[  embedvideo  align=center  youtube=vomUbzRYOIM caption=’Caption of the video’  width=’80%’ ]
The shortcode informations must be inserted inside brackets []
embedvideo:  This is the name of the shortcut.
youtube: the youtube 
caption: text of the caption..
align: «left«, «center» or «right«. The default value is «center»
width: the new width. It can be a percentage (ex: 80%) or pixels (ex: 250) The default value is «100%»
[ embedvideo align=center youtube=vomUbzRYOIM caption=’Center 80% wide’ width=80%]
Center 80% wide
[ embedvideo align=center youtube=vomUbzRYOIM caption=’Center 500 pixels wide’ width=500]
Center 5oo pixels wide
[ embedvideo align=left youtube=vomUbzRYOIM caption=’Left 30% wide’ width=30%]
Left 30% wide
[ embedvideo align=right youtube=vomUbzRYOIM caption=’Right 20% wide’ width=20%]
Right 20% wide