November 25, 1994
My Lord!
I Am;
lean on Me …. peace, My child; listen and understand: depend on My massive power and in My Infinite Mercy; preach the way I preached to you; follow the heart of the Law; 1 I will remind you of everything that has to be said;
(Then Christ gave this message for France.)
in these days I have taken sackcloth to manifest My grief, have you not noticed how I have taken the desert in search of My eldest daughter? 2 today if I have taken the desert in search of you it is so that I test the genuineness of your name, as you were the first chosen, to expand My Love;
I shall never forget how you were My pride and My boast and of how obedient you had been; what has happened to the utter zeal you had then? I was once appealing to your heart; how could you have forgotten all the graces you obtained from Me, only yesterday? you are heiress, Daughter-of-My-Church, to My Kingdom; I have come to you, to revive your devotion to My Sacred Heart, through a promise; 3 Gift-from-My-Father! once guardian of My Interests, do not compel Me to say: “My Property has been given4 away and administrators have filled her, instead of allowing My Spirit to keep His seat, My seat is being ruled now by flesh;” come back to Me and set your heart right again; repent and acknowledge your sin in the Presence of My Father and I will respond to your cry of repentance;