August 3, 2016
I Am; dear soul, very few pray in your generation, fewer too are those who come and repent; some of your friends keep asking you, “will Yahweh, our Father, still not relent? will He still bring down upon us a chastisement of fire?”
I have been taking action here and now by pouring on this generation like never before in history, My Holy Spirit, My Holy Spirit of Grace, to revive you in My Calling; to remind you of your true foundations; I have given peoples around the world visions of My Glory, and that I Am who I Am; I have been asking from everyone acts of reparation, I have been asking for sacrificial love, but very few, have answered Me; very few;
I look from above and watch how so many are withering away like trees that have not been watered properly; I see this land turning into a wilderness, drying up, and the beautiful trees that I had planted in the past covered with green foliage and with abundant fruit, nourishing everyone, are now lying in waste; I hear harsh voices crying out with rage: “God has no power over us,” while at the same time, never admitting their misery, never seeing that their branches are drying out, cracking out more than parchment; one would think that this alone would bring them to admit and understand that they are self-destroying themselves with their vanity and to decide to step down from the heights they placed themselves on, admitting that without Me, there is no Life; but no, the devil infests them and pushes them to be more eager than ever to continue their rebellion against Me;
I am here, giving you signs, Vassula, to restore all of you; I am sending your Holy Mother to you, to re-educate you and teach you the fundamental things of My Law, reminding you all that you are not alone, and that your life here on earth is but a shadow that will not last forever; you only die once, and after that comes judgment; am I to cut down those dried up trees? lopping off their branches? or burn them down? or will My Hand uproot them from the ground?
cut them down and lop off their branches, then they might have a chance to grow again but with You Yourself watering them…
dear soul, whom I love so dearly, for the sake of those who love Me, and for the sake for those souls who never ceased being thirsty for Me, I will cut them down and lop off their branches, then with Heavenly dew will I water them, and the ones that were once hewing a tomb for themselves in disgrace, My Presence will save them;
hear Me: I am known to be Merciful and known to look on your misery and wretchedness; but I want that this generation proves itself to Me by showing Me their willingness and I will forgive them and will fill their table and be their All;
have you not read: ‘the Eyes of the Lord watch over those who love Him, He is their powerful protection and their strong support, their screen from the desert wind, their shelter from the midday sun, a guard against stumbling, an assurance against a fall; He revives the spirit and brightens the eyes, He gives healing, life and blessing;’1 guard yourselves from temptation; you will ask, ‘how am I to guard myself from temptation? like everyone else, I am a mortal man, weak in my spirit,’ My answer to that is to be in constant prayer, praying without ceasing, by desiring Me, thirsting for Me and longing for Me;’ this is My reply:
learn to love,
to love is your entry key to Heaven;
loving Me brings you to pray without ceasing;
a return of love brings My Kingdom on earth,
prodigies from the sky and peace on all its inhabitants;
an equality of love conquers Death;
love never dies,
love gets you to know Me, your God, and acknowledge Me as the Most High;
since all of you are so loved by Me and so precious in My Eyes, you too should love one another since My Spirit dwells in each one of you; some of you live in fear, why? if your love perfects itself, then there can be no fear in you, because to fear means you are guilty of your misgivings and thus fear My wrath, My fire and My Judgment; cleanse yourselves from sin, and allow My Spirit to be your delight, your Holy Companion, the Lamp at your feet, the One and only that will make you win My Friendship; My Words, dear soul, are for you, so that you may learn and avoid your soul to transgress; the Holy Spirit has been given to each person, and for a good purpose too; it is He who gives you true Knowledge, pervading and permeating all things;
feeble generation, worn out by sin, governing the world into chaos, come and resolve to change your life; do not say that the Light of Justice has never approached you or avoided you or ignored you; would you want Me to believe that your hope is like chaff carried on the wind? like fine spray driven by the gale out at sea? listen, generation, there is still time, and I am able to relent totally, were you to admit your guilt and repent, therefore, no man can say, that I, God, cannot relent, what man indeed can know My intentions, playing God?
today, I tell you, that all those who have found shelter in Me and withstood fearsome devils, and remained loyal to Me, will be as a light shining in this dark world to lead many to Me with the Cross in one hand and the Rosary in the other; they will be the pillar of light, the contrast to the darkness; therefore, My child, tell this generation, as you witness in their assemblies, that I, God, your Father, who am your Creator, laid aside My Crown, and before My angels, leapt down from the Heavens, from My Royal Throne into the hearts of a doomed generation, estranged from My Word, to remind them that I fathered them, and that they are the bone of My Bone, the flesh of My Flesh, and if their hope is void, their achievements unprofitable, their life listless and unhappy, it is because they have deserted Me;
Vassula, look at My people and feel sorry for their fate; many of them do not comprehend nor does it enter their head that these End of Times, are special Times of Grace and Mercy that awaits every single one on earth; pray for the sinners, pray for those who have clearly strayed away from the Truth; tell them, remind them that everyone like a shadow will pass away from this earth; scarcely born, you will cease to be, but your soul will never pass away; I love you all;