October 25, 1991


I am;

bind me to You even more now
and keep me away from insults of men
because I live ecumenically.
Bind me to Your Heart
and when I walk let Your Light be my Guide.
When I lie down let Your Spirit watch over me
and when I wake up make my spirit talk to Your Spirit.
Let me act like You and court You.
Make my heart eager to seek You
so that I pay everything I vowed to You.

Remind us all, Lord, what You had given us.
You had given us One sturdy Holy Church
Filled with Your Holy Spirit
not an empty rubble,
You had given us One solid Staff,
not two or three or a heap of splinters,
where has all this gone?

Vassula, let Me tell you first: the insults of those who insult you fall on Me – so do not give up, carry My Cross of Unity from nation to nation and be My Echo to refresh the memories of My people; I am sending My Holy Spirit to remind them to adopt a mutual love that leads to peace and a mutual understanding; in My preliminary Messages about Unity I had asked you all to bend, but have I today anyone who is ready to listen to what My Spirit says?

– is there among you any good man left?
– is there anyone who really looks for Me?
– has anyone yet lowered his voice to hear Mine?

– who is the first righteous man among you who will decline and fade away so that My Presence be seen?

– who among you is ready to lower his head and allow My Head to be revealed?

– is there any generous man among you who will lower his voice and hear My supplicating prayer to the Father:

„Am I, Father,
to drink one more season
of the Cup of their division?
or will they at least unify the Feast of Easter
alleviating part of My pain and sorrow?

„will this reign of Darkness last much longer?
they have severed My Body
and have forgotten that it is My Head
which strengthens and holds the whole Body together;

„O Father! reconcile them,
and remind them that by My death on the Cross
I have given them My Peace;
give them the Spirit of Truth
in its fullness into their hearts,
and when they see their nakedness
they will understand;
forgive them, Father,
for they know not what they are doing;”

The Citadel of the proud shall fall
into a heap of dust, My Child; 1

their pride and glory will fall when My Spirit besieges them; – just wait and you shall see;

write: are you really listening? are you really listening to what I am saying? what I am saying to you means Peace, for My own and for My friends; they would understand if they, from today, renounce their folly;

for those who love Me without reserve, and who fear Me, My saving help is at hand’s reach, and the glory will then live in each one of you; Love and Loyalty can meet, Righteousness and Peace can embrace; Loyalty can reach up from earth for Righteousness always leaned from heaven; I have been bestowing you happiness, what has your soil given as harvest? Righteousness always preceded Me and Peace followed My Footsteps; am I to say the same for you? who will make up for the years of your division? solemnities and discourses do not interest Me; pretence and lip-service do not deceive Me either;

oh daughter, what I wish them to understand, especially those who live in My Wounds is that My sorrow is great, and the reason why I have put some things rather strongly, is to enable them to preach something of the Spirit and not of the letter; I want to fill their spirit with My Transcendent Light so that they see things with My Eyes and not with theirs; to see things with My Divine Light and not theirs;

I am known to be Faithful and Righteous and it does not mean because they lack fidelity and righteousness; I, too, will show them less Fidelity, Righteousness and Peace, and not come to rescue them; – even if all of them turn away from Me and from My Ways, I will remain Faithful and True; 2 My Spirit will be at work restoring Peace among brothers and through My Cross and My Wounds, I will unite you all in one single Body and have you glorify Me around

One Single Tabernacle

and the barrier which keeps you apart will be broken; the ban will be lifted3 and My Sacrificial Throne will be in its place;

come to Me as little children that I may open the eyes of your soul that you may see what Hope My Call holds for


bless Me, daughter; come;

I bless You, Lord.

„Bring forward the people that is blind, yet has eyes,
that is deaf and yet has ears.
Let all the nations muster
and assemble with every race.
Let men hear You so that they may say: 'It is true’.” 4

1 Here I had the impression the „Father” was answering.