October 15, 2006
Hamilton, Ontario is an old, industrial city of Canada with its main industry being the production of steel. In many ways it resembles my hometown of Buffalo, New York also once a steel producing city but now whose day of steelmaking has long passed. I was first brought to this city 30 years ago when I was first dating my wife Roberta.
Coming to Hamilton was a necessity for me once I heard that Vassula was making a cross-country tour of Canada for 2006. I know that I was called to be here to help provide a conference from the start, but how I would accomplish this mission and who I would meet to help me in this endeavor was a big question. Without contacts in Hamilton there would be no way of making this possible and the time for arranging the conference was growing short as plans had to come together by March to be placed on the schedule. Fortunately the Lord had a plan and I received contact information to a TLIG member who had relocated to Hamilton from Toronto several years before. My first meeting with Hamiltonian Peter Boushy in February was very fruitful. We instantly found the common thread of the messages that would remain a bond. Peter is a family man with two young boys and a loving wife Leona. He is a very dedicated reader of TLIG messages. Peter was the instrument that the Lord would work through to provide the necessary arrangements to make the Hamilton, Ontario conference possible. His enthusiasm and zeal for the messages provided good company for our meetings. Peter introduced me to Father Jozef Mucha and Bishop Roman Danyluk who would provide the liturgy for Sunday morning service on October 15, 2006. The series of meetings we had over many months were very productive and progressed smoothly.
Soon we had at our meetings a group of 7 people who would be all instrumental in support of our mission. One particular Hamiltonian, Glen Soares, came on board in the late spring and provided much support and enthusiasm. He was instrumental in notifying the Diocese of Hamilton and clergy of Vassula’s coming. Glen’s knowledge of Vassula’s mission and travels was important. He put together an impressive pictorial album of Vassula’s meetings with clergy and a wonderful power-point presentation that all future TLIG conferences could use and benefit from. The Lord provided me with 2 courageous young men that made the work load light and provided our group with determination.
All this energy was needed to overcome the obstacles of communicating our mission to the public. We were all aware of the culture of apostasy that now covers the earth and we were aware of the opposition that Vassula’s coming would bring with it. The skepticism and the sneers one receives from the general public and even the clergy are disheartening. The opposition of unbelievers to hear the messages of TLIG can have a debilitating effect on one if he is not strong in his faith. This reminds me of the TLIG message of April 4th 1997:
Our world is full of a spiritual deafness that has reached epic proportions and is deaf to the plans of the Holy Spirit. I have learned that, in order to overcome this hostility, we must be good stewards of prayer and meditate on the TLIG messages. It will be hard to survive one’s faith journey through this world without God’s abundant graces that are being poured out on us through these messages.
The day of the conference was difficult for me because I had to leave my home town which had just been declared a National Disaster area by the president of the United States. On October 13, 2006 Buffalo, New York was hit with 24 inches of wet snow and most of its citizens were without power, telephone and many other necessities. Knowing my responsibilities were 70 miles away in Hamilton for that weekend, I had to leave my flooded basement and scurry off for a conference I had been preparing for months.
The morning of the 15th of October, my partners, helpers and I scrambled to set up the Serbian Hall where the venue was to be held. This meant setting up chairs, book-tables, stage props, video projectors and audio equipment at 7:00 am for a conference that started at 12:30. All this commotion provided for a temporary distraction that kept us from looking at the moment in a mystical way. I was not prepared for the wonderful gift that was to come from a beautiful Liturgy with the surprise visit from Bishop Roman Danylak who would con-celebrate Mass with Father Jozef Mucho and Father Mellose of the Slovakian Catholic Church. This was a delight as the Bishop gave a sermon on the Eucharistic miracles of our era. After the Liturgy, Vassula was invited to partake in having her picture taken with the Bishop and Priests. Bishop Danylak stayed for the conference which was attended by approximately 300 inspired guests.
Vassula’s opening remarks were of her 17 year journey of traveling throughout the world and transmitting the messages of TLIG. Jesus tells her to remain a «nothing» so that he may be able to show his power. Jesus tells her that anyone attending the conference was brought there by Him and not by her. This is the reason why she must travel, to bring more souls to Jesus.
Vassula shared her experience of the «day of the Lord» and her transformation from a non-believer to her present day mission of distributing the messages of TLIG. The mini-judgment that she experienced is the key to conversion and the key component of this phenomena is repentance and the soul’s transformation from darkness to the light. Many people have lost the feeling of sin. We have discarded this aspect of our life for the cult of positivism. Our culture’s rejection of self-denial is supposedly being used to protect one’s ego and one’s pride. This has resulted in many people falling away from the Lord and the denial of his 10 commandments. In turn this has led to the spirit of rebellion in the Church that continues to this day. Without repentance and humility, we, as a world, are being led away from Christ and are finding ourselves in the biblical era of the apostasy and the «End Times». This rejection of God’s love has led us directly to the natural catastrophes of the present day. It is our own wickedness that has drawn the wrath of God upon us. The Lord’s mercy is as great as His severity but unless we reconcile with God and repent, we cannot hope to reach Him. Time is short and we are asked to reconcile with God before His mercy is exhausted.
Vassula talked about the intimacy of God and building a relationship with the Lord. She says to be simple of heart with the Lord and to die to one’s ego to create that purity and humility of heart. She discussed the aspect of unceasing prayer which is the yearning for God all day long. April 4th, 1997 TLIG message:
«and to you, whom I opened your ear to hear Me and become My pupil, I tell you: do not fear, long for Me as never before so that it becomes your sweet intoxication, since it will be sweeter than wine; pursue Me, so that in the end you will find the Knowledge of God and His Wisdom, wholeheartedly desire Me, just like an orphan desires his parents, desire Me with all your heart; delight in nothing else on earth nor in heaven except in Our Triune Presence, let your joy lie in being close to Us who have espoused you to Our Holiness for Our Glory but also for your sanctification
This is something we can do in our spiritual thought process. Love is the entry-key into heaven and we must be able to extend that love to one another. We will be judged by how much we have loved each other and how we extended that love to the Lord. Love and repentance is the key to appeasing God’s wrath.
Vassula says we are all seeds from God and must make our hearts fertile ground for the Lord to enter. God can dwell within us if we make room for the Holy Spirit. God is now pouring out His Holy Spirit and calling out to His apostles to rise up and spread the sweetness of the Lord. The Lord is combating this evil generation by pouring out His Spirit. Vassula says that the second Pentecost is now upon us and we can only receive Him if we are humble of heart. Not knowing God amounts to knowing nothing in this world.
Vassula went on to discuss the critics of the messages with some saying that these messages are not needed since we have Scripture. The response to this question is found on November 13, 2001. Jesus says, «I solemnly ask everyone: what have you done with Scriptures? Scriptures are a mirror that reflect Me; how is it, if you say you know the Scriptures, you do not recognize My speech? how is it you so easily contradict the truth? I tell you, if you do not recognize Me in My sayings now, it is simply that you do not know nor understand the Scriptures that are a key of the Holy Spirit;
if some of you say: «we do not need this prophetic revelation, we are not obliged to listen to it or read it because Scriptures are enough for us and we can learn all knowledge from them;» I ask you in your incredulity: «do you know why you do not believe and do you know why you are so indifferent and determined to close your heart? do you know why you do not seek anything beyond it?» it is because you have not the Holy Spirit who could have risen you from darkness into His Light enlightening your soul to see the Son together with the Father manifesting Themselves to you; the Holy Spirit would have breathed in you a resurrection breath invigorating you, giving you life in Me; can a soul who is dead understand Scriptures and put them into practice if he is not alive?
if you would have understood the Scriptures that are as a mirror, reflecting My Image, you would not have said: «Scriptures are enough for me;» no, My friend, Scriptures are not enough if you do not possess the Holy Spirit; it is through the Light of the Holy Spirit that Revelation can be understood and all that seemed then impenetrable mysteries in Scriptures, and sealed, would become knowable and clear because the key of knowledge would be given to you by the Spirit
yet, I tell you truly: anyone who has willingly accepted Me, even now when I am speaking, is blessed, because through Me he receives knowledge and Wisdom in such a prodigious way that it is as though he has read all of the Scriptures! he himself will be like a loud book bearing within himself the divine inspirations one obtains through grace; then, My daughter, when he reads Scriptures he would see, not only the words, but, as you have experienced, Vassula, he would see the deep spiritual meaning of its context with his spiritual eye (November 13, 2001)
Now let us all go forward to do the same.
Your obedient Servant in Christ, David Cesar