Dialogue interreligieux

Allocution prononcée à une rencontre du Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha tenue au Monastère boudiste de Dharmarjika, le 23 février 2003.
by Vassula Rydén
Écrit par une moniale ermite vivant à Holywell, au Pays de Galles, au Royaume-Uni, qui examine "La Vraie Vie en Dieu" sur la base de ses études rabbiniques auxquelles elle a été amenée pendant de nombreuses années.

Vassula Gave this Speech as She Received Her Third Gold Peace Medal Award for Inter-Religious Harmony and Peace

February 2011 in Dhaka, Bangladesh where the Messages of True Life in God started

After speaking about the True Life in God Messsages to an Inter-religious Meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vassula was presented with Gold Award by the Buddhist community for propagating peace and inter-faith harmony

Vassula receives the "Atisha Dipankar & Visuddhananda Peace Gold Award" on February 23, 2003 in Bangladesh

An account of this 4-day trip where Vassula speaks to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Christians

Heads of various traditions, mainly voodoo, invited to hear Vassula speak at this meeting