Tuesday, May 21, 2002 2:02 PM
Teaching TLIG to young people
In a mailing sent to this list on May 16 (Meetings, prayer groups, discussion /forum/forum505.html ), a lady raised the topic of introducing and teaching the TLIG messages to children and young people.
Cheri Gillespie here sends another contribution. In support of her ideas, the TLIG discussion list has now been given a special section, named ‘Teaching TLIG to young people’. Anyone is free to contribute to the message board which can be found at:
I had an idea that came to me at 3 o’clock in the morning and won’t leave me. I remember Vassula saying something about it is time for the TLIG family to begin evangelising. We can’t all go out and give talks or arrange meetings, but we often have something we can contribute. Most people today are busy people and are intimidated at the idea of big projects but if a big project is arranged in a way where people can contribute a little or as much as they can, then it could work.
I raised the topic in the discussion list – of evangelising children and how it would be good to have a resource reflecting the teachings of the TLIG messages at the child’s understanding level. There are many teachings in the TLIG messages and just quickly here are some:
* the united hearts of Jesus and Mary
* What is being holy?
* What is metanoia?
* The Holy Spirit.
* Mary, her queenship , our mother, mediatrix etc.
* How Jesus loves his bride the church.
There are so many lessons! But who has time to gather information, organise it and present it? The discussion list could be used to gather information, ideas, little stories that explain a teaching, reference quotes in TLIG and the Holy Bible from members who want to contribute. The resources required can be gathered in a time effective way and members in the discussion list could watch it growing. If someone can draw they could scan their drawings and e-mail them in.
When enough material is obtained the information on topics can be edited, refined and approved. It would be intergrated into a catechetical teaching program perhaps with this allocation:
AGES 4 -7 : Colouring pages with simple commentary based on a theme or
lesson, with a short,simple quotation from TLIG messages or the Holy
Bible to frame the lesson. The child’s interaction is encouraged by
art, prayer and discussion.
AGES 7-12: Lessons with a more detailed commentary or explanation.
Quotes from TLIG or the Gospels that explain the teaching. Children
respond by drawing, solving word puzzles, and answering questions that
encourage personal reflection and prayer.
TEENAGER – ADULT: A more indepth commentary based on a theme with a
corresponding reading from TLIG accompanying. It could have some
thought provoking questions with space at the bottom for the personal
thoughts of the individual, leading into prayer.
These lessons could be copyrighted, printed and made available on-line for download. The TLIG family would be able to use them for the purposes of spreading the TLIG messages in particular to the young. They could be used as a lead up to a prayer meeting to help the kids participate more meaningfully.
The topics are only a suggestion as a starting point. Perhaps you may wish to begin with different topics and other members may have other topics to add. Just ask, how would I explain this to my 6 year old, or my teenager? etc. Perhaps I am being unrealistic to have such a big idea but one thing is for sure – if we dont try we get nowhere. I thought if you liked the idea you may want to set up a section of the discussion list with some topic headings for members to begin posting info.
God Bless
Cheri Gillespie