Dialogue interreligieux
Discours interreligieux, par Vassula
Allocution prononcée à une rencontre du Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha tenue au Monastère boudiste de Dharmarjika, le 23 février 2003.
by Vassula Rydén
Reconnaissable comme étant juif
Écrit par une moniale ermite vivant à Holywell, au Pays de Galles, au Royaume-Uni, qui examine "La Vraie Vie en Dieu" sur la base de ses études rabbiniques auxquelles elle a été amenée pendant de nombreuses années.
Vassula’s Interreligious Speech Given at Inauguration Ceremony in Bangladesh, 2011
Vassula Gave this Speech as She Received Her Third Gold Peace Medal Award for Inter-Religious Harmony and Peace
Vassula Receives Her Third Gold Peace Medal Award for Inter-Religious Harmony and Peace
February 2011 in Dhaka, Bangladesh where the Messages of True Life in God started
A Unique Contribution to Inter-faith Dialogue: Vassula in Dhaka
After speaking about the True Life in God Messsages to an Inter-religious Meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vassula was presented with Gold Award by the Buddhist community for propagating peace and inter-faith harmony
The Peace Gold Award 2003
Vassula receives the "Atisha Dipankar & Visuddhananda Peace Gold Award" on February 23, 2003 in Bangladesh
Vassula in Bangladesh, 21-25 May 2002
An account of this 4-day trip where Vassula speaks to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Christians
Meeting in Benin, Africa with Voodoo Chiefs
Heads of various traditions, mainly voodoo, invited to hear Vassula speak at this meeting