1st graders into the church, and I was talking to them about God, and I asked them, “do you want to hold God?” They said, “of course!” they were all excited to hold God! So I brought them into the sanctuary of the church, and I unlocked the tabernacle, and I took a Host from the ciborium, and I had one of the little children hold out his hand and I put The Host in his hand. And I said, “now you’re holding God”. And the child was SO excited, and all the other children around him were so excited, they believed INSTANTLY that they were holding God in their little hands! So why as adults do we have such a doubtful faith when it comes to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. We have to remember The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, first of all there have been Eucharistic miracles, the bread and the wine have been changed into Blood and Flesh from a Living Human Heart, one not too long ago happened. A LIVING Human Heart! We must always remember as we approach the Blessed Sacrament that there is a Heartbeat IN the Blessed Sacrament, it is not an inanimate piece of bread, but it is Christ Himself Whose Heart is beating for US!
Jo Ann Miller
I was at noon Mass, and I had just received the Eucharist, and after Mass the priest came to the altar and we were going to have Adoration in the Church, and he was very reverent and just did a beautiful job of putting Jesus up on the altar, and it took a long time and usually they don’t take that long. I was contemplating Jesus in the Eucharist and I thought, “The God that created the WHOLE universe, is WITHIN me, right this minute!” and I thought, wow, I’ve never thought of it exactly like that. The God of the whole of creation is within me, feeding me, nourishing me, Food for my journey. That’s what it is, it is His way of being with us, like He said He would be with us forever. He’s so Smart, He figured out we have the Most Favorite Thing, we have the Bread of Life and It will feed us on our journey, back to Him. I opened the book (TLIG messages) just because, and I look and it was the message from Oct 12, 1989:
Contemplative Adoration
October 12, 1989
Lord, I thank You for saving me. I love You and I adore You and You only, my God.
ah, let Me hear this often, let your heart speak to Me; come and meditate on Me, meditate on He who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, come to contemplative adoration, for this is what pleases Me; I and you, you and I, face to face in total silence; I, revealing My Beauty to you, and you, praising Me;
learn that My Heart languishes after every soul; I have now taken you back to Me, but how many more souls will I have to bring back!
come and rest in My Heart and allow Me to rest in yours, Love loves you;
Lord! how I love You, how I desire You, how I thirst for You, how I need You!
free at last! 1
(Here I squealed with joy!)
1 Jesus said this with great joy!
I read the message, the daily message (from True Life in God) and I was absolutely knocked out when I read the message, He (Jesus) spoke to me in volumes! And I read it again and it spoke to me another way. Every time I read it (the TLIG messages) it does that to me and I thought, oh My God, the Eucharist, because a lot of people take the Eucharist for granted and some even don’t believe in the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and I thought, we should have a retreat on it, and reflect and really pray on it, and really that is what we are doing here. Christ is Present, the Holy Spirit is Present, at every Mass, but we are experiencing it here in a wonderful way.
The question that has been put to me is: what does the Holy Eucharist mean to me?
Well for most of my life I did not know about the Holy Eucharist because I was a Protestant. At some point I felt like I was searching for more than what I knew and what I had learned in the church that I was going to, so I started seeking, what is the best church, the right church, where did the Lord want me to be to serve Him the best? How could I be closer to Him? Eventually I ran across information for the Catholic Church and True Life in God. After I started reading the messages, I could just feel…I knew that God was speaking and I needed, I needed more. And because He wanted us to partake of the Eucharist and venerate His Mother and do some other things, I knew that I needed to be Catholic. I felt that I really wanted to participate and partake of the Sacraments. And The Holy Eucharist was, to me, the most important part, specifically when the Bible talks about “eating His (Jesus’) Body, and drinking His Blood” in the book of John, I just knew that it was VERY very important. So, I became Catholic, and I think it is the wonderful, the most glorious thing in the world, that God, would give Himself to us in that way. So, the Eucharist has become extremely important for me, and I just can’t imagine living a life without it.
Fr. Dr. Michael Kaszowski

Fr. Dr. Michael Kaszowski
Unity According to the Second Vatican Council and Vassula Rydén
Fr. Kaszowski has taught dogmatic theology at the Archdiocesan Seminary of Katowice, Poland for the past 20 years.
Vassula Ryden, the author of True Life in God, is called the apostle of unity. In effect her mission to unify the Church of Christ, torn by schisms, appears as her principal task, the most clearly delineated in the messages.
However, a short time ago, Vassula Ryden was reproached for allegedly proclaiming a false ecumenism that is rejected by the Catholic Church. For this reason, it is worthwhile to compare her teachings with those of the Second Vatican Council, because the latter lays out the doctrine on unity which must be accepted by all Catholics.
The Second Vatican, Council, which sought to accelerate the process of the unifying the Church, first of all had to resolve a problem which is at once important and difficult. That is, how to define the relationship between the One Church founded by Jesus Christ and the many churches which exist today.
The Church of Christ and the many churches
In order to respond to this difficult question, the Council avails itself of the notion of the Church of Christ which subsists in the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Churches. Thus, the Council explains:
“This Church, constituted and organized as a society in the present world, subsists in the Catholic Church, which was governed by the successor of Peter and by the bishops in communion with him. Nevertheless, many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside its visible confines. Since these are gifts belonging to the Church of Christ, they are forces impelling towards Catholic unity.” (Lumen Gentium, 8)
This affirmation constitutes a basis for the conciliar doctrine on unity and ecumenism. An example will make this more clear: suppose that in each country there are several libraries, some large and some small. In comparing them, we could say that certain books are found in all of them, and other books only in the largest library.
The Catholic Church and other churches
We might also say, in line with the Second Vatican Council, that the Catholic Church might be equated to the largest library; the Orthodox Church as being a bit smaller, and the other churches as still smaller libraries.
Similarly the churches, as is the case with the libraries, are not equal because they do not always possess all the means of salvation given by Christ. Nonetheless, the members of all religions are equal in that they are all persons created by God. It is somewhat similar with the libraries: although in the smallest, one can find precious books, but the libraries themselves are not equal by reason of the quantity of volumes that each possesses. Nonetheless, the people who borrow the books from the libraries are all equal from the standpoint of their human dignity.
Thus the Council expresses, on the one hand, its conviction that the Church of Christ subsists in its fullness in the Catholic Church. On the other hand, the Council perceives and appreciates the numerous elements of sanctification and truth which belong uniquely to the Church of Christ but are, nonetheless, found in the non-Catholic churches.
What comes from Christ and the Holy Spirit sanctifies and saves
The Council declares that all the elements of sanctification and of truth, including those found outside the Catholic Church insofar as they come from Christ and the Holy Spirit, lead to sanctification and to salvation. In fact, the decree Unitatis redintegratio 3 explains: “Moreover some, even very many, of the most significant elements and endowments which together go to build up and give life to the Church itself, can exist outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church: the written Word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope and charity, along with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements. All of these, which come from Christ and lead back to Him, belong by right to the One Church of Christ.
“The brethren divided from us also carry out many liturgical actions of the Christian religion. In ways that vary according to the condition of each church or community, these liturgical actions most certainly can truly engender a life of grace and, one must say, can aptly give access to the communion of salvation.”
One might explain the Conciliar teaching thus: in the small libraries many books are missing. Nonetheless, those found there can be well utilized: they can be borrowed and read profitably.
Good elements but also distortions
The Council doctrine cited above is very optimistic because it recognizes elements of the one unique Church of Christ in all churches and ecclesiastical communities. Unfortunately, there remains another side of the problem of which the Council is well aware. Certain means of salvation are missing to varying degrees in non-Catholic churches, such as ordination and the sacrament of penance; their veneration of the Virgin Mary and the saints is fragmented; and all the non-Catholic churches have rejected the very precious gift offered by Christ to His Church to protect their unity and faith and the truth: the ministry of the Bishop of Rome.
Citing once again the example of the libraries, one could say that certain churches are like libraries that have been damaged by fire that has not completely destroyed them but has burned completely, or at least partially, many books. It is necessary, thus, to replace the ruined books because it does no good to loan them out: they are unreadable.
The Conciliar doctrine on the Church of Christ which subsists in the churches shows the road toward true ecumenism and indicates several practical steps noted in Unitatis redintegratio, 5-12. Let us examine them and compare them with what is brought out in the messages transmitted by Mrs. Vassula Ryden.
The Council and the True Life in God messages show us a unity which can be brought about by conversion, love, and a humility that respects the dignity and the equality of the other. It is a unity created by all the good which comes from Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is based on truth that is respected and never rejected.
Unity by sincere conversion
“There can be no ecumenism worthy of the name without interior conversion,” declares Unitatis redintegratio, 7. Indeed, unity must be authentic; it cannot be reduced to a signature on an agreement- to a declaration which touches neither the heart nor the spirit.
Unity must, therefore, originate first of all in the hearts of men turned with love and esteem toward each brother and sister in Christ. For this reason, the Council speaks firstly of spiritual ecumenism which comes about through a change of mentality by conversion, holiness of life and by prayer. “This change of heart and holiness of life, along with public and private prayer for the unity of Christians, should be regarded as the soul of the whole ecumenical movement and merits the name, ‘spiritual ecumenism”‘ (Unitatis redintegratio, 8). This spiritual ecumenism is thus produced in the heart. It manifests itself in love, respect for the other person and in profound and sincere conversion.
The message of Jesus given through Vassula also speaks to us of a “spiritual” ecumenism which begins in the heart of man. Here are some examples:
September 23, 1991:
“The Kingdom of God is love, peace, unity and faith in the heart. It is the Lord’s Church united in one inside your heart…. I implore My children to unite in heart and voice and rebuild My Son’s primitive Church in their heart. I am saying My Son’s primitive Church, since that Church was constructed on love, simplicity, humility and faith. I do not mean for you to reconstruct a new edifice, I mean for you to reconstruct an edifice inside your heart. I mean for you to knock down the old bricks inside your heart-bricks of disuruon, intolerance, unfaithfulness, unforgiveness, lack of love, and to reconstruct My Son’s Church by reconciling. You need intense poverty of the spirit and an overflow of wealth of generosity…”
October 13,1991:
“The real Christian is the one who is inwardly a Christian, and the real unity is and will be in the heart. Unity will not be of the letter but of the spirit.”
October 14, 1992:
“Unity will be in your heart…and not by signed treaty.”
Love and humility create unity
Lack of love, pride and rigidity cause division. In contrast, complete love, gentleness and humility lead the Church and humanity toward perfect unity. Vatican Council II reminds us by emphasizing the importance of humility. “We should therefore pray to the Holy Spirit for the grace to be genuinely self-denying, humble, gentle in the service of others and to have an attitude of brotherly generosity toward them.” (Unitatis redintegratio 7).
The singular importance of humility for unity of the Church is enhanced also in messages of True Life in God which could be considered the perfect commentary on the conciliar decrees.
“Humility with love is the key to unity: Love and Humility will be the other key for Unity. Take those keys and use them, use them My beloved and be one, be One Holy People.” (T.L.I.G., August 9, 1989).
Humility rejects pride and rigidity born of excessive ambition. It bends man to become the servant of those around him. It is thus that unity must be built:
“Not until you understand that you will have to bend, will you be able to unite.” (T.L.I.G., September 23, 1991).
“Blessed are those who do not differentiate themselves under My Holy Name, but show their unity through their humility and love. They shall be called Pillars and Foundation of God’s sanctuary.”(T.L.I.G., April 14, 1991; cf. August 4, 1991).
“So long as you do not reconcile in humility with each other and love one another as I love you, your separation will remain.” (March 27, 1992)
“…I am one, yet each one of them made a Christ of their own. I am the Head of My Body, yet all I see are their heads, not Mine. Tell them to lower their heads and the will see Mine, tell them to lower themselves so that I may be able to lift them to Me.” (T.L.I.G., October 7, 1991)
Recognize the equality and dignity of all
Although born into different religions, all men belong to God who created the soul of each one consciously, directly and with love. “All men are endowed with a rational soul and are created in God’s image; they have the same nature and origin. Being redeemed by Christ, they enjoy the same divine calling and destiny; there is here a basic equality between all men and it must be given ever greater recognition.” (Gaudium et spes 29.1)
Unless one recognizes this equality, it is impossible to construct an authentic unity of the Church. Thus therefore, in each Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic it is necessary to see first of all their human dignity: of the creature who comes from God and who belongs to Him. This fundamental truth one finds in the messages of Christ written by Mrs. Vassula Ryden:
“Orthodox! Catholics! Protestants! You all belong to Me! You are all One in My Eyes! I do not make any distinction…”(T.L.I.G., October 27, 1987)
“Tell Me, are you not all alike, made by My Own hands?… Who has not been made according to the likeness of My Image?… Many of them talk of unity and brotherhood but their words are fallacious, void.”(T.L.I.G., November 25, 1991)
We are ‘one’ in the eyes of God who loves equally the people of all religions, and this is why we must respect them also if we are to have a unified church.
There is yet another reason for the equality of all Christians emphasized by the Council; that is baptism. “Baptism, therefore, constitutes the sacramental bond of unity existing among all through it are reborn.” (Unitatis redintegratio, 22).
Thanks to baptism, communities-Catholic as well as non-Catholic-constitute the real Mystical Body of Christ; that is to say, the Church of Christ. For this reason, in the message given through Vassula, Jesus declares to us on the subject of Christian communities:
“All are the same in My Eyes”(October 27,1987).
From the expression “the same” one could understand that they are the same mystical body of Christ which is torn and divided by people and is still often deprived of the necessary means given by Christ for Its development.
The context of the writings of Vassula indicates that certain communities or denominations are “the same” and “alike” in that they are part of the mystical body of Christ. But they have splintered throughout history, often thereby becoming impoverished in rejecting part of the truth and certain means of salvation given by Christ to His Church. They are like the libraries which, while still remaining libraries, allow a part of their books to be destroyed.
Appreciate and share the gifts of God
The Council recalls “moreover, some, even very many of the most significant elements and endowments which together go to build up and to give life to the Church itself, can exist outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church…” (Unitatis redintegratio, 3). Since the elements of the truth, of endowments coming from Christ and the Holy Spirit build up and give life to the Church, they must be shared. The dogmatic constitution (Lumen Gentium, 15) mentions certain of the values present in non-Catholic churches: veneration of Holy Scripture; religious zeal; faith and love for Almighty God the Father and for Christ, the Son of God, our Saviour; the grace of baptism; prayer, the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit; and witnessing to the point of shedding one’s blood. Paragraph 15 of Unitatis redintegratio enumerates values which can be found in the Eastern Churches: the true sacraments, above all the Eucharist, the veneration of Mary, Ever Virgin, and of the saints; the riches of spiritual traditions which are expressed above all by the monastic life, the liturgical patrimony, etc.
The Council not only points to the workings of the Holy Spirit which operates in the sister Churches but, furthermore, counsels Catholics to draw profit from them. “Therefore, it is earnestly recommended that Catholics avail themselves more often of the spiritual riches of the Eastern Fathers which lift up the whole man to the contemplation of divine mysteries (Unitatis redintegratio 15)
Thus, according to Vatican II, it is very useful for the unity of the Church to recognize and to share all of whatever comes from Christ and the Holy Spirit within or from outside the Catholic Church. However, it is necessary to share only the works of God, because those which have been deformed by man are no longer capable of personal enrichment.
One finds the same path to unity – by mutual enrichment and sharing – in the True Life in God message. Jesus says:
“Unity, My Child, is to give to each other your riches.” (T.L.I.G., April 13, 1991)
By His messages, Jesus reveals to Vassula, an Orthodox, the riches found in the Catholic Church. He counsels her to accept these riches and to profit from them.
Indeed, Jesus asks her to practice that which is not to be found in her Orthodox Church: the Way of the Cross (for example, T.L.I.G., May 29, 1987), the Rosary (for example, T.L.I.G., December 28, 1987); veneration of His Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of His Mother (for example, T.L.I.G., January 25, 1988).
Jesus desires that through Vassula’s example, all Christians will profit from the spiritual benefits found in the Catholic Church. For instance, meditating on the Way of the Cross as a source of grace for everyone.
“…You are to transmit and show how to do the Stations of My Cross (the way it pleases your Lord) to all those who bear witness for me.”
“All Christians, Lord ? “
“Yes, to all those who love Me. I the Lord do not want any divisions in My Church.”(T. L. L G., March 19, 1988)
In the same way the Rosary can spiritually enrich every Christian. That is why Jesus says to Vassula:
“…for my sake, Vassula, will you learn the Rosary? Hail My Mother at all times-will you do this for Me, Vassula?”
“Lord I have never been taught.”
“Do I not know this Vassula, this is why I come to teach you and all those who never heard the Rosary.”
Yes Lord, I am willing to learn, Lord-help me learn.
“This is what I desire to hear from all of you who do not know; the same words: “Yes Lord, I am willing to learn, help me learn.”(December 28, 1987)
In teaching Vassula the devotion to His Sacred Heart, Jesus wants to fill her-and also all who will follow her example-with graces, with joy and with peace: “…come and abide in My Sacred Heart, where in its depths you will find peace and will feel My ardent Love I have for all of you. You will be able to tell them of My love for them. (January 24, 1987)
Jesus is anxious that pastors, in the communities for which they are responsible, not reject any means which could help to better comprehend His incomprehensible love; and since that is not always the case, He gives notice that:
“My Church I will clean; I will sweep away all those that obstruct the way to divine love and…My Sacred Heart.”(T.L.I.G., December 2, 1987)
“…it is Love speaking to a hostile world; it is Love knocking on every locked door; it is Love calling from the other side of the wall separating us, built up by My enemies; it is Love pleading as a beggar for a return of Love…a smile…a regret…a sigh. It is I, the Sacred Heart. I come once more to revive this dying flame in your heart into a consuming fire of tenderness and love. I descend to outpour lavishly all the treasures of My Heart on you humanity and give light to those who live in darkness and the shadow of death….Ah, creation! What will I not do for you?”(T.L.I.G., September 12, 1990)
The messages received by Vassula bring out not only the forms of prayer and devotions known in the Catholic Church, but above all the truths of the faith forgotten or else rejected by non-Catholics and, unfortunately, by many Catholics of our day.
Among the truths rejected are those of the primacy and infallibility of the Pope. This is why in the message of March 18, 1991, the Blessed Virgin Mary reminds all Catholics and non-Catholics that it is necessary to be in union with and cooperate with the Bishop of Rome: “Every priest has been given the grace by God to act and represent My Son, and so I pray for those who are not yet submitting humbly to the Vicar of the Church to submit and be willing. Jesus is faithful and true. (T.L.I.G., March 18, 1991)
The message of True Life in God recalls at several junctures the necessity to unify the Church around the Pope. This is one of the major themes of the writings (for example: T.L.I.G., December 12, 1987; May 5, 1988; May 16, 1988; June 3, 1988; June 4, 1988; June 21, 1988; November 8, 1988; December 3, 1988; February 9, 1989; March 17, I993, etc.)
The messages given to Vassula recall not only the role of the Bishop of Rome but also other truths and traditions forgotten not only by non-Catholic churches but also by many Catholics today. These lost values are above all:
– faith in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist (for example: T.L.I.G., June 3, 1989; April 13, 1991);
– faith in the Perpetual Eucharistic Sacrifice of Christ (for example: T.L.I.G., January 30, 1989; October 22, 1990; May 2, 1991; June 2, 1991; June 6,1991; July 16, 1991; November 25, 1991; April 19, 1992; May 27, 1993; June 1, 1993; December 13, 1993; December 20, 1993; December 22, 1993; August 23, 1994; October 14, 1994; October 24, 1994);
– the value of frequent sacramental confession (for example: February 15, 1987; November 3, 1990; March 20, 1991);
– veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary (for example: December 12, 1987; December 22, 1987) and of the saints (for example: September 27, 1987);
– the efficacy of using images and statues representing God and the saints (for example: October 26, 1987; August 6, 1988)
Thus, the messages received by Vassula encourage her to accept not only some precious prayers and devotions but again, all the doctrine entrusted to the Catholic Church, including the primacy of the Pope.
However, Jesus does not oblige Vassula to break with uniquely Orthodox liturgy and prayers. On the contrary, He asks her to make known to other Christians that which is most precious in her Orthodox Church. As an example, Jesus asks Vassula teach the non-Orthodox the Orthodox Rosary called the “Prayer of Jesus”:
“Ask Me every day, ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner’. Daughter, teach your brothers this prayer…”(T.L.I.G., January 18, 1990)
Thus, the unity proclaimed by True Life in God is to appreciate all the existing inspirations of the Holy Spirit in the churches and to share these values for mutual enrichment.
This concept of unity is identical to that of Vatican II. The conciliar decree on ecumenism, (Unitatis redintegratio, 16) says that unity of the Church does not require renouncing the diversity of liturgies, prayers, customs and dress. “To remove all shadow of doubt, then, this Holy Synod solemnly declares that the Churches of the East, while keeping in mind the necessary unity of the whole Church, have the power to govern themselves according to their own disciplines, since these are better suited to the character of their faithful and better adapted to foster the good of souls.” (Unitatis redintegratio, 16).
Furthermore, the Council emphasizes that a certain diversity created by the Holy Spirit constitutes a richness for the Church: “far from being an obstacle to the Church’s unity, such diversity of customs and observances only adds to her beauty and contributes greatly to carrying out her mission.” (Unitatis redintegratio, 16).
Never reject any truth, but accept it completely
While calling for respect of all Christian churches and the works of the Holy Spirit found in them, the Council does not ignore the differences which divide these communities. It is above all a matter of different interpretations of the revealed truth. Indeed, in speaking of the Protestant churches, the document Unitatis redintegratio declares:
“We are indeed aware that there exist considerable differences from the doctrine of the Catholic Church even concerning Christ’s Word of God made flesh and the work of redemption, and thus, concerning the mystery and ministry of the Church and the role of Mary in the work of salvation.” (Unitatis redintegratio, 20).
One cannot unite the Church by distancing it from the Truth of Christ, but on the contrary, by drawing closer to it. In the domain of truth no concession is admissible: it must be loved and sought after as the Council reminds us:
“Furthermore, in ecumenical dialogue, Catholic theologians standing fast by the teaching of the Church yet searching together with separated brethren into the divine mysteries should do so with love for the truth, with charity, and with humility.” (Unitatis redintegratio, 11).
Thus, unity of the Church is built on the acceptance of the entire truth given by God. This is a thesis of the Council and, at the same time, of the message of True Life in God which can be considered as an urgent appeal to the faithful to follow the truth-a call that is addressed as much to non-Catholics as to present-day Catholics.
“Always defend to death the truth” says Jesus, not only to Vassula, but to each of His disciples (T.L.I.G., September 23, 1991).
In these messages there is nothing of the false ecumenism which would seek to unite Christians by rejecting a part of the truth because it displeases one church; for example, the unique role of Mary in the work of redemption, or that of the Pope in the Church. One could compare a false ecumenism to an absurd situation in which libraries wanting to become completely alike would destroy their most precious books of which the other libraries had been deprived or else it would send copies of the books which have been totally destroyed and charred by the fire in order to “enrich” the other libraries. Hence, false ecumenism proposes unity by the exchange of that which is least good and precious in the Church, for example a lack of respect for the Blessed Virgin. It is ready to sacrifice truth and even the commandments of God in order to overcome differences between the churches. This is inadmissable: one cannot transmit to others errors and distortions that arose during centuries of human meanness.
There is not a trace of this false ecumenism in the writings of Vassula which call for an acceptance of the whole truth without rejecting any part of it. As an example of this attitude, one could cite a stern dialogue of Jesus with Vassula on the subject of Protestants who reject the royal dignity of the Blessed Virgin and the ministry of the Pope.
“My God, the Protestants will be shocked!” says Vassula.
Jesus answers: “Vassula, I have been waiting years for them to change, now leave Me free to write down My desires. (…) listen, can one hear Me only when it is convenient for him, then shut his ears when what I say does not suit him?(…) I have come to unite you all. Would any disciple of Mine deny My appeal?”
“No, not if they are sincere, Lord.”
“By this statement you gave Me hangs all that there is to say; ‘if they are sincere’ then they will listen. I come to shine on you all and enlighten you to be able to unite you, but to My great sorrow there will be those who would prefer darkness to the light because their deeds are evil. They would refuse to come under My Light for fear of exposing their deeds, but My devoted ones and those that sincerely acknowledge My Works and follow Me will come under My Light exposing without fear their deeds, because they will show that what they do is done in Me, their God. I have said that if you make My Word your home, you will indeed be my disciples; you will learn the Truth and the Truth will make you free.”(December 23, 1987).
This dialogue makes clear that unity of the Church will not be realized by rejection of the truth nor by “diplomacy” which avoids speaking of differences, but rather by a sincere openness to all the truth of the Gospel. The whole truth must be accepted for perfect unity of the Church, not only that of the Holy Trinity of Christ Our Saviour, but also that of His Real Presence in the Eucharist, His Perpetual Sacrifice; of the special role confided to the Blessed Virgin Mary by God; of the primacy and infallibility of the Pope; of frequent personal confession, etc.
Thus, unity of the Church requires acceptance of the whole truth by all: if a Catholic or a non-Catholic rejects it, it is a betrayal. Errors, rationalism and moral relativism must be rejected to the same degree by all believers in Christ.
Accept the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
The Council teaches that ecumenical efforts must culminate in full Eucharistic communion. “The results will be that, little by little, as the obstacles to perfect ecclesiastical communion are overcome, all Christians will be gathered, in a common celebration of the Eucharist, into the unity of the one and only church… (Unitatis redintegratio, 4).
Unfortunately, there are certain obstacles at present impeding the way toward a perfect community of all Christians around one Eucharistic table. Among these obstacles is the false doctrine which denies the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and which rejects His Perpetual Sacrifice. These obstacles must be overcome by prayer and ecumenical dialogue.
The message transmitted by Vassula also shows the importance of the Eucharist. It is paramount for unity to recognize the Real Presence in the Eucharist of He who wishes us to unite around Him.
“My Sacred Heart is calling you all to come to Me in holiness. Lean on Me and I shall guide you to My tabernacle, where I am waiting for you day and night. I am offering Myself every day. Come, come and receive Me in holiness and in purity; do not offend Me. Be pure and holy when you receive Me; recollect yourselves and recognize My Living Presence in the little white host, let Me feel your holiness and purity.”(T.L.I.G., June 3, 1989; cf. April 13, 1991; October 14, 1991).
Believe in the Eucharistic Sacrifice
Another truth which must be accepted by all Christians is that during the Eucharistic celebration Christ’s unique sacrifice on Calvary is brought into the present. Unfortunately, this truth -heretofore always taught by the Catholic Church – is denied not only by some non-Catholic churches, but also by certain Catholic theologians.
For this reason, Jesus reminds us in the message of November 25, 1991: “The greatness of My Church exceeded everything and every living creature because the Eucharist made the life of My Church. If My Church today lacks brightness it is because many of My Churches have abolished My Perpetual Sacrifice.”
Full unity of the Church will be realized the day when all peoples gather around Jesus really present in the Eucharist and around His unique salvific sacrifice:
“the nations shall then speak one language and all of them shall worship Me around One Single Tabernacle, this One of the Sacrificial Lamb, this One of the Perpetual Sacrifice that My enemies are trying to abolish and replace by their disastrous abomination.”(T.L.I.G., May 2, 1991) (Daniel 11:31)
The disastrous abomination is at once the work of Satan and of men who allow themselves to be led by him. This abomination is among other things the lack of faith in Christ really present in the Eucharist and in His Perpetual Sacrifice which saves generations of every epoch. The disastrous abomination is again the absence of the spiritual sacrifice in the temple of our hearts. There the filial attitude of obedience to the will of God-which constitutes the essential element of every spiritual offering-is more and more replaced by rebellion, disobedience and unbelief. Thus it is nothing less than a disastrous abomination when the Eucharist is put off to the side in our lives and the sacrificial attitude dies in the temples of the hearts of men.
“The disastrous abomination is the spirit of Rebellion that claims to be My equal. It is the spirit of evil that enthroned itself in My sanctuary taking the place of My Perpetual Sacrifice, turning your generation Godless. It is the spirit of rationalism and naturalism that led most of you into atheism, this is the spirit that makes you believe you are selfsufficient and that you can achieve everything by your own efforts and by your own strength. This disastrous abomination turned you into a waterless country of drought, a desert. My Perpetual Sacrifice you have abolished from within you because you have lost your faith generation.”(T.L.I.G., June 6, 1991)
Recognize the special role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the work of salvation
Fidelity to the truth-so important for the perfect unity of the church-requires recognition of the singular role confided to the Blessed Virgin by God himself in salvation history.
The decree Unitatis redintegratio of Vatican II declares with joy that in the Eastern Churches the Blessed Virgin is venerated; that she is “paid high tribute, in beautiful hymns of praise” (15). In speaking of Protestants, the Council declares the divergence between them and the Catholic Church regarding the role of the Holy Virgin in the work of salvation (cf. Unitatis redintegratio, 20).
Certainly, perfect unity in love and in truth demands the recognition of all the salvific duties confided by God in His love to Mary and all the special graces that She has received. All believers must also unite in veneration of the Blessed Virgin.
This necessity is very strongly emphasized in the message given to Vassula. Indeed Jesus insists: “My Mother’s Immaculate Heart is united to Mine. I desire from each one of you the devotion Her Immaculate Heart deserves. You see, daughter, how our Divine Hearts are covered by thorns from men who only show Us ingratitude, sacrilege, lack of love-it is the whole of their sins. Vassula, I who am the Word, love and respect Her. I desire you to approach My Mother and honour her as I honour her. I desire that every knee bend, honouring her, I desire you to pray the Rosary and Hail your Holy Mother. I want you to repair your sins; asking her to teach you.”(January 25, 1988)
Jesus who loves and respects his mother Himself gives the example to all believers-not only to Catholics-of how to love and respect her. In the name of truth one cannot diminish the grandeur of the one chosen by the Heavenly Father Himself who entrusted to Her without the slightest hesitation His well-beloved Son. He knew She would not disappoint Him. And indeed it was so.
Remain in unity with the Pope
True Life in God reminds us that perfect unity of the Church can only be realized around the Pope. This truth is repeated courageously at many points throughout the writings of Vassula. With courage because the primacy and the infallibility of the Bishop of Rome is among those truths which have very little popularity, not only among Orthodox and Protestant, but lately also among many Catholics, even theologians, who dispute it.
Jesus therefore says in some of His messages: “Purify yourselves, repent. Obey the Vicar of My Church, John Paul II, who never fails you, but whom you push aside and ignore. All you who are still scoffing at Him are weighing ever so heavily on My Sacred Heart…”(T.L.I.G., June 1, 1989)
“I come to unite My Church; I come to remind you to whom I, the Lord, have given the Authority and the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.”(T.L.I.G., May 23, 1988; cf. March 19, 1988; February 9, 1989)
Purify yourself often in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Council reminds us that divisions in the Church were often due to the errors of men on both sides (Unitatis redintegratio, 3). Again today, lack of love and pride divide the Church, or at least slow down the process of unity. For this reason, all Christians must be always conscious of their sins and not those of others. This is why the Council reminds us: “The testimony of St. John the Evangelist can also be applied to sins against unity: ‘if we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us’ (1 John 1:10). Thus, in humble prayer we beg pardon of God and of our separated brethren, just as we forgive them that offend us.” (Unitatis redintegratio, 7)
Consequently, if one wishes to unite the Church, purification by sincere repentance and sacramental confession is necessary. Unfortunately, the sacrament of penance is not accepted, not only by Protestants, but in our day by many Catholics. Less and less advantage is taken of this sacrament by which Jesus frees us from our sins, purifies and unites us with the Father and the Church. It is only through this sacrament that unity of the Church is to be realized.
The messages transmitted by Vassula remind us of this sacrament so forgotten and neglected and of the necessity for frequent individual confession.
Jesus says: “I have given you confessors; when My beloved ones you are confessing to him, you are only confessing to Me-it is to Me you are confessing”(T.L.I.G., September 29, 1988).
“Be constant in your confessions little children; to be able to come and receive Me in the Holy Eucharist as often as you can. Fast on bread and water two days a week to make reparations and sacrifice.”(T.L.I.G., August 2, 1991)
“When you come to me make sure before how you will receive Me. Examine yourselves, recollect yourselves. Honour Me fully by repenting and often confessing.”(T.L.I.G., September 29, 1988)
“Alas for him who offends Me by refusing confession and absolution and comes to receive My Son guilty! Repent! Repent for your sins!”(T.L.I.G., March 20, 1991)
A sincere dialogue
Thus-according to Vatican Council II and True Life in God-unity of the Church can be realized through profound change of heart by men who begin to love sincerely. Another requirement of authentic unity is absolute fidelity to the truth, even to that which is no longer popular. One can achieve unity in following the path of love of God, of men, and of truth.
This love is indispensable when one engages in the ecumenical dialogue which according to Vatican II is very important for unity. Besides conversion, love, humility, mutual respect and communal prayer, this dialogue can be considered the most important means toward unity. Its goal is better mutual awareness and rediscovery of what Christ is really transmitting to His Church. (cf. Unitatis redintegratio, 4)
This dialogue leads toward unity but on condition that it is sincere, profound and with an increasingly ardent and authentic desire for unity. Otherwise, it will degenerate into endless discussions, polemics, quarrels or polite conversation without meaningful results. The messages through Vassula warn against such a fruitless dialogue. Jesus says:
“I am weary of hearing their noble language; perhaps it is suitable and eloquent for them, but to Me it sounds like a stroke on a gong because it is empty with emptiness. I have come to talk to them-first out of concern, then out of pity; but no one yet to this day has lowered his voice to hear My Voice. Alas for you who say you are at My service yet prevent My Kingdom from finding unity and stability!”(T.L.I.G., December 21, 1992)
“Go from country to country and tell those who speak of unity yet never cease to think the contrary and continue to live the contrary that their division has separated My Heart from theirs.”(October 7, 1991)
A common date of Easter
For different reasons it is still not possible for all Christians to celebrate the Eucharist together. This is why the Council advises us to unify at every level where it is possible: in action and above all, in common prayer. For all Christians to celebrate on the same day the Mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ would be an important sign of unity. Unfortunately, until now, Catholics and Orthodox have not established a common date for Easter.
The Council strongly desires unity in the celebration of the Paschal Mystery. The Conciliar decree Orientalium Ecclesiarum expresses this desire: “Until all Christians agree, as is hoped, on one day for the celebration of Easter by all, in the meantime as a means of fostering unity among Christians who live in the same area or country, it is left to the patriarchs or to the supreme ecclesiastical authorities of the place to consult all parties involved and so come to unanimous agreement to celebrate the feast of Easter on the same Sunday.” (20) In the True Life in God messages an accord between Orthodox and Catholics on a common date of Easter appears to be a very important thing. Indeed, Jesus complains:
“Will I, brother, one more season go through the pain I have been going through year after year? Or will you give Me rest this time? Am I going to drink one more season the cup of your division? Or will you rest My Body and unify for My Sake the Feast of Easter? In unifying the date of Easter, you will alleviate My pain, brother, and you will rejoice in Me and I in you, and I will have the sight of many restored.”(T.L.I.G., October 14, 1991)
Unifying the date of Easter would express good will and a sincere desire for unity because there are no doctrinal reasons which impede celebrating at the same time the death and the resurrection of our Lord. On the contrary, from a theological point of view, it is the simplest thing and but, alas, up to the present has not succeeded! It is probably for this reason that the plea of Jesus is so dramatic:
“Am I, Father, to drink one more season of the cup of their division or will they at least unify the Feast of Easter, alleviating part of My pain and sorrow?”(T.L.I.G., October 25, 1991)
“When will they all pass a decree by unanimous vote to celebrate the Feast of Easter all on one date?”(December 21, 1992)
“…pray for the urufication of the dates of Easter.”(April 8, 1993)
Unity will survive
The Council, fully cognizant of the difficulties attached to ecumenism, fully believes in the future unity of the Church which will, however, be the work of the Holy Trinity. “It therefore places its hope entirely in the prayer of Christ for the Church, in the love of the Father for us, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Unitatis redintegratio, 24) One finds this same hope also in the writings of Mrs. Ryden: we must journey toward imminent uruon by our conversion, love, humility and prayer, but it will be achieved by Christ and the Holy Spirit.
“My beloved ones, the day is near when every vision will come true, every vision will soon be fulfilled and in your own lifetime, too. So open your hearts and try to understand why My Spirit of Grace is poured on this generation so generously. The Day is drawing near, when all generations shall be one, under one Shepherd, around one Holy Tabernacle and I, the Lord, shall be unique for them. So pray My beloved ones, pray for this unity which I, the Lord, am in full preparation for.”(T.L.I.G., June 19, 1989)
“Let Me tell you once more that My Body I will glorify and unite.”(October 18, 1987)
The vision of the three bars also shows that unity will be accomplished by the power from on high. Thus, Jesus says to Vassula:
“Draw three iron bars with a head on the top. These represent the Roman Catholics, the Orthodox and the Protestants. I want them to bend and unite but these iron bars are still very stiff and cannot bend on their own, so I shall have to come to them with My fire and with the power of My flame upon them they shall turn soft to bend and mold into one solid iron bar, and My Glory will fill the whole earth.” (T.L.I.G., October 26, 1989) “This is how My Spirit will unite every single one of you in the end and everyone will believe it was the Father who sent Me, everyone will recognize Me as the sacrificial lamb.”(May 30, 1993)
Analysis of Vatican II documents and of the writings of Vassula Ryden imposes the following conclusion: there is a perfect concordance between the two in their teaching on unity. However, the difference in style and in the ideas used exclude any hypothesis that Vassula took advantage of the documents of the Second Vatican Council. This concordance can only be explained, therefore, by its coming from the same Person who influenced the Fathers of the Council and Vassula Ryden. One could say that we see the same principal Author of the Conciliar documents and of the writings of Vassula.
The teaching on the unity of the Church which emerges from the writings of Mrs. Ryden is identical to that of Vatican II. Hence, those who impute to her a “pan-Christiari’ unity thereby prove that they are not at all familiar with her writings.
There is also a moral aspect to the accusations against the teachings of Mrs. Ryden. Anyone who accuses her of a doctrine on uruty that is contrary to the teaching of the Church is telling a lie and spreading calumny. Consequently, if one wishes to be faithful to Christ-he must do justice and rectify the wrong done not only to her, but also to the work of unity so much desired by Jesus and by Vatican II.
“This Sacred Council firmly hopes that the initiatives of the sons of the Catholic Church, joined with those of the separated brethren, will go forward, without obstructing the ways of divine providence, and without pre-judging the future inspirations of the Holy Spirit.” (Unitatis redintegratio, 24) This desire of the Council at the same time sounds a warning to those who through their thoughtlessness and imprudent zeal cause harm to the progress toward unity (cf. Unitatis redintegratio, 24).
The author of this article, Father Doctor Michael Kaszowski, received his doctorate from the Catholic University of Louvain and has taught dogmatic theology at the Archdiocesan Seminary of Katowice, Poland for the past 20 years. He has written several books of a pastoral nature, including works on deepening the faith among children and youth. As the editor of the Polish edition of True Life in God, he knows the messages in depth. He is an firmly orthodox theologian of stature who has consistently affirmed that there is no trace of error found in the writings of Vassula. He has expressed this conclusion in two prefaces and in a defense of Vassula which appear in the Polish edition. An article he wrote on private revelations is reprinted in volume 8 of the original handwriting edition of True Life in God.
Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi
Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi
Rhodos, September 2012
Dit is een transcriptie van een 12 minuten durend interview dat ter beschikking is gesteld door Waar Leven in God Radio
Mijn naam is Eerwaarde Joseph Leo Iannuzzi, afkomstig uit Rome, Italië, waar ik de afgelopen eenentwintig jaar heb gestudeerd, dit afwisselend met pastorale opdrachten in het buitenland. Onlangs heb ik een doctoraalscriptie afgerond aan de Pontificale Universiteit in Rome, getiteld: “De Werking van de Goddelijke en Menselijke Wil in de Geschriften van de Dienares van God, Luisa Piccarreta – een Onderzoek naar de Vroege Oecumenische Concilies en de Patristische en Scholastieke Theologie”. Ik ben hier om te spreken over het belang van de Waar Leven in God Boodschappen zoals gedicteerd door Onze Heer aan zijn schriftgeleerde, Vassula Rydén.
Waarom zijn deze boodschappen belangrijk? Omdat de ene openbare openbaring die Christus aan zijn apostelen verkondigde en die zijn apostelen aan ons doorgaven (kerygma ton apostolon) voortdurend wordt uitgelegd door de Heilige Geest die Christus beloofde ons te zenden, zodat we tot de kennis van “de hele waarheid” kunnen komen. Voordat Hij deze wereld verliet, zei Jezus tegen zijn discipelen: “Nog veel heb Ik u te zeggen, maar gij kunt het nu niet verdragen. Wanneer Hij echter komt, de Geest der waarheid, zal Hij jullie de volle waarheid brengen” (Joh. 16:12). Onder deze “dingen” die Jezus niet aan zijn discipelen vertelde zijn de onderrichtingen van de WLIG-boodschappen, die de Heilige Geest van waarheid aan Vassula blijft uitleggen. Hoewel dergelijke WLIG-boodschappen over eenheid, liefde, barmhartigheid, intimiteit met de Drie-eenheid en een heilige vrees voor God in de Heilige Schrift worden geïmpliceerd, worden ze in de boodschappen van Vassula toegelicht.
We vinden in de Heilige Schrift dat als alles wat Christus heeft gezegd in de Schrift zou staan, er niet genoeg bibliotheken op aarde zouden zijn om al zijn onderrichtingen te bevatten (Joh. 21,25) – om daarmee te suggereren dat hoewel Christus ons alles gaf wat we nodig hebben voor verlossing en heiligheid, niet alles volledig begrepen of volledig “uitgelegd” is. Ik breng hier in herinnering de Catechismus van de Katholieke Kerk waarin het volgende staat: “Er is geen nieuwe publieke openbaring meer te verwachten voor de glorievolle verschijning van onze Heer Jezus Christus”. Toch is de openbaring, ook al is zij voltooid, niet geheel ontvouwd; het zal de taak van het christelijk geloof zijn in de loop der eeuwen geleidelijk de gehele omvang ervan te begrijpen.” (CKK, 66).
In dit artikel ontdekt u de progressieve openbaarmaking (explicatie) van publieke openbaring. Als artikel 66 aan de ene kant stelt dat Jezus ons alles heeft geopenbaard wat we nodig hebben voor verlossing en er geen nieuwe “publieke” openbaring (het Deposito van Geloof) te verwachten is, bevestigt het aan de andere kant dat niet alles in de publieke openbaring van Christus “expliciet” aan ons is geopenbaard!
Kerkelijke documenten van de afgelopen 2000 jaar getuigen verder van de voortdurende, doorlopende openbaarmaking van de openbaring, omdat deze documenten nooit bevestigen dat Gods openbaring met Christus is “geëindigd”, maar eerder dat de publieke openbaring van Christus is “geconstitueerd”. In feite betekent de term geconstitueerd helemaal geen “einde”, maar betekent het dat het fundament van de openbaring voor eens en voor altijd in Christus is gevestigd. Hoewel privé-openbaring nooit de Heilige Schrift kan evenaren, want de Heilige Schrift is voor altijd het onvervangbare en foutloze fundament van ons geloof, staat privé-openbaring de Schrift en zelfs de Traditie bij in hun rol van voortdurende uitleg “in de loop der eeuwen” en door de leiding van de Heilige Geest, van Gods geopenbaarde waarheden. Welnu, het werk van de uitleg van de openbaring door de Geest vindt plaats door de officiële onderwijzende stem van de Kerk (Magisterium) en door het ambt van profeet (bijv. Vassula, door wie de Kerk vandaag de dag privé-openbaringen ontvangt), die Paulus onmiddellijk na het ambt van apostel opsomt: (1 Kor. 12:28).: “God heeft in zijn Kerk ten eerste apostelen aangesteld, ten tweede profeten, ten derde leraars, voorts zijn er wonderkrachten ….” (1 Kor. 12,28).
Om de complementariteit tussen publieke en privé-openbaring beter te begrijpen, laten we het menselijk oogvoorstellen als publieke openbaring en de privé-openbaring als een vergrootglas. Als ik nu met het menselijk oog naar een grasspriet zou kijken, zou ik niet alle nerven in die grasspriet zo nauwkeurig en gedetailleerd zien als met een vergrootglas. Dus publieke openbaring, voorgesteld als het menselijk oog, wordt verduidelijkt en uitgelegd door privé-openbaring, voorgesteld als het vergrootglas. En het is in deze zin dat privé-openbaring aan de menselijke geest die waarheden van Christus onthult die, hoewel ze in de ene publieke openbaring van Christus vervat waren, nooit volledig onthuld of begrepen werden.
Dat privé-openbaringen hebben bijgedragen aan bepaalde doctrinaire formuleringen onder de scholastieke theologen blijkt duidelijk uit de geschriften van de HH. Thomas van Aquino en Bonaventura, die beiden verwezen naar privé-openbaringen bij het postuleren van de instelling van het Sacrament van het Vormsel. Ook de vrouwelijke mystici de HH. Birgitta van Zweden en Catharina van Siena spoorden de ware paus aan om terug te keren van Avignon naar Rome, en raad eens, de paus luisterde naar hen, waarmee ze het belang van privé-openbaringen onderstreepten.
Dit zijn slechts enkele van de vele voorbeelden die ons vertellen waarom de privé-openbaringen van de Kerk – wanneer ze door tientallen theologen en bisschoppen, zoals die van Vassula, zeer gerespecteerd worden – vandaag de dag van zo’n enorme waarde zijn, die de doorgaande en voortdurende ontvouwing van Christus’ publieke openbaring vormen. Hun belang blijkt verder uit de geestelijk verwoestende gevolgen die zouden zijn ontstaan als de Kerk ze had genegeerd: Als de Kerk de privé-openbaringen van de heilige Margaretha Maria had genegeerd, zouden we niet de verzekering van Christus hebben dat we vredig kunnen sterven in de staat van genade met de genade van het laatste berouw (vgl. de 12e belofte van de 1e Vrijdag Devoties); als de Kerk de privé-openbaringen van de H. Faustina had genegeerd, zouden we het Feest van de Goddelijke Barmhartigheid niet hebben, dat een totale kwijtschelding van alle zonden en straffen schenkt; als de Kerk de privé-openbaringen van de Dienares van God Luisa Piccarreta had genegeerd, zouden we de nieuwe mystieke gave aan het “Leven in de Goddelijke Wil” niet hebben.
Zoals in het verleden, zo komt Christus ook vandaag tot ons door zijn profeet Vassula met een boodschap van eenheid. Hij wil dat we ons verenigen onder de ene banier van Jezus Christus. Christus roept ons allemaal op om ons door middel van deze WLIG-boodschappen te verenigen door middel van liefde. Echter, Hij vraagt ons allen om te buigen. Hij herinnert ons eraan dat Hij onze menselijke wil nooit zal breken. Daarom wil Hij dat we uit vrije wil onze wil ombuigen, zodat we voor eenheid kunnen kiezen en zo onze liefde en compassie kunnen samenvoegen om ons te verenigen onder de ene banier van Christus.
Welnu, deze eenheid kleineert op geen enkele manier de onafhankelijke riten van verschillende denominaties van de orthodoxen, van de protestanten of van de katholieken; het respecteert deze riten. Zulke rituelen worden aangemoedigd om te continueren, maar we moeten ons verenigen in ons gemeenschappelijke geloof. Waarom? Omdat Satans dictaat “verdeel en heers” is, terwijl Jezus’ dictaat “verenig en heers” is! Dus door ons te verenigen in één geloof, kunnen we de dreigende ramp afwenden die onze wereld van vandaag en het geloof van onze kinderen bedreigt.
Als we ons verenigen, zullen we meer invloed hebben in de politieke wereld en in de religieuze arena, en ons meer kunnen ontdoen ten behoeve van het tijdperk van vrede dat onze Vrouwe in Fatima voorspelde.
Daarom kunnen we de iconografie van de Oosters-Orthodoxe Kerk, die zij in veel opzichten als een bron van openbaring beschouwen, respecteren en gretig omarmen, evenals hun zeer rijke patrimonium van literatuur over ‘goddelijkheid’ en mystieke vereniging met de Drie-eenheid; we kunnen de Bijbelse bijdragen van de protestanten respecteren en omarmen, evenals hun goed bewaarde charismatische gaven die ons in staat stellen ons geloof te verdiepen en onze in het Vormsel ontvangen gaven te ontwikkelen. Kortom, de katholieken, de orthodoxen, de protestanten, wij allen die in Gods ogen christelijke broeders zijn, worden door de Zoon van God zelf gevraagd om ons NU te verenigen onder de ene banier van Jezus Christus. Zonder superioriteit of inferioriteit toe te kennen aan deze verschillende rollen die we allemaal in de Kerk vervullen, kunnen we nederig erkennen dat we allemaal gelijk zijn in Gods ogen, terwijl we verschillende rollen vervullen. En het enige dat we hoeven te doen is vrijwillig onze menselijke wil ombuigen zodat Gods Goddelijke Wil in ons kan heersen. Er zijn slechts twee dingen voor nodig: intentie en verlangen; we moeten de intentie hebben om ons te verenigen en het verlangen hebben om het te laten gebeuren. Dan zullen we beetje bij beetje beginnen met het vestigen op aarde van het Nieuwe Jeruzalem, de Nieuwe Hemelen en de Nieuwe Aarde.
Gezien het voorgaande kan men gemakkelijk zien dat de boodschappen van Waar Leven in God deel uitmaken van de Bijbelse leerstellingen en tradities van de Kerk. Het zijn boodschappen die niet bedoeld zijn voor duizend jaar geleden, maar voor vandaag! De manier waarop God sprak door zijn apostelen en door zijn profeten, wordt nu gesproken door de boodschappen van Vassula. Laten we God de Vader danken voor deze openbaringen van zijn Zoon Jezus Christus doorheen zijn secretaris van Waar Leven in God, Vassula Rydén, die schrijft onder leiding van de Heilige Geest, en laten we ze ontvangen met een geest van volgzaamheid aan de Geest van de waarheid die vandaag tot zijn Kerk spreekt. Moge God u zegenen.
Eerwaarde J. L. Iannuzzi
Bishop Rodolfo Bertran
Bishop Rodolfo Bertran
On the morning of the following day, Wednesday March 16, Vassula had a meeting with Bishop Rodolfo Beltran DD, the current Chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Ecumenical Affairs of the CBCP, who was rather excited to meet Vassula in-person. Bishop Beltran would have liked to, but was not able to attend the TLIG Pilgrimage in Rome, in October 2015, due to medical reasons. The atmosphere between him and Vassula was pleasant. The discussion with Bishop Beltran focused on Church unity, unity in diversity, and the reinforcing of the Church. Vassula mentioned the recent, sad events of the murdering of Christians, saying: “When they killed the Christians, they did not ask them their denomination. They just asked them ‘are you a Christian?’” She then went on to ask Bishop Beltran: “How do you see complete unity, where one can say that ‘now we are united and one: in full communion?” The bishop replied: “Unity is when we all believe in the Word of God.” May God help us unite so that the triumph of both Jesus’ and our Blessed Mother’s Hearts triumph! It was a pleasant surprise for everyone present to see Bishop Rodolfo Beltran. The Bishop talked about his work as Chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Ecumenical Affairs in the Philippines. The bishop said: “when I was elected, “I did not have much idea about what I’d be doing, but when I started to work and I started to be associated with other people like the leaders of the different denominations in our country, I started to be more interested in it. And when I met also the members of Focolare and True Life in God, I said to myself: Oh, I have a lot of people collaborating with me, journeying together. (…) In my diocese now we have started to go from parish to parish to be able to meet with the leaders and members of different Churches, so that we pray together. And I was more interested and amused when I met this group, this community of TLIG. I know, they are doing a lot, not only in the Philippines, but for the Universal Church… He went on to say that conversions are required and that we should ask the Lord to forgive us, especially for our division, for the sin of division that inflicts wounds on Jesus…”
Father Nobuo Masakawa

Father Nobuo Masakawa
March 12th, 2016 – Fukuoka Retreat
My Seminary Years:
After finishing my philosophy studies, I went into training (novitiate) for a year before going into theology. This was to confirm my decision of giving my life to serving God.
I didn’t have a strong calling, and you could say I was doing it for the wrong reasons since I chose to become a priest because that’s what I wanted to do as I felt attracted to monastic life. Of course I couldn’t write anything about being approached by God like Vassula. It was difficult but I tried really hard to write something.
I could only say that I would be willing to serve in any way and would be even willing to do any miscellaneous or leftover work if they accepted me as a priest.
I started crying and the sound of my cry woke me up. I sat down in my bed, feeling down. I then felt God telling me, “Nobuo, dress yourself with Me rather than with vestments”.
Two months after my ordination, I suddenly had a panic attack. It felt like there was no escape for me and that I was all alone without God. This was mentally agonizing and it was almost like being thrown in hell. I then came to my senses when I realized that God was telling me, “The only thing that can save you is living a life of love”.
Four years later, God allowed me to work with homeless people with a Brother in Kamagasaki.
One time when I was walking around Kamagasaki, I noticed a man being turned away at a shelter because he was drunk. When the Brother saw this, he said, “In this place that we serve, I feel that the 99 sheep in Jesus’ parable represent 99 people who are weak but have friends and are happy. The unhappy lost sheep represents people who live in the misery of isolation with no friends”.
From that time on, we stopped working in shelters and decided to go outside and serve the “one sheep”, the people living in isolation. I started collecting disposed cardboard boxes with a lonesome homeless, pulling a trailer, while the Brother would go and collect old thrown-away furniture. This was how we could earn the friendship of street vendors in the area.
My Spiritual Crisis and Exodus from Kamagasaki:
At that time, I had one problem, and that is not being able to have a personal spiritual director. I could find no spiritual directors around me, among the social activist priests, nor among contemplative prayerful priests who could pour some water into my thirsty soul.
I was so touched by his gentleness that I started to read the messages straightaway and came to feel God’s Holy presence.
In the messages, God was talking directly to me and giving me catechism. I didn’t seriously take all the Sunday school stories, the Sacraments, guardian angels, purgatory, and the teachings of honoring Our Lady when I was a child in Gifu. They were all just stories to me.
Overcoming my crisis:
The Bible was my source of faith; however, my faith was shaken at one point in my seminary years when I read a Bible critique’s comments that claimed that the Bible could give no legitimate foundation for one’s faith.
My level of faith was basically based on the “words of the Apostles” and when I started reading the TLIG messages, I could finally find my true spiritual director in them. All of my anxieties disappeared and I was able to continue my work as a priest.
However, Jesus talks of priests who use the Bible as an excuse to not take any interest in “personal revelations”. He says in the messages, “This is because the Holy Spirit is not working in them”.
My mother’s last words:
I was able to look after my mother when she was dying. I whispered into my mother’s ears, “We will be so sad when you leave us, but I will always live in peace with my brothers”.
Looking back at my life, I see that I have forsaken my parents and have only lived for my own self. However, God has a plan for each one of us from the time when we are created and God patiently waits and looks forward to the day when this plan is fulfilled.
I would now like to say a prayer.
Thank you Lord for being my Spiritual Director, for changing me and helping me find You through the True Life in God messages which You have entrusted to Your apostle, Vassula. I still have a long way to go in my spiritual journey and I ask you Lord to forgive me for all the times I failed you. Please take away all the selfishness in me and pour Your Wisdom into my wretchedness.
Thank you!
Father Nobuo Masakawa
Aartsbisschop Frane Franić
Aartsbisschop Frane Franić
De volgende inleiding door de gepensioneerde Aartsbisschop Frane Franić, de grote voorstander van Medjugorje, werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd in 1993
Maar ik sta aan de kant van Vassula…
Toen ik twee boeken ontving van de visionaire Vassula Rydén, die in het Kroatisch vertaald waren door mevrouw Marija-Dragica Vukić, was ik aangenaam verrast, temeer omdat de vertaling uit het Engels gemaakt was in Belgrado, waar mevrouw Vukić woont. Ze vroeg me een voorwoord te schrijven voor het derde boek dat in het Kroatisch zal verschijnen. Er zijn al vijf delen in het Engels getiteld ‘True Life in God’ (Waar Leven in God) geschreven door Vassula Rydén. Het is mij een groot genoegen om dit voorwoord te schrijven.
Het eerste nieuws dat ik over Vassula hoorde was twee jaar geleden, in 1991, in een Canadees Katholiek tijdschrift, L’Informateur Catholique. Een groot deel van dat nummer was gewijd aan Vassula. Daarna publiceerde het tijdschrift regelmatig informatie over haar. Een goede Katholieke dame die in Canada woont, die zeer geïnteresseerd is in Medjugorje en die regelmatig pelgrimages organiseert, heeft scherpe kritiek geuit op Vassula en beweerd dat er valse theorieën in de boodschappen staan die zij doorgeeft: bijvoorbeeld dat Jezus zichzelf “Eeuwige Vader” van de mensen noemt, alsof Hij zichzelf in alle opzichten identificeert met de Vader en zo het onderscheid tussen de Vader en de Zoon ontkent. Deze toegewijde bewonderaarster van Onze Lieve Vrouw is ook niet blij met de manier waarop Jezus zijn boodschappen doorgeeft via Vassula’s hand; ze ziet dit als een spiritistische overdracht van boodschappen.
Deze criticus van Vassula, over wie ik heb gelezen in de recensie die ik heb genoemd, was mevrouw Darija Klanac, geboren Skunca. Ik had de eer haar te ontmoeten op haar weg als pelgrimageleider van Canada naar Medjugorje. Ze bezocht me in Split, in de Sint-Petrus Co-kathedraal, waar ik sinds 1983 woon. Ik sprak in het Frans met de pelgrims over de vredesboodschappen van Medjugorje. Mevrouw Klanac sprak ook met grote ijver over Onze Lieve Vrouw. Ik was erg blij dat mevrouw Klanac, één van onze Kroaten die in Canada getrouwd was, zo’n goede reputatie had onder de Katholieken van dat land. Later, toen ze problemen had met de recensie die ik heb genoemd omdat ze Vassula ondersteunden, merkte ik met welk respect ze schreven over haar persoonlijkheid, dat wil zeggen, de experts die voor hen werkten. Dit deed me plezier.
Maar ik sta aan de kant van Vassula, vooral omdat ik drie boeken met haar boodschappen in het Italiaans heb gekregen, getiteld Vrede en Liefde. Een groep Italiaanse pelgrims op weg naar Medjugorje stopte in Split en bezocht de Sint Petrus Co-kathedraal. Ze nodigden me uit naar Italië. Dus op 23 september 1992 droeg ik de Heilige Mis op in een grote kerk in Como. De kerk zat vol en daar ontmoette ik Vassula. Voorafgaand aan de Mis gaf ze een getuigenis over haar mystieke ervaringen en boodschappen, die ze met de grootste overtuiging aan Jezus toeschreef. Ik hield de preek over het Evangelie van die dag. Ik sprak over private openbaringen en het belang dat ze hebben voor de Kerk en de wereld van vandaag. Ik heb een paar woorden van steun voor Vassula toegevoegd, maar het finale oordeel aan de Kerk overgelaten. Ik gebruik deze voorzorgsmaatregel altijd als ik in het openbaar over de Medjugorje Boodschappen praat.
Aan de andere kant, als ik privé praat, spreek ik mijn constante overtuiging uit van de echtheid van de verschijningen en boodschappen van Medjugorje; ik vertrouw op de toets van het Evangelie die zegt dat een goede boom herkend kan worden aan goede vruchten. Dit geldt vooral voor religieuze bekeringen, wonderen in de morele orde en, het vaakst, ervaringen in Medjugorje. Dit gebeurt ook doorheen Vassula, die zelf een wonder is, een voorwerp van verwondering. Het is waar dat ze geen wonderen verricht in de fysieke zin van het woord, want ze maakt geen aanspraak op een charisma van genezing.
Ik kreeg persoonlijk een exemplaar van het vierde boek van Vassula’s boodschappen van de vertaler. Ik was verheugd om te zien dat het voorwoord van Fr. René Laurentin, die ik zeer waardeer; ik heb hem vele malen ontmoet in Split op weg van en naar Medjugorje.
Toen ik Vassula’s boeken las, werden mijn eerste indrukken van haar heel erg bevestigd. Haar boodschappen, eigenlijk voor mij de boodschappen van Jezus, zijn levend en authentiek. Deze boodschappen kunnen ons helpen de boodschappen van Jezus in het Evangelie beter te begrijpen, en ons ook helpen deze op een persoonlijke manier te ervaren. Deze moeten altijd de authentieke criteria blijven bij het beoordelen van private boodschappen, bij het herkennen van een gezonde mystieke ervaring. Er zijn altijd mystieke ervaringen geweest in de Kerk en die zullen er ook altijd zijn. Deze moeten we niet minimaliseren, maar we moeten het finale oordeel aan de Kerk overlaten.
Toen ik Vassula ontmoette in Como, op 23 september 1992, had ik het gevoel dat ze werd aangevallen door veel critici; ze schreven laatdunkend over haar. Dit is begrijpelijk omdat Jezus via Vassula een oordeel velt over extremistische theologen van onze tijd, die zich distantiëren van goddelijke openbaringen door een te grote nabijheid tot de wereld. Paus Paulus VI kwam hier kort voor zijn dood achter; hij begon te spreken over de “rook van de duivel” die de Kerk was binnengedrongen en fundamentele waarheden van Gods openbaring had vertroebeld.
Het lijkt mij dat de meer ik begrijp van deze dingen, dat Vassula’s belangrijkste charisma het tonen van de ZUIVERHEID VAN DE INTEGRALE OPENBARING VAN GOD is. Er mag niets aan de Openbaring worden ontnomen, er mag niets aan worden toegevoegd; er mag niet worden toegegeven aan de wereld en aan de toegeeflijke beschaving van onze tijd, die zelfs tot in de Kerk doordringt en wanorde veroorzaakt in haar reddende zending.
Inculturatie is noodzakelijk als basis voor een nieuwe evangelisatie. Dat zegt Paus Johannes Paulus II, in navolging van het Concilie. We moeten culturen respecteren waarin we Gods geopenbaarde waarheden in mensen van alle naties kunnen planten, en deze met liefde versterken, altijd met gepaste aandacht voor menselijke, nationale en sociale rechten, en aandacht voor sociale situaties. Dit is de waarheid; Het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie zegt het; dat geldt ook voor de Pausen van het Concilie en daarna. Maar er is de waarheid die ons vertelt dat Christus en Zijn Woord oordelen over alle culturen, alle menselijke, nationale en sociale rechten. Het zijn daarentegen niet de culturen die Christus oordelen, maar Christus die hen oordeelt. Christus beschermt, bevordert, verwaardigt, verheft naar een hoger niveau, naar Gods niveau, alle culturen.
Wees daarom niet bang om “de deur naar Christus te openen”. Hij is onze Schepper, onze Vriend, Hij is onze “Eeuwige Vader” samen met de Vader en de Heilige Geest; Hij weet wat we nodig hebben om ons kleine aardse en grote hemelse geluk te bereiken.
De Kerk brengt, samen met de Paus, en onder de Paus, als het zichtbare hoofd van de Kerk en de Plaatsvervanger van Jezus Christus, de verlossende onderrichtingen van Christus over. Dat is wat Jezus ons via Vassula vertelt, hoewel zij duidelijk maakt dat zij tot de Grieks-Orthodoxe Kerk behoort. Op deze manier wijst zij de weg naar een gezonde oecumene, een oecumene die vandaag de dag via zijn Golgotha ondergaat. Maar de oecumene is Gods werk, dus moet het net als Christus zelf door de Golgotha ondergaan. Moge God ons beschermen zodat Golgotha zich niet over de hele wereld verspreidt.
De oecumene zal, door haar Golgota, haar wederopstanding beleven. Het lijkt erop dat dit de kern is van alle boodschappen die Jezus ons geeft via Vassula Rydén, Grieks-Orthodox, die nu in Zwitserland woont.
Frane Franic, Emeritus Aartsbisschop van Split
voorheen Voorzitter van de Bisschoppelijke Theologische Commissie in Joegoslavië
Split, Joegoslavië
Onmiddellijk na de Notificatie in 1995 schreef de Aartsbisschop het volgende in een brief aan Patrick Beneston:
“Voor God verklaar ik dat mevrouw Vassula geen veroordeling voor haar boeken heeft verdiend, maar lof, vanwege de integriteit van het geloof dat in haar boeken vervat zit, vooral wat betreft het volledige primaatschap van de Romeinse Pontifex, over de Heilige Maagd Maria, de werkelijke tegenwoordigheid van Christus in de Eucharistie, de heilige Harten van Christus en van de Onbevlekte Maagd Maria. Ik heb geen enkele valse leerstelling kunnen vinden in wat nu zeven delen zijn van de serie getiteld Waar Leven in God, die ik zorgvuldig heb gelezen. Ik schaam me om te lezen dat zo’n waardig persoon door de Heilige Stoel is veroordeeld, en dat zonder de kans te hebben gekregen om zichzelf te verdedigen. Om deze reden smeek ik de Heilige Stoel nederig, als de veroordeling in kwestie authentiek is, dat deze wordt ingetrokken, of zo snel mogelijk als niet-authentiek worden verklaard, zodat de verwarring die onder de gelovigen ontstaat, wordt afgewend.”
Sinds het schrijven van deze brief heeft Kardinaal Ratzinger duidelijk gemaakt dat Vassula op geen enkele manier veroordeeld is. Zie voor meer informatie Dialoog met het CDF in het gedeelte Achtergrondinformatie.
Various people in Tampa, Florida
Various people in Tampa, Florida
Multiple people from a TLIG retreat in Tampa, FL, USA in Feb 2016 offer who the Holy Spirit is to them. The theme of the retreat was “The Holy Spirit Giver of Life”
We began our retreat by having our Priests bless our conference room with Holy Water and an Orthodox Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
“Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, present in all places and filling all things, Treasury of Goodness and Giver of life: come and abide in us. Cleanse us from every stain of sin and save our souls, O Gracious Lord.”
Our unified exaltation further prepared us for our prayer retreat when we all sang the Orthodox hymn “Christos Annesti” (“Christ is Risen”), as it was still within the 40 days after Easter in the Eastern Orthodox church.“Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!”
We were blessed to have with us four Priests representing the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. We commenced the two-day retreat with a TLIG prayer from the message dated, Dec. 29, 1989, then read the February 13, 2016 message, along with a random message from the Canticle of the Holy Spirit. We subsequently prayed the Holy Rosary and meditated on TLIG passages.
Two inspiring presentations by one of our Clergy further illuminated our day. He presented a talk on The Holy Spirit and another on the “Discernment of Spirits”.
Following the inspiration was given by Georgia Klamson, retreat attendee, and long-time friend and advocate of TLIG, presented a talk on the history and the miracles of The Saint Michael Taxiarchis Shrine in Tarpon Springs, FL (that we would be visiting), and the correlation of it to The Archangel Michael Taxiarchis Monastery Panormiti on the island of Simi. Georgia also showed a video of Vassula on the island of Simi, Greece, along with a message that the Archangel Michael gave Vassula on the island of Simi on August 19, 1996.
You can view this video here: Video of Vassula Speaking on the Island of Simi about St. Michael, and here to read about the Shrine in Florida and here to read about the Monastery in Panormiti, Simi.
The more we sin less, the more we experience the Holy Spirit in our lives.
If you would like to read a full report of the retreat, here is a link: The AATLIG 9th Ecumenical Retreat, Tampa, Florida, USA
Jamie, Mark Chanelle and Chuck
Jamie, Mark Chanelle and Chuck
Here are testimonies from a few of the people who attended a True Life in God retreat in Chicago, USA on Jan 8, 2016. The theme of the retreat was “My Holy Spirit is the Breath of the Church”
My name is Jamie, I’m from Kansas City, MO., I was a lukewarm Christian. I never really truly understood how to be completely committed and dedicated to Jesus, and how to love, and how to be a Christian, and how to forgive, and have mercy. Through these messages, my spiritual growth exploded! I live my life through scripture and through these messages. These messages from True Life in God are so powerful and such a gift from God!
My name is Mark, from Independence, MO., I’ve been following the True Life in God messages of for 24 years. It (the messages) is a guide for my day, it is oftentimes an answer of what has happened in the past day, questions that I have, concerns that I have that I have brought to Jesus. Jesus has given me the grace to understand, to take Him with me always, and further He has developed that to start with His Father, so that I say, “Come Lord, let us go together” and ask the Holy Spirit to be with us, and Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
My name is Chanelle and I’m from Kansas City, MO., I’m all about love and peace and want everyone to get along. It made me feel so much better to know that there are these people (the TLIG followers) out there that want EVERYBODY not just Catholics, not just Roman Catholics, not just Protestants, but EVERYBODY to be in UNITY in Jesus! What the TLIG retreats and what the messages are all about is totally fascinating and compelling and you can just tell that Jesus is in this (TLIG messages). I love it. I’m glad that this came into my life because it’s totally changed me, my relationship with Jesus is closer than it’s ever been. I think I know Jesus more now, than I have ever known (Him).
My name is Chuck Morton, Jesus, through the True Life in God messages says, “spread My message, let My people know, you are the messenger, just plant the seed, and let Me take it from there, let the Holy Spirit will water it from there. True Life in God taught me to love others, love my family, love my friends, you may not LIKE what they do, but you still LOVE everybody. So It’s (the TLIG messages) changed my life. God knows where I would be if I didn’t find the True Life in God messages, but it saved my life and it IS my life, my breath, everything to me. And my family, my friends, my neighbors, I want everybody to know about it but praise God and glorify His Name!
Fr. Rene Laurentin
Fr. Rene Laurentin
Father Rene Laurentin, a well-known theologian, teacher, and great author, having won many awards for his writings. He is a pioneer in the methods of theological investigations, approved by the Vatican II council. He was one of the founders of the Vatican II council. He holds a double doctorate in History and Theology. He is known also for his scientific search for the Truth and authenticity of mystics.
Fr. Laurentin:
Sure my opinion is positive of Vassula, but I have to be precise, for the Church, the Revelation is The Gospel, The Revelation of Christ. After that, after the Gospel, there are only private revelations, and very difficult to appreciate, and never The Church considered posterior revelation to ascent like a new revelation! It is a free service of the faith, it is the freedom of the Christian to believe or not believe the private revelation. For me, it is very important the discernment of the private revelation because it is the life, the daily life of the Church. And for this reason, I was interested in the messages by Vassula.
When she came to me, by France, the first time, when some person called me saying, “We were converted by this message, our life has changed.” I tried to understand, and when I gave a document to introduce the message of Vassula, it was not a preface. I only gave an interview saying “who was Vassula”. I think, so the little facts I noted, it seemed to me that everyone could understand that she was sincere. That she had a very original experience, she hoped to live with Christ alone. This is very original because very few persons of the world would say that. And if you read the preface in the messages of Vassula, you will find many things like that.
After that, during many years I could follow her, I could see some more special experiences for example, during one year or a little more, it was a Friday, Vassula shared the Passion of Christ, she could live all the Passion of Christ, and she suffered as Christ, terribly, and I was present once to this experience. It would be too many things to explain it all. For me, perhaps the last, not the least thing, is when she was so persecuted, by many persons, some Orthodox in Greece, they said, “she is too Catholic!” and by many Catholics, they said, “She is not Catholic!” and so on. And Vassula was very calm, very peaceful. When you are persecuted, generally, you are not calm. And so calm, after many times, and Vassula she is a woman, she has sensibility, now she lives so much with God, with Christ, she has like an insensibilization, and she said to me, “Fr Laurentin you see, now with all of that, I don’t suffer so much as Christ suffered so much for the salvation of the world, I have also to suffer, what can/will God invent for me to suffer? Because I must suffer!” This seemed very characteristic to me, because in the Catholic Church, in many victim souls, the person will live the Passion of Christ in many manners, and suffering is a terrible thing, a not-understandable thing. And this peace before the suffering, this desire to suffer not by masochism, by the love of suffering, but by the love of God, love of man and of humanity, for me is a great sign of holiness and authenticity.
TLIG retreat in Mexico
TLIG retreat in Mexico
Mexico Retreat: here are some excerpts of what people said:
“When she talked about unity, how unity is not just in the Churches, but for everything, our relationships, families, and things like that.”
“Unforgettable, when Vassula speaks its incredible, unforgettable.”
“Very inspiring, very enriching retreat.”
“I’m from Los Angeles, and I came to Mexico City for this retreat, I’m very blessed to be here, and it’s really reviving…; When she (Vassula) said that we come here and we take; we take all this information and we take all the blessings, but it is so important for us to also give! And that touched me because I started questioning myself if I am really giving despite the fact that I talk to a lot of people about TLIG, but I still question myself, but I will take that back home and think about it and try to work more for Our Lord. ”
“My name is Sema, it is not my first retreat, I was in Medjugorje (with Vassula), and I read the messages (of TLIG), I know Vassula, I know these blessings (from TLIG), I’ve repented myself and follow Jesus’ Way.”
“My name is Rosemary Garza, I live near Austin, Texas, what I’ve really enjoyed is all the diversity here. All the different countries (represented), all the different languages, it feels like a family; everyone has been so very kind, I’ve never been to a place where everyone is so nice to you and helpful. It has been awesome.”
Many people experienced visions of Jesus, Jesus with Vassula, Jesus’ face over the face of Vassula, etc.
Many life-changing experiences.
People from Columbia, Peru, many Hispanic countries sharing their experiences at the retreat in Mexico.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI Emeritus, then, Prefect to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith
Vassula in a private meeting with Cardinal Ratzinger shortly before he became Pope. The meeting was the conclusion of the fruitful dialogue that took place
10 July 2004
Prot N. 54/92-19631
As you know, this Congregation published a Notification in 1995 on the writings of Mrs. Vassula Rydén. Afterwards, and at her request, a thorough dialogue followed. At the conclusion of this dialogue, a letter of Mrs. Rydén dated 4 April 2002 was subsequently published in the latest volume of “True Life in God”, in which Mrs. Rydén supplies useful clarifications regarding her marital situation, as well as some difficulties which in the aforesaid Notification were suggested towards her writings and her participation in the sacraments (cf. Attachment).
Since the aforementioned writings have enjoyed a certain diffusion in your country, this Congregation has deemed it useful to inform you of the above. Concerning the participation in the ecumenical prayer groups organised by Mrs. Rydén, the Catholic faithful should be called to follow the dispositions of the Diocesan Bishops.
In communicating to you the above, I use the occasion to assure you of my lasting and profound esteem.
Yours Emminence’s/Excellency’s
Most Devout
Joseph Card. Ratzinger
(With attachment)
To the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences of
France, Switzerland, Uruguay, Philippines, Canada
Bisschop João Evangelista Martins Terra S.J.
De Boodschap van “Waar Leven in God” en Paus Franciscus
Naar mijn mening is het grote theologische charisma dat Vassula bezit het voorbereiden van de dialoog, of de ontmoeting van Christus met de hele mensheid die, in alle regio’s van de aarde, oprecht op zoek is naar God. Jezus vergelijkt het Koninkrijk van God met een man die door het leven gaat op zoek naar een kostbare parel (Mt. 13, 45).
Paus Franciscus stelt in de encycliek over het geloof, “Lumen Fidei”, dat “de religieuze persoon iemand is die God wil leren kennen in de dagelijkse ervaringen van het leven (LF 35). Een beeld van deze zoektocht zijn de Drie Koningen uit het Oosten die door de ster naar de kribbe in Bethlehem worden geleid (Mt. 2,1-12). Het licht van God openbaarde zich aan hen als de weg; als een ster die hen leidt langs het pad dat nog ontdekt moet worden… Daarom moet de religieuze mens, als hij zich op de weg bevindt, bereid zijn zich te laten leiden, zichzelf op te geven om God te ontmoeten die ons blijft verbazen. “De belijdenis van Jezus als de enige Verlosser bevestigt dat het Licht van God zich in Hem heeft geconcentreerd, in Zijn “lichtend leven” waarmee Hij de oorsprong en de voleinding van de Geschiedenis openbaart” (LF #35). Er is geen menselijke ervaring, geen menselijke route naar God die niet omarmd, verlicht en gezuiverd kan worden door dit licht. Hoe meer men doordringt in deze open cirkel geleid door het Licht van Christus, des te meer zal men in staat zijn om de weg van elke persoon die naar God leidt te begrijpen en te begeleiden (LF #35).
De focus van de encycliek van Paus Franciscus, die spreekt over de waarde van het zoeken naar God in religies en over de polarisatie in Christus, de enige Redder, is volledig afgestemd op de geschriften van “Waar Leven in God”.
Alle inspanningen van Vassula om de geloofsdialoog tussen de verschillende christenen aan te moedigen, hebben nu een duidelijke steun gekregen van de leerstellingen in de Encycliek “Lumen Fidei”. Ik zal nu enkele van de bevestigingen van paragraaf #47 over “de eenheid en de intelligentie van het geloof” overschrijven.
“Vandaag lijkt het heel realistisch dat de vereniging van christenen gebaseerd is op een gemeenschappelijke toewijding: door vriendschap, een delen in dezelfde successen met dezelfde doelen; maar we hebben nog steeds grote moeite om een eenheid in dezelfde waarheid te bedenken. Het lijkt ons dat een dergelijke vereniging in strijd zou zijn met de vrijheid van denken en met de eigen autonomie van de persoon. Integendeel, de ervaring van liefde vertelt ons dat het voor ons mogelijk is om juist in de ervaring van liefde een gemeenschappelijke visie te hebben. Daarom leren we de werkelijkheid te zien door de ogen van de ander; en dit verrijkt, in plaats van ons te verarmen, onze manier van kijken naar de dingen. Ware liefde, voor zover goddelijke liefde, eist waarheid en in het gemeenschappelijke begrip van de waarheid, dat Jezus Christus is, wordt het stevig en diep. Dit is ook de vreugde van het geloof: de eenheid van een visie in één lichaam en in één geest. In deze zin kon Sint Leo de Grote bevestigen: “Als geloof niet één is, is het geen geloof”.
“Wat is het geheim van deze eenheid? 1) In de eerste plaats is het geloof één door Gods Eenheid, gekend en beleden. Alle geloofsartikelen verwijzen naar Hem; het zijn wegen die ons leiden naar de kennis van Zijn wezen en Zijn handelen. Op deze manier bezitten ze een superieure eenheid ten opzichte van al het andere.” (LF #47). 2) Vervolgens is geloof één omdat het zich richt op de Ene en Enige Heer, op het leven van Jezus, op de concrete geschiedenis die Hij met ons deelt. (#47) 3) Ten slotte is het geloof één omdat het gedeeld wordt door de hele Kerk, die één lichaam en één geest is: in gemeenschap met het enige subject dat de Kerk is. Daarom ontvangen wij een gemeenschappelijk standpunt. Als wij hetzelfde geloof belijden, steunen wij op dezelfde Geest van liefde. Op deze manier zullen wij één enkel licht uitstralen dat één enkel uitzicht heeft om de werkelijkheid te doordringen” (LF #47).
Alle inspanningen van “Waar Leven in God” om het priesterlijk gebed van Christus te vervullen: “Vader, dat zij allen één zijn, zoals Wij één zijn” (Joh. 7), wordt nu bevestigd door de eerste Encycliek “Lumen Fidei” van Paus Franciscus.
+ João Evangelista Martins Terra, SJ
Hulpbisschop Emeritus van het Aartsbisdom Brasilia-DF-Brazilië Telefoon: + 55 61 3223.9452
Brazilië, 24 augustus 2013.
Fr Petar Ljubicic from Medjugorje
Fr Petar Ljubicic from Medjugorje
Father Petar Ljubicic is the priest to whom the Medjugorje visionary, Mirjana, will give the Secrets, ten days before they occur so that he announces them to the world.
Fr. Petar participated in the True Life in God ecumenical pilgrimage held in Rome on September 2011, where he agreed to give this interview.
Fr. Petar:
Going on a pilgrimage to me means searching for God. More of less every pilgrimage helps a man in searching to find the Person of Jesus Christ. That is something I consider the most important thing in a man’s life. This pilgrimage is a great experience for me. We are here in the “Eternal City” with different people and different denominations, where we are trying to get to know each other to fulfill Jesus’ desire “That all be one!”
There are a few things that Jesus told us we have to do – of which one is to pray for a spiritual vocation, to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit! He Himself prayed for Unity. Because He was able to look into the future He knew, as He is God, that people will separate, they will go their different ways. So He prayed for Unity. And we are here to pray this, His prayer will be heard, which will lead us to the Unity fo all people, that all be One, to have One Shepherd as Jesus wanted.
Could you tell us how you first came into contact with Vassula and the True Life in God Messages?
I met Vassula for the first time in Switzerland when I was a missionary. We met together over dinner. I was a missionary from 1995 to 2000. I had already read several of the books by myself and was convinced that it was an authentic revelation. Reading these books we discover how the Person of Jesus Christ is the Person who should be our source of life, the goal of our life. One feels that Jesus is again here on earth. Jesus wants mankind to open his heart and accept Him, and allow Him to become man’s happiness and joy. Jesus is trying to help us to become happy here on earth, while, of course, promising us the heavenly happiness of paradise. That’s why for Him, as the Divine Savior, man’s disunity is so painful. If we fall in love with Jesus Christ, if we surrender ourselves to Him, then there is nothing better to do but work for unity, that we all become one. That is why this Message [True Life in God] is so essential, so important, and everybody should read it to open himself and accept it.
Often people who follow the Medjugorje Messages are opposed to the True Life in God Messages. Is it normal for you, can it be justified?
I think the main reason for it is that people don’t know the Messages and this is probably the reason they don’t understand them and oppose them – they haven’t read them.
Probably they hear the negativities from others?
People have heard that Rome – The Vatican – was against the Messages, so they are ‘a priori’ against the Messages. But everybody who reads these Messages and meditates on them would be able to see that there is nothing against the faith or the Church, they simply help a man to love the Church and to get to love Jesus and to live with Him.
Moving on to your responsibility of announcing the Medjugorje Secrets in advance, could you say a few words on this matter?
As far as the Secrets are concerned, if anybody is interested to know, I could say that Mirjana has received all ten Secrets and on behalf of all the Medjugorje visionaries, she will reveal them when the time comes. It is also confirmation that as the Secrets have been gifted to Mirjana, so each visionary will receive all ten Secrets. The first two Secrets are warnings for all those who believed in Medjugorje. When the Secrets are fulfilled all will know that the visionaries were telling the truth and that Our Lady was in Medjugorje. The Third Secret is the visible sign on Apparition Hill which will be a great joy for those who believed and who were living the Gospel and in accordance with the Messages which Our Lady gave in Medjugorje. Ten days before the Secrets all will know what is happening and the priest together with Mirjana will fast and pray. Then three days in advance it will be possible to declare it, ‘Urbi at orbi’.
You will be in personal contact with Mirjana? You will be together?
She knows my phone number and it will not be a problem to get together. The first two Secrets and also the third one are connected to Medjugorje, so we will be obliged to be in Medjugorje for the fulfillment of these Secrets.
Are you anticipating that when the first three Secrets have been announced and fulfilled that the world, as a whole, will believe in the authenticity of Medjugorje?
I hope that it will help many people to settle their lives, to convert, to believe, and become new people. In any case, we all know – when Jesus came two thousand years ago, many miraculous signs occurred. And the Holy Mass itself is a miracle, a sign which is occurring every day. We see how difficult it is to turn people back to God, it is so difficult to convert people. I think and hope that when these signs and the Secrets are realized, that they will help everybody, at least to those who visited Medjugorje. Of course many people have hoped, prayed and lived according to the Holy Gospel although they have not visited Medjugorje yet. I hope it will be a final call to the people for conversion, to return to God and to start to rely on God.
Thank you, Fr Petar, for giving this interview!
Fr: thank you very much, God bless you, Jesus loves you!
Archbishop Jeremiah, Ukranian Orthodox Church in South America

Archbishop Jeremiah, Ukranian Orthodox Church in South America
Archbishop Jeremiah /FERENS/
Archbishop of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in South America
Curitiba, January 17th, 2006
Glorification of the 70 Apostles
Testimony of the True Life in God
“May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of our God Father and the Communion with the Holy Spirit, stay among us forever!”
In this third Millenium of the Christian era, the world experiences the Apocalypse reality predicted by God in the Holy Writ. The transformation of Nature, the violence, terrorism, wars, conflicts, hatred, misery and the loss of the human dignity created in the image and likeness of God, day by day worries and terrifies the human being. The man distant from his Creator lives unsafe and fearful. God speaks to the humanity through His prophets and through His Own Son Jesus Christ, and the man, instead of hearing the Divine Message, follows his ambitions.
The movement of “True Life in God” created by Mrs Vassula, is calling the attention of the world and arousing the curiosity among the Christians of many religious organizations. Thousands of people from different places in the world are honoured … graced with the Grace of God, after reading the messages transmitted by Mrs Vassula, and the biggest blessing to the human being is the grace of conversion. Constantly God is calling us to repentance and conversion, so that the enemy of our souls does not destroy us, we , that are created in the image and likeness of God.
In the “True Life in God” there are many people that, like the prodigal son, come back to the home of the Father.
The Ecumenical Pilgrimage of the “True Life in God” that took place last May, 2005, in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria was an explicit testimony of the Christian Unity, where the purpose was our unity with Jesus Christ. We have experienced unforgettable moments feeling the touch and lead by the Grace of God .
I pray God and beg Our Father to Bless and Protect Mrs Vassula, so that always she has strength, courage, discernment and Divine Illumination to perform this noble and hard mission with integrity.
With the Apostolic Blessing,
+ Archbishop Jeremiah /FERENS/
Archbishop of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in South America

Pope John Paul II
“May God bless her”
The following is an account of a private meeting with Pope John Paul II on February 14, 1998.
The Pope can be seen reading Vassula’s dedication, written on the first page of a volume of True Life in God messages.
Together with two friends, Anu and Abhay George, originating from Kerala in India, but presently living in Denmark, I, Niels Christian Hvidt, had the opportunity to participate in the mass of the Holy Father in his Private Chapel. It was the 10th of February 1998.
Ten priests were concelebrating with the Holy Father, and altogether we were a number of 23 lay-people present. After a very beautiful and austere mass the Holy Father received us in the Audience-Hall close to the Private Chapel, distributing Rosaries and blessing and greeting each of us. About five people had brought gifts to the Holy Father.
I had with me the 10th Volume of True Life in God in French. Some months before, Vassula had dedicated it to the Holy Father and given the book to me. Inside, on the first page it said:
Pour le Saint Pere Jean-Paul II.
Que Dieu vous benisse et vous protege,
VassulaTo the Holy Father John Paul II.
May God bless you and protect you,
When he came to me, I had the book in my hand. Having received the Rosary and kissed his hand, I said in German: “I have brought a very important book for you. It is the book of Vassula.” The Holy Father, with interest replied “Ah! Vassula!” Also Mons. Stanislaw Dziwizs, for decades the personal Secretary of the Pope and three days before this audience appointed a bishop, with interest said: “Vassula!” Both clearly recognised her name.
I then went on to say: “She has dedicated it for you”. With sincere and warm interest the Pope looked at the book, opened it and saw Vassula’s greeting and then said “Gott segne sie”: “May God bless her”. He made the sign of the Cross over the book. Then he handed it on to Mons. Mietec, who collects the gifts, that the Holy Father may take a look at them after the audience.
Before he passed on to the next person of the group, I said to him: “We pray very much for you, Holy Father”, to which he replied “Thank you!”
Niels Christian Hvidt
The following quote of Pope John Paul II, given at a special general audience at Castelgandolfo, is taken from the Spanish language edition of L’Osservatore Romano, dated the 16th August 1996.
(This Apostolic blessing came, of course, 9 months after the Notification)
“I cordially salute the persons of the Spanish language present here, especially the religious of the Congregation of ‘Saint Teresa of Jesus’ and THE SPIRITUAL GROUPS OF ‘TRUE LIFE IN GOD’. I wish to all of them a spiritual summer which will help them to reaffirm their Christian promise so that their generous answer to God can be the witness to His love in the world. I give you, with affection and to your loved ones, the Apostolic blessing”
See a video of the above event HERE
Aartsbisschop van Lipa, Filippijnen
Gods favorieten zijn niet vrij van controverses. In de film FIDDLER ON THE ROOF richtte de Joodse patriarch, de hoofdpersoon van de prachtige musical, zich, geconfronteerd met de vervolging van de Russische Joden, op een amusante manier tot God: “Heer, ik weet dat wij uw favoriete volk zijn. Maar kunt U niet af en toe ook andere mensen begunstigen?” Bernadette van Lourdes had liever een ander jong meisje als zieneres gezien dan zijzelf. Bernadette bevestigde de mening van de Moeder Overste die de ongeletterde Bernadette nooit geloofde. Als God en de Heilige Moeder iemand zouden begunstigen, dan zou het iemand moeten zijn zoals zij, die haar hele leven in het klooster had geleefd te midden van onbaatzuchtige toewijding en zelfopoffering.
Het Nieuwe Testament laat zien hoe Jezus de heidense en niet-Joodse centurio prijst die zijn hulp inriep voor zijn zieke dienaar. Zijn woorden: “Heer, ik ben niet waardig dat U onder mijn dak komt…” werd een tijdloze uitspraak die het waard is om herhaald te worden in de Eucharistische Liturgie. Zeker onder Gods meest begunstigden is Maria Magdalena die de apostel van de Apostelen werd. Kan het zijn dat God zelfs in onze dagen een niet-Katholiek gebruikt (hoewel diep trouw aan de Paus en een groot gelovige in alles waarin katholieken moeten geloven, vooral met betrekking tot de Eucharistie en nog dieper gehecht dan de meeste katholieken aan de Heilige Maagd Moeder) en iemand wiens huwelijksverleden ter discussie staat, natuurlijk niet zoals dat van de Samaritaanse Vrouw, een andere favoriet van Jezus die Hij met alle middelen moest zien op het middaguur in de buurt van de bron van Jakob?
Kardinaal Joseph Ratzinger toonde een dergelijke christelijke openheid van geest toen hij het voortouw nam bij de herziening van de zaak van mevrouw Vassula Rydén. Door Fr. Prospero Grech, Adviseur van de Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer, de goede Kardinaal vroeg Vassula om vijf vragen te beantwoorden (zie brief van 4 april 2002) om enkele moeilijkheden te verduidelijken die gesuggereerd werden in de Kennisgeving van 1995, betreffende de geschriften van Waar Leven in God, en over haar activiteiten die daarmee verband houden. De antwoorden zullen sommige twijfelende Thomassen, die toch recht hebben op gemoedsrust, enorm helpen.
Het zal velen helpen om te weten dat de Congregatie op 7 april 2003 een brief stuurde naar de Voorzitters van de Bisschoppelijke Conferenties, waarin Kardinaal Ratzinger hen vraagt om hem informatie te geven over mevrouw Rydén en de invloed die zij zou kunnen hebben gehad op hun gelovigen in hun respectievelijke landen. Van alle ontvangen reacties hebben vijf landen, waaronder helaas ook mijn eigen land de Filippijnen, een negatief antwoord gegeven. Kardinaal Ratzinger vond het gepast om de bisschoppen van de genoemde landen te informeren dat de Congregatie de zaak van mevrouw Rydén opnieuw had bekeken en dat de suggesties in de Notificatie over de geschriften van Waar Leven in God en haar huwelijkssituatie werden verduidelijkt. Deze laatste mededeling, gedateerd 10 juli 2004, vermeldde de genoemde landen onderaan de genoemde brief.
Kardinaal Ratzinger vroeg P. Joseph Augustine Di Noia, O.P., ondersecretaris van de Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer, om mevrouw Rydén een kopie van diezelfde brief te geven, zodat zij iedereen kon informeren over de uitwisseling van verduidelijkingsbrieven. Ik ben erg blij dat Kardinaal Ratzinger Perfect de houding van de Heilige Vader omgekeerde wiens grote obsessie en waarschijnlijk de reden voor het leven en de energie die hij manifesteert de EENHEID VAN CHRISTIANITEIT is. Een zeer ontroerende gebeurtenis is de terugkeer van de Heilige Vader van een bezoek aan Armenië. Hij bracht een geschenk van de Orthodoxe Patriarch van Armenië mee naar de Synodezaal, een kostbare lamp met een pleidooi voor de eenheid van alle Christenen.
Wat het verleden van mevrouw Rydén ook moge zijn, ze kan en is nu al een instrument van God in onze dagen om Gods droom, de droom van de Heilige Vader, de droom van de Kerk, die de grootste gebeurtenis van de eerste jaren van het Derde Millennium zou kunnen zijn, tot werkelijkheid te brengen: DE EENHEID VAN ALLE DISCIPELEN VAN CHRISTUS! Mensen zoals Vassula die lijden voor christelijke eenheid met de Heilige Vader hebben bemoediging, begrip en gebed nodig. Ik ben bereid haar dat te geven, al was het maar om me aan te sluiten bij de Heilige Vader, Kardinaal Ratzinger en vele onbekende zielen die oprecht verlangen naar een vernieuwing van het Christendom, een vernieuwde evangelisatiestoot, eenheid van alle Christelijke broeders. Moge Maria ons helpen om te groeien in een Waar Leven in God.
Aartsbisschop Ramon Cabrera Argüelles
30 september 2004
107e jaar van de Intrede in het Leven van de
Patrones van de Universele Missie

His Eminence, Wildrid Cardinal Napier of the the Archdiocese of Durban, South Africa
This is the message from His Eminence, Wildrid Cardinal Napier concerning Vassula Ryden, who visited Durban recently and presented a talk to many of the faithful at the City Hall. The message of the Cardinal was printed in the Catholic News Bulletin of the Archdiocese of Durban, June 2009, No.464. This is the official communication disseminated to the Parishes and Religious Communities in the Archdiocese of Durban.
“The Latest on Vassula Ryden”
In May Vassula Ryden visited our country including Durban where she spoke to a number of groups of the Faithful. Because some of the following questions were being asked about her – whether her “revelations” are regarded as genuine, whether she is orthodox in her writings and what her standing is vis a vis the Catholic Church as well as the Church of her birth, the Greek Orthodox, I invited her to the Chancery for a conversation over lunch.
Our conversation made it clear that her calling, to be a mouth-piece whom Jesus Christ is using, took place in extraordinary circumstances. But what is even more challenging is her relationship with the Catholic Church.
In 1995 the Holy See made it known that it had serious doubts about the authenticity or genuineness of the revelations published by Vassula. These doubts were expressed in a Notification on the writings of Vassula Ryden published on 25th October 1995.
In a letter dated 16th July 2004 Cardinal Ratzinger, then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, explains that in response to a request by Vassula the Congregation had made a thorough investigation. At the conclusion of the dialogue that followed, in a letter published on 4th April, Mrs Ryden supplied useful clarifications regarding her marital status, as well as difficulties raised by the Holy See in the aforementioned Notification regarding her writings and her participation in the Sacraments.
Attached to Cardinal Ratzinger’s letter were the answers to all the questions put to her by the Congregation. He went on to state that Vassula had answered satisfactorily the questions which the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had put to her.
Sadly the matter has been confused anew by Cardinal Levada’s 2007 statement, which reaffirms the 1995 notification, but totally ignores the 2004 statement.
It was therefore with keen interest that I awaited the opportunity to engage her in conversation. What struck me from the start, and what remains a lasting impression, is her total openness, especially when asked to explain what happened to her, or why it should have happened to her at all. She is just as puzzled why she should have been chosen since she had completely lapsed from the practice of her Greek Orthodox faith.
Another matter of interest is her relationship with the Holy See. She enjoys cordial relations with many of the top officials at the Vatican, who are anything but negative towards her.
It is therefore reasonable to state categorically that as far as the Church is concerned Vassula poses no threat to the Catholic Faith whatsoever. Indeed the messages which are communicated through her are consistent with the Church’s own call to repentance and a return to the basics of the faith, in particular the basic prayers such as the Rosary and other devotions once so common in the Catholic family and parish spiritual life.
As is customary in such cases, the Church has not declared the “Revelations” to be authentic, as they are claimed to be still occurring – a situation very similar to Medjugorje.”
See also a similar article on the Catholic Archdoicese of Durban website.
Pope & Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria,Egypt
Pope & Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria,Egypt
True Life in God Celebrating The Greek Orthodox Easter & meditating on Christ’s Passion
Participating together in the Greek Orthodox Easter while contemplating the Mystery of the Passion of Our Lord
Easter of the Christians, of Unity, of Love, of Sorrow and of Piety. 158 persons of different confessions from 24 different countries, united in the Word of God, joined together for the celebration of the Greek-Orthodox Easter, in Alexandria in Egypt.
He opened the doors of the Patriarchate with a welcoming embrace and gave a moving speech in the Throne Room to welcome us officially as he said:
“From the depths of my heart, I wish to welcome you all officially, here in the Throne Room, where our companion is St. Mark, the Apostle and Evangelist. In the morning, I received you at the monastery of St. Savvas, a humble monastery, which was founded in the 4th century. Today, I greet you officially here, in our Patriarchate. whose history spans 2,000 years from the time of Jesus Christ to the present. Thus, on the one hand, with the exception of the Apostle Paul, we have our history involving the great Apostles, whose successors were the Great Fathers of the Church. That history brings us to present times and, thus, you can see all the Patriarchs that have been appointed to Alexandria on your right and left.
All this is our heritage, the future lies before us: it is for us the entire land of Africa. That is why I want you to know that, before I ascended the steps to the Throne of St. Mark, I was a missionary in Cameroon, the Sudan, Gabon, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Botswana and Angola. As a missionary, therefore, I really got to know Africa: the difficulties that it faces and the enormous poverty issues but, most of all during my journeys, I meet people that are searching – searching for the love of Jesus. That is why, Vassula, I was very moved when you all sang to Jesus Christ a few minutes ago as my thoughts went immediately to all my African children who also raise their hands towards the heavens and sing in thousands of languages about Christ; the love of Christ that we so desperately need. I am planning shortly to make a long journey to Ghana, having recently returned from Madagascar.
And now, I would like to welcome you all from the bottom of my heart, especially you, Vassula, as I said in church this morning, welcome to your homeland, welcome to the country of your birth, and greetings to all who accompany you. As they say here, Vassula, “Anyone who drinks from the waters of the Nile never forgets this country.”
I would also like to greet the Bishop from India – welcome dear brother to our Apostolic Patriarchate. I wish to welcome the monk, you, Sister, you, Father and you, Father from the Roman Catholic Church and tell you all that with much love we receive you, we love you and that we are under the same protection and love of our Great Lord, Jesus Christ.
Vassula, I would like to thank you for this opportunity, to be together over the next few days. This evening, we will follow together the Passion of Our Lord. Tomorrow, we shall worship before His Epitaph and we shall live, in our devoutly beating hearts, His Passion and His Resurrection. And that joy – that is my wish – that the joy of the Resurrection and the Light may be with us always all the days of our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ I wish to bless you all and your families and please know that Alexandria’s and the Patriarchate’s doors will always be open to you. Thank you”
If you would like to read more about this event and pilgrimage click here:
Paul Datta, India
Paul Datta, India
Paul Datta from Kolkata, India
All Glory and praise to Jesus!
I was born in an Indian Hindu family in the city of Kolkata. I never knew about Jesus or visited any Church before. At the age of 18, I decided to go to another state, Maharastra for higher studies. I got admission to an engineering college in a small town known as Kolhapur. My college was in the outskirts as normally all the colleges are. It was in the third year that I suffered from depression within myself and everything was going wayward. As I stayed in a boy’s hostel, everything happened there except God. Somehow through someone I got a TLIG message book, Part IV. I didn’t have a clue what it was all about. It was in 1999.
As I went through the book, all I understood that Someone named Jesus is on the way to His return. As I went on I had a fear deep down in my heart. I was beginning to understand His divinity and realized if He returns now and sees me in this state, it will not be nice for me. That night I felt His powerful presence in my room, and understood that He is my Saviour, and that He loves me. Later on from the messages I learnt that this is called as “The Visitation of The Lord”. I began to look at the picture on the cover of the book and prayed. His Gaze penetrated deep within my soul, and tears rolled down from my eyes. The tears gave me so much relief and joy, that I liked it. The seed has been already planted!
Later what followed, was like a flow of a river. I flowed with the River. I was not able to understand what was happening to me. I understood what is sin and what is not. I got a Bible and started reading. I have read many books before but never ever found a book (TLIG), so divine, so pure and joyful to read. More to come!
During my vacation, I didn’t go home, as usually everyone goes, but went to The Divine Retreat Centre in Kerala. Those ten days over there transformed me completely. I read through the messages, I knew they were written for me. Jesus used Vassula’s hand to write, so that I can read them. Even before I read the instructions, the Holy Spirit inspired me to take Vassula’s name out and put in my name. I wept bitterly for days. I was not able to lift my eyes to the crucified Lord, as looking at the cross gave me so much pain deep within. I felt the suffering of my Jesus. I heard Jesus calling me by the name Paul (I never knew who was Paul in the Bible). I was shaken from within. By then I was totally engulfed by Jesus. His Spirit enveloped me completely. I was able to convey the messages from the Lord to certain persons there. They were surprised of how I knew about their life. The Holy Mother was there during my purification. It took me a single day to learn to say the Rosary and learn the prayers with the help of Our Mother. Jesus, one day, through the messages gave me the Spirit of Unity, and asked me to defend it to the last day. When all of these incidents were going on there was no one who had told me about Jesus or counseled me. All I had was the Rosary, the Bible and the TLIG book. Jesus inspired everything.
In a vision I was assured by Jesus that no opposition was coming from my family and so it was! My earthly mother has been very supportive and helped me a lot.
The best thing that happened to me after knowing Jesus through the messages was the Eucharist. There is so much power and grace that comes out from the Blessed Sacrament! It was because of the Eucharist that I was drawn closer and closer to the Mother Church. When I went back to my home, I surfed the net for more messages and information and about TLIG. The messages taught me many truths about the Church and helped me to penetrate into the Mysteries of God.
I thought that everyone knew about Vassula, but to my utter surprise no one did! In the meantime, I got baptized. And later, I managed to get the rest of the TLIG books.
The amount of graces and blessings I received by reading the messages is enormous and cannot be written down on papers, but can only be felt within. It was out of nowhere that He just picked me up, and revealed His face to me. All I know is that this Love Hymn is true and if these messages cannot change the heart of a person then nothing can. May His Kingdom come! Amen.
Paul Datta
Aartsbisschop Frane Franić
Emeritus Aartsbisschop van Split en Makarska en voormalig Voorzitter van de Bisschoppelijke Theologische Commissie van Joegoslavië, Split, Joegoslavië
De volgende inleiding door Aartsbisschop Franić werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd in 1993:
De Zuiverheid van de Integrale Openbaring van God
Toen ik twee boeken ontving die geschreven waren door de visionaire Vassula Rydén en die in het Kroatisch vertaald waren door mevrouw Marija-Dragica Vukić, was ik aangenaam verrast, temeer omdat de vertaling uit het Engels gemaakt was in Belgrado, waar mevrouw Vukić woont. Ze vroeg me een voorwoord te schrijven voor het derde boek dat in het Kroatisch zal verschijnen. Er zijn al vijf delen in het Engels getiteld True Life in God geschreven door Vassula Rydén. Het is mij een groot genoegen om dit voorwoord te schrijven.
Het eerste nieuws dat ik over Vassula hoorde was twee jaar geleden, in 1991, in een Canadees Katholiek tijdschrift, L’Informateur Catholique. Een groot deel van dat nummer was gewijd aan Vassula. Daarna publiceerde het tijdschrift regelmatig informatie over haar. Een goede katholieke dame die in Canada woont, zeer geïnteresseerd is in Medjugorje en regelmatig pelgrimages organiseert, uitte felle kritiek op Vassula en beweerde dat er valse theorieën in de boodschappen stonden die zij doorgaf: bijvoorbeeld dat Jezus zichzelf de ‘Eeuwige Vader’ van de mensen noemt, alsof Hij zich in alle opzichten identificeert met de Vader en zo het onderscheid tussen de Vader en de Zoon ontkent. Deze toegewijde bewonderaarster van Onze Lieve Vrouw is ook niet blij met de manier waarop Jezus zijn boodschappen doorgeeft door de hand van Vassula; zij ziet dit als een spiritistische overdracht van boodschappen.
Deze critica van Vassula, over wie ik heb gelezen in de recensie die ik heb genoemd, was mevrouw Darija Klanac, geboren Skunca. Ik had de eer haar te ontmoeten op haar weg als pelgrimsleidster van Canada naar Medjugorje. Ze bezocht me in Split, in de Sint-Petrus Co-kathedraal, waar ik sinds 1983 woon. Ik sprak in het Frans met de pelgrims over de vredesboodschappen van Medjugorje. Mevrouw Klanac sprak ook met grote ijver over Onze Lieve Vrouw. Ik was erg blij dat mevrouw Klanac, één van onze Kroaten die in Canada getrouwd was, zo’n goede naam had onder de katholieken van dat land. Later, toen ze moeilijkheden had met de recensie die ik heb genoemd omdat ze Vassula steunden, merkte ik met welk respect ze schreven over haar persoonlijkheid, dat wil zeggen de deskundigen die voor hen werkten. Dit deed me plezier.
Maar ik sta aan de kant van Vassula, vooral omdat ik drie boeken met haar boodschappen in het Italiaans heb gekregen, getiteld Vrede en Liefde. Een groep Italiaanse pelgrims op weg naar Medjugorje stopte in Split en bezocht de St. Petrus Co-kathedraal. Ze nodigden me uit om naar Italië te komen. Op 23 september 1992 droeg ik de Heilige Mis op in een grote kerk in Como. De kerk was vol en daar ontmoette ik Vassula. Voorafgaand aan de Mis gaf ze een getuigenis over haar mystieke ervaringen en boodschappen, die ze met de grootste overtuiging aan Jezus toeschreef. Ik hield de preek over het Evangelie van die dag. Ik sprak over private openbaringen en het belang ervan voor de Kerk en de wereld van vandaag. Ik voegde enkele woorden van steun aan Vassula toe, waarbij ik het finale oordeel aan de Kerk overliet. Ik gebruik deze voorzorgsmaatregel altijd als ik in het openbaar over de Medjugorje-boodschappen spreek.
Aan de andere kant, als ik privé praat, spreek ik mijn voortdurende overtuiging uit van de echtheid van de verschijningen en boodschappen van Medjugorje; ik vertrouw op de toets van het Evangelie die zegt dat een goede boom herkend kan worden aan goede vruchten. Dit geldt vooral voor religieuze bekeringen, wonderen in de morele orde en, het vaakst, ervaringen in Medjugorje. Dit gebeurt ook doorheen Vassula, die zelf een wonder is, een voorwerp van verwondering. Het is waar dat ze geen wonderen verricht in de fysieke zin van het woord, want ze maakt geen aanspraak op een charisma van genezing.
Ik kreeg persoonlijk een exemplaar van het vierde boek van Vassula’s boodschappen van de vertaler. Het deed me genoegen dat het voorwoord van Fr. René Laurentin was, die ik zeer waardeer; ik heb hem vele malen ontmoet in Split op weg van en naar Medjugorje.
Toen ik Vassula’s boeken las, werden mijn eerste indrukken van haar heel erg bevestigd. Haar boodschappen, eigenlijk voor mij de boodschappen van Jezus, zijn levend en authentiek. Deze boodschappen kunnen ons helpen om de boodschappen van Jezus in het Evangelie beter te begrijpen en ook om ze op een persoonlijke manier te ervaren. Dit moeten altijd de authentieke criteria blijven bij het beoordelen van private boodschappen, bij het herkennen van een gezonde mystieke ervaring. Er zijn altijd mystieke ervaringen geweest in de Kerk en die zullen er ook altijd zijn. Deze moeten we niet bagatelliseren, maar we moeten het finale oordeel aan de Kerk overlaten.
Toen ik Vassula ontmoette in Como, op 23 september 1992, had ik het gevoel dat ze onder vuur lag van veel critici; ze schreven laatdunkend over haar. Dit is begrijpelijk omdat Jezus via Vassula een oordeel velt over extremistische theologen van onze tijd, die zich distantiëren van goddelijke openbaringen door te dicht bij de wereld te staan. Paus Paulus VI kwam hier kort voor zijn dood achter; hij begon te spreken over de “rook van de duivel” die de Kerk was binnengedrongen en fundamentele waarheden van Gods openbaring had vertroebeld.
Het lijkt mij hoe beter ik deze dingen begrijp, dat het belangrijkste charisma van Vassula is om de ZUIVERHEID VAN DE INTEGRALE OPENBARING VAN GOD te laten zien. Er mag niets aan de Openbaring worden onttrokken, er mag niets aan worden toegevoegd; er mag niet worden toegegeven aan de wereld en aan de toegeeflijke beschaving van onze tijd, die zelfs tot in de Kerk doordringt en wanorde veroorzaakt in haar reddende zending.
Inculturatie is noodzakelijk als basis voor een nieuwe evangelisatie. Zo zegt Paus Johannes Paulus II in navolging van het Concilie. We moeten culturen respecteren zodat we in mensen van alle naties Gods geopenbaarde waarheden kunnen planten en hen met liefde versterken, altijd met inachtneming van menselijke, nationale en sociale rechten en aandacht voor sociale situaties. Dit is de waarheid; het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie zegt het; zo ook de Pausen van het Concilie en daarna. Maar er is de waarheid die ons zegt dat Christus en Zijn Woord oordelen over alle culturen, alle menselijke, nationale en sociale rechten. Het zijn daarentegen niet de culturen die Christus beoordelen, maar Christus die hen beoordeelt. Christus beschermt, bevordert, verwaardigt, tilt op naar een hoger niveau, naar Gods niveau, alle culturen.
Wees daarom niet bang om “de deur naar Christus te openen”. Hij is onze Schepper, onze Vriend, Hij is onze “Eeuwige Vader” samen met de Vader en de Heilige Geest; Hij weet wat we nodig hebben om ons kleine aardse en grote hemelse geluk te bereiken.
De Kerk brengt samen met de Paus, en onder de Paus, als het zichtbare Hoofd van de Kerk en de Vicaris van Jezus Christus, de verlossende leerstellingen van Christus over. Dat is wat Jezus ons via Vassula vertelt, hoewel zij duidelijk maakt dat zij tot de Grieks-Orthodoxe Kerk behoort. Op deze manier wijst zij de weg naar een gezonde oecumene, een oecumene die vandaag de dag via zijn Golgotha ondergaat. Maar de oecumene is Gods werk, dus moet het net als Christus zelf door de Golgotha ondergaan. Moge God ons beschermen zodat Golgotha zich niet over de hele wereld verspreidt.
De oecumene zal, door haar Golgota, haar wederopstanding hebben. Het lijkt erop dat dit de kern is van alle boodschappen die Jezus ons geeft via Vassula Rydén, Grieks-Orthodox, die nu in Zwitserland woont.
+Frane Franić, Emeritus Aartsbisschop van Split en Makarska
voormalig Voorzitter van de Bisschoppelijke Theologische Commissie van Joegoslavië
Split, Joegoslavië
Onmiddellijk na de Notificatie in 1995 schreef de Aartsbisschop de volgende getuigenis:
Integriteit van de waarheden die worden geopenbaard in de boodschappen van Vassula Rydén, zeer trouwe dochter van de oude en heilige Grieks-Orthodoxe Kerk
Bij het lezen van de boeken van de goddelijke boodschappen en wetende dat de schrijfster, mevrouw Vassula Rydén, een dochter is van de Grieks-Orthodoxe Kerk, was ik erg onder de indruk toen ik in hen een trouw aantrof, en ik ben er vast van overtuigd, een absolute trouw aan alle geopenbaarde waarheden zoals onderwezen en uiteengezet door de Katholieke Kerk.
Ik wil er nederig op wijzen dat ik in 1941 gepromoveerd ben aan de Gregoriaanse Universiteit, die in die tijd zeer trouw was aan de Thomistische theologie en filosofie, en dat ik zelf deze theologie 38 jaar lang, van 1942 tot 1980, heb gedoceerd aan de Interdiocesane Theologische School voor gevorderde studies in Split. Ik heb kennis genomen van de verschillende bezwaren die door bepaalde Katholieke theologen werden geformuleerd tegen de boodschappen van de boeken van “Waar Leven in God”. Maar deze bezwaren zijn zeker niet in staat om mijn overtuiging in twijfel te trekken dat al deze boeken authentieke boodschappen bevatten die van Christus zelf komen, boodschappen die de waarheden bevatten over het geloof in het bovennatuurlijke, waarheden waarin zowel de oude Byzantijns Orthodoxe Kerk als de Roomse Kerk geloofden, tot het pijnlijke moment van hun scheiding. Bijgevolg komen de boodschappen goed overeen met het oude geloof van de Heilige Grieks-Orthodoxe Kerk, wat impliceert dat Vassula niet formeel haar lidmaatschap van de Orthodoxe Kerk hoeft op te geven om Katholiek te worden.
Deze vaste overtuiging handhaaf ik ook nu nog, ondanks de “verklaring” (notificatie) van de Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer, gepubliceerd in de Osservatore Romano van 23-24 oktober 1995.
Ik bid tot de Heer dat deze “verklaring” wordt opgehelderd, zodat alle verwarring in onze Kerk wordt weggenomen, evenals de moeilijkheden die door deze “verklaring” zijn ontstaan in de oecumenische betrekkingen tussen de Orthodoxe Kerk en de Katholieke Kerk.
Verder vind ik dat ik moet verklaren dat in de boodschappen van Vassula’s boeken bepaalde waarheden staan die vandaag de dag in een crisis verkeren in onze eigen Kerk. Deze waarheden worden in deze boodschappen heel duidelijk verwoord en op een verrassend stevige en vastberaden manier bevestigd. Waarheden zoals de Maagdelijkheid en het Heilige Moederschap van de Heilige en Onbevlekte Maagd Maria, de werkelijke tegenwoordigheid van het Lichaam en Bloed met de Ziel en de Goddelijkheid van Jezus Christus in de Eucharistie.
Volgens mijn nederige maar vaste overtuiging is er geen fout en zijn er nooit fouten geweest, noch in de eerste boeken van Vassula, noch in die daarna. Er is geen fout als Vassula spreekt over Christus, Hem Abba of Jahweh noemend, noch als ze zegt dat Christus in de wereld zal komen om een periode van Zijn vrede te brengen, omdat het te maken heeft met de historische terugkeer van Christus in deze wereld door Zijn Kerk, die gedurende die periode van Vrede vernieuwd zal worden; en dan zal de aanwezigheid van Christus nog zichtbaarder zijn voor de hele mensheid in deze wereld, zoals de Heilige Maagd en Koningin der Profeten zei in Fatima, en zoals ze nu nog steeds profeteert in Medjugorje.
Daarom verenig ik mij met al die Katholieke bisschoppen en theologen die de authenticiteit en oprechte waarachtigheid van Vassula Rydén, ziener en mysticus, één van de grootste van onze tijd, verdedigen.
+ Frane Franic, Emeritus Aartsbisschop van Split en Makarska
Archbishop Seraphim

Archbishop Seraphim
Archbishop Seraphim
His Eminence Archbishop of Johannesburg and Pretoria Seraphim
Traveling from Washington, USA to Johannesburg, May 1, 2006
I am in a South African Airlines plane on my way back to Johannesburg from Washington, where, as Vice President of the Pan-African Board of the Churches, I participated in a very important inter-religious conference at Georgetown University. The emphasis was on the importance of religion in the protection of human rights and the priority which should be given to dialogue in finding solutions to both local and international differences that threaten the cause of world peace. This journey lasts for seventeen hours with a one hour stop in Accra, capital of Ghana. Usually, when I am not tired, I take the opportunity to jot down some issues.
At the end of the conference I had the opportunity and the pleasure to be the guest of some good friends, the Rydén couple, whom I had also had the honour of hosting at home in the past. During my stay, the Rydén couple, hosted as well two more friends, one from New York and one from Monaco, both Greek ladies and both called Georgia. Georgia from New York was second generation of Mani origin and we were meeting for a second time.
Vassula Rydén grew up in a Greek emigrant environment where the emphasis was secular but importance was also given to the family as a social institution and to religious convictions through the Orthodox tradition which included attendance at church services during Christmas and Easter as well as weddings, christenings and funerals.
Vassula had a typical society life-style with the usual everyday problems until, one day, in a strange and mysterious way, she heard a sweet and unknown voice that was actually a call to a mission – to testify to God’s presence among us. At first, she was mystified and had no idea what to do. God, however, helped her understand her mission and with obedience and humility and a lot of prayer, Vassula started to record the messages she received interiorly from God. At the same time, she changed and started to live her life in a different way. Loving God and praying to God became her life. Thus began her mission to bring people closer to God.
In fact, if one studies with great care the messages that Vassula receives, they will realize that the messages emphasize the basic teachings of the Holy Bible and the Tradition of the Holy Fathers of our Church. All the messages refer to a spiritual preparation for repentance, to a call to live a holy, mystical, ecclesiastical and eschatological life, to alleviate the suffering of our fellow human beings, especially defenseless children, and in particular those that are killed before they are born through the fatal sin of abortion. Another important indication in the messages is the need to support the unification of the Mystical Body of Christ, in other words the unity of the Churches and, in addition, the visible strengthening of the spiritual bonds between the Churches beginning with all Christians celebrating together on the same date the Resurrection of Christ.
Although many people have benefited spiritually from Vassula’s prayers and the messages by giving priority to God in their lives, there are a considerable number who officially or unofficially oppose her.
It seems that somehow the way that Vassula says that she receives God’s messages has been misunderstood, and some are ready to throw stones at her and to insist that she be burnt alive. This kind of religious fanaticism, which recalls extreme situations prevalent in medieval times, is unacceptable.
If one reads Vassula’s messages with care from a theological and ecclesiastical point of view and, specifically, having in mind the Orthodox dogma, it is hard to find erroneous belief. And if for any reason such an impression is given, that is because of the negative prejudice that some people have by interpreting a message not as Vassula would have, but as they wish to interpret it in order to condemn her as a heretic. Vassula has never objected to discussing any message that people might have misunderstood and which causes them to reject her. The propaganda war against Vassula is so strong that whoever, with good intentions, wishes to approach her, without prejudice and wishing calmly to read the messages, will immediately also be accused of heresy. Lord and Virgin Mary, what a curse to fall into the hands of fanatic religious people, the contemporary fanatic Pharisees and Secretaries. Full of hatred, they will bury you alive.
Thus, Mani-origin Georgia from New York, and Georgia from Monaco, and many other Georgias, who were untouched by the church with its clergy and theologians, have been touched by Vassula and the Messages. There are millions of souls who lived far from the light of God and, after reading the messages, became deacons and deaconesses of the living testimony of the presence of God’s love amongst us, in the social life of the contemporary world in this troubled era of ours.
Of course, in this statement, in no way do I depreciate the huge and complicated parish mission of our Church from a pastoral, philanthropic and missionary perspective. There are, however, other ways that souls can be saved. Lay charismatic members of our Church, with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, can lead souls to come closer to God and live a spiritual life. This does not mean that they replace the holy work of our clergy; on the contrary they complement it, and they offer with their ministry, their spirituality and their testimony, an equally important mission to the vineyard of the Church.
In the end, at both a local and international level, through an appointed committee, our Church will have to consider Vassula’s messages with integrity and through discussion in order to formulate a responsible opinion and put a stop to this “contradictory phenomenon”. When many members of our Church and other Christians benefit spiritually, while other lay people and clergy fight Vassula and tell lies about her, if the messages are from God, they are actually fighting God.
Personally, as an Orthodox Bishop, I find no doctoral errors in the content of Vassula’s messages with respect to the Orthodox dogma and I am sure that if a message has been wrongly perceived by someone, Vassula is willing humbly and with love and good intention to explain it to us according to the Revealed Truth of the Church, as it is expressed in the Holy Bible and our Church Tradition.
Vassula’s messages are not a new Revelation of God and mention nothing different to what is in the Holy Bible and the Ecclesiastical Tradition, which are complete and our salvation. Rather, they are like some texts of the Fathers of the Church and other ecclesiastical texts that help us comprehend and experience the content of the Divine Revelation of the Holy Bible and the Tradition of the Church. Vassula’s intentions are pure and redeeming.
By reading and meditating on the teaching in Vassula’s messages, many Christians may obtain maximum benefit by uniting and by giving their testimony to the contemporary world in order to heal wounds that present a critical threat. In order for my own words not to be misunderstood, I should emphasize that when I refer to the spiritual benefit to be gained from reading Vassula’s messages, I am not saying nor wish to give the impression that I do not support the priority that every Christian should give to the reading and study of the Holy Bible in their lives, as well as the Tradition of the Church. Moreover, this very important point is something that is also stressed in Vassula’s messages.
I also have to mention that, even in the past, many ecclesiastical writers moved away somewhat from the Church’s teachings in certain parts of their texts or they gave the impression that they differed from the doctrine of the Church. When ecclesiastical authorities pointed this out to them, the explanation of the teachings of the Church was given with humility and docility so as to protect the redeeming plan of Christ. I believe that Vassula has the humility and goodwill to do the same where some part of the messages gives the impression of a dogmatic deviation or erroneous belief.
Dialogue is the means by which people will overcome all these misunderstandings for the glory of our Saviour Jesus Christ. The glory of God coincides with Christ’s redeeming plan and Vassula’s messages contribute to this purpose.
Arcbishop Vincent Concessao, Arcbishop of New Delhi

Arcbishop Vincent Concessao, Arcbishop of New Delhi
Vassula spoke at St. Columbas School Ground in New Delhi in 2006. When she was finished, Archbishop Concessao, who was present during the talk, also spoke. The following is an excerpt from his comments.
“All that we have heard is what is written in the Bible, but this is in a very personal way and shows that the Lord continues to speak. He is wonderful in His ways – He is a God of surprises and we do not know who He will use to communicate His messages. There was a time when Vassula did not practice – the Church meant nothing to her. This is a tremendous source of hope for all of us. The Lord is concerned about us and accompanies us on our pilgrimage here on earth. She emphasized the place of love in our lives and the Lord’s desire that we are all united, and to be disunited is in itself a state of sin. In a few days we will be celebrating the Christian Unity octave. The theme is “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am among them”. The gathering is taking place. There was a time when we were enemies to one another. There is a long way to go because Jesus prayed “may they be one” – that is the unity that the Father wants among us and, as Vassula said, “This unity of peace does not imply more expenditure – she managed to come with one ticket!! This is the kind of unity the Lord wants and I request all of you to pray for Christian unity. We do not know the way the Lord wants us to unite but the goal is clear – He wants one Church, one Shepherd.
Vassula, thank you. God bless you and your ministry.“
Archbishop Vincent Concessao, Arcbishop of New Delhi
Bishop Karl Sigurbjörnsson

Bishop Karl Sigurbjörnsson
January 2006
I met on October 3rd, last year. Vassula Ryden, a greek-american woman, who on her own accord has been travelling around the globe preaching the Christian faith in a simple and modest manner. She delivered a sermon in Hallgrímskirkju and the national shrine was filled to capacity by people in quiet anticipation. Her sacred gift is God’s dispensation to his church, a soothing manifestation of faith. Christ’s message to her was the encouragement to pray unification of the Christian faith, praying for people seeking solace in God, that they lean to him and listen to his unwavering heartbeat of compassion.
Bishop Karl Sigurbjörnsson
Bishop of Iceland

Bishop Georges Kahhale
Monsignor Georges Kahhale Zouhairaty, Bishop – Exarca & Apostolico of the Greek – Melkite Catholics of Venezuela
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Presiding at a Divine Liturgy at the 2005 TLIG Ecumenical Pilgrimage |
“With her openness and relationships, on an international level, Vassula has created, through prayer and “True Life in God”, an ecumenical relationship and solid bases for the interreligious dialogue of the XXI Century for human unity.”
The original testimony was written in Spanish and reads:
“Con su apertura y relaciones a nivel internacional Vassula ha hecho a través de la oración y la ‘Verdadera Vida en Dios’ una relación ecuménica y sólidas bases para el diálogo interreligioso del siglo XXI para la unidad humana”
Getuigenissen van Geestelijken en Religieuzen
Ik heb geen dramatische getuigenis voor wat betreft Vassula, maar ik wil wel zeggen dat het lezen van haar boodschappen me in een geest van gebed brengt. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat Jezus inderdaad door deze boodschappen spreekt. Daar wil ik aan toevoegen dat ik als professioneel theoloog altijd in de gaten heb gehouden of deze boodschappen op enige manier afwijken van de leer van de Kerk. Ik heb er nog nooit een leerstellige fout in gevonden. Dat is erg indrukwekkend. Voor een leek, zonder enige theologische opleiding, zonder zelfs maar enige serieuze catechetische instructie, is het een buitengewone prestatie om zoveel boeken te schrijven over enkele van de diepste spirituele onderwerpen, en nooit een misstap te begaan. Het is een krachtige bevestiging dat het inderdaad de Heer zelf is die de bron is van deze geschriften. Ik ben me ervan bewust dat ze door hoge autoriteiten in de Kerk is beschuldigd van leerstellige fouten. Na zorgvuldige reflectie over deze zaak ben ik ervan overtuigd dat de zogenaamde “fouten” simpelweg te maken hebben met het feit dat ze niet de taal van professionele theologen gebruikt wanneer ze de goddelijke mysteries probeert uit te drukken. Ik denk niet dat dit haar kwalijk genomen kan worden, want de Bijbelse auteurs deden hetzelfde.
(F.r Edward D. O’Connor, CSC, Departement Theologie, Universiteit van Notre Dame, december 1999)
Bij het lezen van de boeken van de goddelijke boodschappen en bij het kennen van de auteur, mevrouw Vassula Rydén, een dochter van de Grieks-Orthodoxe Kerk, was ik zeer onder de indruk toen ik daar, volgens mijn vaste overtuiging, een absolute trouw vond aan alle geopenbaarde waarheden zoals onderwezen en uiteengezet door de Katholieke Kerk ………. Daarom verenig ik mij met die Katholieke bisschoppen en theologen die de authenticiteit en oprechte waarachtigheid verdedigen van Vassula Rydén, één van de grootste mystici en zieners van onze tijd.
(Frane Franic, Emeritus Aartsbisschop van Split en Makarska, november 1995)
(Vassula) reist de wereld rond om te evangeliseren voor Christelijke eenheid; gehoorzaamheid aan de Paus; verering van de Eucharistie; devotie tot het Heilig Hart van Jezus; en vooral, een evangelische levensmoraal; en ook voor een diepe religieuze bekering van de wereld. Vassula Rydén heeft ontmoetingen gehad met de Paus, met Kardinalen en met Bisschoppen over de hele wereld. Dit is een privé-openbaring en we laten haar spreken omdat wat ze zegt overeenkomt met de waarheid van het Evangelie.
(Kardinaal Franjo Kuharic, Aartsbisschop van Zagreb, februari 1995)
Het getuigenis is overtuigend, vreugdevol en stimulerend. Overal in haar geschriften voelen we de Adem van Liefde … De Heilige Geest is overal aan het werk en geeft overvloedig … elke dag wordt Vassula’s getuigenis serieuzer genomen en meer ten volle aanvaard. Dit vergemakkelijkt en versnelt tegelijkertijd het uiteindelijke oordeel van de hele Kerk, welk oordeel zonder twijfel de vele vruchten van Vassula’s boodschap in overweging zal nemen.
(Pater Lludevit Rupcic, OFM)
We kunnen zeggen dat Vassula Rydén in “morele zekerheid” verkeert onder de spirituele begeleiding van Fr. Michael O’Carroll. Zijn duidelijke bekwaamheid zou voldoende moeten zijn om de twijfels weg te nemen van degenen die Vassula Rydén en haar geschriften blindelings en gewelddadig aanvallen. Bovendien heeft ze de steun van Fr. René Laurentin … Van mijn kant, na meer dan vijftig jaar ascetische en mystieke theologie te hebben bestudeerd, zowel in theorie als in praktijk, aarzel ik niet om aan de kant te staan van deze twee “deskundigen” samen met vele priesters, die Vassula Rydén en haar geschriften zeer goed kennen … We moeten ophouden onze angst “voorzichtigheid” en ons scepticisme “wijsheid” te noemen.
(Eerwaarde O. M., C.S.C.)
Het is een hiëratisch schrift, met andere woorden, een heilig schrift … gekleed in zo’n majestueuze plechtigheid … het schrift zelf inspireert een grote vrede … straalt licht en sereniteit uit. Dit is echt prachtig geschreven en kan alleen maar goed zijn!
(Eerwaarde C. C., OFM)
Ik heb het gevoel dat het bewijs ten gunste van Vassula erg sterk is, en daarom wil ik vooral degenen die zich realiseren dat Vassula inderdaad in feite een profeet voor onze tijd kan zijn, oproepen om te bidden, te vasten en na te denken; in ieder geval om geen geruchten te verspreiden of aanvallen uit te voeren. Met elke dag die voorbijgaat zal deze zaak duidelijker en duidelijker worden.
(Fr. “X”, PIME)
De boodschap in deze volumes is inderdaad krachtig. Het heeft mij en anderen diep geraakt.
(Broeder E.C., New Mexico)
Ik ben gezegend met het lezen van deze boeken. Ze hebben mij enorm geholpen in mijn spirituele leven, en ze hebben ook veel anderen geholpen en dichter bij God gebracht. Er zijn veel tranen van berouw … het is niet echt iets nieuws, maar gebaseerd op de Schrift.
(Zuster I.B., Chicago)
Er komen steeds meer reacties op deze boodschappen hier in Hong Kong.
(Pater F.E., Hong Kong)
Ik heb Vassula ontmoet in Manchester, Engeland, toen ik haar openbaringen begon te lezen en ik heb alle delen tot en met nummer 5 gelezen en erover gemediteerd … Ik wil me heel graag blijven verdiepen in de woorden van de Heer aan ons. Ik ben volledig overtuigd van de authenticiteit van deze woorden. Ze hebben me enorm geholpen op mijn eigen spirituele reis. Ik geef deze openbaring door aan mensen van wie ik weet dat ze ervoor open zullen staan … Ik zou haar persoonlijk willen schrijven, al was het maar om haar aan te moedigen.
(Pater M.M., Bolivia)
Mensen zijn hier zo hongerig naar de Waar Leven in God boeken dat ik ze sneller weggeef dan ik het kan bijhouden. Het is me nog niet gelukt om er eentje voor mezelf te houden.
(Zuster T.R., Ukiah, Californië)
Ik hoop een paar collega-priesters te bekeren met deze boeken.
(Eerwaarde B.C., Toronto)
Pater Michael O’Carroll, die momenteel haar geestelijk leidsman is, is voldoende gekwalificeerd en competent op het gebied van ascetische en mystieke theologie … het getuigenis van Pater O’Carroll zou een grote geruststelling moeten zijn.
(Vader O.M. Canada)
Ik slaagde erin om onze pastoor, een priester die op bezoek was en mijn biechtvader, geïnteresseerd te krijgen in het leven van Vassula … ze waren blij en ik was erg blij … Wat ik nu graag wil horen zijn Vassula’s lezingen over de Heilige Geest. [I prayed] “Oh God, als het mogelijk is, zorg er dan in Uw Almachtige Macht voor dat Vassula India bezoekt.”
(Zuster A.T., India)
Wat een vreugde! Ik ontving drie volumes geschreven door Vassula Rydén. Zoveel details van haar gesprekken met Christus. Door slechts één notitieboek te lezen, kan ik in een grootste intimiteit met Jezus leven. De lezing van haar geschriften helpen enorm om over Christus te leren. Deze woorden zijn zo levend en concreet dat we Hem bijna kunnen aanraken. Moge dit boek de harten van priesters inspireren. Het boek van Vassula helpt me te ontdekken hoe ik met Christus kan leven. Het is een nieuwe schat die ons dichter bij Christus brengt. Mogen veel gelovigen kunnen proeven en gevoed worden door de kostbare en levende geschriften van Vassula.
(K.S., priester)
De geschriften van “Waar Leven in God” trokken mij aan, maar ik heb vervolgens deze lectuur een tijdje opgegeven. Wel, God heeft gewild dat ik mij in een staat van geestelijke crisis bevond. Ik ontving een innerlijk licht; keerde terug naar Vassula’s geschriften. Plotseling zijn de woorden van Jezus – die zij opschrijft – een bron van licht en hoop voor mij geworden. Eerst las ik ze niet systematisch, maar toen kwam ik terug en begon ik bij het begin. Wat een verandering! De moeilijkheden zijn verdwenen en de woorden van Jezus hebben mij verbaasd… Ik vind daar nu de voeding die ik zo nodig had en ook een versterking. Dankzij “Waar Leven in God” gebeurt er iets goeds in mijn ziel, iets waar ik ooit aan twijfelde.
(P.J., priester)
De boeken “Waar Leven in God” zijn prachtig. Ze brengen ons dichter bij de Persoon van Jezus en helpen ons in ons innerlijk leven. Ik heb alle volumes gelezen en zou ze opnieuw aanraden.
(s. H., religieuse)
Voor mij komt dit prachtige boek op de tweede plaats na de Heilige Schrift. Voor mij en voor veel mensen die ik ken, is “Waar Leven in God” licht en voeding en zelfs medicijn voor de ziel. Vooral het vierde volume helpt me om de onmetelijkheid van de Goddelijke Barmhartigheid te leren kennen. Dit boek geneest de zieken door de vreugde die God over de lezers uitstort.
(s. M.K., religieuse)
We zijn erg blij dat de boeken van Vassula in onze gemeenschap te vinden zijn! Ze helpen ons dieper de onmetelijke Goedheid, Liefde en Barmhartigheid te ervaren die Onze Heer Jezus Christus heeft voor iedere ziel… Ze helpen ons om dieper de grenzeloze Liefde te kennen die Jezus voor ons mensen voelt, Zijn pijn en Zijn bezorgdheid dat “allen één mogen zijn”, ik begreep hoe Hij onze wederzijdse liefde en onze vereniging met Hem verlangt door offers, boetedoening, lijden, om zielen en de wereld te redden …
(s. M, religieuze)
Dankzij de boeken van Vassula worden steeds meer mensen naar het goede getrokken … Wat werkelijk groot en waardevol is, moet pijnlijke beproevingen doorstaan en soms op immense moeilijkheden stuiten. Ik vertrouw erop dat Jezus ook deze keer zal overwinnen. Ik dank God de Vader altijd dat er eenvoudige mensen zijn die hun hart openstellen voor de voorschriften van Jezus …
(s. I., religieuze)
De geschriften van “Waar Leven in God” vormen een soort “mystieke som”. De karakteristieke elementen: eenvoud, toegankelijkheid en leesbaarheid voor eenvoudige zielen. Deze woorden lijken misschien overdreven, maar voor mij is het een echte stem van de Heer. Dezelfde stem die Abraham heeft gehoord, de patriarchen en profeten, en uiteindelijk de apostelen. Dezelfde stem die weerklinkt in de liturgie, waarin God tot mensen spreekt en mensen tot God spreken. Ik hoop dat deze stem ooit wordt erkend.
(s. M.N., religieuze)
Allen die deze boeken lezen, de mooiste boeken, beginnen een nieuw leven en verwerven innerlijke vreugde en kennis van de God van Goedheid en Barmhartigheid. Het is echt voor de huidige tijd – de tijd van koudheid in geloof – het Vuur van Goddelijke Liefde dat menselijke harten die zo koud zijn weer tot leven wekt. Ik dank de Goddelijke Barmhartigheid voor de reddende hulp die Zij ons geeft om ons geloof in Gods Barmhartigheid, in Gods Liefde voor de mensheid, te verdiepen … Tijdens het lezen van dit boek rust de ziel … Als we alle delen lezen, dan het gebedenboekje, schijnt het licht van God naar buiten en verlicht het de mens. Dan licht in het hart liefde op en herkenning van de Driewerf Heilige God voor Zijn Barmhartigheid voor ons, Zijn kinderen – zondaars.
(s. M.K. religieuze)
Vassula’s boodschappen vind ik uitdagend en ik heb besloten om heel aandachtig te luisteren en alles wat ze zegt te wegen, want het zou vreselijk zijn om in een tijd te leven waarin de Heer zou spreken en Hem dan niet gehoord te hebben. … Mijn advies aan degene die deze boodschappen leest, is dat als ze slechts met een voorbijgaande nieuwsgierigheid worden gelezen, ze betekenisloos zullen zijn en als as zullen worden. Echter door de Heilige Geest toe te staan tot de lezer te spreken, de passages meerdere keren te herlezend en door zichzelf als de ontvanger van de boodschap te plaatsen, zullen de passages voorbijgaan aan de nieuwsgierigheid en zal hun doel onthuld worden. Deze boodschappen zijn voor leken, aan een leek gegeven door God.
(Fr. D. H., York, Verenigd Koninkrijk)
Ik heb de eerste volume gelezen van Waar Leven in God. Ik las het als een priester die een privé openbaring onder ogen krijgt: met omzichtigheid en alle antennes getraind voor onderscheidingsvermogen. Maar ik ontdekte een heel sterke oproep tot bekering en een persoonlijke ontmoeting met de Heer Jezus. Sommige van deze oproepen heb ik zelfs anoniem doorgegeven in mijn preken. Ik zag hoeveel harten werden geraakt.
(Vader R. H., Ivoorkust, juli 1991)
Vassula geeft me nog meer inzicht in de ervaring van de Universele verlossing van God. In het begin werd ik meegesleept door de eenvoud en Bijbelse diepgang van deze spiritualiteit, die ik niet kende. Beetje bij beetje ontdekte ik een pad die identiek is aan die van de heilige Teresa van het Kind Jezus, die het hart terugbrengt naar effectieve intimiteit met de Eeuwige God. Vassula is een ander rolmodel dat me heeft geholpen om mijn gebedsleven liefdevoller in te vullen en om de zoektocht naar God te waarderen, of beter gezegd, de juiste en gevarieerde manieren waarop mensen zich tot God kunnen verhouden. Vassula leren kennen en haar spiritualiteit was een stimulans voor trouw en een constanter leven.
(Pe. N. M., Brazilië, 1991)
Mijn hart is vervuld van vreugde om te schrijven naar de persoon die me de smaak voor gebed teruggeeft, en ik besteed er iets meer van mijn tijd aan; mijn manier om naar Jezus te gaan is respectvoller. Ik luister naar jou terwijl je de Rozenkrans bidt, omdat we videocassettes hebben en de manier waarop jij bidt is een meditatie.
(Zuster T. P., Quebec, Canada, juni 1992)
We kennen je als ‘een geweldige vriend’ omdat je hebt geluisterd en zelfs hebt genoten van de inhoud van deze prachtige cassettes die we aan anderen uitlenen. Bedankt voor deze boodschappen vol van het Heilig Hart en de Heilige Geest. Dank u voor deze trouw bij het doorgeven ervan aan onze arme wereld in wanorde, die niet weet waar echte waarden te vinden zijn. Wij bidden veel voor u, zodat u de moeilijkheden kunt overwinnen die inherent zijn aan deze ontvangen missie. Moge de Heer met u zijn, tot Zijn Glorie.
(Zuster G. R., s.c.c.m., Québec, Canada, juni 1992)
Laat me u eerst vertellen (Vassula) dat we volledig geloven in de boodschappen van het Heilig Hart aan u en dat we voor u hebben gebeden sinds we ze hebben gelezen. We vonden het vooral erg voor u dat weinig priesters en religieuzen u steunden. Daarom wilden we u schrijven om onze steun te betuigen aan boodschappen waarvan we weten dat ze van het Heilig Hart komen.
(Broeder J-J, VS, juli 1992)
Ik dank Hem ook dat ik Zijn stem via u en uw boeken heb gehoord… in mij gehoord, met zo’n kracht: ‘Ik God, Ik bemin je’.
(Vader Réginald Tardif, september 1992)
Vassula is één van de meest evenwichtige en transparante zieners die ik ken. Ik zou zelfs geneigd zijn om te zeggen dat ze op een heel bevredigende manier normaler en evenwichtiger is dan de meeste anderen.
(Fr. René Laurentin, Frankrijk, 1993)
In maart 1993, tijdens mijn jaarlijkse retraites, toen ik boodschappen van Jezus las, gebeurde er iets wonderbaarlijks met mijn geest toen ik vervuld werd van een bovennatuurlijk fenomeen dat mijn hele ziel doordrong met liefde voor mijn God en Redder. Ik kon mijn tranen niet bedwingen, het is zoiets als verliefd worden op God, vergeving en zuivering vragen voor voorbije zonden.
De boodschappen van Jezus zijn nu voor mij een vast onderdeel van mijn dagelijkse spirituele lezing, het is alsof ik in een spirituele coma raak als ik ze lees. Ik twijfel er niet aan dat deze boodschappen van bovennatuurlijke oorsprong zijn en die krachtige wonderbaarlijke opwekking die ik ontving tijdens mijn jaarlijkse retraites, Jezus zij gezegend en geliefd door ons allen voor Zijn genaden.
(Fr. V. W. P., OSBM, Canada, mei 1993)
Ik ben al bijna tien jaar priester en momenteel ben ik als pastoor verantwoordelijk voor vijf kleine landelijke parochies. Ik heb een paar maanden geleden over u gehoord. Destijds hechtte ik geen waarde aan wat mij werd verteld, totdat ik de 62 notitieboeken begon te lezen en volgen. Ik ben geboeid door de boodschappen die Jezus, onze Goede Vriend, ons doorgeeft via u als tussenpersoon. In gedachten, in gebed ben ik zeer met u verenigd. Gezegend zij Jezus, die ons op ons pad heeft gezet. Moge Onze Welbeminde u beschermen en behoeden.
(Abt A. B., Frankrijk, oktober 1993)
Ik ben een hartstochtelijk lezer van boodschappen van Jezus aan Vassula. Ik denk zelfs dat ik kan zeggen dat ik bekeerd ben door deze boodschappen. Ik bezit, heb en bewerk de vier delen van Waar Leven in God en de vier supplementen die tot op heden zijn verschenen, evenals het kleine boekje Gebeden van Jezus en Vassula met fragmenten uit deze werken. Ik kopieer ook de cassettes die mensen me lenen, zodat mensen in mijn omgeving ze kunnen beluisteren en, wanneer mogelijk, ga ik met een paar zussen videocassettes bekijken bij buren thuis. Ik, die een zeer oppervlakkig leven leidde, meer dan een beetje ontrouw aan mijn roeping, zag een groot licht opgaan en IEMAND reikte me de hand. Ik leef weer en mijn vreugde is diep, onbeschrijfelijk. Mijn superieuren en mijn mede-zusters zijn verbaasd: ze herkennen mij niet meer. Wat zou ik graag willen dat Vassula dit wist, om haar aan te moedigen dapper door te gaan met het werk dat Jezus met haar, door haar en in haar doet! Ik geloof dat duizenden en duizenden mensen de Heer vinden en zullen vinden vanwege de Liefde die Hij voor haar heeft (en voor ons: dat laat ze ons zien) en vanwege haar geweldige antwoord op de Heer, die een voorbeeld en een kracht is. Twee keer zag ik tijdens het kijken en luisteren naar een videocassette de gezichten van Jezus en Maria in plaats dat van Vassula. Ik was overweldigd.
(Zuster M-C. P., Zwitserland, januari 1994)
Sceptisch als ze waren, gingen we naar Laval om te horen wat u (Vassula) te zeggen had. Sceptisch, maar met een open hart. En Jezus heeft ons vervuld. U hebt er niets mee te maken, dat weet u, maar vanaf het begin van de conferentie werd ik getroffen door uw gezicht en kon ik niet begrijpen wat er aan de hand was. Voor me stond een slanke vrouw met een vreemd mannelijk gezicht, en naarmate de tijd verstreek merkte ik dat dit mannelijke gezicht, dat ik ken maar niet echt kan identificeren, meer uitgesproken werd als u in de naam van JEZUS sprak. Toen gaf mijn vriend, een niet-Romeinse priester, me een duwtje: “Maar kun je het gezicht van Jezus niet zien? Precies ‘het Heilige Gelaat van Jezus’. Ik haalde toen dit Heilige Gelaat uit mijn document, dat was het!, en tot het einde van de conferentie zagen en hoorden we Jezus. Aan het einde zinspeelde pater O’Carroll op het feit dat dit fenomeen zich ook al elders had voorgedaan, wat voor ons een bevestiging was. We luisterden naar wat er om ons heen werd gezegd, maar blijkbaar ontving alleen onze kleine groep – twee priesters, een jong stel en ikzelf – deze genade.
(Zr. J. L., Frankrijk, juni 1994)
Sinds ik u (Vassula) heb leren kennen, ervaar ik elke dag een oprechte verbondenheid met Jezus en u.
(Fr. J. B., VS, november 1994)
Vassula is voor mij een goede vriendin, die me vertelt over de Liefde van God voor de hele mensheid. De boodschappen zijn een verborgen manna dat Jezus heeft gereserveerd voor onze tijden van wildernis en ongerechtigheid. Het is een krachtig manna! En ik ben altijd hongerig om het opnieuw te lezen. Ik bid dat vele, vele anderen hun harten openen voor deze prachtige Woorden van God.
(Zr. J, Nederland, 1996)
De boodschappen in Waar Leven in God zijn uniek, buitengewoon en heel bijzonder. Ze openbaren ons de meest verheven schatten in het Heilig Hart van Jezus, verborgen in het verleden en op een speciale manier gereserveerd voor onze tijd. Het zijn de belangrijkste privé-openbaringen die ooit zijn gedaan.
(Fr. Robert Hughes, SM, San José, Californië, VS, januari 1996)
Ik moet zeggen dat ik geloof in Vassula Rydén als een authentieke Visionair. Ik heb geen fysieke genezingen ondergaan, maar ik weet zeker dat haar prachtige Boodschappen van Jezus, zowel barmhartig als toepasselijk, mijn liefde voor Jezus en de Eeuwige Vader hebben versterkt en een sterker en vitaler deel van mij zijn geworden.
(Zr. M. R. N, VS, januari 1996)
Ik had persoonlijke liefde voor Jezus, maar na het lezen van Vassula’s boeken (boodschappen van God) leerde ik Jezus beter kennen en mijn liefde voor Jezus werd dieper. Deze boodschappen drongen diep door in mijn hart. Twee of drie, eigenlijk vier, mensen vertelden mij dat hun leven ook was veranderd.
(Zr. St. J., India, februari, 1996)
Ongeveer vijf minuten na het begin van de tape en tijdens Vassula’s toespraak over het Onbevlekt Hart van Maria, zag ik dat er zich bloed in het haar bovenop de rechterkant van haar hoofd vormde, waardoor het haar doorweekt raakte. Het bloed liep van de bovenkant van haar hoofd naar haar oor, langs haar wang, tot onder haar kin, zowel onder haar kin als in haar nek. Ik kon dit heel duidelijk zien. Toen ik zag dat Vassula met haar handen begon te gebaren, ze draaide haar handpalmen naar mij toe en ik zag dat beide handpalmen bedekt waren met bloed dat over haar vingers naar haar vingertoppen stroomde. Ik zag dit elke keer als ze haar handpalmen naar me toe draaide. … De video duurde een uur. Het visioen duurde tot het einde van de tape totdat ze klaar was met spreken – ongeveer 55 minuten. Ik was verbaasd over wat ik zag en raakte in ontzag en verwondering – maar voelde me ook heel vredig. Ik weet niet waarom ik werd uitgekozen om getuige te zijn van De Passie die aan mij werd geopenbaard via dit gekozen instrument Vassula, die ik eerbiedig en respecteer; zelfs na 24 uur ben ik nog steeds verloren in ontzag en verwondering.
Ik heb het gevoel dat Christus mij door dit visioen het lijden laat zien dat Vassula op dit moment doormaakt.
(Broeder M.A., Ierland, november 1996)
Zij (Vassula) stond volledig in contact met haar publiek en concentreerde zich op de eerste essentiële stappen: het creëren van een warme basis intimiteit met God – Vader, Zoon en Heilige Geest. Het was gevoelig, concreet, warm en bij uitstek praktisch. … Het grote teken van het succes van haar lezing was het feit dat, op een paar kreupelen en hoogbejaarden na, iedereen bleef voor de zegening. Dat was een geweldig teken dat niet onopgemerkt mag blijven. En dat niet alleen – de eigenaar van het theater, het management, de technici, de mensen van de bediening – ALLEMAAL kwamen ze luisteren naar de toespraak en stonden ze in de rij voor de zegen. Ik wou dat je hun opmerkingen had kunnen horen!
(Fr. B., VS, december 1996)
Moge de Heer uw Alles zijn. Bedankt voor uw loyaliteit en uw voorbeeld. Ik had het genoegen deel te nemen aan de bijeenkomst in Lausanne op 18 december 1997. Wat een verrassing was het, toen we naar het podium gingen voor de zegening, om een heel sterk parfum van wierook te ruiken. Moge de Heilige Geest u overschaduwen en u de genade geven om u naar de Vader te leiden.
(Zuster V. B, Zwitserland, 1997)
Wat er is gebeurd is niet voor mij; het is om te getuigen dat wat Vassula zegt waar is. Wat ik zojuist heb meegemaakt, bewijst dat voor mij. Ik heb nog nooit zulke ervaringen gehad, dit is de eerste keer. Ik bid eigenlijk nooit hardop en vandaag voor de genezingsdienst heb ik hardop gebeden. Ik voelde dat ik het moest zeggen. Er was een kracht in me, waardoor ik hardop bad om Vassula te bedanken voor haar aanwezigheid. Ik heb gebeden om Jezus te kunnen zien en mijn gebed werd verhoord, ik zag Hem in Vassula. Toen ze me zegende kuste ik haar hand omdat ik Jezus in haar zag. Ze herhaalde verschillende keren: “Het is waar, het is waar, het is waar.”
(Non, Heilig Land, 1997)
Ik begon eind 1995 Waar Leven in God te lezen, uitgegeven door Obor. Toen ik het boek las, voelde ik dat Jezus rechtstreeks tot mij sprak. Ik werd enthousiast en las het in korte tijd uit. En ik voelde dat mijn geloof sterker werd. Dus toen Vassula van plan was om naar Jakarta te komen om haar getuigenis af te leggen, probeerde ik meteen een ticket voor mezelf en voor een paar anderen te krijgen. Toen ik haar woorden hoorde, kreeg ik zin om Waar Leven in God nog een keer te lezen. En toen ik haar uiterlijk zag, was mijn indruk: die dame is eenvoudig, eerlijk en nederig. Haar eenvoud is te zien aan de manier waarop ze zich kleedde. Haar eerlijkheid blijkt uit haar getuigenis dat ze niets was voordat Jezus naar haar toe kwam. Haar nederigheid is af te lezen aan haar manier van praten, ze schept nooit op over haar kunnen. Door dit alles was ik er heel zeker van dat de woorden waarover Vassula tot ons sprak niet van de boze geest afkomstig kunnen zijn.
(Fr. I., Indonesië, maart 1997)
Ik ben onverbrekelijk verbonden met het geloof in Vassula. Ik ben gebonden aan het bewijs dat zij niet de schrijfster kan zijn van al die prachtige boodschappen, want ik geloof dat er werkelijk Jezus, God en Maria zijn in haar, die schrijven, die zichzelf bekend en gehoord maken. Deze voortdurende dialoog die in haar plaatsvindt is echt. Ik ben hier zeker van. Ik heb het bewijs omdat ik de boeken van Vassula al jaren lees en erover mediteer.
(Pater Guido Sommavilla SJ, Milaan, april 1997)
Toute notre communauté religieuse reste profondément reconnaissante de votre passage à notre maison de Marseille et de ce que vous nous avez transmis. Heel vaak sluiten wij ons aan bij uw gebed en bidden wij voor uw missie in de Kerk.
(Zusters van Notre Dame des Neiges (Onze Lieve Vrouw van de Sneeuw), Frankrijk, oktober 1997)
Wat Vassula zegt over het door Jezus gevraagde voortdurende gebed is prachtig en laat ons zien dat zij zich op een zeer hoog mystiek niveau bevindt. Vassula spoort ons aan tot intimiteit met God en de hereniging van alle christenen in de eenheid van één Kerk, onder het gezag van de paus van Rome. We moeten trouw blijven aan de Kerk, die door Christus is opgedragen om de gelovigen leiding te geven, maar ook trouw aan de Wil van God die voor ons duidelijk wordt uitgedrukt door de profeet die Hij nu naar ons stuurt en wiens naam Vassula is.
(Vader J.R., Frankrijk, februari 1998)
Er is mij ook gevraagd om te zeggen waarom ik de boodschappen van Waar Leven in God steun. Als iemand me over Vassula had verteld voordat ik haar zelf had gehoord of de boodschappen had gelezen, zou ik waarschijnlijk niet geïnteresseerd zijn geweest, in de veronderstelling dat het weer zo’n dwaze sekte was. Ik zou niet gezegd hebben dat het onmogelijk was met profetieën, openbaringen of boodschappen als deze, maar ik was zoiets nog nooit tegengekomen. Maar sinds ik Vassula voor het eerst hoorde in Rome in maart 1995 ben ik ervan overtuigd dat het allemaal waar is.
(Dominee Sverker Trônet, Zweden, mei 1998)
Ik was aanwezig op Vassula’s gebedsbijeenkomst in Lyon op 17 oktober 1998, en aan het eind van de conferentie had ik de bijzondere genade door haar geroepen te worden om haar bij te staan in haar lange gebed over de aanwezigen op de conferentie, die massaal kwamen opdagen om haar daarom te vragen. Ik stond aan haar zijde om te zegenen terwijl ze intens, ernstig en stil voor iedereen bad. Toen ik me nu twee keer tot Vassula wendde, merkte ik de totale verandering van haar gezicht op, waarvan de gelaatstrekken niet alleen mannelijker waren geworden, maar, zoals ze er op dat moment uitzagen, een opvallende gelijkenis vertoonden met die van het gezicht van Christus zoals NASA die reconstrueerde van de Heilige Lijkwade. Het “fenomeen” duurde telkens een paar seconden. Zodra het stopte, keerden de gelaatstrekken terug naar die van Vassula. Ik was heel dicht bij Vassula, stond naast haar en moest met haar bidden over de aanwezigen, dus ik kon niet worden misleid door een optische illusie of gezichtsfout. Aan de andere kant probeerde ik op geen enkele manier te ‘zien’ of me zelfs maar voor te stellen dat zoiets op dat precieze moment en in mijn aanwezigheid zou kunnen gebeuren. Ik kan dus naar eer en geweten getuigen dat ik een rechtstreekse ooggetuige was van deze transformatie van het gezicht van Vassula, dat mij tweemaal verscheen met de trekken van Jezus, een gezicht van licht, met ogen die brandden van liefde, getekend door pijn en grote vermoeidheid, alsof hij zweette.
(Vader R.-M.M., Toulon, Frankrijk, november 1998)
Ik ben een Spaanse Ongeschoeide Karmelietes en deze geschriften hebben me erg geholpen. De eerste vrucht was om me te laten ervaren hoeveel de Heer van me houdt, met zo’n diepe vreugde dat dingen me enkel nog uitwendig raken. Ze hebben me ook geholpen in mijn gebedsleven: sindsdien word ik aangemoedigd om meer tijd in gebed door te brengen dan onze regels voorschrijven. Sinds ik deze boodschappen ken, lijkt alles me te weinig voor de Heer. En dit alles met een grote innerlijke vreugde en vrede, die me enorm helpt om mijn samenleven met de zusters te verbeteren. Nu gebeurt het mij dat wanneer het persoonlijk gebed gebeurt en ik de methode die Vassula me geeft voor de bijeenkomsten, de tijd voorbij gaat zonder afleiding, wat niet het geval is wanneer ik dit schema niet volg. Voor mij waren de andere christenen ‘afgescheiden broeders’ voor wie ik moest bidden, zij het zonder veel hoop. Nu zijn het zeer dierbare broeders. De verdeeldheid van het Lichaam van Christus doet me veel meer pijn.
(H. M. D. del C. de Jesús, Carmelitas Descalzas, Spanje 1999)
Ik draag alles mee in het dagelijks gebed en de Eucharistie – ik ben een gepensioneerde priester -. Al mijn dankbaarheid voor dit zeer belangrijke werk (Waar Leven in God) dat uitgaat van het Hart van Jezus. Ondanks alle tegenstand zullen “de gelovigen trouw blijven” en zich vermenigvuldigen. Ik bid met jullie allemaal. Geprezen zij Jezus Christus!
(Pater R. D., Frankrijk, februari 1999)
Ik ben een Spaanse Ongeschoeide Karmelietes en deze geschriften [Waar Leven in God] hebben me erg geholpen in mijn gebedsleven. Sinds ik deze boodschappen ken, lijkt alles me te weinig voor de Heer. Ik ervaar grote innerlijke vreugde en vrede, die me enorm helpen om mijn leven in de gemeenschap te verbeteren. Een ander thema dat me heeft verlicht door het lezen van deze boodschappen is de oecumene: de verdeeldheid van het Lichaam van Christus doet me veel diepgaander pijn; ik heb begrepen dat we door nederigheid, door onze eigen fouten te erkennen en vergeving te vragen, en door liefde, het onderscheidende teken van christenen, de eenheid van Zijn Kerk zullen bereiken.
(Zr. D., cd, Spanje, augustus 1999)
Mijn dagelijkse bekering wordt ondersteund door de boodschappen van Jezus die ons via Vassula worden gegeven. Deze boodschappen zijn niet de enige middelen die Jezus gebruikt, maar ze spelen wel een grote rol in het leiden van mijn leven naar Hem toe. Ik ben vooral geholpen door mijn dag door te brengen met Jezus en Maria door ‘Wij, Ons’ te gebruiken om me te herinneren dat ik altijd in de aanwezigheid van het Heilige ben.
(H. S. B., OSB, Mexico, september 1999)
Rond deze tijd hoorde ik van Vassula en raakte ik enigszins bekend met “De Boodschappen”. Pasen ’96 Ik werd nat toen ik haar in Limerick hoorde spreken en besefte dat “de Parel van grote waarde” binnen handbereik was. Daarna gingen de dingen heel snel. In oktober’96 kwam Vassula spreken in “The Point” in Dublin. Destijds hadden we het voorrecht haar een paar dagen hier in ons klooster in Rathmines te mogen laten verblijven. De impact die ze op me maakte was enorm. Ik was onder de indruk van het feit dat we in de aanwezigheid waren van een heel bijzondere favoriet van de Heer. Door de goede diensten van Frank Reynolds hadden we op 24 november ’96 een gebedsbijeenkomst in Rathmines waarbij Sula en een metgezel uit Rhodos aanwezig waren. De gebeurtenissen van die dag veranderden mijn leven. Waar Leven in God werd de focus van al mijn energie. De zonden en tekortkomingen van mijn vroegere leven waren altijd een last van schuld geweest die me achterom lieten kijken in plaats van naar het liefdevolle gezicht van mijn geliefde Abba.
(Zr. N. D., Dublin, Ierland, september 1999)
In november 1997 maakte ik kennis met Waar Leven in God. Ik kan alleen maar BEGINNEN te spreken over het verschil dat het in mijn leven heeft gemaakt. Hoe ik bid, tot wie ik bid, waar ik voor bid, wat mij vreugde brengt, wat mijn hart verdriet doet, wat mij leven geeft, hoe ik mijn tijd doorbreng, waar ik over praat, hoe ik met anderen omga, dit alles is veranderd sinds WLIG.
Ik ben een katholiek vanaf de wieg en een Benedictijnse zuster. Ik ben opgegroeid in een gezin vol geloof en had het voorrecht om al op jonge leeftijd een relatie met God te hebben. Toch lijkt het alsof ik de Drie-Ene God nooit eerder heb gekend. Ik ben verliefd geworden op de Driemaal Heilige en dit heeft mijn leven veranderd. Ik heb een grotere liefde en diepere waardering voor de Schrift, de Sacramenten (vooral de Eucharistie en de Biecht), mijn geloof, Maria, de kerk en mijn roeping.
(Zr. J. H., OSB, VS, september 1999)
Ik ben een katholiek vanaf de wieg en een Benedictijnse Zuster. Ik had het voorrecht om al op jonge leeftijd een relatie met God te hebben. Toch lijkt het alsof ik de Drie-Ene God nooit eerder heb gekend. Ik ben verliefd geworden op de Driemaal Heilige en dit heeft mijn leven veranderd. Ik heb een grotere liefde en diepere waardering voor de Schrift, de Sacramenten (vooral de Eucharistie en de biecht). Mijn geloof, Maria, de kerk en mijn roeping. Ik heb de barmhartigheid en het mededogen van God altijd ervaren op een manier die ik nooit eerder had ervaren – in mijzelf, om mijn eigen genezing te bewerkstelligen; en door mij heen, in de levens van anderen. Mijn kennis en begrip van het leven en het geloof is verdiept. Ik bid voor Vassula, dankbaar dat ze zich op zo’n ongelooflijke manier laat gebruiken.
(Zr. S.J.H., VS, september 1999)
In mijn geest en hart bestond er geen twijfel over dat Jezus via Vassula tot mij sprak. Toen werd ik als een spons die alles las wat de Heer voor me neerlegde. Ik ervoer een enorm verdriet over mijn zonden en huilde wekenlang. Ik ervaar dat soms nog steeds. Ik had zo’n verlangen naar God en zo’n angst voor de zonde dat ik eigenlijk wilde sterven om bij God te zijn. . . . . Ik kan je niet eens vertellen hoe aardig en goed Onze Lieve Heer en Onze Lieve Vrouw voor me zijn! Ik zou altijd blijven schrijven. Het volstaat te zeggen dat ze me blijven leiden. Wereldse dingen betekenen niets meer voor mij.
(Zr. M. A. van Jezus (novice), Fort Wayne, VS, september 1999)
Ik ben al meer dan 28 jaar een contemplatieve Karmelietessen zuster. Ik vind het belangrijk om aan het begin te zeggen dat ik vanaf mijn 18e heb geprobeerd om mezelf helemaal aan God te geven – om Hem nooit iets te weigeren. Maar doordat ik Vassula heb leren kennen, heb ik een radicale bekering doorgemaakt. Toen ik de woorden van Jezus aan Vassula begon te lezen (en vooral nadat ze over me gebeden had) werd ik me er tot mijn verbazing van bewust dat mijn hart behoorlijk verhard was voor God. Zonder dat ik het wist, was er een geest van de wereld en rationalisme onder het mom van een “incarnationele spiritualiteit” in mijn ziel geslopen. Het lezen, het laten bezinken van de woorden van Jezus door Vassula in mijn hart heeft me geholpen … om mijn “hele” wezen te “bekeren” – vooral mijn hart met alle tot nu toe sluimerende vuren van de door God gegeven passie voor Waar Leven in God.
(Zr. T. A. McC., Santa Clara, VS, september 1999)
Ik geloof dat de boodschappen van WLIG bijna zelfbevestigend zijn, want ik kan me niet voorstellen hoe ze geschreven zouden kunnen zijn, behalve onder de sturing van de Geest. De aspecten van de boodschappen die me het meest raken zijn het gevoel van intimiteit met Jezus en de Vader dat ze overbrengen, de hulp die ze bieden bij het leren vertrouwen en het gevoel van hoe God stap voor stap werkt in de zielen van Vassula, mijzelf en anderen. Ik ben
gepromoveerd in de natuurkunde, heb veel theologie gestudeerd en heb redelijk wat ervaring met het geven van geestelijke leiding. Ik wil graag die opinie bevestigen die Fr. Edward O’Connor in zijn antwoord aan de Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer heeft uitgedrukt. Hoewel geïsoleerde fragmenten uit WLIG op een negatieve manier begrepen zouden kunnen worden, maakt de algemene context van het werk duidelijk dat WLIG niet alleen vrij van fouten is, maar ook een diepgaande, briljante en liefdevolle uiteenzetting van het Evangelie is.
(Fr. R. J. P., S.J., USA, september 1999)
Ongeveer een jaar geleden begon ik WLIG te lezen dankzij een lid van mijn communiteit. Mijn leven in het algemeen was al jaren erg droog. Dit omvatte attitudinale problemen met het Vaticaan en de kerkleiding in het algemeen en een zwak standpunt over abortus. Na het lezen van WLIG begonnen er onmiddellijk veranderingen in mij. Eerst begon ik elke dag de rozenkrans te bidden en hoe meer ik las, hoe bewuster ik werd van God, onze Heilige Moeder en de engelen in mijn dagelijks leven. De boodschappen verduidelijkten voor mij ook wat de oproep om te bidden, bidden, bidden betekende, en ik heb de genade ontvangen om tijdens bewuste momenten dag en nacht God meer aan te roepen dan ik in het verleden ooit heb gedaan.
(S. R. V., OSB, VS, september 1999)
Het is nu bijna drie jaar dat ik in contact ben met het WLIG nieuws dat een opmerkelijke verandering teweeg heeft gebracht in mijn houding ten opzichte van mijn relatie met Jezus en Maria. Het is een houding van uiterste eenvoud na het kennen van de denkgeest van Jezus en Zijn verwachtingen van ons mensen, vooral van hen die zichzelf door religieuze geloften hebben toegewijd om te streven naar volmaakte liefde, die ik heb opgepikt uit de gesprekken tussen Jezus en Vassula. Ik heb een impliciet vertrouwen in de authenticiteit van de boodschappen die via Vassula Rydén tot ons komen. De spirituele verlichting die ik heb ontvangen is dat de spirituele reis naar religieuze perfectie niet zo ingewikkeld is als ik vroeger dacht, maar juist zo heel eenvoudig. Voortdurend bidden betekent dat we ons bewust zijn van de levende aanwezigheid van Jezus aan onze zijde wanneer we druk bezig zijn met ons werk en niet noodzakelijkerwijs op onze knieën in onze kapel zitten zoals ik vroeger begreep. De T.L.I.G.-boeken leerden me dat Jezus zo eenvoudig tevredengesteld is en dat Hij er gewoon naar verlangt dat we voortdurend van Hem houden en aan Hem denken. Dit is een geleidelijk proces geweest, maar het is een nieuw licht met overtuiging.
(Zr. A., India, oktober 1999)
Ik ben priester, ik heb altijd geprobeerd mijn priesterschap met waardigheid, liefde en gehoorzaamheid aan de Kerk te beleven. Ik was niet op zoek naar openbaringen, visioenen. Bij toeval kwam ik de boeken ‘Waar Leven in God’ tegen, ik kwam in de verleiding om ze te lezen, het was de beste ervaring die ik in mijn hele leven als priester heb gehad. Telkens wanneer ik de Eucharistie vier, lees ik vooraf, gedurende een paar minuten, een boodschap van Jezus die in die boeken staat. Ik ervaar duidelijk de innerlijke kracht en intimiteit van Jezus gedurende de hele viering, op een heel bijzondere manier in de kracht van het woord, naarmate mijn prediking overtuigender wordt, vol geloof, en de harten van de luisteraars meer raakt. ‘Waar Leven in God’ is het leven in mijn priesterschap geweest.
(Pr. J. C., Brazilië, oktober 1999)
Vandaag ben ik ingeschreven in het permanente diaconaatsprogramma in het aartsbisdom Boston, op zoek naar verdere dienstbaarheid aan de Heer, om dieper dan ooit tevoren in mijn leven in Zijn wijngaard te werken. In veel opzichten is dit het directe resultaat van Vassula’s bezoek aan Boston, toen ik als onderdeel van mijn werk voor haar bezoek de Directeur Spiritualiteit van het aartsbisdom leerde kennen en dichter bij het PD-programma kwam te staan. WLIG heeft de deur geopend, me de weg gewezen om dieper omhuld te worden door Zijn Heilig Hart. Hoewel veel invloeden in mijn leven me hebben geholpen om hier te komen, voornamelijk mijn vrouw met haar liefde, was WLIG de katalysator die me heeft geholpen om deze recente stappen te zetten in mijn voortdurende reis om de Heer beter te dienen.
(F. C., VS, oktober 1999)
Vassula neemt het over van de heilige Johannes, de heilige Gertrude en de heilige Margaretha-Maria, en zij tekent een boek op waarin Jezus zijn liefdeshymme beschrijft. Waar Leven in God onderricht mij over de blik die Jezus werpt op onze koude wereld waarvan de “beenderen verdroogd zijn”. Het licht mij in over zijn plan om haar weer tot leven te wekken door haar zijn Hart aan te bieden, een afgrond van liefde en barmhartigheid. Het werpt ook een licht op het mystieke leven, het leven in eenheid met God. Ik voelde dat God ons naar de diepten van het innerlijke leven trok. Dit werk intensiveert mijn relatie met de Heilige Geest. Ze kondigt de “vuurdoop” aan die in de Kerk ervaart en die ze steeds meer zal ervaren. De Scheppende Geest is samen met Maria aan het werk om pijlers voor te bereiden in deze Kerk, die in onze ogen wankelt. De overwinning staat voor onze deur en welke voeding voor hoop is de geboorte van “de nieuwe hemelen en de nieuwe aarde”.
(M. Ethier, z.j., Canada, oktober 1999)
De kring van mensen die zich aangetrokken voelen tot het goede groeit, dankzij Vassula’s boeken… Dat wat werkelijk groots en van grote waarde is, moet pijnlijke beproevingen doorstaan en soms enorme moeilijkheden tegenkomen. Laten we erop vertrouwen dat Jezus ook deze keer zal overwinnen. Ik dank God de Vader altijd dat er eenvoudige mensen zijn die hun hart openen voor de eisen van Jezus…
(Zr. I, Polen, oktober 1999)
De geschriften “Waar Leven in God” trokken me aan, maar gedurende een tijdje stopte ik met het lezen ervan. God wilde dus dat ik in een staat van geestelijke crisis terechtkwam. Ik ontving een innerlijk licht: keer terug naar Vassula’s geschriften. Plotseling werden de woorden van Jezus – die zij opschreef – voor mij een bron van licht en hoop. Voorheen las ik ze niet systematisch, om vervolgens opnieuw te beginnen en bij het begin te beginnen. Wat een verandering! De moeilijkheden zijn verdwenen en de woorden van Jezus hebben mij verbaasd… Ik vind daar nu de voeding die ik zo nodig had en ook een versterking. Dankzij “Waar Leven in God” wordt er iets goeds gedaan in mijn ziel, een goed waaraan ik eerder twijfelde.
(P.J., Polen, oktober 1999)
Iedereen die deze boeken leest – de mooiste boeken – begint een nieuw leven en ontvangt het geschenk van innerlijke vreugde en kennis van de God van Goedheid en Barmhartigheid. Het is werkelijk voor onze hedendaagse tijd – de tijd van kilheid op het niveau van het geloof – het Vuur van Goddelijke Liefde dat zulke koude menselijke harten doet herleven. Ik dank de Goddelijke Barmhartigheid voor de reddende hulp die het ons geeft om ons geloof in de Barmhartigheid van God, in de Liefde van God jegens de mens, te verdiepen… Tijdens het lezen van dit boek komt de ziel tot rust… Als we alle delen lezen, dan het gebedsboekje, verlicht het licht van God de mens. Dan ontbrandt in het hart liefde en dankbaarheid voor de Drie-ene Heilige God, voor Zijn Barmhartigheid voor ons, zijn kinderen – zondaars.
(Zr. M. K., Polen, oktober 1999)
We zijn erg blij dat de boeken van Vassula in onze gemeenschap te vinden zijn! Ze helpen ons dieper te leven in de onmetelijke Goedheid, de Liefde en de Barmhartigheid die onze Heer Jezus Christus voor iedere ziel heeft… Ze helpen ons om dieper de grenzeloze Liefde te leren kennen die Jezus voor ons mensen voelt, Zijn pijn en Zijn zorg dat “allen één mogen zijn”. Ik begreep hoezeer Hij onze wederzijdse liefde en onze vereniging met Hem verlangt door offers, boetedoening en lijden, om zielen en de wereld te redden…
(Zr. M., Polen, oktober 1999)
De geschriften “Een Waar Leven in God” vormen een “mystieke optelling”. Karakteristieke elementen: eenvoud, toegankelijkheid en leesbaarheid voor eenvoudige kinderen. Deze woorden lijken misschien overdreven, maar voor mij is het de ware stem van de Heer. Dezelfde stem die Abraham heeft gehoord, de Patriarchen en Profeten, en uiteindelijk de Apostelen. Dezelfde stem die weerklinkt in de liturgie, waarin de Heer spreekt tot de mensen en de mensen spreken tot de Heer. Ik hoop dat deze stem ooit wordt erkend.
(Zr. M.N., Polen, oktober 1999)
Zo’n tweeënhalf jaar geleden kwam ik in Peru voor het eerst in aanraking met de geschriften van Vassula Rydén. Ik heb haar ook een aantal jaar geleden in Peru ontmoet. Ik was vooral onder de indruk van de ‘gewoonheid’ van Vassula, de eenvoudige helderheid van haar boodschap en de nederige trouw van haar presentatie. Ik zag geen persoon die zichzelf promootte. In plaats daarvan bleef ze trouw aan wat de Heer haar had verteld. Niets toevoegend. Ik begon de boodschappen zelf echter pas een paar jaar nadat ik haar voor het eerst had ontmoet te lezen. Ik zou niet willen zeggen dat ze een dramatische verandering in mijn leven teweeg hebben gebracht, maar de boodschappen kwamen als een frisse wind tot me. De woorden die ik begon te lezen klonken voor mij als de stem van de Heer die ik al kende en liefhad, en die me kwam vernieuwen en dichter bij Hem en zijn Heilige Moeder bracht. Ik was verbijsterd door de diepgang van de spiritualiteit van de geschriften, die die plaatsen aanraakten waar alleen de grootste mystici van de Kerk over konden praten.
(Eerw. J. H. P., C.S.C., VS, oktober 1999)
Wat een vreugde! Ik ontving drie delen geschreven door Vassula. Zoveel details van haar gesprekken met Christus! Door slechts één notitieboek te lezen, kan ik in de grootste intimiteit met Jezus leven. Het lezen van haar geschriften is een grote hulp bij het bidden en mediteren over Christus. Deze woorden zijn zo levendig en concreet dat je Hem bijna kunt aanraken. Moge dit boek de harten van priesters inspireren! Vassula’s boek helpt mij ontdekken hoe ik met Christus kan leven. Het is een nieuwe schat die ons dichter bij Christus brengt. Ik hoop dat veel gelovigen zullen proeven aan en gevoed worden door de kostbare en levende geschriften van Vassula!
(Fr. K. S., Polen, oktober 1999)
Nadat ik WLIG had gelezen, ernaar strevend – ondanks Satans vreselijke onderdrukkingen – het na te leven, en ondervindend dat het zo behulpzaam is bij het ook mezelf getrouw maken aan de spiritualiteit van de H. Johannes Don Bosco, heb ik opnieuw besloten om ofwel een goede Salesiaanse priester te zijn of helemaal niets, en heb ik mezelf opnieuw toegewijd om mijn leven op te offeren voor de jonge mensen die God mij als Salesiaan zal sturen en voor elke ziel die Hij wil dat ik begeleid voor zijn of haar verlossing in Christus. Sindsdien heb ik alles gedaan wat God me te doen gaf: Heilige Missen, biechthoren, retraites, catechetische sessies, klassikale activiteiten, conferenties, counseling, homilies en geestelijke aanwijzingen – allemaal om zielen te redden – het zijn krachtige en genadevolle ervaringen geweest. Nog nooit heb ik mezelf zo een echt instrument van Hem gevoeld als nu! Geprezen zij Jezus Christus!
(Pater R. S., SDB, Filippijnen, oktober 1999)
Ik begon te lezen omdat ze me vertelden dat het over Garabandal ging, en later om mee te werken aan de vertaling ervan. Dit woord-voor-woord contact leidde er vaak toe dat ik hem persoonlijk verinnerlijkte, dat ik Jezus’ criteria over het leven en de situatie in de wereld van vandaag, die zo verschillen van de gangbare denkwijze in christelijke kringen, maar die samenvallen met andere boodschappen van de Heer of Mariale boodschappen, voor mezelf ging beleven. Ik heb mensen zien veranderen die dit Werk in hun handen hebben genomen en hetzelfde verlangen in mij hebben gelegd.
(L. M. T. de C., S.J., Spanje, oktober 1999)
Sindsdien zijn er drie jaar verstreken. Ik heb alle 8 delen inmiddels gelezen, niet één keer maar meerdere keren. Ik beschouw deze boodschappen echt als Gods woord voor deze tijd en de belangrijkste lezingen voor deze wereld, vooral voor de geestelijkheid. Mijn priesterroeping is weer volop tot leven gekomen en een nieuwe vreugde heeft mijn hart vervuld waar ik nooit van had gedroomd. Nu ben ik in mijn land een fervent missionaris geworden voor de Paus, voor de eenwording van de kerken en voor het nieuwe Pinksteren dat binnenkort naar ons toe komt. God zij geprezen!
(Fr. G. Wenzel, Duitsland, oktober 1999)

Cardinal Sfeir
His Eminence Cardinal Mar Nasrallah Peter Sfeir, the Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and all the East addresses TLIG Pilgrims
Cardinal Sfeir welcomes Vassula and TLIG Pilgrims, May 2005 |
We welcome you to Lebanon. The ecumenical movement is dear to the Universal Church, and you know that the Catholic Church has tried its best to achieve unity among Christians. The Catholic Church has a special commission headed by a Cardinal, and this Cardinal is striving to contact all factions of the Christian faith to seek the path of unity. You know well that the Maronite Church is a Catholic Church and has no equivalence in Orthodoxy. Since it’s birth (the Maronite Church) was, and will stay, with God’s blessing
as it is. The Maronites are scattered all over the world, especially in the Western World.
I believe that some of you have met Maronites in various countries, whether in Brazil, Australia, Canada, the United States or Venezuela. We are longing like you for this unity wanted by our Lord Jesus Christ when he said, “be one as I and You my Father are one”. We know that Mrs. Vassula has come before to Lebanon and is seeking to achieve this unity. We know as well that she has presented her doctrine and thoughts to the Apostolic Chair who published some writings concerning this subject. We intend that our faith be one in Jesus Christ who is our Redeemer and Saviour. If there were disagreements that happened throughout history for whatever reasons and purposes, We ask God to forgive us all our offenses and to bring us back to unity. This unity is our testimony to those who do not believe in Christ, as any divisions among us cannot generate belief, which is exactly what Our Lord Jesus Christ already pointed out. We pray with you for the sake of this unity, may God fulfill it in the image and date he deems appropriate.
I ask God to open up the right paths for you and for us, so that we gain His approval, and so that we’re able to testify to the world a testimony of unity and not of divisions, as the world now is in dire need of this unity, especially that of the Christians. Thank you for coming to Lebanon. Lebanon is the land where Christians of all factions have gathered, and as you must know, there’s a total of 18 denominations. Yes, these denominations consist of 6 Catholic ones, 5 Orthodox ones, the rest being Muslim ones, as they also vary. As you know, Muslims are divided into Sunnite, Shiite, Druze and so forth. That is why Lebanon is considered the melting pot for all people. They know that they have to live with one another in mutual understanding, faith, and love, assisting each other with sincerity. We ask God to be with you, may He bless you and assist you in this endeavor toward the accomplishment of this Unity. Thank you.
Zijne Hoogwaardige Excellentie Riah Abu El-Assal, Anglicaans Bisschop in Jeruzalem
Zijne Hoogwaardige Excellentie Riah Abu El-Assal, Anglicaans Bisschop in Jeruzalem
Zijne Hoogwaardige Excellentie Riah Abu El-Assal, Anglicaans Bisschop in Jeruzalem
Bisschop Riah kwam naar Londen in september 2005 om Vassula te begeleiden tijdens haar evangelisatiebijeenkomst. Deze getuigenis is daar een verwijzing naar.
Het evenement in Londen was zeer bemoedigend. Vassula’s Getuigenis, de genadige manier waarop ze haar leven en ervaring met God en met de Heer Jezus Christus deelde, was zeer inspirerend. Ik blijf geloven dat het tijdperk van het zien van visioenen nog niet voorbij is. Jezus zei in Zijn Zaligsprekingen dat de zuiveren van hart God zullen zien. En zolang mensen een zuiver hart en een zuivere geest hebben, zal God hun ogen openen en zullen ze Hem van aangezicht tot aangezicht zien – niet als iemand daarboven in de hemel, maar actief in ons midden, in onze wereld. Dit is wat Waar Leven in God probeert te vertegenwoordigen. Ik bid om Gods zegen over allen die zich inzetten voor de zaak van het leven, die Christus’ grootste zorg is voor het menselijk ras. Moge God Vassula blijven zegenen en haar en haar getuigenis gebruiken om hoop te brengen en het Evangelie van Christus te bevorderen.

Bishop Anil Joseph Thomas Couto
Bishop of Delhi, India addresses TLIG Pilgrims in May 2005
(…) St. Catherine of Sienna and all the other great Saints once who have made a big mark in History I don’t have to tell you about that. And who challenged and who convinced the Pope’s and so on to come back to the Gospel way of life.
I must confess that I was not too much into this at the beginning. I had an experience of Vassula in Delhi in 1990 before I became Bishop. I had just returned from Rome after my Ecumenical studies. We had a very nice meeting with all the Pastors and so on. But at that time I did not take it so seriously I said there are many people like this in the world today and so on. But as I began to read her writings her messages and so on I said she is true she is real and a way to Unity as I was reading yesterday there is nothing else but Repentance, Humility, Love and to understand and except one another at the level of the heart and I can watch for it.
It has been happening during the last 4 days for the first time in my life and I am sure that is the experience for so many of us. For the first time in our life we have been experiencing the Eucharist together. The Orthodox, the Catholics, the Anglicans, and so on. Of course, we were saying the other Protestant groups are not there and how if they were there, they would have also taken the Holy Eucharist. We could think of getting them into the next Pilgrimage, focusing on the Word of God. And seeing how the Word of God, how our own experience, the faith in Jesus Christ, our Christian experience of discipleship, and so on can unite all of us together and then it would lead them to the Holy Eucharist and to the whole tradition of the Catholic tradition which we all share not just Roman Catholic. But, the Catholic tradition, of the Church that we all share. To lead them to the whole understanding of what the Church is .The whole tradition of the Church.
So, that can be our plan for the next Pilgrimage. To gather to get others who do not believe in the Eucharist as the center of Unity. But certainly the word of God, as the center of Unity. I’m sure for all of us; the Word of God is the foundation. We realized this in Delhi when our Holy Father Pope John Paul II died and we had an Ecumenical prayer service. We gathered so many of them together and all of them spoke so beautifully on death and resurrection the whole faith that we all share. So we said, we may not be able to unite at the Eucharistic table but certainly we can unite at the table of the word of God. Therefore, we can bring in the Protestants together and that will be a chance also for us to share the faith that we all have in common and finally to bring them to the Unity of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
So, thank you very much Vassula. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
Fr. René Laurentin

Fr. René Laurentin
Response to Vassula’s detractors
“Vassula is one of the most balanced and transparent seers that I know. I would even be tempted to say that she is, in a most satisfying way, more normal, more balanced than most others.”
So writes Rene Laurentin in his book “When God gives a Sign”, a response to objections made against Vassula. Copied below are two extracts from the book which deal with two of the most commonly repeated objections.
(For details of the book and sources of supply click here)
Vassula’s marriage status
“She is divorced and remarried. That seems to be the biggest problem. In fact, her marital status today is perfectly in order. She was married in church to a Protestant (1966) at a time when she was not practicing any religion. After a civil divorce (1980) she was remarried on June 13, 1981. She thought, at the time, that it was a Protestant ceremony according to her husband’s religion, but, in fact, it was a civil marriage. Only a nominal Christian, without contact with her Orthodox Church, she did not even know that her remarriage could be the source of problems. When she presented herself to her church to regularize her marriage, the first priest to whom she spoke could not even seem to feel that there was a problem since it was a mixed marriage. But she insisted, in order to be truly in accord with Orthodox legislation. It was then that she was referred to the priest in charge of marriage problems, and it was he who took care of the matter following the ‘law of economy’ that deals with broken marriages in her church.
“The marriage was celebrated on October 13,1990, in the Greek Orthodox Church of Lausanne. Thus, according to church law her situation presents no problems.”
Note also, Vassula was questioned by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith on this very matter. See her response to question number two in the article entitled Dialogue with the CDF.
Theological error
“The most serious attacks concern the Trinity. On reading them, I was impressed. Could I have badly read Vassula, I asked myself? The ambiguities that exist in all prophetic, poetic, or mystical texts; even biblical, would they be demeaned by assumed errors? I lost much time trying to find incriminating phrases. They appeared entirely different in their context, stripped of the distortions and the changed nature to which the passion of the heresy seekers had submitted them.
“The most reputed theologian among Vassula’s adversaries thought he had found in her the ancient heresy called “patripassianisme” of Noet, Epigone, Cleomene and Praxas, for whom the Father is himself incarnated and suffered the Passion; because to them, he only had one person, no Trinity.
“In the original manuscript, of which the edition has erased the references to render more difficult control over the accusations, the author gives four references to the original English text according to the first Edition. NB10:18+ (in his dactylographic text, Vassula’s adversary always cites the first English edition: the offset reproduction of the manuscript – not the second, nor the typographical); NB18:10+; NB54:29+; NB48:38+.
On April 7,1987, it is not the Father who is speaking, which is, moreover, very rare for Vassula. It is Jesus, as she and her readers have always recognized him and as the context indicates. NB10:18
That which has led the author to confusion is that sometimes Vassula calls Jesus “Father”, according to a title given to the King Messiah by Isaiah 9:10 (9:6). And if he is our brother as a man, he is Father as God; Author of our very existence. Thus he calls his disciples, “My little children” (John 13:33). Vassula saw this filial relationship at the same time as being brotherly and spousal. These diverse facets are very well articulated for this married woman, who does not confuse the human plan with the mystical. Happily, because if she used the language of the Song of Songs: “Let him not kiss me with the kisses of his mouth”(Sg1:3), or even of certain mystics, celebrating their spousal marriage with Jesus, she would receive a terrible avalanche of criticism. By the simple fact that she uses the verb to “feel” to signify the love she owes Christ or that Christ has for us, her fault finder accuses her of sentimentalism and eroticism quite displaced in its sexual overtones. However, Vassula is without ambiguity. If Jesus kisses her, it is on the forehead, like a father. Everything is as it should be, in the realm of opinion as in the realm of theology. Christianity has never endowed with guilt, neither the heart nor feelings.
In the second incriminating passage:
November 8,1987, the heavenly interlocutor says; “My Cross is on you, bear It with love, My Cross is the door to true tife, embrace It willingly. Abnegation and suffering lead into a divine path.” NB18:10
It is Jesus who speaks, and it is clear, since he says in the first Me: “Me,(Moi) your Jesus.” Then why attribute it to the Father, why lance Vassula with the poison arrow of Patripassianism?
In the third incriminating passage it is Jesus who speaks of his cross and the context is most clear. It is Jesus alone who speaks on that particular day, for the duration of several pages. NB54:15+
That which has permitted the inquisitor to find the heresy that he is looking for, is that in the preceding lines where Jesus echoes Jn 12:23-25, he calls to mind the moment where he announced the imminent arrival of his “hour” (Jn l2:23); and where the voice of the Father had just glorified him (12:24-25). But it is He who calls forth from the passage the voice of the Father, and not the Father who speaks in all the pages.
The accuser believed he had found the erroneous attribution of the Passion to the Father in a fourth passage. In fact, in this passage, Vassula hears successively the voice of the Father; who alone says: “My child”; then that of the Son: “penetrate my wounds, eat my Body and drink my Blood…” NB48:38
Quotation marks, asterisks and a manuscript note at the bottom of the page indicate the change of interlocutor:
“Now, it is the Son who speaks” says the note.
The theologian, who read too quickly, attributes to the Father that which the Son says. He has, no doubt, the excuse of working on the handwritten text, worried about exactness. But after that he would have had to give attention to the least details to not distort the text.”
Het is voor ons een gelegenheid van groot genoegen en persoonlijke voldoening om in u een nieuwe katalysator van spirituele verjonging te herkennen, die tot onze huidige generatie kan spreken in een zeer overtuigende taal, door middel van de boeken die u publiceert. Uw geïnspireerde missie om de boodschap van Christus aan anderen over te brengen is een bron van diepe vreugde voor de Kerk. En uw onvermoeibare ijver om kracht te putten uit en vernieuwing en versterking te zoeken in uw Griekse wortels, zou een benijdenswaardig voorbeeld van toegewijde trouw moeten zijn voor onze gekwelde jeugd.
In onze tijd, waarin het botte materialisme zo’n diepe wortel heeft geschoten in de harten van de mensen, is het verfrissend om te weten dat niet alles verloren is, dat er nog steeds mensen zoals u onder ons zijn die in communio zijn met de Schepper en in staat zijn om de baten van uw inspiratie aan ons door te geven.
We zijn er trots op dat we uwe oecumenische missie aanmoedigen en bidden voor uw succes.
We kijken ernaar uit om uw volgende boek te lezen. Ondertussen sturen we u onze zegeningen vanuit de Heilige Stad van God en vragen we de Heer om u te bewaren en over u te waken.
Aartsbisschop David Sahagian
Kanselier Groot-Sacristaan
Canon Law
Dear Sir,
We have been asked from time to time for advice on the Canonical position of Roman Catholics who face hostility from their Parish priests or Bishops to the teachings and writing of Vassula Ryden, the Greek Orthodox Visionary.
The material facts are that the Church has never pronounced Vassula’s writings to be against the teachings of the Church. In his public statements the Prefect of the Congregation for Faith and Doctrine (Cardinal Ratzinger) has carefully avoided saying that there is heresy or error in the messages of Vassula. Far from criticising her teaching, the Cardinal told the Brazilian Bishops, for example, that they were to continue to promote Vassula’s writings with discernment. He has also said that the faithful should continue to view her writings with a prudent eye, maintaining a discerning attitude. In 1998, the Holy Father when given her latest book said, “May God Bless Her”. The central theme of Vassula’s messages (the recovery of Unity between Christians) reinforces the untiring efforts of Pope John Paul II towards Christian Unity.
The relevant povisions of the Canon Law are as follows: –
(i) The duty to seek the truth – One of the most remarkable documents of Vatican II was the Declaration on Religious Freedom (Dignitatis Humanae). The following passage appears in paragraph 2:
“It is in accordance with their dignity as persons – that is being endowed with reason and free will and therefore privilege to bear personal responsibility – that all men should be at once impelled by nature and also bound by a moral obligation to seek the truth, especially religious truth. They are also bound to adhere to the truth, once it is known and to order their whole lives in accordance with the demands of truth”.
And in paragraph 3:
“Hence everyman has the duty and therefore the right to seek the truth in matters religious in order that he may with prudence form for himself right and true judgements of conscience, with the use of all suitable means”.
These principles inspired Canon 748 which obliges all persons to seek the truth and once having perceived it to accept the obligation imposed by divine law to observe it. The Canon goes on to entrench conscience and immunity from coercion in regard to the Catholic Faith. It is widely accepted that this Canon enshrines the stance of the Declaration on Religious Freedom and legitimised the notion that Revealed Truth is a developing concept, not something, which is held by the Magisterium in a fixed state.
(ii) The rights of the Faithful – It is a fundamental theological truth expressed in the juridical language of Canon 204 that all of the Christian Faithful incorporated in Christ through Baptism are involved in the mission of the Church, sharing in Christ’s priestly, prophetic and royal offices in their own manner. Following Vatican II (Lumen Gentium par 10) this Law reverses the old impression that only the hierarchy is entrusted with the mission of Christ and the Code of Canon Law clearly sets out the role of all Christians in the mission of the Church particularly that of lay persons.
(iii) The right to express an opinion – Whilst the Christian Faithful must follow the teaching of the faith as determined by leaders of the Church (Canon 212.1) they are given a specific right and even at times a duty to make known their opinion on matters pertaining to the good of the Church to their Bishops and to other Christian Faithful (Canon 212.3) and the Code of Canon Law proclaims that the Church is to safeguard and expound revealed truth, and to preach the gospel, but again following the Second Vatican council (Lumen Gentium paras 12, 31, 35) it is all of the people of God who share in the prophetic and teaching office of Christ, not only the hierarchy or the Clergy (Canon 747)
(iv) The Ecumenical Duty – Canon 755 acknowledges that the Church is bound by the will of Christ (the strongest mandate known to Christians) to promote unity. The College of Bishops and the Holy See are to direct the participation of Catholics in the Ecumenical Movement and the Bishops are to do the same in the Churches entrusted to them. This Canon which of course is routed in a Second Vatican Council Paper (Decree on Ecumenism) is cast in very positive terms “to promote.. the ecumenical movement, whose purpose is the restoration of unity among all Christians”. It urges in the second part the local Bishops to promote Christian unity and to establish guidelines for action to that purpose. Given that this is the unity for which Christ Himself prayed (the Gospel of John Chapter 17) it is hard to underestimate the importance of these canonical duties.
It follows that Clergy should not attempt to fetter members of the Catholic Faithful from performing the duty to seek the truth, bearing in mind that Ecclesiastical approval is not required for them to attend Vassula’s meetings (she is after all a Greek Orthodox). They should not undermine the rights of Lay people to give their opinion on matters of importance affecting the Church and their Canonical right to be involved in the Mission of the Church. Indeed they have a duty to assist in the promotion of Christian Unity, as enjoined by Christ Himself, and set forth in the clearest terms in Canon 755.
Yours faithfully,

Letter to Cardinal Ratzinger
To: Mgr Joseph Ratzinger Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of FaithAvignon, 28 January 1996
Your Eminence,
Allow me to come back to my previous letter to you, concerning Mrs Vassula Ryden because I am astonished and perplexed by the procedure adopted by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding this case.
Usually the Roman Curia, and especially your Sacred Congregation, treats these cases with a great deal of respect and kindness towards the persons brought to judgement, and in conformity with the demands of Code of Canon Law (especially articles 220 and 221) and we always remember the surprising patience and delicacy used with regard especially to Fr Schillebeeckx: and Fr Boff.
But with the present case, because of the disregard of Canon Law, is it certain that the Spirit of the Gospel has been respected? Was it really so urgent and was there such grave danger for faith and morals to set aside usual methods in reaching a judgement which resembles a condemnation on the faith, the communion with the Church and the Writings of Mrs Vassula Ryden, without having warned her beforehand (is it true that she learned of her condemnation through the press?) and without giving her the possibility of defending her cause, and without questioning the many Catholic priests who know her and especially her Spiritual Director, Fr O’Carroll?
Being an Exorcist Priest, I have many times encountered the enemy face to face, the real Anti-Christ and I have the painful habit of hearing from the mouth of this liar and rebel “Messages” which have no resemblance with what Mrs Vassula Ryden receives.
Being also a graphologist (with a diploma) I have been precisely in the “modalities” to which the Notification refers and I have closely studied Mrs Ryden’s handwriting in the messages, but they do not bear and are not in relation to the automatic handwriting or content of messages of spiritualists.
Mrs Ryden’s messages have a remarkable doctrinal rigour, agreement with the Bible and a spiritual loftiness which one never finds in spiritualists’ revelations.
Apart from the personality of Mrs Ryden, and of her Christian (Orthodox) and moral conduct which Fr O’Carroll can talk to you about and to keep strictly to the Messages which she receives from Christ Himself, allow me to submit my conclusions to you.
I leave aside deliberately the hypothesis of an ingenious and perverse trick, the content of the Messages is far beyond the personal possibility (theological and literary) of Mrs, Ryden.
In all unusual manifestations (mystical or pathological), three possibilities are open for discernment.
THE DIABOLICAL ORIGIN – this is to be totally discarded! Because the evil spirit cannot continuously imitate or mimic the voice of Christ. And the Dia-bolos would not risk to invite the divided Church to reconcile in Unity and under the primacy of “Peter” and far less to underline the vital importance of the Eucharist.
THE PSYCHIC ORIGIN – to be in a paranormal state – but the study of “modalities” (Bible, setting etc.) escapes completely the phenomena of medium use or of trance. To be in a state of unconsciousness, this would suppose an unconsciousness that was of genus theologicai intuitions (which surpass the memory content of the receiver), a harmonious constant and flawless logic.
This has never been found in my logic. All the more that this unconscious state, far from turning back on itself, remains constantly open to a mysterious Being whose personality in no way reflects what we know about Mrs Ryden, but on the contrary resembles Christ and the Faith of the Church. Could the unconscious be capable of the duration of such an architectural construction of such great literary beauty and profound theological teaching?
There remains THE SUPERNATURAL ORIGIN. Logic imposes this conclusion (for many reasons which I cannot develop here) and, I add, it commits us. For if it is really a question of the Lord speaking to His Church, then we are not allowed to treat these Messages with contempt and indifference, satisfying ourselves with a quick and superficial reading and still less by our refusal for which we should have to answer.
These messages are not centred on the person of Vassula who is only the instrument and the messenger, but on the Mysterium Fidei and the Mysterium Ecclesiae. At the heart of the Message: the primacy of “Peter” which is in danger. And you know better than I do of the constant and dangerous increase of the challenge and the confusion which endangers the Body of the Church.
This word which comes from Above invites us insistently to reconciliation of the whole Church which is one in the heart of God, but is divided with and by the disciples of Christ. A gesture is asked for (so desired by Paul VI) to celebrate together, on the same day, the Pasch of the Lord. If we accomplish this small step, the Lord will do the rest.
Your Sacred Congregation thought that it had to take a position regarding these Messages! But there is one question to ask! We, the priests of the Catholic Church (and Bishops, numerous outside France), who have believed in these Messages and believe that they come from the mouth of the Lord, are we really in error?
And are we disobedient to the Church by believing in recognizing the voice of its Master and Pastor, Who invites us to conversion and to Unity in the Faith “so that men believe”? Are we always in communion with the Church when we perceive in these Writings not a Call to the “Pan-Christian Community”, but an invitation to all the Church, divided in its members, to unite under the guidance of ‘Peter’?
Also, pardon my daring, would it not be necessary to name a commission to study in a serene and objective manner the writings (published and unpublished) of Mrs Ryden which would question her in all justice. Too many Christians are really troubled by the Notification of your Sacred Congregation which gives no precise motivation for its judgement which strikes deeply at their gospel sensitivity and wounds their faith in Christ Jesus whose voice they believe and always think they hear through these messages!
That is why, Your Eminence, who is my Father in Faith and my Brother in Christ, kneeling before the Cross of the Saviour who destroys the powers of hell and who saves us from the “Father of Lies”, I say to you: IT IS THE LORD! May we listen to Him!
As a son who is submissive to the Holy Church, my Mother, which alone possesses the Words of Eternal Life, but wounded in my heart before this decision which strikes at my faith in Christ and which I cannot understand.
Father Christian Curty
Guardian, Franciscan Monastery
Priest-Exorcist for the Dioceses of Avignon and Marseille, France

Father Miguel Contardo SJ
In defense of Vassula Rydén,
regarding an article of “L’Osservatore Romano“(no 44),
dated November 3, 1995.
Clarifying Notes
The Lord warned Vassula, on several occasions, that she would have many detractors, both Catholics and mainly Orthodox.
Father Gobbi, Director and Founder of the “Marian Movement of Priests”, talked to us of the “Ecclesiastical masonry”, as the “Beast coming out of the sea”, referred to in the Revelation, and that it’s influence penetrates the social communication means, even within the Vatican.
John XXIII and Paul VI talked about “the smoke of Satan” inside the Church, regarding infiltrations on the Vatican Council II.
“Notification” does not mean “prohibition”, but “warning” or “careful look”, so as not to be deviated by false interpretations.
The Holy Father, John Paul II, on several occasions, has blessed and encouraged the activities of Vassula, such as Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith has done.
Great Catholic theologians, such as Father René Laurentin, Fernando Umaña, Michael O’Carroll, etc., etc., have studied and analyzed in depth the writings of Vassula, and have praised them, recommending the same to the faithful. Had they found any error in the writings, they would have warned about them and would not have risked to their publication.
Vassula has as spiritual Director, a virtuous and wise Irish priest, who accompanies her in her journeys, approved by the Holy See.
The article of “L’Osservatore Romano” does not have the signature of Cardinal Ratzinger. It is published as one more piece of news given by some member of said Congregation, and such member is not the Congregation. As such, it does not have value of “Document”, but is simply a piece of news or mere opinion of some member of the Congregation. There is nothing official.
It is not the first time that the aforementioned journal, “L’Osservatore Romano“, publishes something, not only without the authorization of the Holy Father, but even, in contradiction with his way of thinking.
We must know how to “read between the lines” and not to be scandalized too much by the opinions of men who are subject to error. Neither should we be so “determinant” to believe that the opinion given by a journal, even a religious one, constitutes almost a truth of faith. Consequently, we should not submit blindly to what is said. We must know how to “discern correctly”, asking the Holy Spirit for His Light.
We will try to examine objectively what is said in the article published in such journal. For better clarity, we will carefully analyze each paragraph or issue of the same.
The second paragraph states: “A calm, attentive examination of the entire question…”. The examination is neither calm nor attentive, but quick and superficial.
The third paragraph states: “…it is necessary to underscore several doctrinal errors…”. Which are those doctrinal errors? If they are so important, the article should point them out and refute them. However, mention is only made to the same, without naming or enumerating them.
Fourth paragraph: “…ambiguous language is used in speaking of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, to the point of confusing the specific names and functions of the Divine Persons“. There is no such confusion, since the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are One and Only God, no more. Vassula treats the Father as “Abba” (Daddy, dear Father), as Jesus Himself taught us when He talked with His Father, issue that scandalized the Pharisees of His time. And in this way, Vassula talks to the Eternal Father, Who during a long time taught her the “Our Father” prayer. She treats the “Son” as God and elder brother, trusting Him like a friend, and the Holy Spirit, as the Love between Them, and the inspirer of Their thoughts.
Now, if someone wants to find error with inquisitive eyes, he will also find errors in the writings of many Holy Fathers. And when acting in bad faith, he could search for errors even in the Holy Scriptures. For example, if a phrase said by Our Lord, is read trivially, such as: “I have come to bring fire to the earth”, it could easily be deemed, simply interpreted, as praise to the pyromaniacs. Or when He says: “I have come to divide the mother in-law from the daughter in-law”, this could be the subject of sacrilegious and tasteless jokes.
The same fourth paragraph continues: “In millenarian style, it is prophesied that God is going to make a final glorious intervention which initiate on earth even before Christ definitive coming, an era of peace and universal prosperity“. The phrase “millenarian style” seems esoteric and occult. And such phrase, wrongly used or distorted, can in fact induce to rejection and error. Vassula does not talk of the “millennium” in such way, as the person who read “attentively and calmly” tries to convey. This coming of Christ in Glory and Majesty is a phrase of the Holy Scripture, which has been carefully examined by many Doctors of the Church.
Further on, the same paragraph indicates: “…the proximate arrival is foretold of a Church which would be a kind of pan-Christian community, contrary to Catholic doctrine.” Never in the writings of Vassula does she mention a pan-Christian Church. This is a terrible interpretation of the desire of Christ to form “One Church” or “One Flock under One Shepherd”. This is what Vassula says, such as Our Lord wants it, and not as a mixture of Churches, like such article interprets it. Consequently, the author of the article in “L’Osservatore Romano” says things that Vassula has not said and interprets, in a twisted way, her writings.
“The fact that the aforementioned errors no longer appear in Ryden’s later writings is a sign that the alleged “heavenly messages” are merely the result of private meditations.” Such errors do not appear in any writing of Vassula, errors that the critic in question insistently wants to find.
“Moreover, by habitually sharing in the sacraments of the Catholic Church even though she is Greek Orthodox…” So what does the fact that she was born Greek Orthodox has anything to do with this? Are the Sacraments of the Greek Orthodox Church not valid and recognized by the Catholic Church?
Further on, it is stated: “She appears to be putting herself above all ecclesiastical jurisdiction and every canonical norm…” This expression is what is called a pharisaic scandal, a twisted interpretation, in an almost ridiculing way.
The text continues: “…and, in effect, is creating an ecumenical disorder that irritates many authorities, ministers and faithful of her own Church, as she puts herself outside the ecclesiastical discipline of the latter.” It is logical that Vassula annoys some Orthodox clergy, “by touching the open wound”, since Our Lord tells them that they must obey Peter, that is the Pope, and that now such Peter is John Paul II. Our Lord has told Vassula that she would encounter the major difficulties, precisely, form the Orthodox ecclesiastical authorities, since they will not want to obey the Pope as Sovereign Pontiff.
The sixth paragraph says: “Given the negative effect of Vassula Ryden’s activities, despite some positive aspects, this Congregation requests the intervention of the Bishops…”. This is a request or petition, not an order or command.
It goes on: “…so that their faithful may be suitably informed…” Inform, explain, so that there are no error through their own misinterpretation, like it happens with all private revelation or movement of the Church. (For example, the Charismatic Renewal, the Schoenstatian Movement, Cevex, etc.). Furthermore, “suitably” means in a prudent, intelligent and mature manner.
The writer continues: “…and that no opportunity may be provided in their Dioceses for the dissemination of her ideas“. This refers to the dissemination of their misinterpreted ideas, like in any movement or private revelation.
“Lastly, the Congregation invites all the faithful not to regard Mrs. Vassula Ryden’s writings and speeches as supernatural…” . And if they are supernatural, as we believe they are, what right do they have to dare dogmatize something that is still in the process of being studied and that is respected and meditated by great and solid theologians of the Catholic Church, including Cardinal Ratzinger himself, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and His Holiness, Pope John Paul II himself?
The article further states: “…and to preserve the purity of the faith that the Lord has entrusted to the Church“. We are all in agreement with this.
Consequently, the conclusions are obvious. There is no prohibition to read these writings; however, we must be careful to analyze them with due prudence, previously invoking the Holy Spirit so that He illumines our minds and encourage our will to always do the Will of God.
Father Miguel Contardo SJ
January 1996
Commentary on the Notification on Vassula Ryden
by Fr. Robert Hughes, SM Fr. Robert Hughes, SM Queen of Apostles Church San Jose, California 95129 January 25, 1996 (written in Scottsdale, Arizona, while on sabbatical)
Vassula Ryden
At a meeting with Pope John Paul II, Vassula Ryden presented him with several collections of her writings in various languages – one of which was in Polish. Later, Cardinal Sedano, the Secretary of State, reported that the Pope read her writings “with great interest”.
Cardinal Franjo Kuharic, Archbishop of Zagreb, also received Vassula in private audience for over an hour. Afterwards the Cardinal said to her: “You are like Saint Paul…you declare the whole truth…” He blessed her saying twice: “I bless you and your mission”. And then he added: “This is a matter of private revelation and we allow her to speak, because what she says conforms to Gospel truth”. Archbishop Frane Franic, President of the Theological Commission of Bishops in the former Yugoslavia, came strongly to her defense during a conference in Italy. He called her “a miracle and an object of wonder”. He went on to say: “Her messages are alive and authentic… These messages can help us toward a better understanding of Jesus’ messages in the Gospel… It seems to me … that Vassula’s main charism is to show the purity of the integral revelation of God”.
A long line of Church Prelates and Bishops throughout the world have written personal letters to her inviting her to speak in their dioceses. The late Cardinal Posada of Guadelajara, Mexico, before his assassination, invited Vassula to speak in his cathedral. Here in California Bishop John Quinn, the former Bishop of Sacramento, and Bishop Donald Montrose of Stockton did the same. Likewise Bishops in Africa and South America. Eight Archbishops and Bishops in Brazil (the Cardinal wanted to participate but fell ill) alone received her enthusiastically, where she spoke to very large crowds (20,000). These Bishops requested private interviews with her, presided over assemblies where she spoke, presided at Masses where the homilist recommended her writings be read and meditated, had their pictures taken with her, and blessed her mission.
Vassula is also championed by leading Catholic theologians around the world: Fr. Michael O’Carroll, C.SS.P., her spiritual counselor (Ireland). Fr. “X”, P.I.M.E., her first spiritual counselor (Bangladesh), Fr. Ljudevit Rupcic, O.F.M. (Switzerland), Fr. Christian Curty, 0.F.M. (France), Fr. Ovila Melancon, S.J. (Canada), Fr. Michael Kaszowski (Poland), Fr. Bianchi (Italy), Fr. Ed O’Connor, C.S.C. of Notre Dame, Indiana (USA), Fr. Robert Faricy, S.J. of the Gregorian University in Rome (Italy) and so many others.
Fr. Rene Laurentin (France), peritus at the Vatican II Council, one of the world’s leading Mariologists, and the most widely experienced in the discernment of apparitions/locutions, wrote an entire book defending her, the authenticity of her writings and the soundness of her doctrine under the title: When God Gives a Sign (click here for details)
Vassula is also heralded in the Eastern Church as well. Most importantly, she is in good standing with her Greek Orthodox Bishop Damakinos. Among her many supporters in the East are: Archbishop David Sahagian, Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem; Fr. Vladimir Zielinski, Russian Orthodox theologian; Todor Sabev, Orthodox theologian and Former Deputy General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (Geneva); Fr. Ion Bria, Orthodox theologian, Unity of Renewal, World Council of Churches. We add to that list our own Ukranian-Greek Priest-monk Joseph of Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Redwood Valley, CA..
What is significant is that a number of Bishops and theologians have issued statements of support of Vassula since the appearance of the Notification. And I am happy to join them. I would like to make it perfectly clear that I am with the Pope and those Cardinals, Bishops and theologians in reading with deep interest and utter delight these amazing, all-important, and priceless revelations from heaven contained in her writings, which conform perfectly to Catholic doctrine and Sacred Scripture, and which celebrate fundamental values central and dear to our Catholic Tradition. One of the very great graces of my life was to attend the conferences given by Vassula Ryden and Fr. Michael O’Carroll, C.SS.P., at Our lady of Perpetual Help Church April 8-10, 1992 here in Scottsdale. For this sabbatical year I decided to return to the original place and pursue that unique grace. I meditate the messages before the Blessed Sacrament exposed several times a day; the remainder of file day I read and reflect on these same messages. If I have to leave town, the messages go with me. I will never forget the first week of February, 1994, when Vassula finally confirmed her coming to San Jose March 26-28, 1994. We began working on a flyer immediately, but before we could print it in less than a week from her phone call all 2000 tickets were spoken for. From the rain of subsequent calls and inquiries, it was clear we could have housed 10,000 if a hall big enough were available. And I remember the Greek Orthodox woman, away from her Church for 20 years, who burst into tears as soon as Vassula began speaking: “As soon as she started,” she said, “I knew God was speaking directly to me.” And who will forget the red rose suspended in mid-air for over two hours at the statue of the Sacred Heart, placed by Vassula into the invisible hand of Jesus. And then there is the special message Jesus gave to the people of San Jose: “My Heart is an Abyss of Love and Forgiveness”. After Vassula delivered her first talk in Scottsdale (1992), during the intermission people rushed up to me asking if I had seen the face of Jesus in front of her. Unfortunately, I was buried into my note-taking and rarely looked up. But during a reception at the end of the week-end Vassula came up to me and made several suggestions how to read the messages correctly. Each remark was a correction for the way I was doing it. In Sacramento, CA. when Vassula spoke in the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on her birthday, January 18, 1993 about the Sacred Heart, The Holy Spirit, and God the Father, I walked outside afterwards and watched three white doves circling overhead. Neither these little signs, nor the prophecies fulfilled in her messages, nor the mark of the stigmata she bears, nor the Passion she undergoes periodically, nor the variety and excellence of her extraordinary charisms – none of these are the central issue. Her greatest sign of authenticity lies in the conversions that take place as a result of her messages. I am witness to this at conferences when she speaks, but most of all as a spiritual director dealing with many people who find life in her messages, and an ever deepening conversion to Our Lord.
The Notification
This Notification or “warning” was issued at the request of the Swiss Conference of Bishops according to their Secretary, Father Roland Trauffer, O.P.
1. Statements by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith should command our utmost respect – but they are never infallible.
a. A good example is the case of Sister Faustina Kowalska, whose writings on Divine Mercy were banned by the Vatican (1959-1978). The ban was eventually lifted and her situation was completely reversed when Pope John Paul II beatified her in 1993. b. Cardinal Andrew M. Deskur wrote the following in the Preface to the Polish edition (1981) of The Diary of Sister Faustina:2. This Notification is a preliminary opinion and by no means a final judgment.1)”The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in its revision more than two years ago (1978) withdrew the censures and reservations advanced earlier by the Holy See… The withdrawal of the ‘Notification’ caused the devotion to the Divine Mercy … to grow in renewed vitality on all continents…” 2)”It is likewise necessary to stress that it was Karol Cardinal Wojtyla, the Archbishop of Cracow at that time, who made efforts to begin the Process of Beatification of Sister Faustina..”c. It should also be noted that it was Pope John Paul II. as Cardinal Archbishop of Cracow, who followed his conscience and objected to the ban on her writings and his relentless efforts with the Congregation caused the ban to be lifted. d. History is full of such reversals.
a. The present operation of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is basically determined by the motu proprio of Pope Paul VI, issued on Dec, 7, 1965, and entitled Inegrae Servandae (“Preserving Intact”). One of the norms in that document is as follows: “When investigating the orthodoxy of writings, such writings are not to be condemned without having first heard from the author who has the faculty of defending himself” (ibid. n. 5). This norm was written into the law of the Church, promulgated as such and is binding. Neither Vassula Ryden nor her spiritual counselor, Fr. Michael O’Carroll, C.SS.P., have ever been consulted so far, which clearly indicates that we are at the beginning of a long process. b. Just as the Church renders no final judgment on an apparition until it is completely over, so the Church passes no final judgment on a book until it is finished and evaluated as a complete unit. Pope Benedict XIV emphasized this point in his Introduction to what we once knew as the Index of Forbidden Books: “We give warnhig that it must be diligently remembered that a correct judgment of the true sense of an author cannot be arrived at unless the book be read through completely and in all its parts…”. Vassula’s True Life in God is a book still in the making and to this date has not been completed.3. This document indicates the beginning of a dialogue and not the end of a discussion.
a. That dialogue, if due process is to be served according to Church law, must begin with Vassula Ryden. How that dialogue will take place when her book is still not yet completed is a worthwhile question. Undoubtedly, her spiritual counselor, Fr. O’Carroll, will be brought in at this initial stage. Fr. O’Carroll is a first-rate theologian, author of five one-volume encyclopedias of theology, an acquaintance very familiar to the Pope whose doctoral thesis was on the spiritual life. b. The Congregation will also have to find some way to deal with the Church Prelates around the world who have already come to Vassula’s defense after the Notification was issued. c. And then there are statements of leading theologians around the world. What is most noteworthy is that in Fr. Laurentin’s book, When God Gives a Sign, it is immediately evident that he effectively answers every single one of the doctrinal objections of the Notification.4. This Notification opens up many questions rather than closes the book.
a. This statement is made in the Notification: “In addition to pointing out the suspect nature (emphasis mine) of the ways in which these alleged revelations have occurred…” In 1943 Pope Pius XII wrote the Encyclical Divine Afflante Spiritu which in part, tries to nurture true scholarship in the Church. He seems to have in mind the “suspicion” contained in the Notification: “Let all the sons of the Church bear in mind that the efforts of these resolute … laborers in the vineyard of the Lord should be judged not only with equity and justice, but also with the greatest charity. All, however, should abhor that intemperate zeal which imagines that whatever is new should for that reason be opposed or suspect” (emphasis mine). b. Another statement: “…the proximate arrival is foretold of a Church which would be a kind of pan-Christian community…”. Vassula never uses the word “pan-Christian” in her writings. As Fr. Laurentin indicates, her stance is simple: recognition of the Pope. c. Again another: “…it is prophesied that God is going to make a final, glorious intervention which will initiate on earth…an era of peace…”. Here are the words of Our Lady at Fatima (1917): “In the end my ImmacuIate Heart will triumph, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace“. d. Just one more: “Moreover, by habitually sharing in the sacraments of the Catholic Church, even though she is Greek Orthodox, Mrs. Ryden is causing considerable surprise in various circles of the Catholic Church.”5. This Notification is the fulfillment of a prophecy and not just a document.1) The New Code of Canon Law (C. 844#3): “Catholic ministers may licitly administer the sacraments of penance, Eucharist and anointing of the sick to members of the Oriental churches which do not have full communion with the Catholic Church, if they ask on their own for the sacraments and are properly disposed.” The 1993 Directory for Ecumenism (n. 125) by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity quotes c.844#3 verbatim. 2) The Balamand Statement approved June 23, 1993 by the Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church in Balamand, Lebanon, upholds the principle of personal freedom: “…the inviolable freedom of persons and their obligation to follow the requirements of their conscience remain secure…” (n. 15)
a. Prophecy of January 18, 1991: “I Shall Have You Exposed as a Sign of Rejection, the Rejection for Unity…” “No, My Messages shall follow their course without you but you shall be tossed around. I shall permit your persecutors’defiled hands to strike you and mistreat you openly. I shall allow them to contradict you… and like crows ravaging the crop they will attack you. You will appear in their eyes as the loser because the wounds they will inflict on you will be impressive. “These wounds, My child, shall be given to you from within My House and by My Own, they will be given to you from Cain’s clan. I will allow them to strike an innocent child, but their gladness shall turn into mourning. Yes, you will appear as the Loser My Vassula, but have I not appeared as the loser too? I appeared to have failed My Mission, I appeared in the world’s eyes as the greatest loser ever. You are a sign given to them to arise questions that will be controversial.” b. Message of October 25, 1995: After the Notification appeared, “…see how My predictions come true? Flower of My Heart, flame of My Eyes, your mission will be accomplished only when I allow them to crucify you… I had told you that the Father had traced for you a road similar to Mine… Today as you see, you have been sold by your own people, as I was sold by one of My Own; precious one, your own people have betrayed innocent blood… You were handed over by one of your own to the Romans, so that they condemn you, and then be crucified. Vassula, you yourself keep My silence (do not defend yourself, you have enough witnesses who could defend you. The faithful will remain faithful. Your clothes My child will roll in your blood, and this too will be the evidence that you come from Me. You were born for this and your acceptance delights Me because through your sufferings I will save many. Through your torments I will be setting light inside My Church, giving birth to a renewal in My Holy Spirit thrice Holy… Vassiliki, look at Me in the Eyes… You will promise Me if you love Me, to forgive them all.”
How to Respond to the Notification
1. Renew Your Faith. “I believe in God, the Father Almighty…! – we say that every day. In the practical order that means that God is in absolute control of everything that happens on this earth down to the least detail. God has a Plan for our age, and His Will and Plan shall be accomplished inexorably. He often tests our Faith as He did with Abraham. And from time to time, we should remind ourselves that He writes straight with crooked lines. Listen…
a. “My Holy Spirit in your generation’s great apostasy is persecuted like never before…” (III-27) “I know that the most impressive wounds I will receive would be in the house of My best friends.” (IV-15) “Anybody who is My servant and comes from My household, is certain to be attacked…” (III-18) “One section of My Church has been blinded because of their rationalistic mind.” (V-8) b. “Do not assume that the Most High cannot find a way to carry out His Plan… I am doing a great work that no man can stop…” (III-44-45) “Let it be known that the Holy One is in command of everything.” (V-15) “I will sweep away all those that obstruct The Way to Divine Love.” (I-249) “Remember, I always reach My goals.” (I -206) c. “I have said and will repeat again and again these very important words: ‘Anyone who does not welcome the Kingdom of God like a little child, will never enter it’.” (I-328) “I know that My sheep who belong to Me will listen to My Voice and will never fail Me.” (IV-7) Those that have ears to hear let them hear, those who do not want to hear let them not hear.” (IV–58) Whoever keeps My Word will never see death”. (III-13)2. Pray for the Members of the Congregation. They need the light of the Holy Spirit in their difficult task of discernment, particularly on the critical and difficult question of the supernatural origin of these Messages. In all justice and charity we owe them the support of our prayers, and in that way we will be working for unity.
a. “Satan is deceiving many by attacking revelations and apparitions which come from Me… Satan is desperate and is trying to confuse you and bring you all against each other.” (1-364) “So long as they follow their course intellectually they will remain in the dark and estranged to My signs and marvels; so long as they make recourse to their own spirit they will continue to cross-examine My Holy Spirit of Truth without recognising Him…” (V-8) b. “As for your oppressors… do not regard them as enemies but as people who are also part of the family and therefore dear to us needing prayers.” (V-58)3. Cooperate with Your Local Bishop. The Notification is addressed to Bishops and determine the most feasible application of pastoral directives according to the situation and common good of the Faithful. The Congregation acknowledges the role of the local Bishop by using the word “requests” and not such words as “directs” or “requires”. The Congregation suggests two lines of action for the local Bishop:
(1) “that their faithful may be suitably informed,” (2) “and that no opportunity may be provided in their Dioceses for the dissemination of her ideas.”a. “that their faithful may be suitably informed…” This wording gives the local Bishop every right to adopt the stance that he feels is most responsible. As we saw in the case of Sister Faustina, Pope John Paul II as Cardinal Archbishop of Cracow decided to defend Blessed Faustina after the Notification on her appeared. He succeeded in pointing out the faulty interpretations of her writings. b. “that no opportunity may be provided in their Dioceses for thedissemination of her ideas.”
1) This statement is limited to Church property mainly. Bishops have every right to decide what does or does not occur on Church property. Those Bishops who decide to implement this ban warrant complete cooperation of the faithful. 2) Bookstores are at liberty to carry the writings of Vassula, publishers can distribute her books, conferences may be held on neutral ground to discuss her Messages, and the faithful are entirely free to read what she has written.4. Follow Your Conscience. As Catholics we do not question the Church’s responsibility to safeguard and promote the deposit of Faith. In fact, in certain instances there is a serious obligation to respond in full obedience, i.e., external compliance and internal assent, as in the case of infallible statements (the Pope speaking ex cathedra, all the Bishops in union with the Pope as at Ecumenical Councils) and in the exercise of the Ordinary Magisterium of the Church. The investigations and disciplinary actions of the Congregations are a bit different. They are neither infallible nor irreformable as we have seen. Since the presumption is that the Spirit guides and assists those to whom this ministry has been given, the Faithful ordinarily should give an internal assent. “However, this assent is not and must not be given blindly and mechanically, for in every case the adult Catholic has the right and duty to make a personaljudgment ofhis own.” (Art. “Teaching Authority in the Church” in the New Catholic Encyclopedia) There are three instances where internal assent may be withheld:
1) During the Process of lnvestigation. Since the lnvestigation of Vassula is in its beginning stage, we are entirely free to follow the dialogue and form our own opinion; 2) Serious Doubt. “In a particular case where there is not question of some truth being proposed definitively by the infallible teaching authority, if one has seriously grave reasons for suspecting that some doctrinal decree is false, he could suspend his assent and give merely external obedience…” (ibid. Art. “Teaching Authority in the Church”); 3) An Expert’s Contrary Opinion. “By way of exception, the obligation of inner agreement (assent) may cease if a competent expert, after a scientific investigation of all grounds, arrives at the positive conviction that the decision rests on an error.” (Fundamentals of Dogma by Ludwig Ott, p. 10) Father Laurentin in When God Gives a Sign, P. 42: “Vassula does not present any doctrinal problem. If a prior suspicion and an iconoclastic passion have found objections, they are not solid ones, as long as one interprets the tests in their context and in the entirety of the message, according to a solid hermeneutic and not according to the law that applies in witch hunts.”5. Read True Life in God. Our Lord has said: “The words that I have spoken are Spirit and Life.” (John 6:63) Any words from God, whether they be in Holy Scripture or private revelation, contain the power of God – a power continually operating to convert us more and more to our God. This occurs whenever anyone reads such words with an open mind and an open heart. Do this and you will experience the action of the Holy Spirit in your life. “Happy the man who opens his heart to My Holy Spirit… My Holy Spirit… will show Himself openly to the innocent, to the poor, and to the simple.” (III-59)
a. The messages contained in True Life in God are unique, extraordinary and very special. They reveal to us the most exalted treasures in the Sacred Heart of Jesus hidden in the past and reserved in a special way for our time. They are the most important private revelations ever made. St. Gertrude, when shown a glimpse of them, was caught up in ecstasy. “I have given you this Inexhaustible Treasure that was hidden from the eyes of mankind and was revealed to Gertrude… This Inexhaustible Treasure was reserved for your times: the end of times.” (V-84) “I have made a New Hymn of Love to… remind you of My Eternal Love I have for each one of you.” (III-52) b. These messages are also very important, because they announce the Second Coming of Our Lord with a clear description of the events that will precede. They describe the Great Tribulation of the Church (I-383), The Day of Purification (I -348) or Warning (I -330), The Great Conversion (I-339) or Great Return (I -353), The Great Sign (I-394), The Unity of the Church (I-231). The New Pentecost (I-356), The New Jerusalem (I-360), The New Heaven and the New Earth and much more… “This divine revelation will be the last warning.” B.V.M. (I-219) “Whosoever neglects to light his lamp this time and use it, it will be taken away from him and given to someone else.” (III-88) “We have come to offer you all Our Peace, and prepare you for your journey to heaven…” (III-7) The time of sorting has come, the time of reckoning is here…” (III-31) c. These messages are profoundly significant because they reveal God’s hidden plan of salvation for each one of us living today. Not only that they unlock the mysteries hidden for ages and indicate our port of entry, our means of participating in them: the divinization of our soul, our life in the Holy Trinity, our place of destiny – the Sacred Heart – our true home, the activity of the Holy Spirit in our life, the warmth and tenderness of God the Father, the infinite intensity of Jesus’ loyal love, the mystery of the Two Hearts. “My hidden Plan of Salvation; it is here,” (I-267) “Today more than ever before, I am asking you to consecrate yourselves, your families, your nations to Our Two Hearts.” (III-31) d. And there is so much more: the revelation of deep secrets hidden in God now taking place and the marvelous gifts and charisms present in Vassula who is a “sign” or “sample” of just how God will grace and lead all those who are open and present themselves.I pray that the Holy Spirit guides the Congregation members in all their inquiries, deliberations and decisions, and I pray especially that this same Holy Spirit embraces each one of you personally and leads you triumphantly into a True Life in God.
Rev. Robert Hughes, S.M.

Touched by the Spirit of God II: Vassula and the CDF
by Fr. Edward O’Connor
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In this book, Touched by the Spirit of God II: Vassula and the CDF, Fr. Edward O’Connor, retired Notre Dame University professor of theology, with grace, certitude and thoroughness, rebuts point by point every criticism directed at Vassula by the Notification of the CDF.
This is the second in a series of collected essays by priests writing about the True Life in God messages. The first volume began with an article by Father Francis Elsinger suggesting that the gift of prophecy had always been vital to the Church and that its value needs to be recognized more, not less in this age of unprecedented rationalism. The rest of the essays in that first volume spoke to the authenticity, urgency and orthodoxy of the True Life in God messages.
This present volume in the series focusses entirely on the Notification by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith dated October 1995 which cautioned bishops and the faithful against the same messages. This paradox seems to typify how Our Lord brings good out of painful trials. At Trinitas, we have been gratified to witness an outpouring of calls and correspondence from followers of the messages who would not have shared with us how the messages have touched their lives if the Notification had not been issued. At the same time, the Notification has stimulated many scholarly works by priests defending the authenticity and value of the True Life in God messages. “There are many who could defend you,” Jesus told Vassula in November 1995.)
Father Edward O’Connor, C.S.C is uniquely qualified to provide a reliable analysis of the Notification. He taught theology at the University of Notre Dame for 41 years. Moreover, he has made a rigorous study of the True Life in God writings, in the course of which he has had several extensive discussions with Vassula over the years.
His well-reasoned conclusion on the key issue of obedience and respect for the Church’s authority is unequivocal. He declares that faithful Catholics are allowed to read Vassula’s writings, to attend her lectures, and even to promote them. As the sampling of testimonies attests, his conclusions are shared by other authoritative clergy the world over.
Fr. O’Connor’s analysis responds definitively to the objections that were raised in the Notification which acknowledged, however, that the “errors” do not exist in the later writings.
Father O’Connor presents solid, informed evidence that the alleged “doctrinal errors” do not in fact exist anywhere in Vassula’s writings. His work will no doubt facilitate the Vatican review of the messages that Cardinal Ratzinger has indicated is underway.
Those of us who have come to know the messages intimately, and have seen the great fruits that have come to those who are trying to live them, have been pained to see the messages falsely accused of professing what they do not even say. It has been worth that pain, however, to be able to publish now this book by a theologian of the calibre of Fr. Edward O’Connor. His work in the second section, “Vassula and the End Times” raises scholarly investigation of the True Life in God messages to a new level. He brings out the essential consistency among these writings, the writings of Father Stefano Gobbi (founder of the Marian Movement of Priests) and references in the Old and New Testaments. Fr. O’Connor also makes some exciting discoveries wherein the True Life in God messages appear to uncover hidden, deeper meanings of certain Biblical passages that had not previously been apparent.
Other theologians and Biblical scholars who read Fr. O’Connor’s study attentively and with an open heart, even if they have not delved directly into the messages themselves, will begin to appreciate what they offer. There is priceless treasure in these messages that only a handful of theologians and exegetes have begun to mine.
To some, the fact that such treasure comes through “an ordinary housewife” with no training whatsoever in theology or even basic catechetics will be persuasive evidence that her claim to be divinely guided must be genuine—to others, it will be a stumbling block to their sense of intellectual propriety.
Fr. “X”, P.I.M.E., Vassula’s first spiritual guide is a forerunner of the latter. He was and is today a teacher of philosophy and theology to seminarians. When Vassula came to his seminary in Bangladesh seeking guidance as to how or whether to present her messages to clergy, he tried initially to dissuade Vassula from continuing to take the dictation, convinced as he was that its source was evil. As a last resort, when all else failed, he read the messages for himself. When his in
tense scrutiny could find none of the errors he was sure would be there he came to believe that the work could only be divine. The outcome was that he became one of her unshakable defenders.
At one point, Jesus refers to His messages through Vassula as “this Reminder of My Word.” [19 January 95]. This “Reminder” comes at a time when both clergy and laity note a loss of a sense of the supernatural, not only in secular society, but among clergy and religious as well. Revealed truth is perhaps not as popular or “politically correct” as it once was in many seminaries or Catholic universities. Some see disturbing signs, in fact, of a systematic effort to root out the mystical spirituality that is the great heritage and tradition of the Catholic Faith.
Jesus told Vassula recently that some of His own in the Church were seeking to reduce all of it to “private meditations” and that His Holy Spirit is persecuted today as never before in history.
In such an atmosphere, it takes courage to profess and accept that God is still speaking to us today through His chosen messengers. It takes more courage and humility for priests and theologians such as Father O’Connor to defend those messengers.
Trinitas recently received a letter that we believe represents the heartfelt gratitude to God, to His messengers and to those who support and defend them. Besides the frequent phone calls expressing gratitude for these messages, letters like this have been arriving every day for almost seven years. To us, this is really what this ministry is all about: diffusing this “bread” from heaven to all who hunger for it.
To whom it may concern: True Life in God has done for me what no other book has been able to do. Jesus became real. I couldn’t get Him to become real in all these years (about 35 years). I’m groaning and moaning and longing to be near God.
This Message is truly Jesus speaking. But of course I’m just a small person speaking, as Vassula would say — I have no authority anywhere. Now through my Book Store…I ordered the rest of the volumes.
I am truly grateful to God that he found a messenger in Vassula.I read St. John of the Cross, St. Theresa of Avila and St. Theresa of Lisieux years ago. That’s when my journey started at about 35 years of age. I am now 72 and a half. But Jesus somehow always remained a myth.
I hope reading and praying and pondering “True Life in God” will continue to bring me and Jesus together as has been my wish it seems for a lifetime. Bless all of you who had a part in this Message.
And finally, this simple but profound excerpt of a letter from India received April 27, 1998:
…Since I have been reading Vassula’s books I seem to be getting more peaceful.…I am becoming a better person and when I lost my job I forgave my employer and did not even argue with him. That’s why Jesus rewarded me and gave me a new job within a month’s time. Even though this job does not have better benefits than the previous I thank Him for His kindness, at least it covers the rent for the month. Thanks for everything you send me. It gives me tremendous peace. God’s grace be with you all.
And may God’s grace be with all who read this book. It can reassure those who have already been touched by the messages but may have put them aside out of uncertainty about what the Church is asking of us with regard to them. Also, may Father O’Connor’s enlightening work lead others who have not yet embraced the True Life in God messages to look into them. As these foregoing letters attest, the messages are anointed. Jesus told Vassula, “My Message saves!” Vassula asked an audience in India, “If you truly believe it is God who speaks, wouldn’t you be interested to know what He has to say in our days?”
Robert Carroll Trinitas
The Position of the Catholic Person Faithful to the Church
by Father Guido Sommavilla, SJMeeting with Vassula at Teatro Carcano, Milan, 19 April 1997
My dear people, sisters and brothers in the Lord Jesus; my dear Vassula. Following the second notification by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (once known as the Holy Office) last December, I have been invited to give light to the consciences of the Christians who believe, who are Catholic and faithful to the Church, as I am and I hope as you all are.
Those who know me or my writings, know that I am Catholic, that I am a priest, a Jesuit, who is very faithful to the Church, who loves her and defends her – some say even too much. I know that the Holy Office truly is a sacrum officium, that is, a sacred and holy service, necessary to the Church and rightful for the Church and for the faithful. These pronouncements by the Holy Office are magisterial pronouncements, of the extraordinary or solemn type, or of the ordinary type which can be private or universal. In this case it is an ordinary, private one. All of us, especially us priests, know that when concerning the ordinary, private cases, the magisterium can err. Everyone knows it. They, of the Congregation, are the first to know it, starting from Cardinal Ratzinger. It is possible to err. Nothing is infallible and nothing is definitive in this sacred service. It has come to be that the Congregation has erred.
To give you an example, it erred when it declared that Padre Pio’s charismas and stigmata, etc. were bogus, i.e. fruit of sickness and fantasy (1920-22). It erred when it declared that the charismas of Sr. Faustina Kowalska were bogus; that Polish nun who was recently beatified. Thus, the Holy Office can err. These are two examples taken from this century. There is a third case belonging to this century, and other cases from earlier on, however, these are the exceptions to the rule, because most of the time it does not err. Thus, it could have erred this time too, and they also know this.
What does the notification concerning Mrs. Vassula Ryden say? It is not a precaution, but a piece of information, which after having briefly laid out a number of motivations, invites the faithful not to believe that there is anything supernatural in Vassula Ryden, and that it is not God who writes, speaks, dictates, appears, directly through her. I repeat, it is an invitation. Now, invitations, like recommendations (take for example the Gospel recommendations of chastity, poverty and obedience), are something which we are free to accept or not to accept. Our conscience is free to choose.
All of us, with regards to Vassula and her charismas, are free to believe that Jesus is in her, that He writes and communicates to her. Furthermore, this notification not only speaks in a certain sense against her, but it also speaks quite a bit in her favour by recognizing that there are positive aspects in the messages and prophecies. It also says that Vassula’s further writings do not contain the errors which they listed in the notification. Now this occurred when the first five volumes were available 15 months prior to the notification, however it is certain that the Holy Office has since seen the later volumes and noticed that there were no errors here either, otherwise they would have said. Therefore, from the fourth to the eighth volumes published, according to the Holy Office, there are no errors; everything is positive.
Consequently, according to the Holy Office, the positive aspect (this is to be intended in a religious, spiritual and moral sense) in Vassula is far greater than the negative part. The notification goes on to say, however, that the negative part, i.e. the errors, is such that the Vassula phenomenon on a whole is negative. Thus follows the invitation not to believe.
Now I would like to say something. I taught philosophy, among other things, in Milan for 40 years and I specializeded particularly in the logic of philosophy. Three of my books on the argument have been published, and so this is how I reason: if the Holy Office chose a simple invitation to tell the faithful of the negative side then I logically deduce that this negative part is weak; it is slight; it is fragile, otherwise they would have made an outright prohibition. Thus, if this negative part that we are called to be aware of is slight, then also the reasoning behind it is slight. The errors, singly and as a whole, are weak. (Today I do not have the time to point out the content of this slightness, however, if you care to read the third introduction to the eighth volume (of True Life in God) you will find a kind of analysis of the motivations of those who are against Vassula.)
So, if the reasons are slight and the negative part which we are warned about is slight, then the weight which could press on the consciences of those who choose not to accept the invitation (and I am one of these) can only be slight. Now I ask, and some of you may be wondering: could it be more perfect to accept rather than not accept this invitation; could God be given more glory by the acceptance of it; could He be more pleased by our acceptance of it? Well, the answer has to be this: it is like with the Gospel recommendations of poverty, chastity and obedience which also come from God, that is, from Jesus. [The invitation] is a recommendation; if you choose not to accept it you are not committing the slightest of sins.
So, each person must ask himself if he does better or worse by accepting or not accepting it. I think that all of us here are convinced that most people do the best thing by not taking vows, because most of the people are not suited to them. Furthermore, there are many people who cannot take them, i.e., who cannot follow these recommendations of Jesus, and these are all those who are married. Now, concerning this, I can say of myself that I am, in a certain sense, married. That is, I am indissolubly tied to believing in Vassula. I am tied to the evidence that she cannot be the author of all those wonderful messages, for I believe that there really is Jesus, God and Mary in her who write, make themselves be known and heard. This continuous dialogue occurring in her is real. I am sure of this; I have the evidence because I have been reading and meditating Vassula’s books for years.
Then in 1995, Avvenire (Italian Catholic daily), of which I am a correspondent, asked me to defend Vassula against the negative pamphlet written by Fr. Dermine. My article was published in Avvenire and following this, the Italian publisher of True Life in God asked me to study Vassula and write a book. I have been studying the matter for more than one year now and I have come to the conclusion that Vassula’s charisma is authentic. Thus, against the evidence of the truth no obedience holds.
In his famous letters on obedience, St. Ignatius of Loyola (who is perhaps the greatest teacher on obedience in the Church) says that before the evidence of the truth one cannot obey when obeying means to go against the truth. Perhaps each of you should ask yourself: do I have this evidence? Thus it depends on the degree of evidence of truth that each of Vassula’s readers have responsibly and intelligently acquired from the reading of the messages. It depends on each single person. I think, even hope, that the greater part of the intelligent and responsible people who read Vassula should be able to understand this evidence of truth.
Furthermore, in this notification there is not even the slightest mention that we should not invite Vassula, therefore, we can invite her, we can come and listen to her, come and pray with her. Neither does the notification say anything about prohibiting the information on her. Thus, we are free to be informed about her. Not even the slightest mention was made about this, and you see, her books are still being published. Introductions to her books and articles on her are being published by a Catholic publisher belonging to a religious community: the Priests of the Sacred Heart, the Dehonians. Any type of information, be it via the press, or via the television or the radio or any other communication system, is legitimate. It is all legitimate. This is how things stand.
There is another thing to consider: the invitation, or rather the reminder made to the bishops of the world. Vassula goes around the world a lot because she receives invitations to go. She does not go so as to place herself on show. It must be said that she does not like being the centre of attention. I recall that in a conversation with her angel she said: “Angel of mine, you know I don’t like being on show.” Vassula does it because it is her duty because it is Jesus Who wants it and she is more than certain that it is Jesus Who wants it. It costs her a lot to go, yet Jesus wants her to go and so she goes. So, there is a reminder to the bishops of the Catholic world to act accordingly. Now, this is something that regards the bishops. It is up to them to decide what action to take. Now the logic of things, however, brings me to observe that the bishops’ actions cannot go beyond what the Holy Office has already done. That means that they cannot do any more than to transmit the invitation, which leaves the faithful basically free.
There is one last thing to be said. It is something which gives us reason to rejoice and to be thankful for. The notification says that all these messages, all this dialogue, this poem of the life of God, true life in God, “are only private meditations of the woman.” With this choice of words, with this authoritative interpretation of the Holy Office, all other interpretations are excluded, or disqualified, and in particular, two interpretations which attribute all this prophetic phenomena to either the devil or to one’s subconscious. This, for instance, is what Fr. Dermine has been saying of Vassula in the transmissions on Radio Maria – yes, that “holy Radio Maria” which in this case is not so holy. Pychologists know that, were it true, she would be suffering from a terrible case of schizophrenia; her mind would be gravely ill. Now those who know her, even a little, know that this is not the case. Thus, when the notification says that the phenomena is to be attributed totally to her, it is excluding the other two attributions to the devil and to the subconscious. It is known that in the first years especially, Vassula had doubts herself that it may have all been coming from the devil or even from her subconscious. Now, we have the Holy Office which is ensuring her that it cannot come from her subconscious and neither from the devil.
We are thankful for this clarification by the Holy Office. Thank you.
Archimandriet Eugene Nicolau
Eens in de zoveel tijd vindt er een buitengewone gebeurtenis plaats die mensen in hun hoofd en hart markeren, en latere gebeurtenissen dateren aan de hand van deze markering. Dat is de ervaring van een open hart bij het lezen van “Waar Leven in God”, waarvan ik overtuigd ben dat de boodschappen van Goddelijk geïnspireerde oorsprong zijn en ons profetisch worden geschonken (Handelingen 2:17), door mevrouw Vassula Rydén.
Ik zal niet overdrijven over het feit dat deze geschriften Schriftuurlijk intact en correct zijn. Ik zal ook niet stilstaan bij het feit dat degenen die deze boodschappen met scepsis benaderen, sceptici zullen blijven. Ik zal ook niet proberen uit te leggen waarom God Vassula heeft uitgekozen om Zijn woord nogmaals aan ons over te brengen. Er wordt geen “nieuw” Goed Nieuws aangekondigd, maar toch horen Gods kinderen de stem van hun Vader en weten ze dat Hij het is die spreekt. Hij spreekt om ons te herinneren aan Zijn eeuwige waarheden en om die dingen uit Zijn Woord uit te leggen die genegeerd of verkeerd berekend zijn. De effecten van Zijn boodschap en de impact van Zijn woorden op Zijn kinderen zijn buitengewoon. Ze transformeren. Ze zijn verjongend. Daar wil ik het in deze notitie – zij het kort – over hebben.
Ik wil iedereen die dit leest op de hoogte brengen van een opmerkelijke gebeurtenis. Het is mijn ervaring dat degenen die de boodschappen van Waar Leven In God lezen en volgen, zich gedragen alsof ze in Christus zijn herboren! Ze hebben Christus aangetrokken alsof ze door Hem omhuld willen worden. Ze omarmen hun geloof met een vuur dat verwant is aan dat van de vroege, neofiete Christenen! Ze voelen zich nog meer aangetrokken tot hun Kerk en volgen de Kerkelijke Tradities en het Sacramentele Leven met een zeldzame toewijding! Van wat ik heb gezien, leven zij een leven dat een waar leven in God is!
Wat zou ik als pastor nog meer willen van mijn kudde van God? Als deze boodschappen hen tot betere Christenen maken; als ze als gevolg van het lezen van Waar Leven in God terugvloeien naar de Kerk en haar Sacramenten; als ze niet alleen hun geloof beter begrijpen, maar helemaal gericht zijn op het leiden van een Christus-achtig leven; als ze overlopen van liefde voor God en hun naaste; als ze een intimiteit met God omarmen die lijkt op die van de heiligen; als ze hun wil aan God onderwerpen en een voorbeeld worden voor anderen; als de Waar Leven in God boodschappen zulke transformaties veroorzaken, wat kan ik dan nog meer vragen van mijn spirituele kudde en congregatie?
Deze transformatie waarvan ik getuige ben geweest is zonder twijfel een “goede vrucht” van de Heilige Geest en daarom moeten de boodschappen zelf van God komen (Matt. 7:20). Daarom zal ik doorgaan met het bestuderen van en putten uit de spiritualiteit die ik heb gevonden in Waar Leven in God.
Archimandriet Eugene Pappas, Grieks-Orthodoxe Kerk, New York, VS, 20 februari 2001
Lectio Divina for Our Times
by Brother Andrew CSWG
Brother Andrew is a member of the Community of the Servants of the Will of God, a small community of Anglican monks living in Crawley, UK.
I thought I would discuss Vassula Ryden’s Conversations with Jesus with reference to Lectio Divina. Spiritual reading forms an important part of the life of prayer. A well-stocked library is a feature of every monastery. Specific times of the day are set aside for reading. The silence of the monastery and the curb on speech which it places upon even the most talkative is conducive to profitable rumination, as we go about our business, upon what is put before us in our reading. It is rare for a monk not to have a book (or two) ‘on the go’. We read in refectory, and the refectory thus becomes a place where both body and spirit are nourished and renewed, food on the plate and on the bookrest in front of us. In some houses the meal is taken in silence, while one member of the community reads aloud to everyone, but in ours, each reads silently the book in front of him. “A little reading well digested at each session,” as our Rule states, “is the best mental diet for a monk. He should therefore discipline himself to read slowly, contemplating what is written in the light of the Holy Spirit.”
In the earlier stages of our life of prayer we select a passage from the reading material in front of us – it might be a paragraph, a phrase or even just one word, – and ruminate upon it. The Holy Spirit, who always stands ready to guide us, approaches from his side and sheds his light on what we are reading. If we will allow him, he will grant us a depth of insight into what we are reading to which we could never attain on our own. John Henry Newman speaks of “an angel’s reach of thought.” St Paul refers to the gift of “wisdom, knowledge and understanding,” and has much to say about spiritual maturity.
En route, so to speak, to this spiritual maturity, something happens. We find that we are no longer able to meditate upon our reading the way we used to, indeed whatever reading matter we might select, we find it dull, boring, lifeless, and ‘closed’. We frequently pick up texts that used to grant us refreshment and joy, and find nothing in them. If we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us through what has now become something of a desert experience as far as reading is concerned, he will lead us on to a later stage in which God, from his side, selects what we are to think about, ruminate upon, meditate on, and leads us in our thinking on the subject he has given us. The initiative is now on God’s side. Truly, now, “God proposes, man disposes.”
It is a joy when this begins to happen, the more so for its being such an unexpected turn of events. I was on my rest one summer in St David’s Hermitage. I had open on the table before me a book by Father Gilbert. I alternated my reading with manual work in the garden and as I worked, I found myself thinking along certain given lines, and enjoying it hugely. I worked and thought for some twenty minutes then went inside and sat down to my book again, and there in front of me, as if highlighted, was the matter I had just been reflecting upon, lucid, clear, ‘open’, the meaning revealed. I spent much of that sunny afternoon thus occupied -working a little, reading a little, and each time it was the same – there in front of me as I sat down to read was what I had been thinking about outside, and as I subsequently resumed my work in the garden, I was given to reflect on what I was about to read, before I read it. I was being led in my reading by the spirit, and not just led, but taught as well. It was a happy man who sat down to tea later that afternoon and reflected upon the words of the psalmist,
“In the scroll of the book it is written of me, that I should do your will: oh my God, I long to do it, your law delights my heart.” (Ps 40)
Understanding received in this way is ‘perfect’, that is to say, it is not a conclusion arrived at after thought. It is complete as given, and this quality of ‘perfection’ is immediately perceived by the recipient. It reassures, it calms, it is steady, stable, serene, it needs no verifying, it is above controversy, and the wisdom and knowledge that come with it share these characteristics. It is discrete. It does not belong in the debating chamber. It belongs, rather, in the heart of those whom the Holy Spirit has been preparing to receive it. I often think that if people would allow the Holy Spirit to teach them in this way then all the controversies over the meaning of Scripture and how it is to be interpreted would cease and they would then be able to answer the only question that really matters, namely, “Do you believe this?” with a definite
“yes” or “no”.Sometimes the Holy Spirit will lead us to think along specific lines for a short period before leading us to find its verification on the page in front of us, as I have just described. At other times his leading of our thinking may last considerably longer. If he wants to prepare us to read a work such as, say, St John of the Cross’s Dark Night of the Soul, we might be given to think and reflect for some weeks on themes as supplied by the Holy Spirit. Then, as we begin reading the book in question, we find laid out before us by the author the very themes we have been ruminating on over the previous weeks. It will be seen here that the reading of the book does not initiate a period of reflection, rather it concludes it. Reading the book becomes a matter of recognising what we have already been given, in the spirit, to understand. Primed, expectant, we have been looking out for what we now find before us, and we accept without hesitation, this, the fulfilment of our reflections.
Sometimes, depending on what the Holy Spirit has in mind for us, the lead period is even longer and he may lead us to think and reflect along given lines for years before bringing the work to its conclusion by putting the book he intends for us into our hands – and this is what he did with me concerning Vassula’s Conversations with Jesus. For a period of several years he gave me major themes to think about – the nature of salvation, purgatory and beyond, life in the new creation, the defeat of Satan and the ending of the Spiritual War, the transfer of the population of this world into the new creation, the raising of the shepherds needed to guide the flock into the new world, the Dark Night into which the world has been drawn in our times, the end of that Dark Night, and the central role, in all of this, of love, the love of God our creator for his creatures, and our response, in and through the power of love, to Him. Such was my food and drink during those years. Wonderful themes! Tremendous themes! As I went about my business around the monastery I kept them in my heart and reflected upon what I was being shown with what I can only describe as a great and secret gladness. I found in these meditations all the hallmarks of divine provenance which I have been taught by experience to look for and which I mention above – steadiness, stability, serenity and so on. So I went on quietly, and as I did so, I kept an eye open for the book that would draw these great themes together. Such themes! Such themes! Who could write them down? Who could even think of such tremendous matters and not be shaken to pieces? I frequently found myself reflecting upon the scroll, written inside and out, that St John was given to see in the book of Revelation, (5:1) or later (10:10) where the scroll is given him to eat, and in so doing I was restored to the peace, not of this world, that only our Lord can give.
These years of meditation and reflection were brought to their fulfilment the day Father Gregory suggested I read the Messages given by our Lord to Vassula, and I opened the first of twelve books of spiritual reading, the like of which I have never encountered before.
I do not intend to say much about the works themselves. As the psalmist says, and I use the phrase advisedly, “They are more than I am able to express”, (Ps 40) but I urge you to read them and judge for yourselves. More than in any other work of theology I have read, the Holy Spirit, who is in them, will reveal to you both himself, and the other two members of the Trinity, the Father, and the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not for me to try to describe what this is actually like when it happens, find out for yourself as you read them. The reader of these works will find his own life in them, in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the very life of everyone, and who is the author of these works. You may not want to meet him, or see your own life laid bare and revealed in the light of his truth, but he himself will grant you the wherewithal to stand in his presence when he comes in his glory, with his holy ones with him. (cf Lu 21:36, Matt 25:31, Lu 21:27, Lu 9:26) This, after all, is what our life of prayer is for. If you find that difficult to cope with then these works are not for you. I was speaking to someone recently who told me that on a recent visit to the monastery she read nine books in four days, and this, she admitted, was to avoid having to look up from her reading and acknowledge the presence of our Lord whom she knew was standing before her as she read. Here indeed is that mis-use of religion so prevalent in our own day, where religious practice itself becomes a “place” in which to hide from God.As you read these works then, reader, when he who is their author appears to you, look up from your reading and speak to him, face to face. It is what you were born for. Once you have left this world you will no longer be able to meet him in this way, so make the most of the time given you. Give ear to what he says to you, look at him, smile at him, and read as he invites you. He has much to say to you, to us, and he says it in these volumes. Tremendous themes! The nature of salvation, purgatory and beyond, life in the new creation, the defeat of Satan and the ending of the Spiritual War, the transfer of the population of this world into the new creation, the raising of the shepherds needed to guide the flock into the new world, the Dark Night into which the world has been drawn in our times, the end of that Dark Night, and the means by which he accomplished, accomplishes, all of that, through love, the love God has for all of us, and our response to that love. It is all written in these books. It will be given to you at the time to respond in appropriate fashion. Your response will be a true one, either yes or no.
The theology to which these volumes introduce us is refreshing, lively, and candid. You do not need a PhD in Theology to understand it. Accessible to all who desire it, it is direct, simple, and a joy to read. It refreshes the parts that other theologies cannot reach. It is in fact everything you do not expect theology to be. I have a hunch that those who read it and take to it will be little inclined to argue about it, or enter into the theological polemic that has so riven the separated churches over the centuries and whose fruits are becoming so manifest in our day – their inability to bring their worshippers to the perfection I have been describing. This inability is remedied in these volumes. Our Lord Himself speaks in them, and for those willing to receive him he grants renewal, refreshment, life, and peace.
The work of True Life in God has hardly begun. I have a feeling that in this initial period the Messages are being presented to the churches, that they might give the simple response, yes, or no, that they elicit. Once this initial period is over they will be presented to the population at large, and then I think astonishing, astounding things will happen, things beyond the capacity of human thinking to encompass – huge numbers of people will recognise, in the reading of them, their author, the Lord Jesus Christ. They will see his face, hear his voice, smile at him, rejoice with him, and remember that they know him and love him, and have done, these many years. The amnesia into which the Prince of this world, Satan, has cast them, and which the churches in their present state are unable to remedy, will thus be overcome, and they will come back to the Church, since for those who love our Lord there is nowhere else to go. Their return will transform the Church out of all recognition.
There is a historical precedent for events of such magnitude. In the third century the Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire and a vast influx of the population into the Church took place. In a very real sense the Church has been coping with the aftermath of that event ever since. The future events I am pointing to will be the completion, the fulfilment, of that great work begun seventeen hundred years ago.
I think, in True Life in God, we are seeing the beginnings of great events. I suggest you read the Messages and think about them.
Andrew CSWG
(November 2004)
Hedendaagse Boodschappen van de Ene Grote Traditie
door Pater Peter van de Gemeenschap van de Dienaren van de Wil van God
Pater Peter is lid van een kleine gemeenschap Anglicaanse monniken de leven in Crawley, Verenigd Koninkrijk, waarvan de oorsprong teruggaat tot 1938. De gemeenschap heeft Christelijke Eenheid altijd hoog in het vaandel gehad.
Boodschappen van de Traditie
Toen ik deze Conversaties met Jezus begon te lezen, was mijn eerste reactie die van opluchting. Ze bevatten geen overdreven of excentrieke uitdrukkingen van het Christelijk Geloof, zoals soms wel gebeurt in dit soort visionaire literatuur. In feite leken ze inhoudelijk heel ‘in het midden’, zelfs Orthodox. Naarmate het lezen vorderde, trad de verandering op: Ik bleef woorden tegenkomen als‘metanoia‘, ‘berouw’, ‘groeien in heiligheid’, ‘liefde’, ‘vreugde’, ‘vrede’, ‘vergeven’, ‘verzoening’, ‘voortdurend bidden’, ‘de Heilige Drie-Eenheid’, ‘de Heilige Geest’, ‘overgave’. Er werd een beroep gedaan op de Zaligsprekingen en op de noodzaak voor dringend gebed, met het oog op de naderende komst van de Heer. Het geheel culmineert in een oproep tot eenheid en een gemeenschappelijke datum voor Pasen: ‘Orthodox! Katholieken! Protestanten! Jullie behoren allen Mij toe! Jullie zijn allen Eén in Mijn Ogen’, ‘buig om te kunnen verenigen’, ‘verenig, omwille van Mij, het Paasfeest’. Ik vond gebeden en liefdesliederen die voor mij een echo waren van het Bijbelse Hooglied en de hymnen van de heilige Simeon de Nieuwe Theoloog (c.950 – 1022). Delen van de boodschappen echoën de Hebreeuwse profeten (Ezechiël, Hosea, Amos) en je krijgt een intuïtief gevoel van hoe hun eigen woorden werden gegeven en opgeschreven. Andere delen vertonen een griezelige weerklank in de Traditie door hun profetische karakter en verheven mystieke en nuptiale liefdespoëzie: van de heilige Simeon de Nieuwe Theoloog uit het Oosten en de heilige Catharina van Siena in het Westen. Ik concludeerde dat dit geen marginale uiting van geloof was: dit was alles wat mij als monnik geleerd was. Dit was de Ene Grote Traditie en allemaal samengevat in deze Boodschappen van de Heer Zelf. Als er eerder al een spoor van onzekerheid was geweest, dan was dat vanaf dat moment verdwenen en heb ik nooit meer omgekeken.
‘Het is de Heer’
Hoe weten we dat deze boodschappen van God komen? Als je ze leest, zul je overtuigd zijn: ze zijn in die zin zelf-authenticerend. De persoonlijke bevestiging kwam onverwacht vroeg toen ik, na het advies om bij het begin te beginnen, Volume 1 begon te lezen. Ik ontdekte op pagina 8 een verslag van de Heer zelf over zijn Passie. Ik dacht terwijl ik het las – en het is niet gemakkelijk om te lezen: Vassula vertelt zelf hoe moeilijk het voor haar was geweest om het op te schrijven – geen mens, hoe geïnspireerd ook, had dit met verbeeldingskracht kunnen schrijven. Dit komt van binnenuit, vanuit het bewustzijn van Degene die het werkelijk onderging. Op een ochtend, toen ik de Evangelielezing aan het voorbereiden was voor de Lauden – het was uit het Johannes Evangelie – trof iets me plotseling heel sterk. Ik realiseerde me dat de Persoon van wie ik me bewust was toen ik deze woorden las, dezelfde Persoon was van wie ik me bewust was toen ik deze boodschappen las. Ik vond mezelf antwoordend met de woorden van de apostel Johannes op de zee van Tiberias: “Het is de Heer!” (Joh. 21:7).
Wat is de inhoud van de boodschappen?
Vassula’s eigen beschrijving van de boodschappen is een “hervertelling van het evangelie” (Brighton Conferentie, oktober 2003), dat wil zeggen een nieuwe verklaring van het Evangelie. Wat je zult vinden is hetzelfde evangelie dat we horen in Matteüs, Marcus, Lucas en Johannes, maar met een directheid en een eigentijdse klank. Het is de Heer die nu in 2004 tot ons spreekt met alle ethos en sfeer van onze moderne wereld en cultuur. Dat is wat de Kerk bedoelt met de Traditie: de Heilige Geest die rechtstreeks tot elke tijd en cultuur spreekt via zelfgekozen instrumenten en de eigen leerautoriteit van de Kerk. Het is het enige oorspronkelijke Evangelie dat wordt uitgeplozen, expliciet en duidelijk gemaakt. Johannes van het Kruis schreef eens dat God in zijn Zoon tot ons heeft gesproken en dat Hij, nu Hij dat gedaan heeft, niets meer te zeggen heeft. Er is dus geen sprake van iets nieuws, laat staan iets innovatiefs. De boodschappen zijn dus een herinnering: ‘De Voorspraak, de Heilige Geest, die de Vader in mijn naam zal zenden, zal jullie alles leren en jullie herinneren aan alles wat ik jullie gezegd heb’ (Joh. 14: 26).
Een genade voor de hele kerk
Het charisma van Vassula is een geschenk (Gk. charis) van God voor de hele Kerk, als we maar nederig genoeg zijn om het van God te ontvangen. Gods gaven brengen ook een test en een uitdaging met zich mee. Ten eerste zal de verleiding groot zijn om te twijfelen. We zullen deze twijfel zowel in onszelf moeten tegenkomen als in de reactie van anderen, zelfs van hen die in de Heer over ons zijn gesteld. Sommigen zullen worden bewogen om aan te moedigen, maar van Anderen kunnen gewoon zwijgen, niet reageren. Toch zijn deze boodschappen niet voor een paar individuen (‘als je van dat soort dingen houdt’), noch voor een bepaald deel van de Kerk, want dat zou afleiden van hun ware doel. De Heer is heel duidelijk dat de boodschappen voor iedereen zijn, voor elke christen, ja zelfs voor elk mens. Een trouwe reactie van onze kant is de garantie dat wat de Heer heeft bedoeld om hen te geven, tot bloei zal komen. Voor elke twijfel die in onze denkgeest opkomt, of aan ons wordt voorgesteld, zal onze vraag moeten zijn: “Komt deze gedachte van de Waarheid zelf, of is het iets in mijn oude natuur, op zoek naar een manier om zo’n uitdaging uit de weg te gaan?” Er is het altijd aanwezige gevaar, vooral voor onze tijd, om de gebeurtenis te rationaliseren. De Heer heeft veel te zeggen over het Rationalisme van onze tijd.
Een uitdaging voor onoprechtheid
Bovendien kunnen we begrijpen dat dit een uitdagend woord is voor de Kerk, niet geheel anders dan het woord dat Johannes in zijn Openbaring aan de Zeven Kerken voorlegt (Openb. 2 3). Net als daar roept de Heer op tot de zuivering van Zijn Kerk – “Ik wil dat jullie heilig leven zoals Ik heilig ben” – zodat zij kan worden als de primitieve apostolische kerk: “Ik ben van plan jullie allen te bekleden met mijn klederen van weleer en Mijn Kerk te herbouwen op haar oude fundament”. Er is een voortdurende uitdaging aan alle onoprechtheid in de Kerk, zodat zij waarachtiger dienstbaar wordt aan de wereld, het authentieke Evangelie verkondigt en genezing en verlossing brengt voor de echte kwalen van de wereld. Het is soms geen prettig leesvoer. “Zeg tegen mijn volk dat Ik geen administrateurs in Mijn Huis wil. Zij zullen niet gerechtvaardigd worden in Mijn Dag, omdat juist zij Mijn Huis geïndustrialiseerd hebben.” De Heer is zeer bezorgd over hen “die stoelen en gezag zoeken in plaats van het heil van zielen” en alle “handelaars” (vgl. Mt. 21: 12-13, en parallellen).
Instelling en charisma
Voor de Kerk brengt de ontvangst van deze boodschappen het eeuwenoude probleem van de spanning tussen de instelling en de charisma van haar leden met zich mee. De heilige Paulus gebiedt zijn medechristenen: “Doof de Geest niet uit” (1 Thess. 5: 19). Hij spoort de Korintiërs ook aan: “Wees gretig om te profeteren” (1 Kor. 14: 39). De profetische rol komt op de tweede plaats na die van de apostel: “De Heer heeft eerst apostelen aangesteld en daarna profeten…” (1 Kor. 12: 28). De gaven die hij gaf waren dat sommigen apostelen zouden zijn, sommigen profeten…’ (Efeziërs 4:11). De profetische rol is niet gemakkelijk erkend of geaccepteerd in de Kerk, net zoals het oude Israël moeite had met het accepteren van die uitverkoren dienaren met hun boodschap, die tot hen gezonden waren door God. Degenen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de instelling, zijn bezorgd om de juiste orde te handhaven, maar er is de noodzaak om de uitdaging van het profetische woord te ontvangen en het aan te nemen. Dit moet gebeuren als we een weg vooruit willen vinden door middel van dialoog en groei, door te werken vanuit liefde. Is liefde niet de kern van het Evangelie (1 Kor. 13)? “Laat liefde aanwezig zijn in al je handelingen. Jullie moeten niet liefhebben met woorden en leuzen maar met concrete daden.” (1 Joh. 3) De vraag blijft of de uitdaging op zo’n manier kan worden aangegaan dat een charisma niet onder de pet wordt gehouden uit angst voor de gevolgen.
Troost en kracht uit de hemel
Deze boodschappen zullen een versterking zijn voor iedereen die zich afvraagt hoe God de recente strijd in de Kerk en in de hedendaagse wereld ziet. Want het is precies die wereld van oorlogen, hongersnood, onderdrukking, abortus en ecologische disbalans die we in deze boodschappen ontmoeten. Dezelfde Heer die voor het eerst tot de Hebreeën sprak en zijn Evangelie aan de hele mensheid verkondigde door zijn Zoon, spreekt tot ons met precies dezelfde urgentie, compassie en zoekende doordringing. “Liefde ontbreekt onder jullie”. “Laat liefde het principe van je leven zijn, laat liefde je wortel zijn. Pas op voor jullie gedachten. Oordeel niet over elkaar”. Net als hun ‘ouder’ – het evangelie – , confronteren de boodschappen ons met de unieke uitdaging van het Christelijk Geloof. Dit is de uitdaging van “het woord (de wil) van God horen en het doen“. “Leef de boodschappen” is een voortdurend refrein van de Moeder van de Heer. De oproep is die van onze gemeenschappelijke dooproeping, om te groeien in heiligheid en alle elementen die daarmee gepaard gaan: vergeving, verzoening, vrede, nederigheid, voortdurend gebed, die gezindheden (armoede van geest, zachtmoedigheid, barmhartigheid, zuiverheid van hart) die de Heer van ons vraagt om de zegeningen (Zaligsprekingen) te ontvangen die Hij voor ons verlangt. Het is een uitnodiging voor ieder van ons om de man of vrouw in Christus te worden die we gedoopt zijn te worden: een verenigd persoon binnen het Lichaam van Christus, de lokale kerk waartoe we behoren. Dat en niets minder zou de voltooiing en vervulling van deze ‘openbaring’ van God vertegenwoordigen.
door Fr. Gregory, Vader Overste CSWG
Fr. Gregory is Vader Overste van de gemeenschap van de Dienaren van de Wil van God, een kleine gemeenschap van Anglicaanse monniken de leven in Crawley, Verenigd Koninkrijk. Andere getuigenissen van de gemeenschap zijn hier te vinden
Deze Boodschappen Zijn van de Heilige Drie-Eenheid
De Boodschappen, die Vassula sinds 1985 ontvangt, zijn bestudeerd door verschillende vooraanstaande theologen, die hebben vastgesteld dat ze volledig in overeenstemming zijn met de Heilige Schrift en de Traditie van de Kerk. Ze waren verbaasd om te zien dat Vassula, die geen eerdere catechetische training had gehad, de onderrichting over de meest diepgaande doctrinaire en spirituele zaken met zo’n gemak en zonder een spoor van fouten kon opnemen. Bovendien zijn Vassula zelf en de Boodschappen onderzocht door de Romeinse Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer, die tevreden was over haar antwoorden op hun vragen. Kardinaal Ratzinger vroeg Vassula om hun vragen met haar antwoorden te publiceren, samen met de bijbehorende correspondentie, wat ze gedaan heeft; en het boekje, getiteld ‘Waar Leven in God: Verduidelijkingen Met De Congregatie Voor De Geloofsleer’, is nu gratis beschikbaar voor alle geestelijken.
De Heer maakt in de Boodschappen duidelijk dat ze op geen enkele manier iets toevoegen aan de openbaring, die al compleet is in de Heilige Schrift, maar dat ze bedoeld zijn om herinneringen te zijn, om gehoord te worden in de Geest, aan wat nu vaak genegeerd wordt in die openbaring, volgens de voorziening die Hij beschrijft in Johannes 16:12-15. In elk tijdperk inspireert de Heer zijn profeten voor deze taak. Zij die verlicht zijn door dezelfde Geest die de profeten bewoog om woorden van de Heer te spreken, zullen de echtheid van de woorden van de profeten onderscheiden; en op dezelfde manier is de Heilige Geest de enige Persoon die de lezer uiteindelijk kan overtuigen van de echtheid van de Boodschappen van Waar Leven in God. Zelfs degenen die er door uiterlijke verbale criteria van overtuigd zijn dat de Boodschappen echt zijn, zullen nog door de Heilige Geest moeten worden onderwezen hoe ze ze uit het hart kunnen horen, op een volledig persoonlijke manier, om er baat uit te halen op de manier die de Heer bedoelt. Duizenden mensen van over de hele wereld hebben op deze manier al getuigd van de echtheid van de Boodschappen en hebben ontdekt dat ze, zoals de Heer ze heeft beschreven, Zijn liefdeshymne aan Zijn volk zijn.
De Boodschappen Zijn een Nieuwe Manier van Evangelisatie
De Boodschappen zijn in de eerste plaats bedoeld voor de re-evangelisatie van een generatie die door het heersende rationalisme van deze tijd verleid is tot afvalligheid van het geloof van hun voorouders; en omdat deze rationalistische mentaliteit zich nu over de hele wereld verspreidt, bieden de Boodschappen ook een effectieve evangelisatiemethode voor hen die het Evangelie van Jezus Christus nog niet hebben ontvangen.
Het Evangelie presenteerde onze heidense voorouders een ordelijk en ‘rationeel’ universum dat geschikt was voor wetenschappelijke studie. Door een diepgaande ‘metanoia’ namen ze een mentaliteit aan die was afgeleid van het Woord en de Wijsheid van God, de Persoon zelf die de Zoon van de levende God is. Want de schepping kan alleen juist worden waargenomen en begrepen wanneer zij wordt ontvangen en gebruikt als een goede gave die voortkomt uit de liefde van God; en deze ware waarneming moet ook worden aangewakkerd en verlicht door een overeenkomstig antwoord van liefde aan de Vader-Schepper voor Zijn goede gave.
God heeft nooit bedoeld dat mensen de dingen van deze wereld of hun rationele vermogens zouden gebruiken zonder een liefdevolle afhankelijkheid van Zijn Heilige Geest van Waarheid en Zijn geopenbaarde bedoeling voor Zijn schepping. Het rationalisme van deze tijd is daarom een achteruitgang ten opzichte van de wijsheid die voortkomt uit het geloof. Het is satanisch, omdat het voortkomt uit de oorspronkelijke verleiding om de menselijke rationele vermogens en de goede dingen van de schepping te misbruiken voor eigenzinnige doelen. Als gevolg van dit misbruik heeft “de hele schepping gekermd en gezwoegd, tot nu toe”. Het primaire doel van evangelisatie zou moeten zijn om de ‘zonen van God’ te herstellen in hun trouwe dienst van de geopenbaarde bedoeling van God voor Zijn schepping (cf. Romeinen 8:19-23).
De Boodschappen van Waar Leven in God zijn daarom een bijzonder geschikte manier van evangelisatie voor onze tijd, omdat ze beginnen met het herstellen van de relatie van vertrouwen en liefdevolle afhankelijkheid die de hemelse Vader voor elk van zijn kinderen voor ogen heeft. Iedereen wordt persoonlijk uitgenodigd om de Boodschappen te horen en erop te reageren voor hun voortdurende zelfkennis, berouw en bekering van hun leven. De Heer Jezus Christus wil iedereen verzekeren van zijn bereidwillige vergeving, voor hen die zich met berouw tot Hem keren, en van Zijn verlangen om met hen verenigd te worden in Zijn Heilig Hart. Hoe ongeloviger en wanordelijker de wereld wordt, des te essentiëler is het dat alle Christenen streven naar zuiverheid van hart, om de liefdevolle aanwezigheid en kracht van God in zichzelf en in de wereld om hen heen te kunnen ‘zien’ en Zijn profetische woorden van belofte en waarschuwing te kunnen ‘horen’. Hier ligt een door God gegeven kans om een ‘zendingsgerichte’ Kerk te vormen en te bekrachtigen.
De Bijbelse Taal van Gebed en Lofprijs Herstellen
In de Boodschappen herstelt de Heer het gebruik van de typologische taal die in de Evangeliën te vinden is, verder ontwikkeld door de schrijvers van het Nieuwe Testament en verfijnd door de Vaders en andere spirituele meesters van de Kerk. Deze typologie verenigt het Oude en het Nieuwe Testament door woorden uit het Oude Testament te gebruiken, zoals ‘slang’, ‘Abel en Kaïn’, ‘Egypte’, ‘wildernis’, ‘beloofd land’, ’tempel’, ‘heiligdom’, etc., met vernieuwde geestelijke betekenissen, om het nieuwe volk van God in verband te brengen met de huidige geestelijke werkelijkheid van de Kerk, nu vervuld door de komst in deze wereld van het Koninkrijk van God in Christus en de Heilige Geest. De sleutel tot het gebruik van deze typologische taal, als een middel voor diepgaande spirituele communicatie, is het woord ‘hart’, dat beide Testamenten en de hele spirituele Traditie van de Kerken van Oost en West gemeen hebben. Het menselijk hart is door God geschapen om binnen de schepping dienst te doen als tempel van de Heilige Geest en als centrum van eenheid voor ieder mens en de mensheid als geheel.
Door Zijn incarnatie en verlossende werk heeft de Heer Jezus Christus het menselijke hart hersteld in haar door God gegeven bedoeling voor eenheid. Jezus houdt nu de hele wereld in Zijn liefdevolle Hart voor haar verlossing en Hij deelt deze zorg allereerst met Zijn Moeder, Maria, die Hij heeft aangewezen om te dienen als de Moeder van alle Christenen (vgl. Johannes 19:26-27 Openbaring 12:17), door wiens liefdevolle voorspraak we worden gevoed in de Heilige Geest en beschermd tegen Satan. We zijn nu in het tijdperk van Christus’ komst; nog niet Zijn definitieve komst, maar eerder in dat voorbereidende tijdperk waarin ‘alle dingen onder Zijn voeten worden gelegd’, door de vereniging van hart tot Hart met Hem, in gebed en lofprijs, van Maria en alle trouwe leden van Zijn ene Lichaam, de Kerk; want Hij heeft aan het Kruis over al Zijn vijanden gezegevierd.
Waarom de Geestelijken de Boodschappen Moeten Lezen
De Heer eist als Hoofd van Zijn Lichaam, de Kerk, het recht op om haar te leiden in haar gehoorzame dienst aan Zichzelf en om haar eenheid opnieuw te vormen in de gemeenschap van de Heilige Geest. Daarom heeft Hij veel te zeggen in de Boodschappen om de herders van Zijn Kerk te corrigeren en aan te moedigen. Hij wil dat ze met Hem de pijn delen die Zijn Lichaam teistert, terwijl de hiërarchieën nog steeds hun aparte kerkelijke identiteit behouden. Dit delen in het lijden van Christus is noodzakelijk om de verdeeldheid te overwinnen en de eenheid te herstellen, en zo de evangelisatie die de Boodschappen beogen effectief te maken. Want ze zijn gegeven voor alle Christenen, en eigenlijk voor de hele mensheid, om hen voor te bereiden op de beloofde uitstorting van de Heilige Geest, het vuur dat de Heer over de aarde komt werpen om Zijn volk te redden van de duisternis en de dood van de afscheiding van Hemzelf. Bovendien wil Hij dat Zijn priesters de integriteit van de Eucharistie herstellen als de viering van Zijn Eeuwigdurende Offer, om Zijn hele priesterlijke volk te verzamelen in de eenheid van dat Offer, en om hen te voeden met Zichzelf aan de hemelse Tafel van de Vader; want Hij is ware God en ware Mens, de Tweede Persoon van de Heilige Drie-Eenheid, aan wie zij de glorie tot in eeuwigheid!
Pater Gregorius CSWG
A Letter of Our Lord to His Church
Rev. Christian Curty OFM
Priest and Exorcist, Marian Movement of Priests
Marseilles, France
Automatic Writing Or Hieratic (Sacred) Writing?
It is widely known that Vassula writes messages that she transmits to us under the dictation of Our Lord. At that time her way of writing changes and becomes quite distinct from her spontaneous and everyday handwriting. The personal handwriting of Vassula is normally small and tense, though orderly and well controlled by her will that knows what she wants. Moreover, it is affected by her warm and very refined personality, which has a good sense of proportion. On the other hand, the handwriting of the messages is characterized by its order, its clearness, its regularity and a certain majesty. Here the personality of Vassula fades away and finally vanishes behind what, at first glance, seems to be merely a facade that is a bit rigid and artificial.
Consequently there arises the question that some people have, even though they judge positively the messages themselves. Quite legitimately, they ask themselves about the origin and authenticity of this “inspiration”. Here, too, lies the origin of the suspicion of critical minds who find therein a significant argument for their objection to the messages as a whole. Thus they claim that it is a simple exploration of the psychic depths of Vassula herself. This interpretation reduces these writings to a phenomenon that is well known as paranormal writing. In that case, we would not be dealing with the Jesus of Christian faith and a revelation from Him. Instead, it would be something from Vassula’s own subconscious that is gradually coming to light. Perhaps, they would say, there might even be another “spirit”, in which case, it could only be an evil one.
What then are we to think of all this? Are we, in fact, dealing with a revelation of the Lord, a letter of Our Lord to His Church, or is this simply an example of what is commonly called automatic writing? Is it the hand of Our Lord that writes to us through the hand of Vassula, or rather, is it Vassula who describes for us, in a state of trance, whatever arises from the depths of her subconscious? Is she guided by a parasitic spirit whom we had best identify so as not to be deceived by one who is presented to us as coming from the Lord? In the first case we would be dealing with an inspired writing. In the second case we would be dealing with the paranormal writing or automatic writing.
What is Automatic Writing?
It is a writing which involves either paranormal phenomena or some sort of divination. In our ministry as exorcists it is not rare to run across this phenomenon. The hand of someone who has given himself over freely to this sort of guidance writes by itself; it does not write by conscious thought or intelligence. Instead, it moves by an unknown force which is not subject to the will of the writer. Sometimes, in extreme cases, it is the instrument all by itself (a pen or pencil) which, by the mere contact of a finger, begins to write a message.
The message can be of a high literary value, even spiritual, or it can tend toward the bizarre, the ridiculous, or the vulgar. Sometimes it speaks of a world beyond, which is a marvellous kind of paradise, or else it can give some simple counsel to the writer, or give him a command regarding his daily, practical life. At times, it simply answers questions that are asked, whether it be its own identity: “who are you?” or whether it concerns things that tend to the dangerous area of divination. At times, automatic writing can predict future events which, in fact, can actually occur. Thus it can give rise to falsehood; it can also simply reveal an imaginary but plausible past which leads the writer to the false and heretical belief in reincarnation.
Let us ignore, here, the question of what we might call the problem of literary characteristics of automatic writing. It is quite unusual, in fact, that the speaker who, for example, claims to be Lamartine, actually writes lines of a quality worthy of Lamartine. For it is the subconscious of the subject who, though he may have some thoughts drawn from Lamartine, expresses only himself and not the well known author.
To remain within the framework of this introduction, let us also here put aside the sometimes grave risks that those incur who deliberately give themselves over to paranormal phenomenon of automatic writing. There are risks at the level of the personality which becomes split, inasmuch as the subconscious rises to the surface, while the psychological awareness is kept in a state of slumber or as a passive listener. In extreme cases, this can result in a kind of artificial schizophrenia. There are also risks on the spiritual level where an evil spirit can take advantage of this lack of vigilance in a person and then intervene, thus taking control of the person. On the one hand, madness or a state of trance results; on the other a demonic parasitism! These are the two great dangers from which it is, at times, difficult to escape.
What about the Case of Vassula?
Now let us carefully see what is happening with Vassula. There are three situations to consider.
- In the first situation, Vassula receives a “locution” of the Lord, an interior word. She can be, at the time, in a church or a public place. If this locution is a message for everyone, she will write it down when she has gone home. It is then that her hand is guided by the Hand of the Lord and the graphological characteristics of her personal handwriting are transformed. From her personal handwriting, which is small, animated and quick, with a slight inclination to the right, it becomes an upright, well ordered, calm, transparent handwriting with no particular emotion. In any case, it is not automatic writing, for there is first af all an interior word which is then followed by the actual writing of the locution. We are not here dealing with the paranormal.
- In the second situation, there is a dictation which is made by the Master to Vassula, who simply writes down what she hears. She is then in the exact situation of any secretary to her employer. That means that she maintaince her personal autonomy, her freedom and her full contact with her surrounding. She can thus interrupt the dictation at any moment; e.g. she can answer the telephone, and then take it up again where she left off. Here, too the grapholigical pattern of her letters is not her usual one. Instead, it is a vertical, upright handwriting which is easy to read and always peaceful and measured in its respiration. Even though her handwriting is different here, Vassula maintains complete control of herself and the free exercise of her conscious faculties. She simply writes down, by hand, what she receives in an inner vision of Jesus and what she hears by this Voice that inspires her. We are thus far from automatic writing.
- Finally, in the third situation, which, at times, blends in with the preceding one, Vassula receives an interior light which is infused and has no clearly pronounced words. This is what mystics call a “motion” of the Holy Spirit (whether spiritual or intellectual) which has to be put in our language with precise words and phrases and can require various expressions which, at times, are lengthy. Vassula then hastens to write down this “insight” or “understanding” that she has just received in this infused way. It is then, when she begins to write in her own spontaneous handwriting, that the Lord intervenes and shapes the letters made by Vassula’s hand into the beautiful handwriting of His own, as if to give this revelation a seal from on high. It is thus in no way automatic writing. As if to convince us of this, the Lord, at times, proceeds in another way. Sometimes the messages to be communicated are quite long and the time available is quite short. Then the Lord permits Vassula to write the dictation in her own handwriting, which is alert and lively. That shows quite well that Vassula is in no way conditioned by this way of writing nor guided by some “spirit”. Her spiritual “experience” has, then, nothing at all in common with the phenomenon of automatic writing.
It is Hieratic (Sacred) Writing
Let us look carefully at this calm, dignified writing, measured in its movements and continually animated by a vertical tendency. The median letters or the vowels are not crushed by the loops and staffs which, nevertheless, are dominant, and move with ease in the space which is their own, like that of daily life, although they are, at times, a bit confined in the interior of words. But the text breathes in the space that is provided.
Above all, there is a continual movement of coming and going which gives the whole an orientation from high to low and low to high. The text of the handwriting gives a vertical impression rather than a horizontal one, with a very evident predominance of the heights. There is, thus, nothing that is denied in the deep and instinctive life, but this depth is mastered and dominated by the higher faculties. There is nothing, then, in this handwriting, that is directed to the Past, and amazingly, nothing directed to the Future, as if only the Present moment were important, or rather, as if everything is Present in a single TODAY.
There is no sign of any egocentric regression at this time. Nothing, indeed, indicates a falling back to the self; and the tendencies toward others are discreet, light, and always uplifting. There is an evident transparency everywhere of nobility, distinction, and marvelous clarity. The only thing that is important is this double upward and downward movement, which constitutes the continual interior rhythm. At times it descends to the earthly, human depths (which is the movement of the Incarnation), and at times, there is a perceptible elevation toward a superior being who can be none other than the Father. Moreover, there is a bit of rigidity and artificiality in this handwriting where, at least at first glance, it is difficult to discern a human temperament, so sensitive and subject to changes (as one finds, moreover, in the spontaneous handwriting of Vassula). Here this dimension is continually directed on high, relativized, and disappears behind what might seem to be a mask. In fact, as it stands, this writing makes one think of Hebrew, that sacred language par excellence, in which God spoke to Moses and his people on Sinai to reveal their Vocation. That is why we describe this writing as “Hieratic”.
What is Hieratic?
In the ancient theatre, there was a mask worn by the actor to hide his human face and identify him with the “passion” of the person he played in the drama. Thus the individual, who was generally well known, disappeared behind whomever or whatever he represented. When Vassula writes under the dictation of the Lord, there is something like that in this writing that we can call “hieratic.” She disappears-she is effaced behind the One who writes to us. Let us go even further. In the Liturgy, the hieratic gesture is preserved in the Great Oriental (Orthodox) Prayer and up until the time of the Council, it was also in the Roman or Latin Liturgy. It is a sacred, or more precisely, a sacralized gesture. It does not express a human temperament (that of the priest or of his assistants) which it arrests or constrains. It is performed by a man of flesh and blood, who has his own character, his emotions, his faults, even his nationality, but it is, first of all, a divine gesture. All that is relative to the individual himself and his social or geographic origins should be effaced behind an attitude that perpetuates itself in an unchanging way through space and time: for the hieratic gesture is beyond time. It is a gesture of God that is performed by a man. Such a gesture remains always the same through the vicissitudes of the centuries and changing climates and nationalities.
This is the cause of its apparent coldness and rigidity. Here there is a risk, for if the gesture remains unchanging, it can perhaps fail to convey the Spirit and can come to resemble a branch where the sap no longer flows. That is the reason why the Second Vatican Council wanted to revitalize the liturgical gestures, giving them again a more human character that is closer to our modern sensibilities, but always under the condition that we do not forget that they are, above all, sacred gestures and not those of the media. The Liturgy is, above all, a prayer and not theatre. It is a work that is both human and divine, and it is thus not just an expression of our individual or collective sensibility. We cannot always be certain that this second risk is always carefully avoided in our conciliar liturgy.
Let us return now to the “Beautiful Writing” of the Lord, as Vassula likes to call it. It is thus a hieratic writing, in other words, a sacred writing that is without a human aspect. It is austere and not individualized, but at the same time it is clothed with such a majestic solemnity. Certainly one can see a sensibility here, but it is all directed on high. In other words, it is directed towards the spirit in man. Without taking into consideration the rational content of the message it conveys, the writing itself inspires a great peace in us to whom it is directed, radiating light and serenity. Truly this Writing is beautiful and can only be good!
What is the Reason for This Hieratic Writing?
There remains the question, why is it that, in these messages which he entrusts to Vassula, the Lord has chosen to use this hieratic writing, which, as far as I know, he does not use in identical situations. In fact, so many souls are also receiving revelations from the Lord without this way of writing.
First of all, is it truly the first time this has happened? In fact, one can ask oneself this question. Aren’t the Holy Scriptures by definition a work of God, written, of course, by human hands, but under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit? It is good to recall this, for there are many times in Revelation where God himself makes use of the hand-written Scriptures to conserve the message and to better spread it, and above all to engrave it in our hearts of flesh.
That is what happened to the prophet Habakkuk who, like us, was troubled by the astonishing silence of God before the supplications of his people and the flood of Evil. He decided that: “I will take up my post-watching to see what the Lord will say to me, what answer he will make … Then Yahweh answered and said: ‘Write the vision down, inscribe it on tablets to be easily read, since the vision is for its own time only: eager for its own fulfillment … if it comes slowly, wait, for come it will, without fail … the upright man will live by his faithfulness.’ (Hab. 2:1-4) Compare also in the Apocalypse, the “letter” of the Lord to His seven Churches; Write to the angel of Ephesus….” (Rev 2:1). Note, too, this unexpected and very meaningful interruption: “When the seven thunderclaps had spoken, I was preparing to write, when I heard a voice from heaven say to me, ‘Seal the words of the seven thunderclaps and do not write them down.'”
Even if one cannot say that in these cases God himself was writing by the hand of his prophet, there are nevertheless two cases where this is explicitly said.
In fact, isn’t it God Himself who, by the hand of Moses, engraved the Ten Commandments on a hard rock to engrave them on the hardened hearts of his people? These Ten Commandments were “written by the finger of God” (Ex. 31:18), but of course it was through the hand of Moses. This is proven by the words: “Cut two tablets of stone … and I will inscribe on them.” But God says to Moses “Write the words yourself … and God inscribed on the tablets the words of the Covenant, the Ten Commandments” (Ex. 34:1, 27-28). Although we have not seen these two tablets engraved by the hand of God through the hand of Moses, it is clear that the typographical nature of the letters, their “Script” was in the Hebrew language, thus hieratic or sacred, depersonalized. They did not reflect the human temperament of Moses. Instead they reflected the power and the transcendence of God, who was not only the One who inspired them but also quite precisely the author; as it says, “God wrote….” Finally, we should also remember that Jesus Himself, the Man-God, the eternal WORD of the Father, one day wrote on the ground with His own hand! (Jn 8:6.) It is clear to the eyes of faith that any effort to make a graphological analysis here could only stammer before this writing that could not be classified in any known categories of writing which are necessarily limited. However, it is certainly closer to the hieratic writing of Vassula than to our own personalized handwritings which enter in well defined categories.
A Letter of the Lord to His Church
Therefore, if the Lord, when speaking with us, does not use the usual rapid, emotive and very moving handwriting of Vassula and instead prefers to use this hieratic and transcendent handwriting, He has His reasons. In all humility, and without exaggeration, it seems that I can say these things:
In other messages which have been entrusted to other privileged souls, the Lord is speaking to all souls of good will, at times to specific persons, at times to communities, or even to all the faithful (the shepherds and lambs). However, here He is speaking, first of all, to the shepherds, to those who are responsible for his Church, those whom the Apocalypse calls “The angel of the church of….” It is thus a LETTER TO HIS CHURCH, so very much divided for such a longtime and still menaced by internal schisms, caused quite often by personal reasons rather than different liturgical traditions or different schools of theology. Moreover, who could claim, except for the God Man Himself, to sum up in a single spirituality, in a single theological vision, in a single sacred rite, the complete ineffable mystery of the Three Who are One!
Jesus, in this End of Times, in this Time of the Nations, wishes to make us come in direct contact with the fact that it is truly He who is speaking with us and writing to us. The secretary in this case is without importance and should vanish from our eyes. This is true to such an extent that even her personal handwriting, which reveals her deepest being, should vanish behind this handwriting which is apparently impersonal and artificial but is on the contrary transcendent. Just as the individual personality of the typist-secretary reflected in her handwriting disappears totally behind the printed letters of the typewriter.
Here, it is therefore the Lord who speaks, the Man-God. It is He who bursts through all the categories of character or graphological order in which one might enclose Him. He is the one who goes beyond all our psychological categories, all our schools of theology that we use to define Him. He is the One about Whom all our sacred rites and our diverse liturgical traditions try to stammer out the mystery without ever being able to exhaust it.
And He speaks to His Divided Church. He is writing a letter to it to announce that His Return is close and He invites us to a conversion of Our Hearts to His Heart in union with the Heart of His Mother by taking the path to Unity, especially in the united liturgical celebration of Easter. Then all mankind can believe that Jesus is Risen and is indeed, the Son of God and Savior of all. (Jn.17:21-23)
In giving His writing this hieratic and sacred form so close to icons and evocative of Hebrew, the language of Revelation, does not the Lord perhaps wish to say something still more profound! Does He not wish to remind us that He is the Author of the Holy Scriptures that illumine all our human history and that as we arrive at the end of this Sacred History, He is intervening personally to open up the Book of the Apocalypse to reveal for us the mystery contained therein?
One cannot fail to be reminded of the passage in the Book of Revelation which is so evocative of the spiritual experience lived by Vassula: “I heard behind me a strong voice like a trumpet that said to me: ‘What you see, WRITE IT IN A BOOK and send it to the seven Churches. I turned to see who the voice was that was speaking to me, and I saw in the midst of the seven Lamp stands of gold (the seven Churches) someone who looked like a son of man who said to me: I am the First and the Last, He Who is LIVING… l was dead, and behold, I live forever and ever, holding the keys of death and the underworld… “‘ (Rev.1:10).
“Yes, happy are those who listen to what the Spirit says to the Churches and who faithfully keep its contents, for the time is near”(Rev. 1:3).
I might add that normally Vassula, the secretary, out of respect for her Master, writes His Dictation on her knees. Might we not also receive (at least figuratively) on our knees, this letter of Our Lord to His Church, to the Seven Churches which we are?
Fr Ion Bria, Professor of Orthodox Theology
A former Director of the Unit 1 Unity of Renewal of the World Council of Churches, Geneva, discusses the book, “Fire of Love”, a collection of extracts from “True Life in God” which speak of the Holy Spirit.
Within the fellowship of God’s people, commitment to Christ constitutes the foundation and core of the life and ministry of all believers, priests, teachers and bishops. Some are called to a discipleship in which their personal identity and faithfulness to Christ is of paramount significance, or to a distinctive calling which may represent an intensification of a close familiarity with the Risen Christ. Out of this intimate proximity and abundant dialogue, the faithful disciple is committed, under a solemn vow, to echo this unique joy. He/she is not sent to disclose a new revelation, but to re-tell and re-write anew what has been already revealed and manifested; “I find it necessary to write and to appeal to you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints”(Jude 3).
Fire of Love is a story written by a reminder of The Reminder. At this stage of history and in this particular place and situation, the reminder’s name is Vassula. Her analysis is realistic. Facing the present human unbelief, disobedience to the church, false prophecy, all speaking “the language of the world”, there is no time for complacency and lack of discipline. Christ wants a disciplined community with disciplined faithfulness to God. Where there is faith, God works through the feeble and the powerless, but where there is no repentance and faith, the weakness is weakness. There is an urgency of time, for the intruders and “traders” of Christ are increasing the ignorance of God, perverting and undermining the grace of God, and rejecting our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ (Jude 4). By saying: Christ is risen, one goes beyond denouncing this world. One becomes a witness to the new world which will not pass. This introduction is not meant to canonize the content and method of Vassula’s Spiritual Conversations, nor to judge her as a skilful writer in various styles: doxological, sentimental, poetical, penitential. Rather it is to see how the two arms of God, the Son and the Spirit, (St Irenaeus about 130-2) take a disciple and do mighty works through her.
Jesus Christ taught us the Word of God, being Himself the living Logos of God. When the Jews reproached Jesus for not himself having been taught, He answered: “My teaching is not from Myself: it comes from the One who sent Me; and if anyone is prepared to do His Will, he will know whether My teaching is from God” (John 7:16). Jesus insisted on the content of love: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word…. Those who do not love Me, do not keep My words. And My word is not My own: it is the word of the One who sent Me” (John 14:23-24). And the Good News has a certain objectivity. He refers to “My commandments”, to what is written in the Book of Psalms (Luke 20:42), in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets (Luke 24:44). Jesus did not remain in the desert, but explained the passages from the Scriptures in the Temple, and in encounters on the road (Luke 24:27-32). It is precisely by His teaching that He created a circle of disciples: “Because He taught them with authority, and not like the scribes” (Matt 7:29). All His life and ministry are in “conformity” with the oikonomia of the God of Salvation. He was absorbed by His Father’s affairs, (Luke 2:49). He went about the Holy Land but finally He turned back to Jerusalem, where His Crucifixion became His glorification.
The Risen Christ is now active in the Spirit, as becomes clear on the day of Pentecost. He needs the Spirit to communicate with us, therefore He enjoins on us: “Do not suppress My Spirit”. The Spirit is the Truth, who “will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you” (John 14:26). The Spirit is His witness, “another witness” (John 5, 6), since He will not speak as from Himself, but will say only what He has learned, and will teach you of the things to come” (John 16:13). But the Spirit is freedom, like a wind blowing where it pleases. Where there are false teachers and teaching, the Spirit repeats strictly what Jesus said. Where there are faithful disciples, the Spirit reveals the hidden jewels of God’s wisdom. The Spirit will complete in us the perfect love of the Risen Christ. “do not say that all I had to say to you has been said; why limit me as yourself?” Jesus imparts gifts, abilities, ministries, through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, who is present everywhere and fills all things, goes out to reach the whole world.
“For you too will be my witnesses”. Here is the role of the reminders of The Reminder and witnesses to The Witness, who are not selected and appointed to an office, but blessed and anointed to testify that Christ is Risen! “I am free to send you new portents and fresh wonders”. Their quality is perfect love and loyalty, and when it is necessary Jesus Christ asks them to rewrite His message. What a lesson about the “schola” character of Christianity! The Gospel is not imposed by imperial edict, decree of a magisterium, decisions of a council, by intellectual oppression or cultural conformism. The Christian is a scholastics absorbed in a master-disciple colloquium and gracious mutual communications. It could be turned into conversion, renewal of mind and heart. The scholastics will then say: “I vow to remain faithful to You; this is my solemn vow; help me keep this vow forever and ever.” The disciple of the Master remains a student, a pupil.
Fire of Love utters a heavy word and warning for ecumenical Christianity. The symbol of ” three iron bars” is true, and corresponds with the “rigidity” of Churches petrified in the sleep and lethargy of division. This is also here a matter of commitment to Christ. In His Message, Christ asks for some urgent “reparations”, at least to celebrate Easter on a common date. Only the fire of the Spirit can melt and bend the immobile bars. If not, Jesus will reject Christians like “rotten wood”. In an age when so many sectarian and fundamentalist groups retain all our attention and leave no time for remembrance of God, Christians cannot be completely deaf to the persuasion and advice of Vassula in regard to new signs of unity, here and now. There is something universal in this message, recalling that “all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28).
Tradition specifies no limits to the material and medium to be used in communicating the Gospel message, requiring only that it be appropriate. The historical practice retains a strict number of teaching ministries: pastors, priests, teachers, theologians and bishops. Could we interpret Tradition as being concerned with other kinds of communication, e.g. exceptional charismatic reminders? Does it provide sufficient ground for taking as comprehensive a view as possible of those who are bearers of a vision of Christ, communicating through written words, received from above? The Church then has to recognize the gifts of the faithful, to develop and integrate them into the life of the whole Body. Discerning them, restraining some and encouraging others.
The author of Fire of Love possesses a visible testimony of her experience through her hands. The task of the voice and hand of the Reminder is not a mechanical one. She has to cope with her humanity, strengths, failures and weakness. She needs to come before God in penance and prayer. She needs to be sustained by the communion of believers and saints. Her stubbornness to say “Christ is Risen” as an unceasing prayer can irritate many. She is under the scrutiny of those who are questioning the objectivity and history of her apparitions, revelation and prediction. Her strength pointing beyond herself to Christ. She must be aware that she takes a great risk, because her authority is a subject-authority, itself under the judgement and correction of God. The Risen Christ, like the widow, keeps bothering her (Luke 18:5). Her availability, as a late comer, is already a grace, allowing the Lord to transform and to use her: “I have pleaded with the Lord three times for it to leave me but He said ‘My grace is enough for you: My power is at its best in weakness’. So I shall be very happy to make my weaknesses my special boast so that the power of Christ may stay over me, and that is why I am quite content with my weaknesses, and with insults, hardships, persecutions and the agonies I go through for Christ’s sake. For it is when I am weak that I am strong” (2 Cor 12:8-10).
Fr. Ion Bria, Hoogleraar Orthodoxe Theologie
Een voormalig Directeur van de Afdeling 1 Eenheid van Vernieuwing van de Wereldraad van Kerken, Genève, bespreekt het boek ‘Vuur van Liefde’, een verzameling uittreksels uit “Waar Leven in God’ die gaan over het onderwerp: de Heilige Geest.
Binnen de gemeenschap van Gods volk vormt toewijding aan Christus het fundament en de kern van het leven en de bediening van alle gelovigen, priesters, leraren en bisschoppen. Sommigen zijn geroepen tot een discipelschap waarin hun persoonlijke identiteit en trouw aan Christus van het grootste belang is, of een bijzondere roeping die een intensivering kan zijn van een nauwe vertrouwdheid met de Verrezen Christus. Vanuit deze intieme nabijheid en overvloedige dialoog verbindt de trouwe discipel zich, met een plechtige gelofte, tot het echoën van deze unieke vreugde. Hij/zij is niet gezonden om een nieuwe openbaring te onthullen, maar om opnieuw te vertellen en te herschrijven wat al geopenbaard is en zich gemanifesteerd heeft: “Ik zag mij genoodzaakt u deze brief te sturen met de aansporing, het geloof dat eens vooral aan de heiligen werd overgeleverd, krachtig te verdedigen” (Judas 3).
‘Vuur van Liefde’ is een verhaal geschreven door een herinnering van ‘Hij die in Herinnering brengt’. In deze fase van de geschiedenis en op deze specifieke plaats en situatie is de naam van degene die in herinnering brengt: Vassula. Haar analyse is realistisch. Gezien het huidige menselijke ongeloof, de ongehoorzaamheid aan de kerk, valse profetie, allen “de taal van de wereld” sprekend, is er geen tijd voor zelfgenoegzaamheid en gebrek aan discipline. Christus wil een gedisciplineerde gemeenschap met gedisciplineerde trouw aan God. Waar geloof is, werkt God door de zwakken en de krachtelozen, maar waar geen berouw en geloof is, is de zwakheid zwakheid. De tijd dringt, “want sommige lieden [en handelaars], zijn erin geslaagd heimelijk uw gemeente binnen te dringen; goddeloze mensen zijn het, die de genade van onze God misbruiken als voorwendsel voor losbandigheid, en Jezus Christus, onze enige Meester en Heer, verloochenen” (Judas 4). Door te zeggen: Christus is verrezen, gaat men verder dan het aanklagen van deze wereld. Men wordt een getuige van de nieuwe wereld die niet voorbij zal gaan. Deze inleiding is niet bedoeld om de inhoud en methode van Vassula’s Geestelijke Conversaties heilig te verklaren, noch om haar te beoordelen als een bekwaam schrijfster in verschillende stijlen: doxologisch, sentimenteel, poëtisch, boetvaardig. Het is eerder om te zien hoe de twee armen van God, de Zoon en de Geest, (St. Irenaeus rond 130-2) een discipel nemen en door haar heen machtige werken doen.
Jezus Christus leerde ons het Woord van God, omdat Hijzelf de levende Logos van God is. Toen de Joden Jezus verweten dat Hijzelf niet onderwezen was, antwoordde Hij: “Mijn onderrichting is niet van Mijzelf, maar van Hem die Mij gezonden heeft. Als iemand bereid is Zijn Wil te doen, zal hij weten of Mijn onderrichtingen uit God voortkomen of dat Ik haar uit Mijzelf verkondig.” (Johannes 7:16). Jezus benadrukte de inhoud van liefde: “Als iemand Mij liefheeft, zal hij Mijn Woord onderhouden….. Zij die Mij niet liefhebben, onderhouden Mijn Woord niet. En Mijn woord is niet van Mijzelf: het is het woord van Hem die Mij gezonden heeft” (Johannes 14:23-24). En het Goede Nieuws heeft een zekere objectiviteit. Hij verwijst naar “Mijn geboden”, naar wat geschreven staat in het Boek der Psalmen (Lucas 20:42), in de Wet van Mozes, in de Profeten (Lucas 24:44). Jezus bleef niet in de woestijn, maar legde de passages uit de Schrift uit in de Tempel en tijdens ontmoetingen onderweg (Lukas 24:27-32). Het is precies door Zijn onderricht dat Hij een kring van discipelen creëerde: “Omdat Hij hen met gezag onderwees, en niet zoals de schriftgeleerden” (Matt 7:29). Zijn hele leven en bediening zijn in “overeenstemming” met de oikonomia van de God van Verlossing. Hij werd geheel in beslag genomen door de zaken van Zijn Vader (Lucas 2:49). Hij trok door het Heilige Land, maar keerde uiteindelijk terug naar Jeruzalem, waar Zijn Kruisiging Zijn verheerlijking werd.
De Verrezen Christus is nu actief in de Geest, zoals duidelijk wordt op de dag van Pinksteren. Hij heeft de Geest nodig om met ons te communiceren, daarom gebiedt Hij ons: “Onderdruk Mijn Geest niet”. De Geest is de Waarheid, die “u alles zal leren en u zal herinneren aan alles wat Ik u gezegd heb” (Johannes 14:26). De Geest is Zijn getuige, “een andere getuige” (Johannes 5, 6), aangezien Hij niet uit zichzelf zal spreken, maar spreken al wat Hij heeft vernomen, en Hij zal u de komende dingen aankondigen” (Johannes 16:13). Maar de Geest is vrijheid, als een wind die waait waarheen hij wil. Waar er valse leraren en leringen zijn, herhaalt de Geest strikt wat Jezus zei. Waar trouwe discipelen zijn, openbaart de Geest de verborgen juwelen van Gods wijsheid. De Geest zal in ons de volmaakte liefde van de Verrezen Christus voltooien. “zeg niet dat alles wat Ik je te zeggen had, is gezegd; waarom zou je Mij zoals jouzelf beperken?” Jezus schenkt gaven, vaardigheden en bedieningen door de Heilige Geest. De Heilige Geest, die overal aanwezig is en alle dingen vervult, gaat uit om de hele wereld te bereiken.
‘Want ook jullie zullen mijn getuigen zijn.’ Hier is de rol van zij die in herinnering brengen van Hij Die Herinnert en De Getuigen, die niet geselecteerd en aangesteld zijn in een ambt, maar gezegend en gezalfd om te getuigen dat Christus is Verrezen! ‘Ik ben vrij om je nieuwe voortekenen en nieuwe wonderen te sturen.’ Hun kwaliteit is perfecte liefde en loyaliteit, en wanneer dat nodig is vraagt Jezus Christus hen Zijn boodschap te herschrijven. Wat een les over het ‘schola’-karakter van het christendom! Het Evangelie is niet opgelegd door keizerlijk edict, decreet van een magisterium, besluiten van een concillie, door intellectuele onderdrukking of cultureel conformisme. De christen is een scholastiek die is ondergedompeld in een meester-discipel colloquium en genadige onderlinge communicatie. Het zou kunnen worden omgezet in bekering, vernieuwing van geest en hart. De scholastiek zal dan zeggen: ‘Ik beloof U trouw te blijven; dit is mijn plechtige gelofte; help mij deze gelofte voor eeuwig en altijd na te komen.’ De discipel van de Meester blijft een student, een leerling.
Vuur van Liefde spreekt een beladen woord en een waarschuwing uit voor het oecumenische christendom. Het symbool van de “drie ijzeren staven” is waar, en komt overeen met de “stijfheid” van de Kerken die versteend zijn in de slaap en lethargie van verdeeldheid. Ook hier is sprake van een toewijding aan Christus. In Zijn Boodschap vraagt Christus om een aantal dringende “daden van eerherstel”, tenminste om Pasen op een gemeenschappelijke datum te vieren. Alleen het vuur van de Geest kan de onbeweeglijke staven smelten en buigen. Zo niet, dan zal Jezus christenen afwijzen als “rot hout”. In een tijdperk waarin zoveel sektarische en fundamentalistische groeperingen al onze aandacht vasthouden en geen tijd overlaten om God te gedenken, kunnen christenen niet volledig doof zijn voor de overtuiging en het advies van Vassula met betrekking tot nieuwe tekenen van eenheid, hier en nu. Er zit iets universeels in deze boodschap, eraan herinnerend dat “U bent allen één in Christus Jezus” (Galaten 3:28).
De Traditie stelt geen grenzen aan het materiele en het medium dat gebruikt moet worden om de boodschap van het Evangelie over te brengen. De historische praktijk handhaaft een strikt aantal onderrichtende bedieningen: pastores, priesters, leraren, theologen en bisschoppen. Kunnen we de Traditie interpreteren als zijnde betrokken bij andere soorten communicatie, bijv. uitzonderlijke charismatische herinneringen? Biedt het voldoende grond om een zo volledig mogelijk beeld te krijgen van degenen die drager zijn van een visioen van Christus, communiceren via geschreven woorden, ontvangen van boven? De Kerk moet dan de gaven van de gelovigen erkennen, om ze te ontwikkelen en te integreren in het leven van het hele Lichaam. Hen onderscheiden, sommigen in toom houden en anderen aanmoedigen.
De auteur van Vuur van Liefde bezit een zichtbaar getuigenis van haar ervaring doorheen haar handen. De taak van de stem en de hand van de Hij die in Herinnering brengt is niet een mechanische. Ze moet omgaan met haar menselijkheid, sterke punten, mislukkingen en zwakheid. Zij moet zich in boetedoening en gebed tot God wenden. Ze moet worden ondersteund door de gemeenschap van gelovigen en heiligen. Haar koppigheid om “Christus is Verrezen” te zeggen als een onophoudelijk gebed kan velen irriteren. Ze ligt onder de loep van degenen die de objectiviteit en geschiedenis van haar verschijningen, openbaring en voorzegging in twijfel trekken. Haar kracht wijst verder dan zichzelf naar Christus. Ze moet zich ervan bewust zijn dat ze een groot risico neemt, omdat haar autoriteit een subject-autoriteit is, die zelf onder onder het oordeel en de correctie van God staat. De Verrezen Christus blijft haar, net als de weduwe, lastigvallen (Lucas 18:5). Haar beschikbaarheid, als laatkomer, is al een genade, die de Heer toestaat om haar te transformeren en te gebruiken: “ Ik heb de Heer drie keer gesmeekt mij te verlaten, maar Hij zei: ‘Mijn genade is genoeg voor jou: Mijn kracht is op haar best in zwakheid’. Dus, ik zal met veel plezier mijn zwakheden tot mijn bijzondere trots maken, zodat de macht van Christus over mij mag blijven, en daarom ben ik heel content met mijn zwakheden, en met beledigingen, ontberingen, vervolgingen en de kwellingen. Ik ga door omwille van Christus. Want als ik zwak ben, ben ik sterk”. (2 Kor 12:8-10).
Cardinal Telesphore P. Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi

Cardinal Telesphore P. Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi
Cardinal Telesphore P. Toppo
Archbishop of Ranchi
Cardinal Toppo introduced Vassula when she came to speak in his Diocese back in November of 2004. Below is an excerpt from his speech:
“The surprising thing is that Vassula did not have any catechetical instruction, leave alone theological training what so-ever and yet her charismatic teaching seems to be in conformity to Scripture, Tradition and the writings of Scholars and Saints…”
Ven. Suddhananda Mahathero

Ven. Suddhananda Mahathero
Copied here is the address given by the leader of the Buddhist group to fellow participants of the TLIG pilgrimage in Egypt in October 2002:
It is indeed an honour for me to be present here on this historic occasion of today. At the outset, I wish to convey my sincere thanks to the organizers for inviting me to this conference and making all the arrangements for our visit to Egypt. On behalf of the peace loving people, the members of our Bangladesh delegation and on my behalf, I wish to convey my best wishes and sincere greeting to you all.
It is beautiful for all of us that Egypt has been chosen as the host country of such an historic occasion of today. Egypt, the great country is a symbol of religious tolerance in which Article 40 says all citizens are equal before the law. I have the opportunity to come and attend in such a country where there is freedom of religious belief and of practice of religious rites.
With regard to our homeland Bangladesh, let me give a very short statement. Bangladesh is a land having the burdened population of more than 130 million people. The major religious are Muslim which are 83%, Hindu which is 15.5%, and Buddhist, Christian and others are about 1.5%. We got our freedom in 1972 and secularism was one of fundamental points. Afterwards our constitution declared Islam as the state religion but it guarantees that other religions may be practiced. Discrimination of religion by the state is forbidden and our government positions are open to people of all faiths. We are enjoying full freedom of speech, freedom of thoughts. We have much religious tolerance. I am tempted to mention here that the recent communal disharmony in Guzrat of India did not at all affect our country. Last week I had the opportunity to call on our President who is thankful to all of us for the peaceful religious co-existence in Bangladesh.
We all are gathered here with our individual faiths and religion aiming at sitting together with our own prayer. Prayer concentrates and purifies our mind, controls our ego, encourages the performing of good deeds and keeps us away from the anti-social activities. Prayer reminds us, we can make our lives sublime. The Christians have their prayer in their way, Muslims pray five times a day, the Hindus pray in their own way, the Jews have their own way of prayers. The Buddhists pray in the morning and in the evening apart from the mass prayers during some specific full-moon days. Today all the channels have mixed together with one single stream. Today we have forgotten the sense of discrimination. Today’s prayer will be marked as a symbol of total solidarity for the sake of humanity.
In concluding my short remarks, I once again express my heartiest congratulations to the organizers who have undertaken the tremendous efforts and dedication. I sincerely hope that this joint prayer will strengthen the concept of peaceful co-existence which will contribute in cementing the world peace thus making the world a land of non-violence.
May all beings be happy.
Ven. Suddhananda Mahathero
Head of the Bangladesh Delegation Team
President Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha
& Vice-President World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB), Bangkok,Thailand
Bishop Ramon Cabrera Argüelles

Bishop Ramon Cabrera Argüelles
Bishop Ramon Cabrera Argüelles
To all beloved chaplains and pastoral workers of Filipinos overseas.
Praised be Jesus and Mary!
It is probably one of the signs of our times that many in the lay sector sense a special calling from God to be in the service of the Gospel. Mrs Vassula Rydén, I believe, is one of them. The Church will take long before officially recognizing the authenticity of so-called private revelations. It normally makes no definite judgement while the ‘privileged’ ones still live. Even after declaration of the orthodoxy and effectiveness of so-called divine insight it obliges no one to adhere to them. But the Church acknowledges the contribution people like Vassula does to its evangelization work.
Vassula is not even a Catholic. She was not even a devout member of the Greek Orthodox Church. But sometime in her life, sensing heavenly intervention, she became an intimate believer in Christ and, without being aware of it, started working for Christian Unity. Her movement, ‘True Life in God’, is doing a lot of good to all, most especially, for the renewal of many Christians and the evangelization of those who have never heard of Jesus before.
I do not hesitate to recommend her to you. Please allow her to speak to Filipino migrants about her faith experience. I want our ordinary Filipino folks to be edified by her and become more convinced about their potentialities as Third Millenium evangelizers. Please know that the move to propagate ‘True Life in God’ among migrant Filipinos has my approval and encouragement.
Thanking you for your continued cooperation, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and grace-filled New Year 2004
Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary
Bishop Ramon Cabrera Argüelles
December 20, 2003
Unnamed from New Zealand
Unnamed from New Zealand
This testimony comes from New Zealand.
About nine years ago I was working as an agricultural contractor – which was not a very lucrative past-time.. the deeper in debt I got the more work I took on, ending up trying to do 30 hours work in 24. I went to Church once a week to fulfil the Sunday obligation; which I now realise was only lip service to God, and my prayer life was virtually nonexistent. One thing that I had learnt was that the deeper I got into trouble, the more fervently I prayed, then when the crisis was passed I did not feel the need to pray any further.
I began reading TLIG at night whilst looking after the grain drier. Jesus’ words to Vassula completely changed my way of thinking and I was foolish enough to share them with two priests. I have never been so humiliated in all my life. I have purchased about 15 copies of TLIG and given them out to whoever wanted to read them. I read the Bible and ‘Poem of the Man-God’ twice. In the last nine years I have not read a ‘normal’ book, and I soon understood that all that was now appearing in print was not always from God. I then prayed to the Holy Spirit for the gift of discernment and now I get a ‘sense’ or ‘feeling’ as to which is right or which is wrong.
When the notification came out from the Vatican, I read TLIG again and was more firmly convinced than the first time. If TLIG is false then where am I heading? My prayer life has undergone a major change and I now renew the sacrifice of the Mass daily and go to Confession monthly, I love spending time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I have not got into ‘celebrating the Liturgy’ as most do these days. To me the Mass is a re-enactment of Calvary and not a memorial celebration. I no longer work on Sundays and lead a much more relaxed life. I have consecrated my life to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I took all my children (6), to Medjugorje and gave them to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A number of people have approached me and said ‘help’, and Jesus has helped them, using me as an instrument. A priest recently told one of those people that miracles do not happen in this day and age. I have got news for him! My life has been full of miracles in the past few years, because I now believe. It has not been easy to accept the ridicule, false accusations and judgements of people, but I would not have it any other way, after all, He died for love of me, which never ceases to amaze me.
When I hear the noise in Church after Mass and the noise in the world in general, I am reminded of Jesus’ words to Vassula ‘Tell them to lower their voices and they will hear Mine.’
How different the world would be, if people stored up riches in Heaven
with the same zeal with which they pursue money in this life. Jesus for TLIG. May God bless you all. Be at peace. |
Fr. Laurentin
Fr. Laurentin
Fr. René Laurentin staat bekend om zijn promotie van Medjugorje en om zijn onderzoek naar de wijdverspreide verschijningen van Onze Lieve Vrouw over de hele wereld in de afgelopen jaren. Hij heeft veel definitieve werken geschreven over het Kerkelijk leven, het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie en Mariale Theologie. Het volgende is overgenomen uit ‘When God gives a Sign’, een antwoord op bezwaren tegen Vassula en in 1993 gepubliceerd door Trinitas in de Verenigde Staten (zie de bronnen van de boeken).
Vassula is één van de meest evenwichtige en transparante zieners die ik ken. Ik zou zelfs geneigd zijn om te zeggen dat ze op een heel bevredigende manier normaler en evenwichtiger is dan de meeste anderen. Desondanks heeft ze meer tegenstand opgeroepen dan enig ander. Waarom? Is het omdat ze Orthodox is? Een vrouw? Hertrouwd? Is de omvang van haar invloed zo groot dat men vreest dat de vruchten van haar activiteit aanleiding geven tot vervolgingen door Satan? Het is moeilijk om de rol van elk van deze factoren en verschillende andere factoren te meten.
Vassula is Orthodox, dus er wordt aangenomen dat ze zeker een ketter is. De Orthodoxen zijn van de Katholieken gescheiden door een schisma, niet door een ketterij. Ze erkennen alle dogma’s van voor de scheiding van 1054. Dan blijven de Paus en de Onbevlekte Ontvangenis over. De laatste komt tot ons vanuit hun Orientaalse traditie, maar wordt nu door de meesten verworpen vanwege de pauselijke definitie. Op deze twee punten houdt Vassula zich volledig aan de Katholieke doctrine, en dat creëert een probleem voor bepaalde Orthodoxen. Een Orthodoxe theoloog die was uitgenodigd om een voorwoord te schrijven voor haar boodschappen sloeg de uitnodiging af met de woorden: “Het is te Katholiek.” Vassula’s oecumene is niet minimaal; het is volledig.
Nog een vooroordeel: Ze is een vrouw die over theologie spreekt. Dat wordt nog steeds niet door iedereen geaccepteerd. Ze is van Griekse afkomst. Ze komt uit een andere cultuur. Dat veroorzaakt onbegrip bij anderen.
Ze is gescheiden en hertrouwd. Dat lijkt het grootste probleem te zijn. In feite is haar huwelijkse staat vandaag perfect in orde. Ze is in de kerk getrouwd met een Protestant (1966) in een tijd dat ze geen religie praktiseerde. Na een burgerlijke scheiding (1980) hertrouwde ze op 13 juni 1981. Ze dacht toen dat het een Protestantse ceremonie was volgens de religie van haar man, maar in feite was het een burgerlijk huwelijk. Slechts een nominaal Christen, zonder contact met haar Orthodoxe Kerk, wist ze niet eens dat haar hertrouwen de bron van problemen kon zijn. Toen ze zich bij haar kerk meldde om haar huwelijk te regelen, leek de eerste priester met wie ze sprak niet eens te beseffen dat er een probleem was omdat het een gemengd huwelijk was. Maar ze stond erop, om echt in overeenstemming te zijn met de Orthodoxe wetgeving. Toen werd ze doorverwezen naar de priester die verantwoordelijk is voor huwelijksproblemen en hij was het die de zaak afhandelde volgens de “wet van de economie” die in haar kerk omgaat met gebroken huwelijken. Het huwelijk werd op 13 oktober 1990 voltrokken in de Grieks-Orthodoxe Kerk van Lausanne. Volgens het kerkelijk recht levert haar situatie dus geen problemen op.
Men zou kunnen vragen, maar waarom begon Christus niet met haar te vragen om deze zaak recht te zetten? Het is omdat hij haar geleidelijk heeft geleid, als een leraar, zoals hij dat sinds het Oude Testament heeft gedaan. Hij vroeg Abraham en de Aartsvaders niet om hun polygamie op te geven. Het was een tolerantie die geleidelijk verdween door de spirituele vooruitgang van de openbaring. Zo kwam Vassula geleidelijk weer in haar kerk terecht en nam ze de waarden van de Katholieke leer over, waaronder het Heilig Hart, de paus en het vagevuur.
Fr. José Eduardo Pérez Valera SJ

Fr. José Eduardo Pérez Valera SJ
My name is Perez Valera. I am a Jesuit priest. I was asked by a friend one day in October, 1997: What do you think of Vassula? This was the first time I heard the name “Vassula”. I had no idea of the person at that time. To be able to answer him, I began reading My Angel Daniel and Vol. I of True Life In God. No doubt, I read them in a prayerful spirit.
In less than one month I was convinced that the person who wrote the book must be authentic. And consequently, I realized that the main author of the messages was not Vassula but Jesus Himself. Thus I answered to my friend who had asked me. But then I also thought I had better not express my opinion to others. I would keep it to myself. But soon I had to change my attitude: we Jesuits make our own retreat once a year, some of you may know. So I made mine in January, I used Vassula’s messages as my text.
After 10 days of prayer, I realized that I had to take the responsibility, and assert Vassula’s authenticity before Japan and the whole church. This is why I wrote the Preface for Volume II of True Life In God.
Later, I met Vassula in Jerusalem. Having had all kinds of unforgettable experiences, I received several signs in regard to her authenticity. Also, I experienced the joy of having found an elder sister in the spiritual sense. Back in Japan I have had the chance to look after those using her manual in their prayer groups. Today I am asked to give an introduction. I have done my best to summarize the essence of her messages. It is a short text. … impossible to get bored. So, listen carefully. All right?
Welcoming Vassula to Tokyo, I have been asked to introduce her to you before we listen to her. It is a great honor for me to do this.
15 years ago, Vassula was losing her soul. That is, steeped in worldly life, she was enjoying earthly pleasures, and living a superficial life. She also did not realize that her heart craved for higher more precious things. But one day, she received the surprising visit of a surprising guest. That is, Vassula met with the one who is Light Himself, …the Creator of heaven and all things. As time went by, this conviction became more profound. And through the new found contact, she began to recover her lost soul.
But her experience is meaningful for us too, because we can learn from her. That is, we do many things spontaneously, but we exercise our highest spontaneity, when we love with our whole being, with our whole strength. However, though it may sound paradoxical, it is only through the gift of grace that we can exercise our highest spontaneity. I would like now to dwell a bit on this point, central to Vassula’s messages.
Man has the ability to enjoy Nature and its beauty and this is through his ability to see. The same thing can be said about music or dancing. We enjoy music through our ability to listen, dancing through the natural movements of our body. We have then the ability of doing many things spontaneously, using the faculties naturally given to us. But we also have a spontaneity that is different from all these spontaneities. Let us think for a moment on this. Most of us probably think that it is natural for the heart to love. For instance, we naturally love our country, our parents, or our friends. We are also drawn to the green of the leaves, the whisper of the stars, to the sparkle of dewdrops. But this is not all. For we can also love with an unrestricted love, without any reserve, condition, limitation, in virtue of a gift bestowed on us by a Person who transcends our human world. This love is focused on the One who is the source of our being and our life. To love in this way is to exercise our spontaneity to its highest degree. I am convinced that such love is the common element giving life to all the authentic religious traditions of the world.
It seems to me that Vassula has received the gift to love in this way. And to this day, all her efforts have been directed to cooperate fully with the Love. The ten volumes of True Life In God record her response to this Grace. They reveal how this Grace is not only for her personally — they are also a gift for the whole of humankind.
Vassula is visiting us now to convey this message to Japan. Her visit is not for her own interest or by her own will. This is the nucleus of the message she is trying to communicate us. Open your hearts to love the One who is the Source of your being. You can love Him, in virtue of the grace He is offering you. If you love this way, you will be able to recover your life as I recovered mine.
Vassula came to Japan, being urged by the One Who wishes to hand over to each one of the Japanese people a detailed account of His message, through True Life In God.
I have found true Peace; Love reading TLIG; and have shared it with others and know that it has touched their hearts as well. My sister tried to get me to read one of those books. … then I got arrested … the wheels of justice turns real slow in TX. She finally got you to send me Volume 1. At first I was weary-until I decided to really sit down and read it. I’ve always believed in the Spirit of God, but had a problem praying to Jesus (a man). But after I started reading I felt the love and the pain Jesus is going thru. He talks with such feeling that it made me love him. And feel guilty for not trusting and loving him earlier….. After I read the books I let other guys read them, and you could actually see the change in a person that really opens up their heart and mind to God-Lord Jesus and his sweet Mother Mary. May the Lord Jesus bless the World that we all live in and have mercy on those whose ear and eyes are closed.
(G. S., Fort Worth, TX. USA, January 1996)
B. O'S, UK
B. O'S, UK
(Since reading the Messages) I certainly have become more detached from all material things – I believe it is no coincidence that my friend Maria (who I pray with according to True Life in God guidelines) and myself both independently of each other chose to give up television – this has created a were peaceful environment in our homes creating an atmosphere more conductive to prayer. Many years ago I had a vision of the Sacred Heart – I did not know why or what it meant – I also had a second vision of the Heart of Jesus not long after I began to read True Life in God messages – March 1994.
(B. O’S, UK, December 1994)
G. B., UK
G. B., UK
The Jesus that I knew for most of my life was not the Jesus that Vassula as talking to and as I read each page of her first book I became entranced with this new God that I had never understood or known at all, and yet He was always there! I felt my heart responding powerfully to Jesus’ words through Vassula and I devoured each page as if I were a starving man – you could say that I had been searching for this understanding all my life because I was never content with my faith as it then stood. Suddenly, I wanted more, a sincere love that would truly change me and lead me along the road I’m travelling now.
(G. B., UK, December 1994)
M. K., USA
M. K., USA
The experience happened one afternoon as I was playing with my 3 year old granddaughter Krystal, who at the time was reciting names of family members from pictures hanging on my living room walls. Among these portraits was a picture of Jesus. She pointed to Jesus, said his name, turned to me looking directly into my eyes said `Vassula’, for a moment I was stunned, I had to ask her what she had said and looking still in my eyes, the name `Vassula’ was stated. Knowing that my granddaughter had never heard this word or would have been able to pronounce it in such clarity as she had done. I called my spiritual priest (Rev. Paul NM. Williams, OF) and told him what has happened, with great understanding, the priest explained that it was a message of confirmation from our Lord to him. He said he was asking God to give him a sign, `and He gave me it through a baby’.
(M. K., USA, October 1994)
E. U, Germany
E. U, Germany
I hereby declare that I saw, on the 9th day of October, the face of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The face of Jesus was one with Vassula Ryden as she spoke during the Marian Conference. I saw the face of Jesus throughout her talk. I did not expect it, I did not look for it, I did not ask for it. I completely surrender it for God’s Glory.
(E. U, Germany, October 1994)
G. B., Monaco
G. B., Monaco
In October, 1994 during Vassula’s conference in New York at `Pray, pray, pray activity’ while I was looking at Vassula on the screen, her face suddenly seemed to fade out slowly and the face of a man was appearing. I recognized the features of Jesus Christ with beard, moustache and His hair darker than Vassula’s. While Vassula was speaking Jesus was moving his lips too as though he was speaking as well. At first I did not believe what I was seeing, so I picked up my glasses to see whether I was mistaken. When I wore them I still saw Jesus and this time I recognised the face of the Shroud. The one that is on the covers of True Life in God. I noticed His fine long nose while he was still moving His lips. After a few seconds, He faded away so that I could see Vassula’s feminine face again on the screen. Then again He appeared and so forth, back and forth several times and finally Vassula’s face reappeared till the end. I was so happy ad I bless God for this grace.
(G. B., Monaco, October, 1994)
S. C., USA
S. C., USA
She began watching the first tape and shortly after the tape began Vassula’s head was replaced by the head and face of our Lord Jesus. There was no aura or halo about or around our Lord’s Head. It was as if our Lord simply replaced Vassula. During the tape, Doloras got up quietly and went into the bathroom to freshen up. She said she was atraid she was becoming “obsessive” by seeing this vision and thought that a break from the tape might get things back to “normal”. When she returned to her place, Jesus was still there so she decided to just sit through the tapes and figure it out later. When the tapes were finished, she said to her friends that she thought that the “special effect” of Jesus’s head replacing Vassula’s was a nice touch. Everyone looked at her. No one else in the group had seen the apparition except Doloras.
(S. C., USA, 1994)
S. A. P., Orange, USA
S. A. P., Orange, USA
I saw Vassula Ryden for the first time at a home in Fairfield. I was seated in the audience about 50 feet away from her as she spoke. After she had been speaking about a half hour, I began to see the face of Jesus in Vassula. Her face changed to the face of Christ similar to one that she has painted. He had a beard and long hair, and there seemed to be a mist surrounding him. I should point out that at this time I had not seen the face she painted. It was not until the next day someone showed it to me, and I realized the similarity. … Then, several minutes before her talk ended, I saw Christ’s face again, but this time He had a crown of thorns, and I could actually see blood dripping down the sides of His face. … Vassula’s face returned as she was ending her talk.
(S. A. P., Orange, USA, June 1994)
A. F. F., Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
A. F. F., Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
On Vassula’s talk, the 12 of February, 1994 at Manates, Puerto Rico, she was explaining and reading the messages she receive from Jesus. As I was sitting on the front seat close to the podium, I could see her better than the rest of the people sitting far away. All of a sudden, when I look at her, I didn’t see her face, I saw the face of Jesus, a very clean cut face with his hair in a pony tail. … I looked around seeing other faces but then I looked at Vassula again I kept seeing Jesus face. I shivered and was filled of deep emotion. … After this, at one point, of the Conference instead of Vassula’s face I saw her head covered with the mantle of the Blessed Virgin. I didn’t see her face or any face, just the mantle, the way some sculptures make her statue in heavy thick layers of clay showing the folds of the mantle.
(A. F. F., Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, February, 1994)
Dr. N. E. A. M., Puerto Rico
Dr. N. E. A. M., Puerto Rico
At the time I was introduced to her, her face faded out and changed to look like Jesus face. At that moment I realized I was in front of her but also and as well in front of Him, this was for about thirty seconds. I looked around and again at Vassula’s face and still His face was there looking at me with the greatest kindness I have ever seen, and a crown of thorns was on His head. Despite smiling at me He was in some sort of deep pain; I wanted to kneel. Then a soft voice coming from Vassula said something to me but I could hardly answer. Again I saw His face. By this time the group noticed something was happening; I was speechless. Now, as Thomas, I also repeat “because I have seen, I believe”.
(Dr. N. E. A. M., Puerto Rico, February 1994)
A lady from Brazil
A lady from Brazil
Your interview is making many conversions, even among the clergy. I know a priest, here in Brasilia, that does not believe in Heaven, In Purgatory, in Hell, in Lourdes, in Fatima, in Medjugorje and in you. After he saw your interview, he became another man (at least about you). He phoned to many friends of his saying that he now believes in you. And he cried: `It’s wonderful! I believe, it’s Jesus really that’s talking to her! She’s not lying I’m sure! I saw her, it’s truth!
(A lady, Brasilia, Brazil, February, 1994)
R. A. Arroyo, Puerto Rico
R. A. Arroyo, Puerto Rico
I closed my eyes and started to cry and to pray. I could not believe in that moment what I was experiencing. When I opened my eyes I saw Vassula levitating, holding all her body just with the tip of her feet and the top of her head. She had both arms stretched. She was some 4 inches from the floor for about 4 to 5 minutes. She gave a message and it was written.
(R. A. Arroyo, Puerto Rico, February, 1994)
H. and R. A, Denmark
H. and R. A, Denmark
We thank you (Vassula) for this wonderful meeting with you (Copenhagen 3 September 1993). I can tell you that there was 2 persons, who were healed; a lady, who was going to be operated for cancer and the following day she was cured, which the doctors confirmed. Another man was mentally ill but now he is healed.
(H. and R. A, Denmark, October 1993)
M. T., Philippines
M. T., Philippines
After the talk I had the chance to tell Mrs. Aquino that I saw her rubbing her eyes during Vassula’s talk. Mrs. Aquino told me that she saw Vassula’s face look like the face of Jesus with a beard, which is exactly the way I saw her too. Mrs Aquino said she could not believe what she saw so she kept on rubbing her eyes. The lady beside her had told her that she also saw Vassula’s face change and it was only then that she found out that she really saw what she did.
(M. T., Philippines, 1993)
A lady from New Mexico, USA
A lady from New Mexico, USA
Vassula, I first heard of you and of the messages that Jesus dictated to you in May of the present year, and from that very first moment my heart filled with joy because I recognised Jesus way of speaking and loving in your writings. The first thing that came to my mind was: “it’s Him!”
(A lady from New Mexico, USA, 1993)
M. L. B., Philippines
E. V. L., USA
E. V. L., USA
The conversion of our daughter Lisa (Milligan) was an answer to our prayers. She had so many problems and we never lost our faith that she would return to Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother. It will be a month in two days that she attended your lecture. Thank you for being so kind to her and for you taking time to talk to her in private. You should see her now! She is radiant with happiness and joy! She went to confession and now she is going to Mass (which she had stopped going) and most important receiving the Blessed Sacrament Our Lord. Praise be Jesus!
(E. V. L., USA, February 1993)
P. W., Australia
P. W., Australia
Since reading TLIG books, in 1992, since then, my life has changed as I have learnt many things. I want to go to Mass, and go to make visits to be with Jesus in The Tabernacle, and I want to pray for hours and go to Reconciliation each month at least. It seems to me that I cannot go on without prayer. It has become my strength, even though I have finished all the TLIG books, I read parts of the books over and over again, and every time I do, it seems brand new again.
(P. W., Australia, 1992)
J.C. K., Australia
J.C. K., Australia
Since reading TLIG books, although already converted, I have a gradual improvement in my prayer life and above all, a much better understanding and love of the Triune God. Also I have a more loving relationship with the father and the Holy Spirit. When Vassula was in Sydney Australia in 1992 and standing close to me, I perceived Jesus talking to us through her.
(J.C. K., Australia, 1992)
V. H., Australia
V. H., Australia
As a Christian I have been Baptised in the Holy Spirit. My husband left me, as he could not stand my religion and Christianity. Praying brought him back after seven years and we remarried. Vassula’s TLIG books came into my hands soon afterwards, in 1992 by a miracle. From the start of reading the books, I felt Jesus was speaking to me personally. Only after reading the first book, did I read that Jesus said to put our name in the place of Vassula’s. TLIG has taken away all my confusion. I know where I’m standing with God. I read my bible nearly everyday, and my husband is now reading Vassula’s books, and has become more soft towards me now, so I have the freedom to express my spiritual life without the former limitations.
(V. H., Australia, 1992)
J. V., USA
J. V., USA
I cannot begin to express my personal gratitude for you and for the Lord’s work in you. Your books are the clearest expression of God’s boundless fire of love for all of us, that I have ever seen. It’s also very important that we don’t have to be perfect first! it is a powerful testimony! … I wanted you to know how far and wide your work is reaching. We are in a small town in very poor, very rural, southeast Louisiana. Your work and the Lord’s words are known here and are spreading every day. Our worlds are far apart but we are united in Christ’s love and with the power of the Holy Spirit!
(J. V., USA, July 1992)
J. Mika, USA
J. Mika, USA
On January 11, 1992, at the St. Francis convent in Independence Missouri, Vassula Ryden, chosen handmaiden of the Lord was the guest speaker. Immediately concluding her speech, Sr. Mary Lucille Sterbenz directed my daughter, Janie & four year old grandson Curt to Vassula. It was there that my grandson was immediately & miraculously healed of crippling Junior Rheumatoid Arthritis. He had been diagnosed at Children’s Mercy Hospital in KCMO at the age of two. On this day, as on many others he was unable to walk, or to even wear shoes. He was feverish & in great pain. Vassula, asked `What is the problem’. Vassula then prayed to God, Jesus & the Blessed Mother for healing. Through her prayers Curt was healed. He is drug free and all health problems related to the arthritis have vanished.
(J. Mika, USA, January 1992)
F. W., Australia
F. W., Australia
Since 1991 I have read all the books of TLIG. I have found them very beautiful. I am trying very hard to follow what Jesus wants from us. Despite my many misfortunes and feelings of isolation I have found the strength to trust in Jesus. I know that there is a reason for everything that happens in life. Through TLIG I know Jesus is in control. And that he gives us strength. Trust has been my big improvement.
(F. W., Australia, 1991)
A M., Australia
A M., Australia
After reading TLIG in 1991, I realized the beauty, love and elegance of the words of God towards us, and experienced a deepening of conversion because of TLIG. After reading I was more aware of God in His sweetness, gentleness, and how forgiving He is towards us. I am now vibrant and alive, because of my awareness of His personal Love for me in my life. My love for God has grown, and TLIG is a love Hymn from heaven.
(A M., Australia, 1991)
M. V., Johannesburg South Africa
M. V., Johannesburg South Africa
Reading the messages of True Life in God my life and conversion changed most profoundly. If I may add that I fell in love with the Catholic Church and all it represented to the Christian world. My faith has deepened to levels I did not believe was possible. Especially my love for the Blessed Trinity and Our Lady. Furthermore just as was experienced by Vassula via her son, one early morning at 01:00 hours Jesus asked me three times via my then toddler son Roberto who somehow sleep walked to me whilst I was reading the TLIG messages asking me if I loved Him. This happened three times in succession every time I took my toddler son back to bed. This event only dawned on me as to what transpired that early morning many weeks later. I thank the Blessed Trinity for that.
(M. V., Johannesburg South Africa, 1990)
Unity and our Holy Mother Mary
(from a Protestant point of view)
by Reverend Sverker Trônet
This talk was given to the international gathering of True Life in God in Jerusalem, May 1998
I have been asked to speak from a Protestant point of view about the Unity of the Church and Our Lady. First I must say something about being a Protestant or Lutheran.
The Church of Sweden as a whole was severed from the Church of Rome and the Pope during the Reformation in the sixteenth century. It was the king who wanted to be the sole ruler of his country and he did not want any interference from abroad, that is from the Pope and the bishops who really had a good deal also of worldly power.
The teachings of Martin Luther suited the king’s purposes very well. The king took the place of the Pope. From Germany, the mainland of the reformation, was imported the most important of the reformation confessions – the Augsburg Confession, which was critical of abuses in the late medieval Church but was otherwise very traditional, with no intention of teaching anything new, but only being a witness to the faith of the one, holy, catholic (also Roman) and apostolic Church. The Augsburg Confession is today considered, by the official Catholic and Lutheran Ecumenical Commission, to have a catholic intention and an ecumenical will.
There certainly was a great change of the Church in Sweden and for the faithful in the reformation time, but there was also a certain continuity. Some priests and bishops left the country, but some stayed and saved what could be saved.
After the turmoil of the reformation there was just one Church in Sweden. There still were bishops and priests, who by now could be married. The Mass was celebrated, but it was in Swedish instead of Latin and the people could now communicate also from the chalice. Mary and the saints soon disappeared. And so did the monasteries, often by violence. The Bible was translated and there was catechetical work in the schools. For three hundred years there was no alternative. Being a Swede meant being a Lutheran.
Today, despite a radical secularisation, most Swedes belong to the Church which is no longer governed by the king but by democratically voted politicians and their parties. I cannot call myself a Protestant or a Lutheran, but I belong to the Church of Sweden.
I don’t think the reformation in Sweden, from a religious point of view, could be justified or was necessary or for the good of the Church, but I can see some good things in it, despite the undisputedly bad things, and also what these good things came to mean for the future.
The Bible, read within the horizon of the old tradition and the Augsburg Confession, was kept as the first and last authority for the faith. This is what preserved the Church in Sweden as a fairly orthodox Christian Church, despite its severance from Rome. But you can imagine what happens today when the Bible, at least in practice, is no longer an authority and if it is taken notice of at all, it is interpreted according to the opinions of the day.
In the example of the Church of Sweden you can see, both positively and negatively, the vital necessity of the unity of the Church, both in space and time, being in communion with all the other local Churches all over the world, in the bishops unity with the Bishop of Rome, but also being in communion with the saints of all times, which means an active remembrance of the tradition. When a Church both has lost its memory and is cut away from the universal Church it is exposed to the pressure of the world and modern secular opinion without the God-given defence and corrective. I believe only the reunion with Rome could save and preserve the Church of Sweden as a Christian Church.
This is said as an example. Now something more general about Christian Unity. There certainly are many things that keep all Christians together, also from different denominations. We believe in and pray to the same triune God. We believe in the incarnation of God the Son. We all believe in the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are baptized with the same baptism, Even if all Christians can’t go to communion together we believe that we receive and are joined to the one and same body of Christ in the different churches. With slight variations we share the same beliefs. Isn’t that enough? Our Lord prays to the Father, in his priestly prayer in St. John’s seventeenth chapter and says: “May they all be one … so that the world may believe it was You who sent me.”(v.21)
The unity that Jesus prays for is not only a spiritual unity, but a visible unity in this visible world, “that the world may believe”. The Church certainly is an instrument in God’s hands for the salvation of the world. It is God’s Church. He has made it according to his plan and for his purposes. That the Church should be one and visibly one is certainly part of the founder’s will and intention. The visible unity belongs to the nature of the Church and is very important – a top priority. Visible unity demands a visible center of unity. For the local community there is the parish priest. For the diocese the bishop. For the patriarchate there is the patriarch. And for the whole fold, for the universal Church, there is the Pope.
That there should be a pope is part of Christ’s plans for his Church. This is not what was in dispute from the beginning by the reformers, only the misuse of the papal power. That there is and should be a petrine primacy is clear from the gospels. And as certain as there is an apostolical succession from the apostles to the bishops, there is a petrine succession from St. Peter to his followers on the apostolic throne in the Church of Rome.
Can a Protestant really say so? There are liberals who wouldn’t, because they would say the papacy is part of a patriarcalistic structure. There are others who would reiterate the confessional formulas from the sixteenth century and would eventually say the pope is the antichrist. But if by ‘Protestant’ you mean a person who wants to be true to the Bible, read with the glasses of the old orthodox and catholic tradition, a Protestant certainly could say that the papacy is instituted by Christ.
In the papal encyclical letter from 1995, “Ut Unum Sint”, John Paul II asks the non-Roman Catholic Church leaders to consider with him the forms in which the Petrine Primacy could best serve its mission, “that they all may be one … so that the world may believe ..” With regard to the Church of Sweden and the Anglican Churches this invitation should have been very interesting three years earlier, but in 1995 there had already happened things in these churches that made dialogue seem impossible.
The ecumenical dialogue between The Church of Sweden and Rome was for some years, between 1989 and 1993 very promising. The Swedish archbishop declared from the high altar in St. Peter’s in the presence of John Paul II: “The moment has come to declare that the denunciations from the time of the reformation are no longer valid.” The Pope visited Sweden and Cardinal Cassidy the head of the Papal secretariat of Christian Unity wanted an examination of and a dialogue about the apostolic succession in the Churches of Finland and Sweden, to see what was needed for a full recognition.
In the question of the important reformation doctrine of “Justification by faith” a consensus has been reached between Rome and the Lutherans. A dialogue at least as promising was also going on between Rome and the Church of England. But in both cases it came to an end because of new divisive developments. John Paul II declared at Pentecost 1994 that the Church has no right whatsoever to ordain women for the priesthood and that this decision is definitive for all the faithful in the Church. Only four and a half months later the Bishops and other leaders in the Church of Sweden declared that “You cannot be ordained to the priesthood unless you acknowledge women as priests.”
The Lutheran World Federation declared that they would not be without or sacrifice women priests for the sake of unity. After this, two women have been made bishops in Sweden and more women than men are ordained and on their way to ordination. There is also a very vocal feministic theology, which makes new interpretations of the faith and also, of morals. This development has made a total relativism necessary. You cannot criticize and say that it is not according to the Bible. They will answer: It is just pictures and symbols and anything will do. You could just as well say that God is our mother as our father.
This development (in Sweden and England and also in other countries) has made divisions within the Churches of Sweden and England seem necessary and groups are now trying to find their way. The eyes are of course on Rome. The situation is felt to be so serious for the Church of Sweden that many people ask whether it will survive at all. My personal feeling is that only being with the Church which Christ has built on Peter could save us from being transformed into something else than a Christian Church or from annihilation. Only a Church in communion with Peter could rightly put its trust in the promise of Christ: “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it” (Mt,16:18)
Our Holy Mother Mary is together with the Pope, by the typical Protestant, considered to be what is typically Catholic, and therefore to be shunned. The Pope was by one blow of the sword severed from the Church in Sweden. Mary probably remained in the hearts of the faithful of the first reformation-generation. That was a thing the king couldn’t do anything about. But as the Rosary was forbidden and most of the Marian statues were removed, neither was there any place for our lady in the Protestant Swedish hearts. You can only speculate about what this has meant. To live without the Mother Our Lord has given to his Church.
Typically enough in liberal Protestantism Jesus is not Immanuel, that is God with man, but he is man with God and that is what Mary in reality is. To live without Mary as mother and ideal has made Protestant Christianity more of a teaching to understand, than a life to live. The Church in the reformation became more of a school than a place for prayer and adoration. At the same time it must be said that Mary wasn’t banished from the Church’s teaching, although her place was very much in the background.
So you can find in the confessional writings, in the hymns and in the writings of Martin Luther, sentences that in one way or other affirm the teaching of all the Marian dogmas, although not as dogmas. This, together with other similar catholic elements, has not been without consequence for a Marian renaissance in the Church of Sweden and it has also made it possible to remain in the Church of Sweden with a Catholic faith, without a conflict with the official teaching.
As there are no problems with Peter and the pope, there are no difficulties for a biblical Protestant, of what our old ecumenical archbishop Nathan Sderblom called the evangelical-catholic tradition, to share the catholic and orthodox beliefs about Our Lady. The problem with present day Protestants is that very many of them, I speak first of all about the Church of Sweden but perhaps it could be said also about Lutherans and Anglicans in Western Europe and the USA, that they don’t seem any longer to believe in Gods revelation nor in the Bible as the Word of God. But if The Word of God is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path, it will lead you to honour and bless Mary.
We can take it for certain that all of Our Lord’s actions and words had a meaning, not just for the singular situation in which they were performed or uttered, but were meant for the Church he founded and therefore had a universal meaning and were to be valid until the end of time. Therefore it is very natural to see that Jesus, from the Cross, gave Mary to be the mother not only of John, but of all the apostles and of all the Church in all times and places.
Next we are led by the word of God to see with John “the great sign which appeared in heaven: a woman adorned with the sun, standing on the moon, and with the twelve stars on her head for a crown”. Of course this is Mary. She is alive, She is taken up to heaven with her body and crowned to be the Queen of heaven and earth. We can turn to her and ask for her motherly care and her prayers for us. Mary is the Mother of the Church, but she is also The Church – Our Mother. She is a personification of the Church. In her everything that we are waiting for is already fulfilled and she is already there, where we hope to meet her and her Son, in heaven.
In this way I could go on, from the Bible to the Catholic dogma. And in the case of, for example the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, where it isn’t absolutely self-evident, from the Bible, that “Gratia Plena” – “full of grace” – means that there was not ever any place for sin in Mary, I am fully confident that the Holy Spirit has led the Church to the complete truth according to the promise of Jesus. (Jn,16:13)
Among the many titles of our Lady and among all the things She is, let us ask her to be, for the Church, the Mother of Unity. That unity which Jesus prayed for and which seems to be so very difficult, sometimes even impossible. Let us confide it to her care and to her prayers, that it may come soon, at that time and in that way which is according to the will of God.
I have also been asked to say why I support the messages of True Life in God. If somebody had told me about Vassula before I myself had heard her or had read the messages, I would probably have been uninterested, supposing it was another silly sect. I would not have said it was impossible with prophesies, revelations or messages like these, but I never had met anything like it. But since I for the first time heard Vassula in Rome in march 1995 I have been convinced that it is all true.
Perhaps I could say that I recognized the voice, I was very moved and had tears in my eyes. Since then I have read the messages and I have never come across anything that sounded strange or foreign to what I have learned from the Bible and the tradition of the Church. What has meant most to me is of course the intimacy of the messages. The important position of Mary. The centrality of the unity of the Church around the Pope and also the admonitions to be one with John Paul II. As you may have understood, I think I have seen instances of that apostasy, which Jesus has spoken of in the messages. What is not unimportant to me is also the fact of Vassula not being formally a Roman Catholic, but living a Catholic life and having the catholic faith. That is my situation also and with me many in the Church of Sweden.
Bishop João Evangelista Terra

Bishop João Evangelista Terra
Bishop João Evangelista Terra
Bishop João Evangelista Terra is a well-known exegete who has worked in
different parts of the world, including the Vatican where he worked with
Cardinal Ratzinger for ten years. Totally supportive of Vassula, he wished to give the following testimony at the conclusion of the prayer meeting in Brasilia, October 12, 1997.
Continuously applauded by the thousands of participants at the meeting,
Bishop João Terra, an imperturbable smile on his lips, spoke with such
firmness and conviction that he did not seem to notice the uninterrupted
applause. His firm conviction, as well as the extraordinary joy he was
feeling, were obvious in this atmosphere of faith and charismatic
evangelisation. Attentive and thankful, we listen to Bishop Terra:
— I would like to say a few words of thanks, as auxiliary bishop, for
the joy we are feeling at Vassula’s presence here in Brasilia. It is truly
an extraordinary grace!
We have all of us, this week, lived with the Pope’s presence in Rio de Janeiro. This was worth more than many missions. There were two million people. It was truly the presence of transforming grace. We, who were there, came back truly renewed. The Pope urged us to prepare during these three years for the Third Millennium. We are now coming to the end of the first of those years.
This year, we are meditating on Jesus Christ, on the theological virtue of Faith, on the Sacrament of Baptism. The Pope himself is now inviting us to meditate, as of now, in November, on the next year which is entirely dedicated to the Holy Spirit. The year 1998 will be the year of charismatic renewal, a year filled with the Holy Spirit, during which we will meditate on the Sacrament of Confirmation, the theological virtue
of Hope, and Mary, the Model of Hope.
The year 1999, the vigil of the Great Jubilee of the coming Third Millennium, is entirely dedicated to God the Father. And we see how Vassula speaks with such tenderness, calling God “Dad”, very boldly, as Jesus did. During 1999, we are, all of us, going to meditate also on the Father, the theological virtue of Love — the Father is the fountain of Love — , on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We see that Mary is the
Model of Love, the Mother of Tender Love. This is the preparation, the three years of preparation.
Last year we were at a conference in Jerusalem at the invitation of Rabbis. There were a hundred Rabbis, five hundred Christian bishops — Catholic and Orthodox — and twelve Cardinals. On my return, I spoke to the Pope. He was enthusiastic. I have lived two years in Jerusalem. So I told the Pope of my great hope. For the year 2000, he (the Pope) is actively preparing the meeting of Christians with the members of the
monotheistic religions — Jews and Muslims. There will be a big meeting on Mount Sinai where Jews, Christians and Muslims will gather: a hope, a dream of the Pope. This Pope is a saint! His dream is truly inspired by God: a great meeting in Jerusalem of Christian Churches, dealing intensively with the Orthodox Church, the Evangelical Churches — the great Evangelical churches — in the hope that Jesus’s prayer will be
fulfilled: that there will be only one heart, one flock and one Shepherd.
That is Vassula’s mission. This is what her mission amounts to also: to make this prayer of Jesus come true in the year 2000. This prayer of Jesus is truly scandalous. Scandalous! “Father, I want that all be one.” Pardon me! Is that the way to ask? One should at least say “please”. But He said: “Father, I want!” He wants. It’s not lack of education, no, He knows that this is what the Father wants — that the Father’s Will be His own will: that there be only one flock and one Shepherd. It is Christ’s prayer.
This millennium, from year 1000 to year 2000, has been a millennium of great trials, and divisions within the Church. May the Third Millennium be a millennium of unity. God is sending us this charismatic person. I have known Vassula for five years, since I first met her in Recife (It was Vassula’s first visit to Brazil, accompanied with Fr.
O’Carroll and the representatives of the Ediciones Boa Nova). I speak her mother tongue a little. I have also worked two years in the Middle East, in Egypt, I greeted her and she replied with tenderness, in Arabic
As a matter of fact, what joy that Mass was!… I don’t know if she remembers: in the Colegio de las Damas (the Ladies’ College), in the overflowing gymnasium. When I began to read the Gospel, in the manner of Jesus, saying: “be silent and come out of this man”, suddenly, from the mouth of a man possessed, a thundering voice cried out “I’m not coming out! I don’t want to come out!” Ten thousand people stood petrified. I said nothing and remained quiet. I didn’t want to argue with Satan. I lowered my head. Everybody started to recite the Our Father, to pray… suddenly all were silent: he was standing up there, on the third floor, ready to throw himself over.. It took five people to hold him back. The Mass ended. The possessed man came to ask Vassula to forgive him,
saying: “I don’t know what happened.” And he went on: “when I was born my father dedicated me to Satan. My life has been hell. My only hope is that you lay hands on me.” He was kneeling, transformed. It was amazing!…
Our great friend, Bishop Victor (Most Reverend Victor Tielbeeck, Bishop of the diocese of Formosa, in the state of Goías, Brazil), used to say: “every time Vassula
shows up, Satan acts up!” Last year, you’ll remember, the lights went out, here, before the meeting started.
And speaking of Bishop Victor, this year we had a meeting of the Regional Bishops’ Conference with the Holy Father. So he asked about Vassula. Cardinal Ratzinger then said “I’ve received a mountain of letters from cardinals.”
Although the Cardinal was speaking only in Italian, Bishop Victor asked him in German: “But, Cardinal, should I change my attitude?” “Continue as you have done until now,” the Cardinal replied, in German, (in front of us who understood him) but be prudent.” (This reply by Cardinal Ratzinger is in perfect agreement with what
he had said in Mexico on May 10, 1996: “you may continue to promote her
writings, but always with discernment.”)
So, let us look at the deeds… by their fruits we’ll know them. Ask yourself: “in this movement, what have you observed? What are the fruits? How many transformations? How many conversions? By its fruit you will know the tree.
Today, you’ve filled this hall. Why did you come here? Why? Because there was an invitation, I don’t know why… But this is an opportunity. The reason why we have come is that Someone has drawn us here. “No one can come to me unless he is drawn by the Father who sent me.” (Jn 6:44). You have been drawn by someone who loved you first. Someone who has drawn us here to listen to a word of light, a word of salvation. Do you
understand? You should be very happy; you have been given an opportunity.
In a way you represent a select part of this diocese. Those who were drawn by the Father have come here. What beauty in this welcome! You are seeing what signifies the presence of a charismatic person. A charism is not a grace for one’s (personal) sanctification. It does not mean that Vassula is holier than you are. It is a grace for the
sanctification of others. We should be grateful because this grace sanctifies us, brings us closer to Jesus Christ. It prepares us for the Third Millennium..
Vassula, a few words in French: Je veux vous dire ma grande joie. Nous sommes vraiment très heureux de voir votre présence chez nous; c’est une présence de grâce, de lumi re et de soleil. Merci bien, Vassula. (“I would like to tell you what a great joy it is for me. We are really very happy that you are with us; your presence is one of grace, light, and sunshine. Thank you very much, Vassula”)
Source: Ediçoes Boa Nova and “Actualizando Medjugorje”
Reconciliation: the Trinitarian Approach
by Father Vladimir Zielinski (Russian Orthodox)
Nicolas Fedorov, the great Russian thinker of the 19th century, says: “Our social program is the Trinity.” Today, we can say — with reason — almost the same thing: our program of reconciliation is also the Trinity. Because the very essence of the Trinity is relation and love. It is the same in the bosom of the Trinity. Relation-love unites the Three Persons within the divine essence, and our Christian faith, if we try to break it down into elements, is also made up of relation, love, hope, joy, fear, the certitude of a certain presence and amazement, wonder. Let us begin with wonder, because, before thinking we must be able to be filled with wonder. We must pause and plunge into a prayerful silence so that the Trinitarian mystery enters in us and engages us, embraces us, unites us.
A feeling of wonder before the Trinity is not a fleeting sentiment, but a way of letting it reveal itself within ourselves. If we are searching for unity and reconciliation in wonder and contemplative veneration, we arrive also at unity in the unveiling of the mystery, lived together, and, at the end, we can with the grace of the Spirit attain also unity in thought, experience and the triadological formulas which express the incomprehensible.
I will try to approach the incomprehensible as it is seen and lived in my Orthodox Church. But I believe that the vision of God in his depth is common to us all. Divided in our understanding, we are secretly united in this inexpressible reality which manifests itself openly or secretly. The path to reconciliation is here, on the road toward the mystery which lies at the origin of humankind.
Let us start, then, with the visible and go to the revelation of the invisible, on the traces left by the light and, as a starting point, let
us take the words of St. John at the beginning of his Gospel.
“No one has ever seen God;
it is the only son, who is nearest to the Father’s heart,
who has made him known” (Jn 1:18)
1. The images of Christ
“He has made him known”. We enter the abyss of the Trinity through the door of the only Son. “I am the gate of the sheepfold,” says Christ. Those sheep are our souls, our bodies, our thoughts. Through that door, the abyss opens and God enters and makes himself at home in the human family. Christ is the gate to vision, because He is visible, we can hear his voice, we can almost touch his hand. But when we get closer to Him we touch the unfathomable. We enter the mystery, the ineffable.
We, humans, live outside this mystery, at the boundary. It challenges us from everywhere. It cannot be seized, neither by the thoughts that reflect it nor by the words that seek to describe it. But everything that makes us human is rooted in Christ and in the abyss which he uncovers, discloses or unveils. Thanks to Him, we are gifted with our concepts of good and evil, our images of beauty and ugliness, our notions of heaven and hell. This abyss hidden in us is the habitat of our nostalgia and of this anguished questioning before death which cannot be separated from man. All those human things are in a way illuminated from inside by this light coming from the depths of the mystery. Everything that is truly human may serve its direct or discreet messenger.
I>”The Word was the true light that enlightens all men” (Jn 1.9). The light touches everyone of us, but often remains unnameable. But it is not an enigma to be deciphered. And it will not let itself be reached by darkness. And, for this reason, the eye accustomed to confusion between light and darkness perceives it with difficulty. It is the heart that recognises it first, because the light shines in its depths. But, everywhere it leaves traces of its presence, of its residence. The light talks. The Word shines from the heart of silence, the face is drawn in the depths of the mystery. That interior face is engraved on every human being. It is like a personal message to each one of us. It often remains anonymous, when we do not wish to see it, but, from its anonymity, it calls us to dialogue, to acknowledgement. It looks at us, scrutinises us, listens to us. It reveals itself constantly but, for the true meeting, we have to choose it, to take a step toward it, to call it: You.
The Mystery, the Light, the Face – those three words are the first that come to my mind when I reflect upon the immediate experience of Christ. They are common all. Every Christian knows that we are chosen by Him as His friends, His brothers, His fellow citizens living on the same earth and destined for the same heaven. Our faith comes from the acknowledgement, the encounter.
Man is created as the one who must encounter another one. This encounter is more intimate than any intimacy and, at the same time, it is social. In Christ’s word, every one can recognize another who becomes his neighbour, his brother; and, in that way, we all constitute the fellowship of the word. “I have spoken openly to the world,” Christ says and everyone can hear Him. Jesus speaks openly to the world and secretly in the hearts. Thus the word which “was with God in the beginning” achieves the sacrament of the human person. “The light inside you” (Luke 11.35), the image of God, the face of Christ in the depths of our being, “constitute” this divine beginning in man. We are always on our way toward that source or toward Christ who allows us to meet him, to discover him anew.
How many discoveries have been made during those twenty centuries? It was thought that Christianity had been defeated in the 19th century; in the 20th century, pagan ideologies could celebrate their triumph, but today, at the dawn of the new millennium, it is becoming more obvious that the coming century (as, for that matter, every century since the Incarnation) shall be that of Christ.
The Gospel is not yet being preached in the world, not in the geographical sense, but in all its fullness, in its depth, in all its unknown grace. Christ, it seems, sometimes withdraws into the shadows of history, allows Himself to be driven away, to be ridiculed, and then manifests Himself again in an unexpected manner. The sap of his words is stronger than the “wisdom of this world”; its shoots pierce through all systems of thought, even those that call themselves Christian. I remember the words of Teilhard de Chardin that, after every crisis in history, Christ appears again in an unexpected depth, in the new light. That will be in the future until the time when he comes, because it is not men who have created Christ, but the Father created them in His Son and gave them a spark of His Spirit. And the Spirit will remain the mother who revives in our souls – in the unexpected holiness, in the new discovery – Christ who is the same today and throughout the centuries is the same, the one who saves, the one who unites.
II. The Holy Spirit and the transmutation of gifts
“Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe…” says Christ.
Our knowledge of Christ resembles the image drawn by the One who really knows Him. “No one knows the Son except the Father, just as no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Mt 11.27). This act of revelation wanted by the Father is the action of the Holy Spirit. The names of that we find in our memory, in our heart, are the names given by the Holy Spirit. Our experience of the Holy Spirit is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. But he always remains invisible, out of reach.
God’s name is beyond anything man is able to say with his mouth or to define with his mind. Our Jewish or Muslim brothers are quite justified in wanting to protect it. But there are words that are messengers, words that are icons, words that unite the fire which created the world with its beauty and this little spark of faith ignited in us. The first of these words is love. It is not a matter of sentimental affection but, first of all, a bond which unites us, mortals, with the God incomprehensible and indefinable as the liturgy says. It is some mysterious common substance which exists between God and us, the truth which is one for heaven and for earth, the miracle of God’s presence among us. He is present not as a distant concept but as a friend, a brother, a Saviour. This bond which unites us, this miracle of the presence, this abyss of love is called the Holy Spirit.
When we invoke the name of the Trinity, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we not only confess a certain vision of God, but we are already at the centre of this mystery, open before us. And we are already united in the love that “has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit” as St. Paul says (Rm 5.5). What we call Revelation consists in this effusion of the mystery of love, unveiled by the Spirit.
We answer spontaneously with gratitude. But gratitude for love is also the action of the Spirit. The Son who discovers the Father through the Son is also the action of the Spirit. The heart which purifies itself to leave space for God is the action of the Spirit. Those actions are the three components of our faith. But faith is first the answer to love. The Spirit reveals the Father. The Spirit revives our memory. The Spirit suggests the words of the prayer. The Spirit is the exchange of gifts between God and us, our little gifts, our miniscule efforts and God’s immense gifts that surpass us.
The miracle of Christianity consists in God’s presence among us. Not only “God is in Heaven and you are on earth” which is the rule of all monotheistic religions, but God is with us, with his Word, His grace and His love put in our memory and in our heart.
We are not worthy of serving in that abode because of our sins, our weaknesses and our limits before the Lord and, at the same time, we are admitted into the Holy of holies. Jesus says : “If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make our home with him” (Jn 14.23). Oriental tradition understands this home in the most personal and concrete sense, as the house of God, built with us and within us. Let’s listen to the Orthodox liturgy: it can be assimilated to the building of God’s house in the community of the faithful and in the human heart. This building is done by means of art, prayer and even our sentiments. In the sacramental sense, this house is built through the transmutation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. But the sacramental Eucharist is the sign of the Eucharist of creation about which spoke the Catholic theologian Teilhard de Chardin and the Orthodox theologian John Ziziulas. The Eucharist, in its direct and spiritual sense, is the gratitude of the son or sons who remember the eternal sacrifice of the Lord. That memory is transformed in the sacrament, in the corporal and spiritual union with our God. We are in the home of Jesus and his Father or in the union of love, that is in the Spirit who changes, who transforms, who accomplishes this union.
What does the Holy Spirit do? He enters into the love and desire of the man and woman, creating another human being, another soul, another temple of God. He touches the face of the animal endowed with thought, becomes a human face with its beauty, its enigma, its eyes that have encountered God’s gaze. He descends on simple human food and it becomes the home of God, His Body and His Blood, His sacrifice and His love.
The key-word of this action, of this incredible change is transmutation.
The transmutation of human words into the Word of the Lord.
The transmutation of our fragile memories into sacred memory.
The transmutation of our thoughts and feelings into the mystery of faith
The transmutation of the community of
the faithful into the Church.
The transmutation of human love into the temple of the
Holy Spirit
The transmutation of our food into the sacrifice of the Lord
Each time, the new reality appears and builds itself from the elements of this world. This temporary earthly reality has its roots in another reality, eternal and heavenly, which surpasses us infinitely. It unites without confusing them two orders of being and creates a new reality, divino-human, which carries the principal message of Christianity: God has given the gift of the transmutation of his existence in our life and that gift is always achieved through the action of the Spirit. The action of the Spirit signifies that what God gives us is united to man and becomes divine. The most radical transmutation is that which makes us into citizens of the Kingdom.
In the long and difficult process of transforming our souls and bodies to prepare them for the Kingdom, one part belongs to man, the other to God. Man becomes God’s associate and participates in the common task, in the work of transmutation or transfiguration of humankind into Christ. But in order that this task may be achieved, another transmutation must occur: that of divided, often opposed communities into a united family.
The Spirit makes Christ present and near, but glorified Christ sends us the Spirit. They are two reciprocal missions of those two hands of the Father, as St. Irenee says. The Orthodox Church declares that the Spirit proceeds from the Father and becomes the splendour of the Son, but the Spirit illuminates the Son not only at the side of the Father but also in us, in our hearts, in our lives. The Spirit penetrates our conscience and creates a kind of reciprocity, of correlation, that is the capacity of knowing the Son and, through the Son, the Father. Now, true knowledge can happen only in the conciliarity of our souls, of our consciences, in the sacrament of reconciliation before our common Father.
III. The revelation of the Father through the mirror of liturgy
There are a thousand reflections of the invisible Father in the reality that is accessible to man. “The heavens declare the glory of God, the vault of heaven proclaims his handiwork; day discourses it to day, night to night hands on the knowledge” (Ps 18.1). If we lend an ear to the knowledge conveyed by heavens, days, nights, mountains, clouds, rivers, herbs, we’ll say that the Son has made it appear, that he has incarnated it everywhere, that the invisible Spirit has made it present in the glory of being. But here we choose a praying man as a witness to the Father, a liturgical man as His son who loves the One he knows “as if seeing the invisible,” according to the words of St. Paul.
In the environment of the Byzantine liturgy, created by prayer and spiritual experience, we can get closer to the Father, speak to Him informally (In French: Lui dire “Toi”) as Christ Himself did. The miracle of the liturgy, which only opens itself to the eyes of faith, is our future, the Body of Christ, that is in the transmutation of our selves. And, inasmuch as we are His Body, we become seers, the Trinitarian mystery reveals itself to us. Prayer transmits us the knowledge of the One who cannot be known. “No one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Mt 11.27).
The Son reveals the Father to us in the place and time where He is Himself present. There are a thousand ways to approach the Father (through beauty, the wisdom of creation, the human face), but, to avoid falling into vague and worn out words, we take the royal way, that of the Oriental liturgy. Here we approach the Father in incredible and redoubtable intimacy. Here we are so close to Him that we are like Moses who was forced “to cover his face, afraid to look at God” (Ex 3.6). But it is the liturgy itself which gives us the courage, because it is Christ who is looking at the Father with our eyes, it is Christ who is praying with our words.
But let’s examine more closely the steps (symbolic and approximate, of course) of this revelation of the Father as it is developed in the Eucharistic celebration.
The first part could be called the liturgy of memory. The rite of preparation (or prothesis or proskomidia) is entirely dedicated to the commemoration being celebrated. The prayer said by the priest gathers together around Christ his whole Church, from the Mother of God and John the Baptist to all those near us, living or dead, all those who live in our memory and in our heart. And with Christ, represented by the Lamb (a small loaf of bread which will be consecrated), His whole flock presents itself before the invisible Father:
“Bless us and sanctify us, bless this offering, and accept it upon your Heavenly altar”, prays the Church with Christ at the head, because it is the Father who is the recipient of all the liturgical prayers and of the sacrifice itself. The Father looks at us, listens to us, greets us. We perceive His face through “the obscure mirror” (1 Co 13.12) of our words, our supplications, and that face is that of love and compassion.
In this gathering of names and memories, memory becomes a sacrament, a sign of unity… and of division. The “other sheep that are not of this fold”, as Christ says (Jn 10.16) are forgotten, left outside. For this reason every liturgy, for me as a celebrant, is a silent and urgent call to reconciliation not only in our sentiments but in the mystical and sacramental Body of Christ.
We proceed toward the liturgy of the Word; in the Orthodox church it is called the liturgy of the catechumens, but I would rather call it the liturgy of initiation. We are now being introduced, carried, initiated into the vision of the “new creature” renewed in Christ. With the words of Psalm 102, we enter the prayerful dialogue of man with his soul seized with admiration and wonder. “Bless Yahweh, my soul, bless his holy name, all that is in me”. The son discovers and confesses the Father through His works. Right away the liturgy proclaims the revelation of Christ (Only begotten Son and Word of God, although immortal You humbled Yourself for our salvation, taking flesh…) and a few minutes later the choir sings the Beatitudes. Each beatitude is like a reflection which allows us to see the reality of Heavens in the secret of the human heart. With the beatitudes, we anticipate our transfiguration of children of the Father into the only Son. “We now pray in Christ and He with His Holy Spirit prays in us who are gathered in His Name” (Fr. A. Schmemann). And that prayer achieves in itself the unity that has been initiated.
The liturgy of the catechumens is realised in the metanoia which signifies the change of the heart. From this change proceeds the beginning of the liturgy of the faithful which I dare call the liturgy of adoption. It is the adoption by the Father in Christ who makes us discover the face of the invisible Father. We approach Him like the Angels. – “We who mystically represent the Cherubim”, sings the choir. We see the face of love as Christ saw it, because we are adopted by the Father in the Eucharist. “The soul”, says St. Maxim the Confessor, “with a dignity equal to that of the holy angels, is led to adoption according to grace by means of the same identity”.
This identity with Christ is a central point, more mysterious and incredible, of every liturgical action. Here is revealed the mystery of the Church as communion and as adoption. We enter this mystery through the sacrament of the Eucharist, through the transmutation of the bread and wine into the Body
and Blood of Christ. The adoption is a mystery of the Eucharistic and spiritual identity,
through the grace of the transmutation of humankind in Christ, through the transfiguration of the members of the Church into the Body of Christ. “The spiritual man is the Church,” adds St. Maxim the Confessor, “and the mystical Church is man.”
In the formula of the anamnesis, after the words of Christ: “Take, eat…” come the
words of Christ himself addressed to the Father: “We offer to You these gifts from Your own gifts in all and for all”. Christ’s sacrifice has become our offering in the liturgy; we enter into mystical, spiritual, sacramental communion with the Father Himself.
The revelation of the Father is open in the Church, yet we are often outside. The presence of Christ is revealed but, without Christ living in us, in our hearts, we can be blind to His presence. The liturgy puts important questions to man: who are you? Where are you? With whom are you? With Christ or with his enemy? Are you truly united and reconciled with those around you, with your brothers, with the others? But those questions come from answers already given. The liturgy leads us into the Father’s bosom and presents us with a triple image of man: a sinner who repents, an angel who serves the glory of God, and a Christ who knows His Father and our Father from within, in Spirit.
In the Trinitarian approach the challenge of unity is becoming clearer. There are three ways of solving this problem. We can pursue our long-drawn-out theological discussions and ask for a solution in yet a thousand or two thousand years.. We can proclaim unity and reconciliation with the finest sentiments as if all those centuries-old divisions had never existed and the differences were nothing more than the invention of a few medieval fogies. In a burst of enthusiasm, we can sign a contract to decree unity and reconciliation effective the day after, or the next, or any date we will find suitable.
Finally, we can enter into the mystery of the other, into the intimacy of his relation to God, into his vision of God, and try to share it, to live it truly. It is here, in the intimate space of prayer, of contemplation, of wonder and repentance that the call of the divine Bridegroom, of the Trinity, of Christ, speaks to our heart: “May they all be one. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you, so that the world may believe…” (Jn 17.21)
I have proposed to you the Orthodox vision of the Trinity and I invite you to share it with me. That doesn’t mean that I refuse to enter into other visions, on the contrary; but I think that true reconciliation, before being celebrated on the public squares, must be concluded in everyone’s house.
That means that the unity in Trinity, a reconciliation stronger and deeper than that of enthusiasm or theological formulas, must begin in the mystery shared and lived together. It opens our hearts, and even our heart of hearts, to the others, beginning with love for the others. But love, as we have said before, is already the communion to the Holy Trinity. The key to unity is to be found in us, in the Trinitarian life itself to which we communicate. We must find it in our hearts open to the Trinity which already unites us. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”, says Christ (Luke 12:34). For, on the reconciliation of the hearts, he celebrates Himself the sacrament of unity.
Sharif Mohammed Alamgir
Sharif is a Muslim living in Bangledesh. He is the Chairman All Religious Peaceful Council, Dhaka and a Lecturer at the College of Development Alternative (CODA), also in Dhaka.27.6.2002
Dear Catarina,
(…) I have gone through the books given by you. The writings are supernatural writing. The language of the books is also supernatural. It is said -“Love is the Root of the Tree of Life” and of all virtues. Therefore “sow the seeds of love in all directions”. “Judge nobody, and repay evil with love.” This language can make the world a peaceful place.
I don’t know how many years you have been living in this country, Bangladesh. But you know the condition of our country…Poverty is everywhere. There is no love for the poor. The people of this world don’t have love for one another. Killing is everywhere in this world. We should stop this. This is our duty, to stop the killing. Otherwise humanity will be killed. This is not a matter if we are Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist; the first condition is we are human beings. So, we should have love for all human beings. We should work together for the people, the poor, the country, the world. So that we can make the world a peaceful place.
I like most Vassula for her good activities. I have love, for all, in my heart. Please send my love to Vassula. I pray for her, I wish her long life. May Allah bless her.
I have more desire to know more about Vassula. I’ll meet you on the 1st Thursday of July. (…)
Sharif Mohammed Alamgir
Dr. Pranab Kumar Baruya
Extract from a speech given at …
The most Reverend Christian Priests of the world, brothers and sisters, I am just an uncommon guest among you, because I am a Buddhist social administrative worker, therefore you can imagine My position over here, but we have been associated with the Christian world since a long time.
In Bangladesh we have a good friendship and relation ship with Christian Churches, and we have got so many friends. I had the opportunity to visit the Holy Vatican and also the opportunity to greet the Holiness the Pope. He blessed me and I was very charmed with his most elevated speeches, during the conference of World Religion and Peace held in Rome.
Cardinal Ratzinger visited our monastery in Dhaka, so you can imagine though I am a Buddhist I have a relationship with the Christian world.
Now Peace. What is Peace Let me quote one saying of the Buddha He said everybody loves his life, Life is dear to everybody, and everybody fears punishment, being examples to others put yourself in Others imagination, don’t kill, or don’t hit any creature. If we follow this path, if we go in this way Peace is not an unreasonable thing.
Whenever someone slaps you in the face you give the other cheek. How greater a confession, how great an image we all Religious Leaders of the world irrespective of Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Or Islam, let all the religious leaders come together, sit together, think together, eat together, and work together. Peace is here, Peace is here.
Let me say one more thing, Peace is not in the world, Peace is within your pocket, peace is in captive with yourself. Peace will be there. In final let express our gratitude especially to Vassula, one day a fine morning in Bangladesh at that time there was our Religious festival Lord Buddhas Birthday which is called Buddha Purnima, we found her at our Monastery. Vassula accompanied by Catarina and her husband Duleep they went to us and we talked together and we were charmed by her mission, and the mission what is it, it is a mission of Peace and mission of Inter – Religious harmony, therefore that was what impressed us and through her we have come here and got to know Everybody this is the friendship the fellowship we must know each other, we must know the religious thought of other religion, in this way we could be a good man, we can be a perfect man.
In final let me say let us live with those people in grief happily. Let us live with those people who are not in a good condition who are not in a perfect condition.
Let us live with them with Peace and happiness, let there be Peace, let all living beings be Obedient.
Principal Dr. Pranab Kumar Baruya
Secretary General
Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha
Dhammarajika Buddhist Monastery
Ven. Suddhananda Mahathero
Copied here is the address given by the leader of the Buddhist group to fellow participants of the TLIG pilgrimage in Egypt in October 2002:
It is indeed an honour for me to be present here on this historic occasion of today. At the outset, I wish to convey my sincere thanks to the organizers for inviting me to this conference and making all the arrangements for our visit to Egypt. On behalf of the peace loving people, the members of our Bangladesh delegation and on my behalf, I wish to convey my best wishes and sincere greeting to you all.
It is beautiful for all of us that Egypt has been chosen as the host country of such an historic occasion of today. Egypt, the great country is a symbol of religious tolerance in which Article 40 says all citizens are equal before the law. I have the opportunity to come and attend in such a country where there is freedom of religious belief and of practice of religious rites.
With regard to our homeland Bangladesh, let me give a very short statement. Bangladesh is a land having the burdened population of more than 130 million people. The major religious are Muslim which are 83%, Hindu which is 15.5%, and Buddhist, Christian and others are about 1.5%. We got our freedom in 1972 and secularism was one of fundamental points. Afterwards our constitution declared Islam as the state religion but it guarantees that other religions may be practiced. Discrimination of religion by the state is forbidden and our government positions are open to people of all faiths. We are enjoying full freedom of speech, freedom of thoughts. We have much religious tolerance. I am tempted to mention here that the recent communal disharmony in Guzrat of India did not at all affect our country. Last week I had the opportunity to call on our President who is thankful to all of us for the peaceful religious co-existence in Bangladesh.
We all are gathered here with our individual faiths and religion aiming at sitting together with our own prayer. Prayer concentrates and purifies our mind, controls our ego, encourages the performing of good deeds and keeps us away from the anti-social activities. Prayer reminds us, we can make our lives sublime. The Christians have their prayer in their way, Muslims pray five times a day, the Hindus pray in their own way, the Jews have their own way of prayers. The Buddhists pray in the morning and in the evening apart from the mass prayers during some specific full-moon days. Today all the channels have mixed together with one single stream. Today we have forgotten the sense of discrimination. Today’s prayer will be marked as a symbol of total solidarity for the sake of humanity.
In concluding my short remarks, I once again express my heartiest congratulations to the organizers who have undertaken the tremendous efforts and dedication. I sincerely hope that this joint prayer will strengthen the concept of peaceful co-existence which will contribute in cementing the world peace thus making the world a land of non-violence.
May all beings be happy.
Ven. Suddhananda Mahathero
Head of the Bangladesh Delegation Team
President Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha
& Vice-President World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB), Bangkok,Thailand
Prisoners Testimonies of Conversion through True Life in God
Four books of testimonies from prisoners of the impact of the True Life in God messages on their lives have been published in Portugal. The testimonies were collected from prisoners in jails in Portugal.
Here are some of those testimonies:
… how incredible it can seem, however incomprehensibly it presents itself, the reality is that, in prison, I have learned to be free and I feel myself more free now than ever before…
Reading of these books (True Life in God) helps us to consecrate all our being to God, offering to Him day-by-day all our sufferings, our gladness, in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, every day wounded and lacerated by our sins. I feel flowing in myself, through me, a universal Love and not an egoist love, that only corrupts and destroys man. It is why I am free. Nevertheless, we can’t uproot our past: our vices, our weakness, our faults. And it is necessary to re-construct these, as does the architect of a monastic abbey, as balancing heavy stones, making them become lightweight.
The meditation, the reading of these books helps us precisely make lightweight the tortuous roads of life, that each one certainly calls his own cross, his own calvary. Reading the books helps us not to worry with questions such as what can we take from life but primarily helps us how to give something to life. And to give something to life is to surrender ourselves to the will of God, just as every day we ask Him: “…thy Kigdom come, thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven…”.
When we are able to become aware that the Will of God is also our will, when we entrust ourselves entirely, without reservation, to Him we become free men. And to be free is a miracle that we must permanently safeguard, and it will only become perpetual when we allow Jesus to act in us, through us, just like the canticle “… I entrust all of myself to Christ, never more do I feel alone …”. A universal love is the supreme expression of being free. Universal love is in Jesus. Stay with Jesus to be free.
A crucifix, which lies on the iron board of the window of my cell, near the headboard of my bed, constantly watches me. I think it is there by Its own will because every time I tried to put it on the wall, it seemed that it rejected such a new disposition…
Now, as to the already initiated reading of the books offered, what most calls my attention, undoubtedly, is the peaceful feeling I have as I read True Life of God: “I am Jesus. Vassula, lean on Me and rest”. Yes, I remain calm and peaceful. It is as if He were there, beside me, calm and tranquil, giving me the assurance of not being alone; or as if I could imagine His Silent Presence, knowing Him close to me, always my Friend, with no need to pronounce a single word, knowing that I can, whatever happens, count on Him, much before I ask Him for anything, trusting that we can rely on each other. And this was the best gift I got this Christmas; i.e. to gain the trust of a Friend, whom we know shall never forsake us…
Thus, with this feeling of peacefulness as a form of communication, I shall pursue His Work, searching even more, to strengthen my new and better rejuvenated friendship…
I can’t really write anything unless I feel it comes from the bottom of my heart. Thus, I have to say to you again that I’ve read all the volumes of True Life of God up to volume 7, and the monthly magazine too. I know and admit that I don’t have the faith I need (as Jesus said); but the truth is that I’ve gained more perfection so it was worth reading them. It was also of a great help to me to go through the Sacred Bible, both Old and New Testaments.
Sister! My greetings. I’ve just received your message. In fact, your words can heal a wounded soul. I’ve always asked Christ to look after me, especially during the Easter season, so that it can be my redemption time.
I’m looking forward to your third visit which means a lot to me… I enjoy the “flavour” of Christ’s words, because His words can teach me all we have to do… “I love you, Come and Console me, by loving Me…” I have a great empathy for the word ‘Vassula’; and as I put myself in her place, I feel that Jesus lives inside my heart. I’ve read volumes 1 through 3 of the TLIG messages. I think it’s an extraordinary and very important reading, especially in my situation. It helps me learn about Christ. I’ve been feeling very well with these books. I shall continue reading them. I’m waiting for my freedom because of my faith which comes from Jesus Christ, the All-Mighty. I’m always available to Him..
… The first news I have is of a great joy. The Priest came back to say a Mass here as usual on every Saturday and, after talking to him, he encouraged me to go on. Thank God, during these last two weeks many other inmates have also attended Mass and I have too as often as possible. I’ve loaned the books about True Life of God to other people in jail to attract them to Mass, although there are a couple of other prisoners who have different ideologies (which I respect); yet, gradually, they began to understand and start joining our side. I know of an inmate who was preached by the Jehovah Witness people who used to come here. But I asked him so often to join us that he finally decided to attend Mass. I’ve asked God to send the Holy Spirit to bless us all, so that in the future we can all become only one family, real christians, and by being so, our burden should become less heavier to all.
I have placed the Crucifix on the wall of my cell, by the headboard of my bed. I’ve read most of the books and am now reading volume 8 of True Life of God. As I read them, I become more and more interested, and recognize it is an extraordinary work which has helped me a great deal…
As to the book “True Life of God in the Prisons of Portugal” I find it extraordinary. There are other prisoners in other prisons who have great talent. I admire them and can tell God is closer to us more often, despite our errors and faults… One day, when I’m free, I’d like to take all those books home with me, although I have read them, so that my grandchildren can become real christians through its reading.
Sister, I’ve hung the Crucifix on top of my bed. I have also decorated my cell with posters and it now looks very pretty. I feel very well in my cell now. I pray a the Rosary and I’m also reading Vassula’s book, True Life of God, and I have loaned the other one to my cell neighbor.
I’m really enjoying the book True Life of God, and my next cell neighbor is too. Sister, I’m happy because … has always attended Mass, but since she was convicted in June, she became sad as she could no longer attend Mass. Well, when I arrived here with my posters and the books about True Life of God and the Crucifix, as I showed them to my cell neighbor, she liked them very much. I also told her I had been here with a priest. I talked to her for a long time. Now she often goes to Church with me and we pray the Rosary together every day . I’ve given her an image of the Holy Mary so that she could hang it by her bed. Now, … feels very happy and I do too.
Once again I thank you for your efforts, your strength, courage and dedication as well as for the love you’ve given to the prisoners of Portugal. Only by the blessing of God could you have been able to pass on to us this strength and love. His signal could not have been spread all over the country sowing the Word of Jesus throughout an arid land if He had not chosen you to do it.
…Well, despite my ignorance, as I’ve already admitted, I believe that Vassula’s writings have not come out to jeopardize the faith of the christians, but on the contrary. At least for those who were only Catholics but that intimately were ashamed to be so, Vassula’s writings reinforced their Faith, more vividly and with even a more vigorous religious life.
Vassula certainly must have many enemies; The Holy Father does too; Jesus also had them. By the way, all those who tell the “truth” have their enemies mainly because it is just. That’s why only those who do not have foes shouldn’t be worthy.
I confess that Vassula’s writings have helped me a lot; I’ve never felt alone in my pain and suffering since I began to read them. Fortunately, my sorrows and suffering are not known by many. Yet, from the time I’ve got acquainted with Vassula’s books, which you offered me, I have never felt lonely any more.
Fr. Vladimir Zielinski
Fr. Vladimir Zielinski
Epiloog bij de eerste getypte editie van de Boodschappen
De woorden van dit boek spreken voor zichzelf. Ze hebben geen uitleg of tussenpersoon nodig. Ze zijn charmant en eenvoudig. Ze spreken tot ons van God en vertellen ons dat het woorden van God zijn.
Woorden van God: Nog een openbaring?
Er is maar één Openbaring van God, uniek en definitief, en dat is het Evangelie van Christus. Alles wat Jezus ons heeft geleerd, alles wat Hij heeft gedaan tijdens Zijn aardse leven is voor altijd gegrift in het heilige geheugen van de Kerk. Maar het leven van de Kerk is veel rijker en dieper dan wat direct zichtbaar is. Het overstijgt de zichtbare grenzen.
In die zin zijn de woorden uit het Evangelie van Johannes die Vassula zijn overkomen heel betekenisvol: “Er zijn nog vele andere dingen die Jezus gedaan heeft. Maar als ze een voor een beschreven werden, dan zou naar mijn mening zelfs de hele wereld te klein zijn voor de boeken die men dan zou moeten schrijven (Joh. 21,25).
De woorden en daden van Jezus die de evangelisten en apostelen niet in hun boeken konden zetten, blijven in het Eeuwige Evangelie staan. De heilige Johannes zelf zegt in zijn openbaring: “Toen zag ik een engel die in het zenit vloog. Hij had een Eeuwig Evangelie, te verkondigen aan de bewoners der aarde, aan alle volken en stammen en talen en rassen…..” (Openb. 14:6).
Dit “Eeuwige Evangelie” is van dezelfde Jezus die tot ons spreekt in Zijn Evangelie. Hij heeft een gesprek van hart tot hart met ieder van ons; zij die oren hebben luisteren naar Hem. Het gaat niet om een ander Evangelie of een andere Jezus, want “Jezus Christus is dezelfde gisteren, vandaag en tot in eeuwigheid” (Hebr. 13:8).
De hele geschiedenis van de Kerk staat vol met verslagen van persoonlijke openbaringen, mystieke ervaringen en onuitsprekelijke boodschappen, want er zijn altijd uitverkorenen geweest, mannen en vrouwen, tot wie Christus, Zijn Heilige Moeder of de heiligen zich rechtstreeks richten. Maar het geval van Vassula is uniek.
Nadat ze op een dag wakker was geworden door deze persoonlijke openbaring, begon Vassula de woorden op te schrijven die Christus zelf tot haar had gesproken. Deze woorden zijn niet in tegenspraak met de Heilige Schrift en Traditie. Ze moeten niet gelezen worden als gewone teksten.
Ze moeten in innerlijke stilte gelezen worden. Men moet hier de stilte van de eeuwigheid ervaren. Het is de dialoog van een ziel met zijn Heer: een dialoog die zich ontwikkelt in het mysterie van het geloof. Dit mysterie is als het Licht dat de komst van ieder mens in de wereld verlicht. Hij drukt zich uit in eenvoudige woorden: liefde, vrede. vreugde. “Ik hou van je, je hoort bij Mij, je bent van Mij.” Je moet weten hoe je deze woorden, die vanuit de eeuwigheid tot ons komen, kunt begrijpen. Er moet naar geluisterd worden in het hart. Er moet naar geluisterd worden in gebed. De woorden die in dit boek worden uitgesproken moeten in ons incarneren; ze moeten in ons gestalte krijgen. Deze dialoog moet onze dialoog worden, zodat het gebed van Jezus ons gebed en het kloppen van ons hart wordt:
Geliefde Vader,
Zuiver mij door het Bloed van Uw Zoon.
Vader, reinig mij door het Lichaam van Uw Zoon.
Geliefde Vader, verdrijf de boze geest
die mij nu bekoort.
Want deze Boodschap is een boek vol gebeden, het is een enkel ononderbroken gebed.
Prof. Todor Sabev, Bulgaars Orthodox
Theoloog, Kerkhistoricus en voormalig plaatsvervangend Secretaris-generaal van de Wereldraad van Kerken.
In Zijn goddelijke plan voor de verlossing van de mensheid heeft God door de geschiedenis heen Zijn boodschappers gestuurd als profeten en apostelen, leraren en beschermers om alle naties naar het juiste pad te leiden, het geloof te voeden, vrede te bewaren en eenheid te beschermen.
Tegenwoordig worden de profetieën van Jesaja (44:3) en Joël (2:28): “Ik zal mijn Geest over uw nageslacht uitstorten”; “uw zonen en uw dochters zullen profeteren (en) visioenen zien”, bewaarheid in een verscheidenheid van charismatische gaven. Genadegaven worden aan vrouwen en mannen geschonken om het Christelijke leven, de eredienst en de dienst aan de glorie van God te verbeteren.
Zo’n spirituele gave (charisma) is aan mevrouw Vassula Rydén gegeven voor de vervulling van een bijzondere roeping. Vanuit de diepte van haar duisternis heeft Vassula het Licht gezien. De Heer heeft haar hart aangeraakt om het te reinigen en te genezen. Sindsdien “ziet ze Jezus Christus en de Maagd Maria in haar innerlijk” en “is ze in staat gesteld hun Boodschappen te horen”. Van deze unieke ervaring van visioenen wordt getuigd in 70 notitieboeken die in zeven delen zijn gepubliceerd. De Boodschappen die Vassula ontvangt zijn door haarzelf geschreven, maar “van bovenaf gedicteerd”. Haar menselijke handschrift is volledig getransformeerd.
De Boodschappen zijn Gods gaven van geestelijke genezing, liefde en barmhartigheid “gericht aan allen”. Vassula werd geroepen om een vurige getuige van Christus te worden en Zijn Kruis “naar de vier uithoeken” van de geseculariseerde wereld te dragen. Samen met vele andere discipelen moet ze een instrument zijn van de goddelijke voorzienigheid, een echo van Gods Woord, mededogen, verzoening en vrede.
De Boodschappen zijn geen nieuwe openbaring, maar een herinnering aan het Evangelie van Christus. De basistaak van Vassula is het delen van het Goede Nieuws door middel van verkondiging in gemeenschappen en samenkomsten van gebed en meditatie, verspreiding van de Geschriften door publicatie en “zielen tot Jezus Christus trekken”.
De verrassende aard van deze roeping heeft vragen en verbijstering opgeroepen bij Vassula zelf, maar ook bij vrienden en luisteraars. Sommige van deze wonderen zullen de lezers van Waar Leven in God nog steeds vergezellen. Toch zijn we ons bewust van het feit dat veel uitingen van mysticisme op verschillende beoordelingen en houdingen binnen de eigen Christelijke traditie zijn gestuit. Gedurende de hele periode van het marxistisch militant atheïsme, opgelegd door de staatsautoriteiten in mijn land, Bulgarije, bleef één vrouw met grote gaven als ziener, zowel inheemse als buitenlandse mensen geheimen vertellen over hun verleden, heden en toekomst. Haar geloof en profetische stem hebben atheïstische opvattingen aan het wankelen gebracht en de levensstijl van tienduizenden mensen veranderd. Bisschoppen, priesters en theologen hebben de gaven van die vrouw persoonlijk ervaren en individueel erkend. Maar het lag niet in de traditie van de Kerk om een gezaghebbende uitspraak te doen over dit fenomeen.
Enkele jaren geleden was ik zo onder de indruk van het verhaal van de verschijning van de Maagd Maria, die drie van mijn zeer dierbare protestantse vrienden tegelijkertijd hadden gezien “zonder deze gebeurtenis echter als een buitengewone spirituele ervaring te beschouwen”, omdat dit geen deel uitmaakte van de traditie van hun kerk!
“Wij leven in geloof (2 Kor. 5:7)” en “begrijpen door geloof…” (Vgl. 11:3f). Het onderscheid maken tussen de Geest van God en andere geesten is een delicate Christelijke plicht. Onderscheidingsvermogen is ook een gave van de Heilige Geest (vgl. 1 Kor. 12: 10-1 1; 1 Joh. 4: 1). Het belangrijkste criterium voor het testen van de geesten is het geloof in Christus als de Geïncarneerde Zoon van God en onze Verlosser (1 Joh. 4:2f).
In principe is de inhoud van de Boodschappen in ‘Waar Leven in God’ in harmonie met de Heilige Schrift en met de traditie van de Kerk. Ze worden verspreid, gelezen en er wordt over gemediteerd, binnen de Kerk, met als doel een heropleving van het Christelijk geloof, vernieuwing en eenheid. Er wordt vaak verwezen naar de Bijbel als bron van waarheid, kennis en wijsheid. Het doxologische deel van de Boodschappen is bijbels gefundeerd. Heel dierbaar in de Orthodoxe spiritualiteit zijn de vele gebeden, de dringende oproep tot bekering en berouw, vasten en een heilig leven. In het centrum van Vassula’s visie staan ook vele andere fundamentele waarheden, waarden en leerstellingen van de Kerk. Gebed, nederigheid, naastenliefde, vrijgevigheid, vrede, verzoening en wederzijdse liefde in Christus’ Naam, worden voortdurend onderstreept in alle notitieboeken. Gods overvloedige genade en tederheid worden vaak gepresenteerd in de context van bezorgdheid en zorg voor de kreunende schepping, een waarschuwing voor de zonde die de mensheid corrumpeert en een oproep tot ontwaken voor “de strijd tegen Satan en zijn volgelingen”. Zo voel je de “profetische toon” en de oproep aan alle Christenen.
Denk aan de Zaligsprekingen! Volg de Tien Geboden! Nu is het tijd voor berouw! “Leef alsof het je laatste dag op aarde is.” “Heb je je verzoend met je broeders en zusters?” “Deel Mijn Kruis.” “Zoek gerechtigheid en help de onderdrukten.” “Rijkdom moet bekeerd worden.” “Evangeliseer met liefde, uit liefde.” Jouw tijdperk van weinig geloof is dood. “Accepteer de vruchten van Satan niet, die zijn … verdeeldheid en onzuiverheid.” Wees waakzaam en voorbereid op “de laatste dagen”, want de Heer is “op het Pad van Terugkomst”.
En opnieuw horen we de Boodschap van hoop en leven: “Schud het stof dat je bedekt van je af en sta op uit de dood.” “De Heilige Eucharistie zal je in leven houden.” De “tijd van beproevingen” zal worden gevolgd “door een nieuw tijdperk van liefde en vrede.” “Mijn Koninkrijk staat voor jullie deur.” God wil dat iedereen gered wordt (vgl. Rom. 10:12-13).
De Boodschappen zijn een hymne van Gods Liefde die “is als een fontein, een bron van levend water”. Liefde is “de Wortel van de Boom van het Leven” en van alle deugden. Daarom, “zaai het zaad van liefde in alle richtingen.” “Oordeel over niemand en vergeld kwaad met liefde.” De Bron van Liefde is de Heilige Geest, de Gever van Leven. Hij leidt ons “in alle waarheden” en verandert de duisternis in Licht. Hij verheft en zuivert onze harten, heiligt ons door de Sacramenten, verdrijft zieke geesten en brengt vernieuwing in de Kerk. De Heilige Geest creëert een gemeenschap waarin liefde heerst. Hij stelt de armen en de nederige mensen van God tevreden.
Een van de sterkste elementen in de visioenen van Vassula Rydén is de ernst van de verdeeldheid tussen de kerken, de urgentie van het werken voor eenheid van de Kerk en het belang van de oecumenische beweging.
De zonde van verdeeldheid en wonden in het Lichaam van Christus zijn zo vaak te wijten aan een gebrek aan trouw, nederigheid en wederzijdse liefde. “Rivaliteit en competitie om aardse macht, egoïsme en trots kunnen geen eenheid tot stand brengen. Zij die zich inspannen om de verstrooide schapen van Christus bijeen te brengen “moeten hun eigen stem dempen” om de stem van de Heer te kunnen horen; zij moeten “hun hoofd buigen” voor zegening door het Hoofd van de Kerk – Jezus Christus. Dan zal Hij allen opheffen en tot Zich trekken. “Zalig zijn zij die zich niet differentiëren” onder de Heilige Naam van Christus. “Bid voor de Wereldraad van Kerken” en voor de wereldwijde oecumenische beweging. Laten we altijd onthouden dat “de sleutels tot eenheid liefde en nederigheid zijn”.
De echte eenheid is en zal in het hart zijn, niet “naar de letter maar naar de geest”. Het is een gave van God, maar vereist ook menselijke inzet en inspanning: “waar verdeeldheid is geef vrede en liefde, waar verwarring is vraag om Licht.” “Eenheid zal over jullie komen als Dageraad … Het zal van God komen, en jullie volkeren zullen het het Grote Wonder noemen, de Gezegende Dag … Op deze dag zal de hele Hemel … zich verheugen.” “Zie, wat een vreugde zal Ik hebben wanneer jullie je rondom Eén Altaar zullen verzamelen … en Mij zullen prijzen; jullie vergissing erkennend, berouw hebbend voor jullie rebellie en Mijn Liefde voor jullie herinnerend.” Gods plan is “om alle naties te verenigen, van Oost tot West, van Noord tot Zuid”.
In verschillende Boodschappen wordt een groot verlangen geuit naar een gelijktijdige viering van Pasen – “het Feest der Feesten” en de “Triomf der Triomfen”. Moge dit een nieuwe impuls zijn om zo’n geweldige kwestie weer op de oecumenische agenda te zetten. Eigenlijk komt het uit de kern van het besluit van het eerste Oecumenische Concilie (325) om de eenheid te versterken en een gemeenschappelijk getuigenis te inspireren.
Hoewel veel Orthodoxen zich verheugen over het geschenk van Vassula en de teksten waarnaar verwezen wordt waarderen, zijn ze voorzichtig met het accepteren van alle punten en details. Persoonlijk worstel ik nog steeds met een aantal van de vragen waar ik eerder mee zat. Maar kunnen we geen verlichting vinden in het inzicht dat de Boodschappen ook tot ons komen doorheen onze beperkte menselijke natuur, en worden waargenomen volgens onze eigen spirituele capaciteit? Het lezen van Vassula’s Geschriften vereist een mystieke ziel, gebed om “kennis en alle onderscheiding” (Fil. 1:9), zoeken naar waarheid in de kracht van de liefde en weerstand bieden aan elk gemakkelijk oordeel.
De gaven van de Geest moeten geestelijk onderscheiden worden (1 Kor. 12:10). Laten we de waarde van de boom afmeten aan zijn vruchten (Nlt. 3:10; 7:16f). De grote kwaliteit van de vele vruchten van ‘Waar Leven in God’ is door veel mensen erkend. De Boodschappen hebben het spirituele leven verdiept, het Christelijke geloof versterkt en het gezichtsvermogen van een aantal ongelovigen geopend. En we moeten de vervulling van Gods beloften nog zien: “Ik, de Heer, zal de visioenen vermenigvuldigen … (en) zal de Heilige Geest zonder reserve over de hele mensheid uitstorten. “Jullie zullen groeien als gras in gebieden waar veel water is.
Laten we God danken voor alle charismata.
Hemelse Vader,
Ontsteek onze harten met het vuur van de Heilige Geest.
Geef ons de Geest van wijsheid en geloof,
van durf en geduld,
van nederigheid en standvastigheid,
van liefde en berouw.
Genève, Pasen 1994
Echo van het Evangelie
Ds. Ljudevit Rupčić OFM
Theoloog, Hoogleraar Exegese, Auteur
Elke dag heeft Vassula Rydén een nieuwe ervaring van het goddelijke; ze gaat door met het verspreiden van haar profetische boodschap in de wereld van vandaag, die steeds verder van God af komt te staan, steeds verder van het fundament waarop ze is gegrondvest, waardoor ze haar bestaan op het spel zet. Vassula is een ware profeet van onze tijd. Aan de ene kant houdt ze zich bezig met de problemen en behoeften van onze tijden; aan de andere kant zoekt ze nieuwe perspectieven bij God, om uiteindelijk verrijkt uit haar moeilijkheden te komen en in Hem harmonie, vrede en volheid te vinden. Haar boodschap is doordrenkt met het Evangelie. Haar speciale eigenschap bestaat alleen in de manier waarop ze aan ons wordt doorgegeven; bovendien biedt Vassula aan de oude en nieuwe problemen van onze wereld niets anders aan dan het eeuwigdurende Evangelie.
Vassula is, net als alle andere profeten, overtuigd van het waarheidsgehalte van haar boodschap en de authenticiteit van haar missie. Ze kent haar eigen zwakte, maar ze houdt vastberaden vast aan haar belofte om de boodschappen aan anderen door te geven. Ze vindt Gods hulp in voortdurend gebed en in de Eucharistie. Volhardend in haar wil en verlangens streeft ze ernaar om volledig verenigd te zijn met God. Ze is zich bewust van de urgentie om de boodschap te verspreiden omdat de tijd dringt en er een onontkoombare grote kastijding op komst is; deze kan alleen vermeden worden als we terugkeren naar God en Hem opnieuw accepteren.
Vassula’s ervaring met God is een blijvende en onuitputtelijke bron van wijsheid, liefde, enthousiasme voor God en het heil van de wereld. Daarom is het getuigenis overtuigend, vreugdevol en stimulerend. Naast bekering en een oproep dat de mensheid liefde met liefde moet beantwoorden, is er ook bezorgdheid over de eenheid van de kerk. “Liefde bemindt jullie” (3 juli 1992) betekent dat, in Vassula’s gesprekken en vereniging met God, ieder van ons zichzelf in Vassula’s plaats kan en mag stellen. God houdt op die manier van iedereen. Overal in deze geschriften voelen we de Adem van Liefde. Genade stroomt overal; de Heilige Geest is overal aan het werk en geeft overvloedig. Overal hoort men de stappen van de Heer.
De geschriften van Vassula zijn een echo van het Evangelie. Degene die spreekt is inderdaad het Woord van God zelf. De meeste lezers en luisteraars herkennen in Zijn woorden de stem van God (14 juli 1992). Vassula vertelt niets wezenlijk nieuws dat God niet al verteld zou hebben, maar Gods Woord wordt door haar mond geactualiseerd, waardoor prioriteiten en noodzakelijke accenten een prominente plaats krijgen. Op deze manier wordt het Woord geactualiseerd, serieus, overtuigend, een getuigenis.
De vraag “Waarom herhalen wat al gezegd is?” betekent dat men de behoeften van de mensheid niet kent, die het recht heeft om Gods Woord op een begrijpelijke, bijgewerkte manier te horen. Daarnaast is er de verplichting om een boodschapper van het Woord te worden, die getuigenis aflegt binnen de menselijke ervaring. Door de vergeetachtigheid van mannen en vrouwen gaat men te gemakkelijk voorbij aan de komende rampspoed en de onmiddellijkheid van de catastrofe waaraan de mensheid is blootgesteld; het is nodig om het uit deze onverschilligheid te halen om de genade onophoudelijk te laten stromen en de bekering te bevorderen.
Ondanks de objectieve authenticiteit van Vassula’s getuigenis, maken mensen hier en daar bezwaar tegen de waarheid ervan. Hoewel ze niet voldoende zijn om de getuigenis in twijfel te trekken, zijn de redenen zowel objectief als subjectief van aard. Bezwaren komen vooral voort uit een nauwe en fragmentarische kijk op het mysterie van de genade, vooral wanneer genade kosteloos wordt uitgestort, genade waarbij God de menselijke persoon tot partner maakt in dit leven en in zijn werken. Al deze bezwaren komen neer op menselijke begrippen en taal, omdat ze voortkomen uit een beperkte menselijke ervaring, die door haar beperkingen niet in staat is om het Mysterie van God te accepteren. Daarom trekt de mens het Woord van God in twijfel en weigert hij God te accepteren. Voor de scepticus is het Woord van God altijd te moeilijk, zelfs “schandalig”, en wordt het daarom als onwaar beschouwd. De eerste aanname van de menselijke geest moet zijn om het feit te accepteren dat dingen die niet kunnen worden waargenomen wel degelijk bestaan, en hiervoor moet men open blijven staan. Het is enkel in openheid voor Gods genade dat menselijke wezens een zekere, waardevolle en adequate kennis van het mysterie kunnen bereiken.
De kritiek komt voort uit het feit dat de ervaringen en getuigenissen van Vassula niet stroken met de onwetendheid en vooroordelen van degenen die gevangenen zijn van hun eigen verbeelding. Vassula’s getuigenissen zijn een getuigenis tegen het valse begrip van degenen die haar kleineren, niet tegen het Evangelie of het geloof. Op geen enkele manier is ze tegen de God van de Bijbel, of tegen het geloof in Hem. Zij die haar in diskrediet brengen, zien in werkelijkheid iemand die tegengesteld is aan hun eigen manier om zich God voor te stellen, van wie zij over het algemeen aannemen dat Hij op zijn Troon zit, ver van de mensheid. Voor Vassula is het menselijk wezen in staat om Gods liefde, zijn genade en zijn almacht te ontvangen. Deze “schandalige” kijk is in werkelijkheid een herontdekking van God. Het is een ongegronde beschuldiging om Vassula voor te stellen als een aanhanger van “New Age”. Het is net zo onlogisch als het mengen van vuur en water. Dergelijke kritiek laat alleen maar zien dat de critici noch Vassula noch “New Age” kennen.
Aan de andere kant moet je je afvragen waar de boodschap van Vassula toe zou leiden als ze in praktijk zou worden gebracht. Als mensen de realiteit van liefde in God en in de mensen onder ogen zouden zien, zouden ze God en elkaar liefhebben. Als mensen gehoor zouden geven aan het gebedsverzoek, zou de boodschap zich over de hele wereld verspreiden en een teken van dankbaarheid jegens God verspreiden. Als men zou accepteren dat er eenheid moet zijn tussen de Christelijke Kerken, zou er al hoop zijn op de vervulling van Jezus’ belofte – “één kudde en één Herder”. (Joh. 10:16). Als mensen God zouden aanvaarden op de manier die Vassula aanbeveelt, zou Hij al “alles in iedereen” zijn (1 Kor. 15:28). Als mensen Vassula’s waarschuwing over Satan serieus zouden nemen, zou deze al uit de harten van de mensen en uit de wereld verbannen zijn. Als mensen gehoor zouden geven aan Vassula’s oproep tot bekering, zouden alle mannen en vrouwen heiligen zijn. Als iedereen zou delen in de ervaringen van Vassula, zou de persoonlijke geschiedenis van iedereen, en dus ook de geschiedenis van de hele mensheid, een Lied van Liefde zijn.
Dit alles is volledig in de radicale stijl van het Evangelie. Op grond van deze aanname zijn er geen redenen om Vassula’s ervaringen met God los te koppelen van het Evangelie, laat staan dat ze er tegenin gaan. De boodschappen van Vassula veronderstellen een aanleg in de menselijke natuur voor dialoog. Individuele gelovigen, vooral zij die rijk zijn in de Geest, hebben het recht om de zaak van Vassula te beoordelen, zonder zich onafhankelijk van de Kerk op te stellen. Op deze manier kunnen ze het oordeel van de Kerk doeltreffend ondersteunen. Het uiteindelijke oordeel blijft aan de Kerk, die haar garantie heeft in God en Zijn bevestiging in de “sensus fidelium”, waarvan de Geest der Waarheid de auteur en de getuige van waarachtigheid is.
Uit al het bewijs tot nu toe blijkt dat Vassula’s getuigenis elke dag serieuzer wordt genomen en meer wordt geaccepteerd. Dit vergemakkelijkt en versnelt tegelijkertijd het uiteindelijke oordeel van de hele Kerk, die zonder twijfel de vele goede vruchten van Vassula’s boodschap als criteria zal nemen.
Zr. Lucy Rooney en Fr. Bob Faricy
Lucy Rooney en Bob Faricy hebben veel geschreven over hedendaagse gebeurtenissen betreffende verschijningen en hebben Medjugorje sterk verdedigd.
Vassula Rydén: Nationaal tenniskampioene van Bangladesh, Sheraton Hotel-model, exposerend schilderes, socialite, gastvrouw van haar man, moeder van twee zonen, de ideale persoon om openbaringen in onze tijd te ontvangen? Misschien wel, want Gods wegen zijn altijd verrassend, zijn keuzes zijn meestal niet de keuzes die wij zouden maken (vgl. Jesaja 55:8).
De buitengewone manier waarop deze onthullingen worden gedaan – door Vassula’s hand over te nemen om boodschappen te schrijven – is ontmoedigend. Zelf twijfelde ze af en toe – maar toch weet ze in haar hart dat het echt Jezus is die haar hand beweegt. “Ik ben te realistisch, te sceptisch. Ik kan het niet helpen dat ik vandaag opnieuw twijfel of dit wel gebeurt … ik, die heel goed weet dat ik mijn hand niet kan hanteren en dat ik weet hoe machteloos ik word als God bezit neemt van mijn hand.” (10:23)
Ze heeft alle argumenten onderzocht: dat ze beïnvloed wordt door het onderbewuste, of door boze geesten, door psychologische stoornissen. Ze weet wat er over haar gezegd zal worden: spot op zijn minst, zelfs haat. Toch publiceert ze moedig, alle hoon riskerend, deze boodschappen. Ze kent ook haar eigen nederigheid als boodschapper, zoals Jezus tegen haar zei: “Denk geen moment dat Ik je dit charisma gegeven heb omdat Ik meer van je hou dan van de rest van Mijn kinderen.” (23 januari 1987)
Maar hoe weet je dat de woorden die hier aan de Heer worden toegeschreven echt van Jezus komen? Hoe kun je er zeker van zijn dat Jezus tot Vassula sprak, via haar schreef, aan haar dicteerde? Heb je het recht om dat te geloven? Kun je het geloven? We geloven dat Vassula’s ervaring authentiek is. Dat is ons persoonlijk onderscheidingsvermogen. We doen natuurlijk geen enkele officiële erkenning of uitspraak over de geldigheid, en dat kunnen we ook niet doen. Integendeel, we onderwerpen ons oordeel aan het oordeel van de wettige kerkelijke autoriteit.
Het is duidelijk dat niemand verplicht is om te geloven dat Jezus zegt wat Vassula zegt dat Hij zegt. Maar iedereen kan geloven dat dit de woorden van Jezus zijn. Moet je geloven? Doe je eigen onderscheiding. Lees en beslis voor jezelf met de hulp van de Heer.
Wat is de boodschap van Jezus aan ons via Vassula? Hij zei: “Ik kom en verfris alles wat al door Mij onderwezen is.” (1 maart 1987) “Mijn boodschap is er een van Vrede en Liefde … Ik kom om deze wereld Mijn Barmhartigheid te tonen.” (8 maart 1987)
Het wordt duidelijk uit de veelheid van verschijningen en openbaringen in onze tijden, en het is volkomen in overeenstemming met de evangeliën, dat het einde van der tijden nabij is. Er is een strijd gaande voordat Satan zijn macht verliest. Er wordt niet gesproken over het einde van de wereld, maar over een tijd van beproeving, gevolgd, voor hen die volhouden, door een nieuw tijdperk van liefde en vrede. We zijn in training voor die donkere dagen. Ondertussen leven we niet in een tijd van oordeel, maar van Barmhartigheid. Jezus zei tegen Vassula: “Jouw tijdperk heeft alle spirituele waarden verloren.” (26 augustus 1987) “de wereld heeft Mij onophoudelijk beledigd en Ik, van Mijn kant, heb hen zonder ophouden herinnerd aan Mijn bestaan en hoe Ik hen bemin; Mijn Kelk van Gerechtigheid is vol, schepping! Mijn Gerechtigheid drukt zwaar op jullie! verenig jullie en keer tot Mij terug, eer Mij schepping! als jullie dat doen, zal Ik ook Mijn Gerechtigheid opheffen; Mijn oproepen weerklinken en schokken de hele hemel, al Mijn engelen bevend achterlatend om wat er gaat komen; Ik ben een God van Gerechtigheid en Mijn Ogen zijn het moe geworden om jullie schijnheiligheid, atheïsme en zedeloosheid te moeten aanzien; Mijn schepping is, in haar verwording, een kopie geworden van wat Sodom was; Ik zal tegen jullie donderen met Mijn Gerechtigheid zoals Ik tegen de Sodomieten heb gedonderd; heb berouw, schepping, voordat Ik kom; (1 september 1987 en volgende) Toen Vassula aanvoerde dat zijn kinderen alleen maar sliepen, antwoordde Hij: “Ze slapen uur na uur, jaar na jaar.”
Jezus zegt dat Hij tekenen en waarschuwingen heeft gestuurd, maar dat ze verworpen zijn (1 september 1987) Hier dan in Vassula hebben we een andere boodschap van barmhartigheid: “Jij bent één van de vele tekenen.” (8 januari 1987) En Jezus bevestigt wat ons allen heeft opgeschrikt – de huidige uitstorting van de Heilige Geest over allen die erom vragen en de vermenigvuldiging van verschijningen en wonderen over de hele wereld: “Ik zeg jullie plechtig dat Ik Mijn Heilige Geest zal blijven uitstorten over jullie zonen en dochters zoals nog nooit is gebeurd onder vele generaties, om jullie te voeden uit Mijn Eigen Hand en om Mijn hele Wet in jullie harten te leggen”. (Boodschap van het Heilig Hart voor Engeland, februari 1991).
“Alle boodschappen die de oproep van liefde en vrede dragen, die de verlorenen leiden om hun weg naar Mij terug te vinden, zijn allemaal van de Vader en Mij.” (10 oktober 1986) Dit is het goede nieuws: “Hoe zwakker en ellendiger je bent, hoe meer ik je zoek en je bemin.” (17 maart 1987) Het is ons ongelooflijke voorrecht dat Jezus via Vassula tegen ieder van ons kan zeggen: “Ik bemin je in een mate die je niet kunt bevatten.” (8 januari 1987) “Ik, God, bemin je tot afleiding.” (8 december 1986) En meest diepgaande van alles: “Liefde bemint je.”(29 augustus 1987)
Lees het boek en deel in Vassula’s ervaring met de Heer. Dat delen zal deel uitmaken van je eigen ervaring met de Heer. Lees met geloof. Niet met geloof in Vassula en niet met geloof in de echtheid van haar ervaring, maar met geloof in Jezus. Heb vertrouwen, Jezus wil zichzelf en Zijn liefde voor jou met jou delen via deze boodschappen. Door jouw lezen kan Jezus je leiden om Hem beter te leren kennen, meer van Hem te houden en Hem meer te volgen.
Wat als jij, de lezer, niet Rooms-Katholiek bent? Dat is Vassula ook niet. Dit boek is niet alleen voor Rooms-Katholieken, maar voor iedereen, voor iedereen die de Heer leidt om het te lezen. Wie je ook bent, als je Jezus kent, zal dit boek je helpen om Hem beter te leren kennen. En als je dat niet doet, kunnen de boodschappen je helpen om Hem te leren kennen. Hij kent je. En Hij heeft je al zover geleid dat je dit leest.
Fr. Theophil Pelgrims
Getuigenis voor een publiek tijdens het begeleiden van Vassula in Rusland, juli 1999
Brandde ons hart niet ook in ons toen Jezus tot ons sprak via Vassula? Hoe het ook zij, Vassula, wij hebben gemerkt hoe Christus, onze God die jaloers is op Zijn zielen, jou heeft verleid. Ja, Vassula, je bent verleid door deze zorgzame liefde van onze Heer. Dank je wel dat je ons Jezus laat ontdekken als de goddelijke tederheid van de Vader voor ons. In zijn Evangelie nodigt de heilige Johannes, de Evangelist, ons uit om zijn gebaar tijdens het Laatste Avondmaal na te bootsen. Laten wij ook rusten op het liefdevolle Hart van onze Redder, terwijl ons hoofd zo vaak vol is van kwelling en stress. Bovendien is wat Johannes ons leert het gebaar van Jezus zelf naar Zijn hemelse Vader. Want “niemand heeft ooit God gezien; de Eniggeboren Zoon, die in de schoot des Vaders is, Hij heeft Hem doen kennen.” (Proloog van Johannes, vers 1:18). Heer Jezus, levende euchologie van de Vader, dank U voor Uw Liefde, dank U voor Uw boodschapper en bruid Vassula. Ja, onze Heer is Koning. Hij heeft Zichzelf gehuld in de pracht van Zijn toegewijde zielen!
Geschriften van Vassula Rydén
door Fr. Michael O´Carroll, CSSp
Er is de afgelopen vijftig jaar meer over Jezus Christus geschreven dan in alle voorgaande Christelijke eeuwen. Deze immense hoeveelheid geschriften, met de echo ervan in het gesproken woord, op de preekstoel en in de collegezaal, vormt een onmiskenbaar getuigenis van Zijn macht; Zijn uniciteit binnen de menselijke ervaring en de stroom van de geschiedenis is duidelijk. Een heel ander soort getuigenis met een tragische ondertoon is het feit dat op dit moment meer dan twintigduizend kerken, gemeenschappen, sekten, groepen en splintergroepen Hem claimen als hun nominale centrale figuur of hun stichter. Binnen een kosmische of wereldwijde setting is het opmerkelijk dat, hoewel Hij een Jood, een Semiet en een Aziaat was, Zijn aanhang minimaal is onder Zijn eigen volk en ras, en in Zijn werelddeel. De verleiding is groot om daar in een fatalistische geest genoegen mee te nemen; als je dat bewust doet, geef je het geloof in zijn universele missie en boodschap op.
Zal de immense intellectuele gisting, het werk van de geleerden, de verandering teweegbrengen die zo wenselijk is, niet alleen onder hen die Jezus niet expliciet als hun Verlosser accepteren, maar ook onder hen die dat wel doen maar weinig aandacht schenken aan Zijn leer? We hebben zoveel Christologieën gehad; er is zoveel geschreven over de “Jezus van de geschiedenis” en de “Christus van het geloof”; elk mogelijk detail en aspect van de Bijbel is onder de loep genomen; marginale disciplines zoals archeologie, de Qumran velden, intertestamentale en Joods-Christelijke teksten zijn bestudeerd; we hebben onlangs een hele nieuwe literatuur gehad over het meest voor de hand liggende van Jezus, zijn Joods-zijn.
Nu ik door een deel van dit literaire woud heb moeten gaan, ben ik ervan overtuigd dat iedereen die op zoek is naar Jezus Christus, die wil delen in Zijn helende, transformerende zelfonthulling, serieus rekening moet houden met de claim van de mystici. Ik ben van mening dat als we hun getuigenis negeren, we een krachtige, verlichtende dimensie van Jezus Christus missen. Het is ook Zijn mysterie sluiten voor de oprechte aanhangers van de grote wereldreligies, die wij met sympathie en begrip mogen aanschouwen. Ze staan soms opvallend open voor de aantrekkingskracht van mystiek en hebben geen perversie van de betekenis ervan toegestaan. Op het niveau van de geschiedenis hebben grote mystici hun tijd diepgaand beïnvloed. Door zijn handelen openbaart Jezus Christus een diep, subtiel en rijk psychisch potentieel, waarop alleen Hij rechtstreeks kan inwerken. Wat de geschiedenis en de psychologie aangeven, wordt door de theologie verduidelijkt en bevestigd.
Het is vanuit zo’n diep perspectief dat ik deze volume met geschriften van Vassula Rydén wil presenteren. Ik zou graag willen dat men mij beschouwt als iemand die strikt theologische taal spreekt, geldig en nauwkeurig, wanneer ik haar werk beschrijf als een waardevol verslag van mystieke ervaringen. Ongeacht de terminologie staat de waarde buiten kijf. Anderen, zoals Maria Concepcion de Armida en Adrienne von Speyr, hebben rechtstreeks van de Heer gedicteerd, of het aan een ander gegeven onder zijn inspiratie. Het geval van Vassula is uniek omdat het handschrift rechtstreeks wordt aangestuurd. We hebben de transcriptie van een intens persoonlijke ervaring van Jezus Christus met de zekerheid dat hij erbij betrokken was tot en met het fysieke element van het op papier zetten van de woorden.
Lezers die nog geen wetenschappelijk bewijs voor dit fenomeen hebben gezien, voor zover dat mogelijk is, kunnen gerustgesteld zijn. Een deskundige grafoloog, verbonden aan het Hof van Bezwaarschriften in Parijs, J.A. Munier, onderzocht het handschrift zonder kennis van de identiteit van de auteur en vond het op veel punten verbazingwekkend; voor de gewone waarnemer staat het in schril contrast met het normale handschrift van Vassula.
Voor degenen die de boodschap van Jezus in Vassula’s getuigenis aanvaarden, is de inhoud van haar boeken tot nadenken stemmend, soms verontrustend, over het algemeen verheffend en krachtig bemoedigend. Het is gemakkelijk te begrijpen waarom haar boeken zoveel opvallende bekeringen hebben teweeggebracht. De rode draad is de liefde van Jezus, uitgedrukt in echtelijke termen die kenmerkend zijn voor mystiek, maar gemanifesteerd als een uitstorting, een uitstorting van het Heilig Hart van Jezus.
Ik beschouw deze openbaring als een van de meest nuttige, veelbelovende van alle die de afgelopen tijd zijn opgetekend. Dat is zo, want de boodschapper van de Heer is van de Orthodoxe Kerk en we hebben de taal van het Heilig Hart nog nooit van deze gemeenschap gehoord. Daarom is het historisch gezien uniek: het is de langverwachte heropleving voor Katholieken van een ideaal, een intuïtie van Jezus, die eeuwenlang, vooral sinds de tijd van de heilige Margaretha Maria, ontelbare heiligen en apostelen heeft voortgebracht. Na Vaticanum II werd wat werkelijk een vooruitzicht was, een totale visie op de Verlosser, door velen afgedaan als louter “devotie”. Zij die hoopten op betere tijden hadden nauwelijks verwacht dat de dageraad in het Oosten zou verschijnen.
De boodschap is dus een voorbode voor de Christelijke eenheid die een gekoesterd thema en een belofte is in de bladzijden van Vassula. Waar zouden christenen elkaar veiliger kunnen ontmoeten dan in het Hart van Christus? Hij heeft duidelijk gemaakt dat het wonder van eenheid als zijn werk zal worden gezien.
Het is niet het eerste benefiet dat we van de Orthodoxen hebben ontvangen. Tijdens het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie waren het de Orthodoxen, met name een Griekse theoloog, Nikos Nissiotis, die bleven aandringen op een theologie van de Heilige Geest, zonder welke de documenten van het Concilie weinig impact zouden hebben in hun wereld. Sindsdien is er veel gedaan om eventuele verliezen goed te maken. Het is opmerkelijk dat Jezus Vassula onderricht over de Heilige Geest en vaak met haar over Hem spreekt.
De taal die Hij tot haar spreekt is die van de liefde. Maar Hij doet de Geboden niet van de hand. De lezer wordt aangespoord om de helderheid van Zijn uitspraken te vergelijken met de wazige en vage kanten van sommige populaire voorstellingen van het geloof. Oecumenisten zouden ook profijt hebben van de waarschuwingen tegen het verwateren van de leer. Predikers zouden het advies ter harte moeten nemen om geen voorrang te geven aan maatschappelijke bekommernissen boven de goddelijke aanspraak op aanbidding – ze mogen zich niet afzonderen van God, de bron van het leven, en evenmin de goddelijkheid van Jezus Christus of de mysteries van zijn leven, dood en opstanding minimaliseren.
Er staan schrijnende bladzijden in Vassula’s communicatie over de huidige staat van de Kerk. Hoe moeten we reageren op de toepassing van Apocalyps XIII op onze tijd? Ik zou zeggen met grote nederigheid, met oog voor het realisme ervan, bezorgd om de beloning van trouw te oogsten. Er is veel troost te vinden in het hele corpus. We hebben een woord van geruststelling over de vele verschijningen en visioenen die de Geest in onze tijd schenkt aan de gelovigen. We worden eraan herinnerd dat de Geest de Geest van Jezus is. Jezus zorgt voor Zijn Kerk met alle liefde van Zijn Hart, beseft haar vreselijke nood en is van plan haar te vernieuwen.
In dit stadium moet ik denken aan een ander werk dat enige gelijkenis vertoont met dat van Vassula, Confidences de Jesus, gegeven aan een Italiaanse priester, Mgr. Ottavio Michellini van het bisdom Carpi. Hij kreeg een heel duidelijk beeld van het kwaad binnen de Kerk, maar ook de vaste hoop dat door de voorspraak van Maria, door haar overwinning op de krachten van het kwaad, de heerschappij van Jezus gevestigd zou worden. In een boodschap aan het Internationale Mariacongres in Lourdes op 17 september 1958, drie weken voor zijn dood, sprak Pius XII deze woorden: “Ik wil mijn rotsvast vertrouwen bevestigen dat de heerschappij van Jezus zal komen door de heerschappij van Maria.”
Trouw aan de grote Orthodoxe traditie, gelooft Vassula in de kracht van Maria. Hoeveel mensen zijn deze rijke, levende erfenis vergeten toen ze over Maria spraken als een obstakel voor de eenheid van de christenen! Als de eenheid van de Christenen compleet moet zijn, moeten ook de orthodoxen erbij betrokken zijn, die nooit een compromis zouden sluiten over de mariale theologie of devotie. Dit werd in de begindagen van Faith and Order glashelder gemaakt door één van de meest toegewijde leden, de reus van de moderne Russisch-Orthodoxe Mariale theologie, Sergej Bulgakov.
In de Mariale devotie reageert Vassula op een specifiek Katholieke vorm van vroomheid, het Onbevlekt Hart van Maria. Het Hart van Maria verenigd met het Hart van Jezus is een thema om te inspireren en aan te moedigen. Paus Johannes Paulus II gebruikte de uitdrukking ‘Alliantie van de Twee Harten’ toen hij erover sprak. Dit werd gekozen als de titel van een internationaal symposium dat van 14 tot 19 september 1986 in Fatima werd gesponsord door Kardinaal Sin. Het symposium genoot formele goedkeuring in een speciale boodschap van de paus, die later de deelnemers in Rome ontving en de volledige procedure kreeg. In deze documenten hadden gespecialiseerde theologen met onberispelijk onderzoek de continuïteit van het thema door de eeuwen heen ondersteund, waarbij ze uiteraard de hoogtepunten opmerkten; de grote heiligen van Helfta in de middeleeuwen, de heiligen en leraren uit het zeventiende-eeuwse Frankrijk, met name de heilige Johannes Eudes, de ontwaking van de negentiende eeuw en vervolgens het hoogtepunt in onze tijd, met het formele onderricht van de pausen sinds Pius XII, de belofte van Fatima dat met de triomf van het Onbevlekt Hart over Rusland, Jezus wenst verheerlijkt te worden samen met zijn eigen Heilig Hart – en zoveel andere privé-openbaringen in de huidige tijd.
Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat we een verrijkte theologie van het hart binnen de Kerk mogen verwachten van een nauwe, diepgaande samensmelting van de Oosterse en Westerse tradities. Het is bekend dat het idee van vergoddelijking, van de mens geschapen naar het beeld van God, een fundamenteel onderdeel is van het denken van de Griekse Kerkvaders, met name die van de school van Alexandrië. In de theologische vernieuwing die voorafgaat aan de Christelijke eenheid waarnaar wij verlangen, moet er een serieuze bezinning plaatsvinden op het Hart van Jezus, God-mens, als middel en model voor vergoddelijking.
Er opent zich een immens perspectief voor ons in de Christelijke theologie. Johannes Paulus II heeft laten zien hoe zijn filosofie over de menselijke persoon, die in zekere mate beïnvloed is door zijn studies in de fenomenologie, geïntegreerd kan worden in de theologie van het hart. Op het symposium van Fatima waren de theologen het erover eens dat de vruchtbare synthese tot stand zal komen via het idee van de Heilige Geest. Er is hier een gevoel van diepgaande spirituele harmonie. Maar het veld is nog steeds open voor theologisch onderzoek en reflectie.
Het is intussen een bron van grote voldoening dat Vassula Rydén, woord voor woord geleid door Jezus, zich aansluit bij het gezelschap van theologen en spirituele schrijvers die zich inzetten voor de wedergeboorte en vergoddelijking van de mensheid door de bemiddeling van de twee Harten. Het is een eer om het ideaal dat zij met zo’n heldere intuïtie en moedige openhartigheid, met de welsprekendheid van eenvoud en soms aangrijpende woorden, naar voren brengt, te prijzen en op die manier te ondersteunen: het Ideaal dat Christus zelf is, de “Middelaar en de volheid van alle openbaring”, zoals Vaticanum II hem noemt, de Ene die het Middelpunt is van al het leven en van de hele schepping, want Hij is de Oorsprong, de Alfa en de Omega. In Hem zijn alle schatten van wijsheid en kennis verborgen (Kolossenzen 2:3); Hij is de eerstgeborene van heel de schepping… in Hem is alles geschapen (Kolossenzen 1:15,17). Aan Hem, met de Vader en de Heilige Geest, zij de glorie van alle schepselen voor altijd, door de bemiddeling van de Gezegende Maria Theotokos.
19 mei 1991 – Pinksterzondag
Fr. Michael O´Carroll CSSp
Fr. Michael O’Carroll, jarenlang spiritueel adviseur van Vassula, reisde veel met haar mee op haar missies om te spreken. Hij is een gerenommeerd theoloog en lid van de Pauselijke Mariale Academie. Begin 1997 gaf hij de volgende verklaring vrij nadat hij zijn reizende rol had moeten opgeven.
Ik wil dat mijn steun voor Vassula Rydén bekend wordt, zoals al blijkt uit de twee boeken die ik heb geschreven: ‘Vassula van de Passie van het Heilig Hart’ en ‘Drager van het Licht’ en een derde in voorbereiding: ‘Vassula: Apostel van de Heilige Drie-Eenheid’. Het is nauwelijks nodig om iets aan deze verklaring toe te voegen, maar ik wil duidelijk maken dat deze priester, die tot nu toe haar raadsman is geweest, wil dat elke luisteraar wordt verlost van elke verdenking of twijfel van welke aard dan ook over mijn geloof in de goddelijke oorsprong van de boodschappen die aan Vassula zijn gegeven.
Deze vraag is besproken en een bevestigende conclusie is ruimschoots uitgesproken door theologen over de hele wereld, in Noord- en Zuid-Amerika, zo ver weg als Japan, en door velen in Europa. En het verheugt me te kunnen zeggen dat ik het volledig eens ben met al diegenen die hun trouw, hun geloof in de boodschappen hebben uitgesproken, en dit aan de hoogst beschikbare autoriteit hebben laten weten, namelijk aan de Kardinaal-Prefect van de Congregatie van de Geloofsleer, Kardinaal Ratzinger, die uiteindelijk, nadat hem vele brieven waren gestuurd, een belangrijke verklaring heeft afgelegd aan onze vrienden in Guadalajara, die ons hebben verzekerd dat ze bereid zijn onder ede te getuigen wat hij tegen hen had gezegd, en ik citeer de essentiële woorden van zijn boodschap: “U kunt doorgaan met het promoten van haar geschriften…”.
Dit lijkt mij voldoende bewijs en ik wil mijn volledige aanvaarding van dit standpunt bevestigen, dat op geen enkele manier mijn gehechtheid aan de Heilige Stoel in gevaar brengt. Ik sta bekend als een verdediger van het pausdom.
Toen ik op 29 november 1995 de huidige Paus ontmoette, vroeg ik hem om een zegen voor Vassula. Ik had hem eerder mijn twee boeken over hemzelf aangeboden, één over zijn Poolse afkomst en één over zijn leven en leer, en ik verzekerde hem: “Ik ben je verdediger.” Hierop antwoordde hij: “Er zijn veel vijanden.”
Hij gaf me toen, op mijn verzoek, een zegening voor Vassula. Het is ook bekend dat toen hij wist dat er vertegenwoordigers van onze Spaanse vrienden bij hem op audiëntie waren op 11 augustus 1996, hij hen in het openbaar zijn bemoediging gaf, en hij vroeg hen om door te gaan met het getuigen van de liefde van God, zoals we weten dat zo mooi wordt uitgedrukt in de boodschappen.
Ik denk dat dit iedereen zou moeten geruststellen die misschien in de verleiding komt om te denken dat ik van mening ben veranderd over de boodschappen in Waar Leven in God.
Pater Michael O´Carroll CSSp,
2 januari 1997
Black Rock College
Dublin, Ierland
Fr. René Laurentin
Fr. René Laurentin staat bekend om zijn promotie van Medjugorje en om zijn onderzoek naar de wijdverspreide verschijningen van Onze Lieve Vrouw over de hele wereld in de afgelopen jaren. Hij heeft veel definitieve werken geschreven over het kerkelijk leven, het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie en mariale theologie. Het volgende is overgenomen uit ‘Wanneer God een Teken geeft’ (When God gives a Sign), een antwoord op bezwaren tegen Vassula en in 1993 gepubliceerd door Trinitas in de Verenigde Staten (zie de bronnen van de boeken).
Vassula is één van de meest evenwichtige en transparante zieners die ik ken. Ik zou zelfs geneigd zijn om te zeggen dat ze op een heel bevredigende manier normaler en evenwichtiger is dan de meeste anderen. Desondanks heeft ze meer tegenstand opgeroepen dan enig ander. Waarom? Is het omdat ze Orthodox is? Een vrouw? Hertrouwd? Is de omvang van haar invloed zo groot dat men vreest dat de vruchten van haar activiteit aanleiding geven tot vervolgingen door Satan? Het is moeilijk om de rol van elk van deze factoren en verschillende andere factoren te meten.
Vassula is Orthodox, dus er wordt aangenomen dat ze zeker een ketter is. De Orthodoxen zijn van de Katholieken gescheiden door een schisma, niet door een ketterij. Ze erkennen alle dogma’s van voor de scheiding van 1054. Dan blijven de Paus en de Onbevlekte Ontvangenis over. Deze laatste komt tot ons vanuit hun Oriëntaalse (Oosterse) traditie, maar wordt nu door de meesten verworpen vanwege de pauselijke definitie. Op deze twee punten houdt Vassula zich volledig aan de Katholieke doctrine, en dat creëert een probleem voor bepaalde Orthodoxen. Een Orthodoxe theoloog die was uitgenodigd om een voorwoord te schrijven voor haar boodschappen sloeg de uitnodiging af met de woorden: “Het is te Katholiek.” Vassula’s oecumene is niet minimaal; het is heel, volledig.
Nog een vooroordeel: Ze is een vrouw die over theologie spreekt. Dat wordt nog steeds niet door iedereen geaccepteerd. Ze is van Griekse afkomst. Ze komt uit een andere cultuur. Dat veroorzaakt onbegrip bij anderen.
Ze is gescheiden en hertrouwd. Dat lijkt het grootste probleem te zijn. In feite is haar huwelijkse staat vandaag perfect in orde. Ze is in de kerk getrouwd met een Protestant (1966) in een tijd dat ze geen religie praktiseerde. Na een burgerlijke scheiding (1980) hertrouwde ze op 13 juni 1981. Ze dacht toen dat het een Protestantse ceremonie was volgens de religie van haar man, maar in feite was het een burgerlijk huwelijk. Slechts een nominaal Christen, zonder contact met haar Orthodoxe Kerk, wist ze niet eens dat haar hertrouwen de bron van problemen kon zijn. Toen ze zich bij haar kerk meldde om haar huwelijk te regelen, leek de eerste priester met wie ze sprak niet eens te beseffen dat er een probleem was omdat het een gemengd huwelijk was. Maar ze stond erop, om echt in overeenstemming te zijn met de Orthodoxe wetgeving. Toen werd ze doorverwezen naar de priester die verantwoordelijk is voor huwelijksproblemen en hij was het die de zaak afhandelde volgens de “wet van de economie” die in haar kerk omgaat met gebroken huwelijken. Het huwelijk werd op 13 oktober 1990 voltrokken in de Grieks-Orthodoxe Kerk van Lausanne. Volgens het kerkelijk recht levert haar situatie dus geen problemen op.
Men zou kunnen vragen, maar waarom begon Christus niet met haar te vragen om deze zaak recht te zetten? Het is omdat hij haar geleidelijk heeft geleid, als een leraar, zoals hij dat sinds het Oude Testament heeft gedaan. Hij vroeg Abraham en de Aartsvaders niet om hun polygamie op te geven. Het was een tolerantie die geleidelijk verdween door de spirituele vooruitgang van de openbaring. Zo kwam Vassula geleidelijk weer in haar kerk terecht en nam ze de waarden van de Katholieke leer over, waaronder het Heilig Hart, de Paus en het Vagevuur.