June 19, 1995

peace be with you …. dress My Wounds with love in My Holy Spirit; seek always My Holy Spirit; come and learn:

to preserve your soul from any ill-dispositions and from temptations, ask My Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, to govern you in holiness and help you grow in grace and wisdom so that you, too, will not be carried away by the errors that are promulgated more and more in My Church;

ask My Holy Spirit of Knowledge that you may not fall into the distortions being made of My Word but that you may come to know Us1 as thrice Holy, and by knowing Us know yourself in Our Reflection, in Our Image; I am saying, „you too”, because many of whom I have raised have either slackened or have fallen …. they deserted My holy rules with which I had entrusted them; they failed Me because they gave in to their impulses …. they did not place Me as first, 2 they have placed their interests first, not Mine;

ask My Holy Spirit of Wisdom that you look for My Heavenly Vineyard so that your soul aspires for its fruit; come and entreat My Holy Spirit of Wisdom to visit you in your poverty; in your poverty He will not flee; He will befriend you and court you and in His pure emanation will make your spirit revolve only around heavenly things, asking Us3 for what is holy and imperishable;

My Holy Spirit of Wisdom will show you Our4 Kingdom, a Kingdom of piety reserved for the upright and holy; so do not be like those who break My Heart daily and grieve My Spirit without ceasing for becoming a constant rebel, a Cain without mercy; set your heart right and My Spirit of Wisdom will be your guide and director to lead you into Our Kingdom which has been prepared for you since the foundation of the world;

entreat and My Holy Spirit of Understanding will descend in your nothingness as a brilliant sun with healing rays in your eyes, and all things that seemed obscure and out of your reach will be unveiled; and in your nothingness My Spirit of Understanding will lead you into the mystery of the Divine Truth;

do not let My Spirit find you ill-disposed or unwilling; let Him enlighten your mind and in the contrast of your nothingness My Holy Spirit of Understanding will be Everything you lack; Companion and Friend, He will hide no mysteries from you, but will offer you teachings that no mind has understood, things beyond the mind of mankind, going into the impenetrable and into the imperishable, reaching the depths of God;

so do not be like the scholars and the philosophers of your time who justify their philosophy to the model of their own rationalistic spirit; flesh and blood cannot reveal what comes from the Spirit; I can offer you My Kingdom and My Spirit can lead your step into My Kingdom; come then and inherit what lasts for ever by allowing My Spirit of Understanding to enlighten your mind and your body with His Divine Light, allowing Him to animate your soul in the intimacy We5 desire of you in Us;

My sons, My daughters, come to Us in your silence to obtain the gifts We can offer you; thrice holy is Our Name; do not follow a philosophy based on man’s mind, for the viper will nest in you; come to Us instead and obtain the Gifts of the Spirit, who can transfigure your soul into Our Heaven; ask Us from your heart and you shall obtain; acknowledge Us in Our Trinitarian Holiness and you shall be called „Our child, Our Own”, for We shall make out of your soul a living portrait of Our Holiness, a visible image of the Invisible, an attraction to all the sacred things that have been declared to you for your salvation from the beginning of Time;

listen and understand: you want to be kin to the Holy Spirit of Counsel and make sure you will gain heaven? acknowledge Us in Our Trinitarian Holiness and you will be lifted by Our angels to discover Him-who-is; ask for counsel and you will be counselled to do good all the days of your life;

the Kingdom is prepared for you who do good; learn to repay evil with love; you know the Commandments and you also know that on the two greatest hang all the Law and the prophets; you do not have to be rich to enter into My Kingdom nor learned; My Kingdom is given to the poor in spirit and to those who call out: „God, be merciful to me, a sinner;” My Kingdom is given to mere children and to the lowly who know how to call out: „Abba!”

seek Me, your Lord, I am Love; seek Love all you, the humble of the earth, who obey My Commandments; ask for My Spirit of Counsel to make you desire integrity, humility, loyalty and goodness so that your step will not fail you and do wrong;

unfailingly, My Spirit of Counsel will make His Law known to you and counsel you, saying: „do not equal anyone to God; serve the cause of right; lift the oppressed; do no harm to anyone, but love and help one another; do not afflict or harass the widow or show harshness to the orphan; practise goodness and do not be like the villains and the wicked who ruin their souls by ruining the helpless; never rebel against your God but bow your head and bend your knee in His Holy Presence; never substitute His Perpetual Sacrifice, not even for all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour;”

be alert to those counsels and you shall fragrance, and your happiness will be like a river breaking into several rivulets, announcing and counselling others to seek the Kingdom of Heaven and the glory of Our Trinitarian Holiness which can adorn your spirit in Our Splendour for ever and ever;

– have I not strength to save? with one word I bless and save; so do not lie helpless; I can give you My Spirit of Fortitude; it is not only given to My angels but to you too; open your heart and listen; ask and it shall be given to you; I can make you preach My Word and My Tradition thrice blessed, to the utmost of your capacity by the power of My Spirit of Fortitude; happy are you who will obtain My Gift6 and through this Gift obtain strength to live in obedience of faith, in righteousness, joy and peace; so do not lie helpless and with fear; I tell you, do not fear the taunts of men nor be dismayed by their insults, for the moth shall eat them like garments, since from the beginning they have been in communion with the evil one; I will be your Strength and you shall no longer walk alone; I and you, you and I will bear, together, the crosses given to you for your sanctification;

My Spirit of Fortitude can clothe you in My Strength to bear witness to the Truth, the Alpha and the Omega, with zeal and courage; My Holy Spirit of Fortitude can help you overcome all the obstacles that come in your way that prevent you from reaching Me; in the power of My Spirit you will become like a warrior filled with courage and strength; fortified by His power you will fortify My Sanctuary against the enemy and against transgression; like the sun you will shine in Our Presence thrice Holy; like a fire your words will flare like a torch; like a sword that cuts and pierces, your prophecies will strike, dragging the kingdoms of the world down to destruction;

in the power of My Spirit you will obtain the inaccessible, you will attain the unattainable; every one of your achievements will show Our magnificence in Our Trinitarian Glory, so do not say: „where, where shall we find sufficient power and fortitude to glorify God?” My marvels lie in the Spirit, Invisible, yet visible through His powerful action, Inaccessible to the touch yet all around you and within you;

who can attempt to understand the way My Spirit moves? ask My Holy Spirit of Fortitude to grant you His radiant Strength for My Interests and I, I will pass on to you without reserve sufficient power to join in the battle of your times with Michael the Archangel, and combat evil and blasphemy, distortion of My Word and rebellion against all that is holy;

deign and ask Me to grant you the Spirit of Fortitude to enable you to reach out your hand to the cup I will offer you; these are the things you should ask before My Saints and Our Trinitarian Holiness; then you, too, will practise endurance in the battle of the Great Day7 to be the defender of the Truth, and bring all people to acknowledge Us as thrice Holy but One, in the unity of essence; and We will invite each one of them to enter into the mystery of the True Knowledge of Our Trinitarian Holiness by dressing them in grace and beauty and ceremonial vestments, Our richest clothes:

Divinity which emanates from Us, leading them into Eternal Life;

Light thrice Holy, glittering in their soul and body to live in Us for ever and ever;

Truth and Love, to know the True God thrice Holy;

Faith, victory over all the world, harvest of Eternal Life;

come, come you who say: „I cannot obtain redemption for I have not received the piety to enter into God’s Kingdom;” ask from your heart for the Gift of Piety and you shall obtain it; say:

„Holy Spirit, Giver of Life,
Holy Spirit, Thrice Holy,
grant me that I, too, may grow in love
to know God and obtain His Kingdom;

„grant me the Spirit of Piety
so that my spirit grows
in the principles of the Saints
and that my thoughts
turn into Your Thoughts,
my acts into Your Acts
which are all pure and divine;

„Holy Spirit of Piety,
Friend of God,
teach me to reach perfection
and control over every part of myself
which is so evil,
so that I may obtain Eternal Life;

„Spirit of Piety,
ever so beautifully dressed,
come to me and dress my spirit in purity
that I, too, may be pleasing in God’s Eyes;

„dress my soul with a living Spirit
to serve the Holy Trinity
with honour and grace;

„let me die to my principles,
let me die to my partiality,
my tepidity, my lethargy and my ambitions;
come and revive me into Your Purity;

„Supplier of the fruit of the Tree of Life,
Eternal Joy, grant me Your Spirit too
to be kin to the Holy Trinity
and an heir8 to Your Kingdom;
let my tongue taste what is most pure
in the Light of God thrice Holy
and consume the One who said:
'I am the Bread of Life;’

„Holy Spirit of Life, thrice Holy,
grant my spirit to attain perfections
in the Science of the Spirit of Piety;
to learn how to observe with fear
what is real Flesh and real Food,
what is real Blood and real Drink
so that I may live in the Father,
in the Son and in the Holy Spirit,
Trinitarian but One, in the unity of essence;

„make my soul work for Your intentions
which are holy and redemptive,
most pleasing in Your Eyes;
by entering my soul, Your Spirit of Piety
will turn me into a devout and fervent servant;

„Starlight of my soul,
pass on to me the piety of your Saints
to keep Your Laws holy
and graciously show Yourself to my wretched soul
to remind me that incorruptibility
will bring me near the Trinitarian God
Most Powerful and Most Holy,
hence nothing impure will be able
to find its way in me,
amen;” ic;

the Spirit of Piety will lead you to become:

– a delight of the Delight of the Father,

– a fragrance of myrrh in My Presence,

– a lily of My garden;

– a boast9 to My angels;

– a festival of joy permanently in My Heart, and a copy of Myself;

you will only have to will and I will lift your pitiable soul! I do not lack means to show My Power or My Sovereignty;

come and seek Me in simplicity of the heart, do not remain in debt to your sin, ask for forgiveness and I shall forgive you; ask for the Spirit of Fear to discipline you into keeping My Name Holy;

let My Spirit robe you with honour and reverence – a gift and a rare treasure, a sign of loving faithfulness – learn to bow your head low so that I may be seen, learn to lower your voice so that you may begin to hear My Voice and discover My intentions, My desires and My Will; learn to raise your voice only in praise for My Glorious Presence; learn to raise your head only in search of Me and of what is heavenly …. many influential men have been put low, for they have neither honoured Me nor shown Me any reverence;

you want to know what „the Fear of the Lord” means? the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, the Fear of the Lord is the crown of Wisdom; it is he who receives Me graciously, acknowledging Us as Thrice Holy with reverence, faithfulness and honour; to Fear Me is to humble yourself in Our Presence, pleading with Me to forgive you so that I make out of you an everlasting altar on which I would place all My Knowledge, My Precepts and My Law;

I will place on your Holy Fear My confidence, My treasures, with learned sayings revealing My mysteries and My secrets; I will show you the mysteries of My Heart, those hidden treasures in your Holy Fear, and you will learn then that I am God in whom you can obtain Everlasting Life, Everlasting Joy and Peace; you will learn from My Spirit of Fear that submissiveness seduces Me; stern as it might appear, it is The Opening for Me to enter in your heart and do My Will;

I will receive your submission with your Holy Fear as one receives a royal crown of splendour and We, the Trinitarian God, for Our part, will dress you in Our invincible Holiness so that any trace of lawlessness remaining in you will dissipate from you like morning mist; born and renewed by My Spirit, you who in My grief had ceased to be, will once more be; many of the dead will look at you, uncomprehending, that you, once dead but now alive behave as We would have you behave, sagaciously and with Holy Fear;

learn that the Lord of All offers grace and mercy for those who fear Him and fear His Name; I will get My honour, if you praise My Name thrice Holy, everywhere you go; and that incense10 offered to Me from your heart in My Name is like a pure offering to Me; it is time to seek for this gift of My Spirit of Fear

– weapon for combating rebellion
– element to prevent you from falling, and sceptre of My Kingdom

– stoop down to Me and I will lift you lovingly; lower yourself so that in My Mercy My arms lift you; like someone who lifts an infant close against his cheek will I lift you, caress you and love you and I will never part with you;

in these days and in your times I am confronted by the guilt of those who strike Me and the wickedness of those who practise deceit; „do not commit this abomination which the prophet Daniel spoke of”, I say, but your steps persistently follow Deceit; your era is challenging My Power;

very well then, since your intentions, generation, are to trample on My Perpetual Sacrifice and abolish It, I tell you: I shall do to you what I have done to Sodom and Gomorrah but one hundred times more, to equal your sins; – you see those ten Towers you have built for yourselves as Lodges? well, you will never live in them, your empire will crumble down together with you; and those precious stones you have treasured? you will never possess them, for I am going to pass through you to remind you that from the Beginning My Name, thrice Holy, was to be honoured and kept Holy and that your due to Me was to fear Me;

– come, you who still err in this wilderness, undecided and weak! come and ask for these seven gifts of My Holy Spirit and I, the Author of heaven and earth, Word and God, will lavish you with My gifts; I will offer you, to save you, My seven gifts; to prosper you into a delightful vineyard I will teach you temperance and prudence, justice and fortitude;

come to Me, I who am thrice Holy; come, and with the power of My Breath I will turn you into an untarnished mirror to reflect on you and in you: Our Divinity, and you will live in Us thrice Holy, for ever and ever;

soul! 11 exposed now to the injustice of the world, obtain Our Peace and Love; with you I Am; are you still willing to work for peace, unity and love?

I am willing to work for peace, unity and love, yes.

be observant then of My rules …. be patient and remember, remember what I had endured; be content with what I have already given you and do not seek for more; continue to be conscientious in your work;

in the beginning of My Message I said: „dress My Wounds with your love,” I am wounded beyond recognition; lift your eyes in heaven and you will see My angels weeping …. ah, generation, you are fanning My Father’s wrath, you are fanning His wrath which will light up and burst into flames and when it does, He will come to you as a devouring flame of fire and burn you into ashes together with your iniquity and your rebellion with all the evil disguised today as good;

alas for you, you who are disguised as servants of righteousness12 serving in My Church but are none other than counterfeit servants, serving the rules of the Beast, I tell you: unless you repent, you will draw upon you My Father’s wrath and end up in flames too; you are displeased with the one who sits on Peter’s Chair and who reminds you constantly to keep My rules holy, since they are sacred; you are displeased at his calls of ecclesia’s Tradition and of living daily a Eucharistic life; you are anguished when it comes to approaching the Eastern Church with the Western Church and perform unity!

faithless and perverted generation! how much longer must I put up with your rebellion? but I tell you: whatever you fear will come true; whatever you dread will be realised; My Church will unite in the end and will be One and My Prayer to the Father will be fulfilled; will you now still persist in your evil designs? one day, servants of the Beast, together with the False Prophet, alias the second Beast, you will bear the weight of your faults, and they will be as grave as Death;

today still, in secrecy, you13 are aiming at Peter’s Chair, using your people whom you placed on high seats to masquerade the Truth with liberalism and the lot; you are plundering My sacred Law and devouring it, to eliminate My Tradition; this is why My Father will strip you of everything you own, setting aflame your ten Towers and laying their foundation bare; all your precious stones will be shattered and yourself consumed by fire; unless I hear from you your cry of repentance I will execute all these things in a very short time; ecclesia will revive!

– flower, I am with you and before you I stand and bless you; every effort, every step forward, done for unity is blessed thrice from the Father, Myself and the Holy Spirit; let this be known and tell everyone to work and pray for unity; and if anyone comes to you and asks what would please Me most, say to them:

„the feast of the kingdom of God is at hand; therefore, be ready to address your prayers to God for the salvation of strayed souls; gather together and pray that ecclesia will be one; pray with conviction and God will hear you; there is no one who has prayed, sacrificed and fasted for the sake of the kingdom of God who has not been heard or given repayment a hundred times over in his present time and in the world to come; also that he has not inherited Eternal Life;”

give them that word and ask them to remember My words in Scriptures: 14 „a man’s words flow out of what fills his heart; a good man draws good things from his store of goodness; a bad man draws bad things from his store of badness; so I tell you this, that for every unfounded word men utter they will answer on Judgement day, since it is by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words condemned;”

– display My Holiness and be eager to serve Me as now; I love you, I, your Master but Friend as well and your Beloved of your heart! have My Peace and blessings

– this is all for now; I Am is with you, come, we, us? Jesus is My Name, keep it holy;

1 The Most Holy Trinity.

2 I also understood: they did not place love as first.

3 Holy Trinity.

4 Holy Trinity.

5 The plural form represents the Holy Trinity.

6 Holy Spirit of Fortitude.

8 Could be heiress too.

9 In the sense of being glorified.

10 It means: prayers.

11 God turned suddenly to me and addressed me.

12 The Cains of today: the apostates who spread errors; those who want to abolish the Perpetual Sacrifice; those who contradict the Pope for wanting the keep the Tradition of the Church as in the Primitive Church; and those who combat Unity.

13 The Beast and his followers.