February – April, 2003
(The Holy Spirit speaks:)
peace be with you; behold, the Bridegroom stoops over you to sing His Ode as well to you and communicate words of Life; I am the Spirit of Truth who issues from the Father and sent by the Son, Jesus Christ; We are one Substance and one Power and one Knowledge and since We are one God alone We converse and give knowledge in the same manner and in the same terms; this great knowledge is transmitted to you filled with love;
what is Eternal Life? Eternal Life is to know Us in Our Triune Glory; therefore, if you are wavering, not knowing what I mean, I offer you My Hand and once you take it I will offer you through Grace Life in Us; receive My precious help for this will prepare you to espouse Me and be forever in My Divine Presence; I will then be the ineffable Parousia in your heart because I am the inner power within you;
I said I will offer you Life through Grace; what is Grace? it is like a lustrous light that shows you how to share in the Divine Life; Our Triune Holiness and Mercy perfume the whole cosmos; My sweetest Ode will be sung to you to lift your spirit to adorn it in a matrimonial robe; this is Our graceful aim: that you give yourself and will to Us and that We give Ourself to you to enable you to know Us and love Us as We love Ourself; then and only then will your spirit be revolving around heavenly realities and angelic virtues…
I am descending in this majestic manner, Vassula, in the way you have seen Me, with sovereignty and full of grace, 1 with royal splendour and inexpressible beauty to join Myself to you;
I saw someone like the Son of man;
a formidable figure so perfect in grace
that only God can possess that grace;
His so perfectly beautiful movement
while descending some steps of a Palace, left me in awe;
I knew it could only be a Palace
because of their beauty and their dazzling surface;
this glorious divine Being was vested with, what seemed,
a heavy robe that extended over His Feet;
as once before I saw the Father,
the robe of this divine Being
whom I knew was the Holy Spirit,
had almost the same robe of the Father,
because the robe shone as though it was covered with precious stones;
the Father’s robe though was an unidentified colour,
but this one was like diamonds that had a projector of light on them;
part of His very long robe was falling
well over the lower step partly on the left side
since the left Foot was on the lower step already;
to describe God is impossible,
one will always fall short of words…
to explore God is madness in itself!
to express the ultimate Source of All, would be delirium!
how can one elaborate a concept of what is given
in a vision of such inexpressible splendour?
without grace and a full revelation given from God Himself,
what is unseen by the eye will remain always unseen and well hidden;
but today, in our days,
it so pleases God to give us all the assurance
as He had given His disciples then and His apostles,
of the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit;
the Holy Spirit of Grace that will show us
the path of virtues that lead souls
into the Mystical union with the Bridegroom;
I am, My beloved, the Spirit of holiness giving to each one of you a variety of gifts, these are the jewels of heaven, the treasures that are distributed freely to sanctify My temples; everything that is distributed, is distributed by grace through Me; I have not descended2 to inflict punishment on anyone of you, but instead I come through this noble Ode to wed you, and as a bridegroom who lavishes his bride with jewels, I am offering you to adorn you with My Divine gifts for our matrimonial ceremony;
I am not moved by eloquence of words or affected by their utterance, but I delight in a contrite heart; so you who seek Me come and learn: if you do not test Me3 but come to Me with simplicity of heart, then I, like a river, will flow in you; I will teach you how to cultivate intimacy with Us; with sweetness and tenderness I will instruct you, schooling you to walk with Us and to be meek to My lights and movements; and as you have seen Me, Vassula, in the vision, My Sovereignty is inexpressible and My Splendour surpasses human understanding;
ah Vassula, do not let Me hear from you again, ‘of what purpose do I serve…’ 4 I have, with My Breath animated your lifeless members! continue to perform good deeds in every manner and do not fear; We had asked you to devote your life for others and so you have; with delight We have trained you and educated you to have Us as the principle of your life and since then We have shown you that you no longer belong to yourself but to the One who robed you with His Light, moving you in Me, inhaling in Me;
whenever you cried out to Me: “I am slipping,” have I not supported you? have I not consoled you? I said that when you will be planted in the House of Yahweh you will flourish in His Courts and that you will have free access to go in and out in Our Courts, while your body will be moving among men your heart and mind will be enraptured in the luminous light of heaven; if anyone, 5 Vassula, lifts his eyebrow to you and narrows his eyes and asks you: “what do you mean when you say, we too can possess God? this cannot be done, nor said;” I tell you, unless one has experienced the Divine Presence in his heart, the radiance and the Luminous Light of My presence within him, he will never know nor comprehend what is sealed and hidden, for it is through Me that those mysteries are revealed; the door of Wisdom will only open to a contrite heart and to those who in spite of their impoverished soul will fulfil the Commandments; in these souls will I reveal Myself;
My Lord, ever so graceful,
unique in Your beauty, manifold and subtle,
ever so active in those who possess You or who call upon You;
incisive and unsullied, more resplendent than the sun,
outshining all the constellations put together,
uncomparable to any light,
You deploy Your fragrance around the entire universe;
in Your ardour and Love,
wonders and signs are one of Your so many precious gifts,
given to fortify Your temples, embellishing Your brides,
so that this generation, dearer to You than anything existing,
might receive the Kingdom within them
and that is Christ Himself;
anyone who contemplates You, O Holy Bridegroom,
will definitively be charmed and seized
by Your incomparable beauty and grace;
to know and to have met intimately
the Author of Beauty, the Author of All,
is to be already in Him;
I ask You in Your Great Love You have for us
to approach all those who have not yet experienced You
so that they may not be estranged from Your Divinity;
deign to take form in each one of us
so that when being in Your Light,
we might be englobed and one in Your Light…
My intention in this noble Ode is to draw everyone in My radiant Light and receive the fullness of Christ; you have learnt that freedom is to be found in Me: freedom from flesh, in order to be deified and be called sons and daughters of the Most High; freedom in Me who will raise you in the delights and joys of heaven to receive the blessedness that is there for you since the beginning of your foundations and at all time;
My Ode to you, generation, will be sung to you so that you drink it and inebriate your soul because My Words will be sweeter than wine; and you in your turn, inebriated, will praise My Love above wine, declaring to My angels:
“how right it is to love Him! His appearance is unparalleled, His conversation is sweetness itself; His Lips moist with grace; in majesty and splendour He utters His Word, stirring my heart with His noble theme; of all divine beings6 He is the most desirable, the most handsome; and now, like a river which is rushing to irrigate the land after having been kept back by a wall, 7 I desire Him to flow in me and irrigate my thirst; I still consider myself spiritually dead and in this death I drew in the tomb together with me any virtue that might have been worthlessly inside me since Your Light was not within me; O Lamp of our soul, come! bring me back to Life and I will praise You night and day!”
and I will respond to your plea and remind you that flesh and blood cannot inherit Our Kingdom, for what is perishable cannot inherit what lasts for ever; do not worry, I will heal your guilt since you desire it and I will flow in you as a river, refreshing your aridity and sterility; your abandonment to Me is the only way together with your repentance I could transfigure your mind to have the mind of Christ and discover Our Will; to penetrate God’s motives or understand His methods without Me being in you is impossible, but I can open the door to knowledge through My transcendent Light in you, for I, the formless One, will take form in your spirit; as a resplendent Sun I will array My Light in you and revive what is dead, filling you with virtues;
I am altogether a reflection of the Eternal Light and My Magnificence is magnified in all creation; and as I transcend I can fill all things with My radiance without being contained by their limits; I have the power to give you a true resurrection and join you in Us, to live a true life in Our Triune Holiness; therefore, for My part, I am delighted and rejoice to sing to you this Ode of Truth, this Ode as My wedding song…
in Me were born the saints and martyrs; all souls to which I am joined become brides as well, for in My intimate relationship I have with them I become their Bridegroom each day of their life; and so it will be with you if you will be enamoured of Us; voluntarily you will thrust yourself in Me and savour the fullness of My Divine Love;
from your birth I was eager to possess you and while I was seeing you grow I was, in secret, already celebrating our betrothals; I would have flown to you at your first sign of repentance and before you would be finishing your repentance I would cry out pounding My Royal Sceptre:
and would brand your forehead with My fiery baptismal kiss fragrancing all the universe; this would be a fore-sign of our matrimonial celebration, and I would offer you as a gift of My Love to you a crown made of the most fragrant flowers; each of its petals representing a virtue; only then would you be able to say: “I see…” and truly mean it;
have you not read that everything that is perfect, everything that is good for distribution comes down from the Father of Lights and I am the distributor of all these heavenly gifts? today I am descending together with the Father and the Son as three Witnesses; God the Father is Spirit8 in that He sends Me, the Spirit of Truth, to be with you for ever and lead you to the complete Truth; the Word of God, Light and Saviour and who existed since the beginning, who is nearest to the Father’s Heart, has witnessed and made the Father known to you; indeed, you have been bought and paid for with His Own Blood; the Word of God is alive and active and testifies on earth as I and the Father testify; the Holy One who bought His Church with His Own Blood testifies with His Blood and I, the Holy Spirit of Truth, testify with Water; 9 therefore, We are three Witnesses and all three of Us agree as We are One God alone, with one Will, one Power and one Dominion;
and now if you ask what is the aim of Our Odes and Our reason; My answer to you is the following: We descend from heaven all the way to your room to offer you the gift of Our Love; like drops of pure myrrh We leave Our Words drop on you to anoint you and bless you; it is from Our compassion that We wish to re-educate you and save you and renew you in Me; We want to re-educate you to be justified by grace and become gods by participation to inherit Eternal Life;
I am giving Myself to you graciously and the freer you will give yourself to Me the more you will receive of Me; I will then imbed you in Me like a royal gem unveiling to you many of My mysteries, as I will be your Bridegroom; in your desire to possess Me you will cleave to your Bridegroom’s Bosom and you will be radiant in His Light, and through Me you will be able to say: “I know God and understand Him…”
I allow everyone to approach Me and seize Me; for each one of you, I have prepared a fragranced path; this path that leads you into the Nuptial Chamber; do not be surprised of My glorious manifestation to you, but instead rejoice and allow Me to place the unction of My Love on you and hallow you, making a saint out of you; I am here to stir up your love for the Father, the Son and for Me, and as the Father and the Son said, I too say the same: the flow of My Word is sweeter than nectar and when I speak I do not use any rigid formulations; this is not the way I raise saints and martyrs or witnesses; to be perseverant and strong I give them My Spirit of fortitude and of piety, just as the Archangels Michael and Raphael who are predominant in strength and valiant Warriors of Justice, observing through My Light every aspect of human behaviour…
to make the flowers appear on the earth and free the prisoners, My converse is sweeter than the honeycomb, sweeter than wine; virtue and religion were always in My dialogue with you all; I am the only One who could give you the hidden treasures, the secret hoards, so by inheriting Me is sweeter than the honeycomb; with oil of gladness I approach you to hymn to you melodious Odes arraying the whole universe with My sound; I do not come to you with sword by My side, but with everlasting Love because you are very precious in My Eyes;
here I am to unite your soul in Our Love; am I to leave your soul as a desert forever? or am I here to be your Lamp and anoint you? I am against all pride and arrogance, against all that is haughty and disgrace, against all the lofty speakers, against the apostate; if you are one of these, how will your spirit learn the mysteries of God? see now how I grant you the Spirit of Grace to sow in you My celestial seeds to germinate in you an Eden? sowing within you a variation of seeds10 that will sprout into different incense-bearing trees and various plants?
I will be like a watercourse running into a garden for I intend to irrigate My celestial seeds sown in you and embellish My flower beds and beds of spices; then with joy I can say: “the fig-tree is forming its first figs and the blossoming vines give out their fragrance; the incense-bearing trees give out their scent of myrrh and aloes; come then, My love, My lovely one, come; show Me your face, let Me hear your voice sing to Me; let Me see your crown burst into flower,” and I in My turn will allow you to unveil My Holy Face on our matrimonial bed; the One whom you were seeking passionately has taken form now inside you;
blessed are those who fervently seek Me and find Me falling into My Embrace, they shall be transfigured and I will fill them with ineffable joy! blessed are those who could possess Me, I will invade them entirely with My Lustrous Light enriching them with Divine treasures; then you too will desire a nuptial union with Our Deity, with Us;
knowing God enflames the soul, desiring nothing else but to be with God and sing to Him, becoming a theme of praise, a verse of the Psalms, a diadem, an altar to the Altar, an ivory tower, a field of lilies, amazing even the Angels; then My beloved, your shoots will form an orchard and will blossom; you will be like a garden enclosed by My Arms, in My Embrace a sealed fountain and I then can say: I have access now in My garden, a wide passage of grace which I possess entirely, and before the dawn-wind rises, before anyone makes a move, before the shadows flee, I will go to the mountain of myrrh, to the hills of incense-bearing trees and to My beds of spices and delight in an unparalleled way;
on this wedding day I will shroud My beloved in the radiance of heaven with the angelic virtues but with the glory of Myself as well; and My beloved will praise Me, singing:
“once I was dead, but now You have given me life and I have come into being; not only have You put the dry bones together, connecting the joints together, but You have breathed in this lifeless body Your resurrection Breath vivifying me; and in my lifeless members You have placed in them the Sun of justice, sharing in Your ineffable Light, becoming light myself; when in the very beginning11 I opened the door of my heart to my Beloved, He had turned His back and gone! My soul failed at His flight; 12 I failed to understand, until I cried out after Him to return and wash me clean from all my impurities and breathe in me His Fragrance; I asked my Beloved to come to His domain and garden to enliven all that has withered and turn it into an Eden; so My Beloved came back from His flight and restored what was dead; He breathed over my garden, to spread its sweet smell around; and now I can dare say to Him:
let my Beloved come into His garden,
let Him taste its rarest fruits, 13
for they are purely angelic;
let Him come now and gather
His myrrh and His balsam, it is all His;
I am now His enclosed garden
for His Majesty alone…”
and I, for My part, will build inner piety within you, My beloved; I will enclose My garden and encircle it with My Arms, I will embrace it in this way; Divine Knowledge will then be instructed to you, My bride, by Holy Wisdom to enable you to be one day at My service and at the service of others as well;
and now, My bride, I will give Myself totally to you and sate your soul with Divine tenderness; although sometimes you will feel My radiance of Light unbearable, as though you would be ablaze, your mind and your entire being will be inflamed and one with My Flame; from thereon you will be My possession and I will be your possession, I will be holding you fast, nor will I let you go, and you in your turn, you will be holding Me fast, nor will you let Me go; heart for Heart, love for Love; triumph for Me after My long assailings of My Love; dead to your passions but alive in Me; perfected in Me and allowed now to rule with Me;
then I will sit with you and trace out for you your apostolate work you will do for Me; after all, this is the purpose of our spiritual Espousals; I and you will become associates to orientate the Church14 into the perfect Love; live and delight in Me, ceaselessly singing your love themes to Me and I will be ceaselessly hymning My Odes of Love to you…
O Holy Spirit,
Treasure of the saints, apostles, and martyrs,
the moment Your creation would be exalted with Divine Love,
they would cry out to You: “Kyrie eleisson, Kyrie eleisson,”
and You in Your turn will tell them:
“because you have embraced Me,
My ray of Light now shines in the centre of your heart;”
now I can clearly say:
“I need not be afraid of the gravedigger any more,
I need not call the tomb I laid in: ‘my bridegroom’
and to the worm: ‘my brother and sister;’
today I praise my Lord
and call Life: ‘my Bridegroom; my Brother and my Sister;’
and now that I have found Him whom my heart loves
I will hold Him fast, nor will I ever let Him go;
now that I seized my Love, now that I possess Him
I will pull away His veil from His Holy Face;”
O fearful mystery!
Your Majesty has anointed me with oil of gladness
hushing down my rivals;
O how beautiful You are,
of all Angels You are the most handsome!
You are All…
the desire for You is piercing,
the love and thirst of You is wounding
and never satisfying; 15
You wounded me in the Nuptial Chamber,
the moment You asked me to lift Your veil…
but then what does that matter to me, Lord,
I possess You, the Almighty God,
and have You well rooted in the centre of my heart…
(Jesus spoke again:)
ah, My Vassula, the very moon would have lacked its brightness and the stars would have lost their brilliance had you ever refused My invitation; 16 My bride, My myrrh and aloes, lean on My Heart, repose your head on Me17 now; it was I who asked you once to give Me your right hand and so you did; I used it and still will use it in an ineffable manner to write Our Theme of Love; open your hand; 18 I shall never abandon you… ever… be blessed; ecclesia shall revive;
(These Odes were finished on April 30, 2003.)