Vassula’s witness in 3 Mexican cities
Mexico City – Guadalajara – Monterrey
October 18-27, 2012
Exactly one year ago, one member of the TLIG Mexican prayer groups was inspired to invite Vassula to Mexico. During a prayer, while opening the Messages at random, they received a confirmation for this invitation from Jesus. Blessed be His name! The Lord wanted His Prophet to return to Mexico for the seventh time. The preparation of the event began. For the glory of God, the TLIG prayer groups from the three cities worked together to prepare for this visit in unity and love.
MEXICO CITY 18-22 October 2012
Vassula’s mission in Mexico began with her departure from the Athens airport, on October 18, 2012, at 4 o’clock in the morning. We arrived at the Mexico City airport at 8 o’clock pm., and were greeted with love and a warm hugs by our beloved friends, readers, organizers and translators of Vassula’s meetings in Mexico City, Hilda, Julieta, Patrick, Alejandra and Bruno. On our way to the hotel, Hilda mentioned Vassula’s previous witnessings in Mexico, noting that it had been the beginning of Patrick, Bruno and Julietta’s conversions. Since then, as apostles of God, they have a flame inside them, and want to spread the message of True Life in God in Mexico.
The next day, Friday, October 19th, at midday, Vassula was interviewed at the National Radio-TV Station-Formula for 15 minutes by Maxine Woodside, in her program “All for women”, one of the most famous TV-RADIO Programs not only in Mexico City, but in the whole country. Hilda accompanied Vassula in all her witnessings and interviews in Mexico and interpreted from English to Spanish. Maxine presented Vassula as a mystic, a woman who receives messages from God and bears witness to the world. Vassula talked about the beginning of her experience with God and the messages. Maxine had interviewed Vassula during her previous meetings in Mexico and her joy was evident when she welcomed Vassula again on her program. At the end of the program, Maxine announced Vassula’s upcoming meetings in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey, and thanked Vassula for the short interview.
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Later in the afternoon, Vassula was interviewed by Roberto O’Farril on his program “Freedom to Believe”, on Channel 34, in Metepec, State of Mexico. This was also a very popular TV program in Mexico. For the interview was also invited the Mariologist, Luis Eduardo Lopez Padilla to defend Vassula against the negative comments by saying: “I am here not to defend Vassula, because men always fail, but to defend and honor the message of Jesus Christ who is speaking through Vassula Ryden.”
“I Am the author of True Life in God and I shall prove it by appearing in your place; it is My Father’s gift to you and to others;” TLIG, 20-10-1994.
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The program lasted one hour, and at the end, Roberto O’Farril announced Vassula’s meetings in the 3 Mexican cities, thanked her for coming to his program and sharing with him 27 years experience with God. After the transmission of the program, the call center of the TV station received many “thank you” calls for the wonderful emission, for letting them know more about the End of Times and asking where they could find the TLIG Books.
The next day, Saturday, October 20th, we had lunch at Hilda’s house with her family and some of the organizers of Vassula’s meeting in Mexico City and Monterrey, who at the same time are also witnesses, translators, or readers who carry out all matters relating TLIG in Mexico. As Vassula told them, the only thing that is missing from them are wings.
As it always happens at Vassula’s meetings this time was no exception as the organizers, as well as all of us went through intense stress and anxiety, as the tlig books had arrived in Mexico City from Guadalajara, but as it was late Saturday and the offices were closed, they would remain there until Monday morning. The meeting was the next day, on Saturday morning, and evangelization without books is not evangelization…it is disaster! With God’s help and through the ability of Julieta, who managed to communicate with the general manager of the postal company, the problem was solved the same day. What a relief! After that, we enjoyed our gathering.
Everyone was happy that Vassula had accepted the invitation of the TLIG Association of Mexico and now she was there, among them. Every time there are obstacles to the work of God, I can see how strongly we are intimidated by stress, anxiety and fear, how little our faith and our abandonment is to Him, thus forgetting that God is our strength, and that He never abandoned us. Without Him we would never manage…
Public meeting at Centro Banamex – Sunday 21 October
The attendance had begun early at the Centro Banamex. At the entrance of the hall were tables with Spanish books, DVDs, and copies of Vassula’s paintings for the public. A couple on the stage with a guitar and two great voices along with the participation of the audience praised God, creating an atmosphere of joy and spiritual reflection. A few minutes before her speech, Vassula, responded to the desire of the organizers, about 20 people, to bless each one, and took this opportunity to thank them for their time to organize the event saying that what they did is for the glory of God. She added saying that with the power of Christ they have to work and spread like fragrance His message in Mexico City.
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In the Hall were about 1000 people, when Patrick Duchemin, reader and active witness of Tlig, presented and invited Vassula to the podium to give her testimony. On both sides of the podium were 2 big screens so that everyone could watch. Vassula accompanied by Hilda who translated into Spanish, ascended the podium and greeted the attendees, thanking them for coming to hear the words of Jesus. Then she asked them to pray the Lord’s Prayer. Vassula, before starting her speech asked how many in the audience are aware of and have read the messages of True Life in God. The majority of the audience did not know nor had read the messages. For this reason, Vassula talked about the beginning of her experience with her guardian angel and later with Jesus. Her testimony lasted long, and the interest of the attendees was great as Vassula continued unfolding the message, along with a number of events that occurred during the last 27 years. Among many subjects of True Life in God, Vassula explained very profound spiritual matters, speaking the simple language of God:
…Why does God manifest Himself; why does He give us these messages? … Apostasy means that baptized Christians voluntarily reject God and His Sacraments. … When Daniel’s prophesy will be fulfilled, this will be the End of Times. … The first commandment of God is Love, and Love is a gift from the Holy Spirit. … God the Father forgives us when we forgive others and asks from us to eliminate our ego in order to forgive others.
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When Vassula testifies, the spirit of God is upon her and the Lord is glorified through her mouth. God’s teachings open a broad highway so that many will be able to walk in it, for Jesus is determined to revive and bring us out of our lethargy. Jesus says in a message: I have raised you to be My witness and through your mouth heal the broken hearts, raise the death and be a menace to My enemy. I will continue to engrave with My Finger My Love Hymn. TLIG, June 22, 1994
Vassula, closing her witnessing said: “The reading of the messages is a progressive teaching that helps us to better understand the Bible, to approach Jesus Christ and became more intimate with Him.” Then she asked the people to stand up and repeat after her the prayer of «Repentance and Deliverance» given by Jesus Christ on November 13, 2006.
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Many books, DVDs and copies of Vassula’s paintings were sold. For the first time in Mexico City, Vassula’s testimony was broadcasted live on TLIG radio via internet, and we hope to repeat it for her other meetings worldwide, so people will be able to hear her presentation live, wherever they are.
After her speech, Vassula met with the prayer group and Mexico City’s TLIG organizers, thanking them for the very good preparation of the meeting and making some suggestions to remind them that our priority is to spread the messages to as many people out there that have neither heard them nor read them.
The next day Monday, October 22nd, we visited the Church of Our Lady of Guadeloupe with our friends. The yard was full of people who had come from different Mexican cities, and the church was filled with the faithful attending the liturgy. We thanked the Mother of God and prayed for Vassula’s next meetings in Mexico. When leaving the church, Hilda was informed by a phone call, that her son suddenly got sick and had to go to hospital. This happened the day just after Vassula’s successful meeting in Mexico City. It was another attack on Hilda; however, after prayers from TLIG friends worldwide had a happy ending, since the little child stayed in the hospital only one night before going back into the arms of his parents.
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The next day, Tuesday, October 23rd, we thanked our good friends for what they had