December 6, 1989

My Lord, teach me, if it pleases You, to be patient, like Job was patient and clung on You.

depend on Me, I shall teach you My own patience;

My Lord, if it is Your wish, infuse in me courage, just like Your disciples.

My flower, I shall remind you how I endured My Cross, disregarding the shamefulness of It; then you will not give up for want of courage; you are guided by My Spirit; My aim is to bring atheism to its end;

ah My child! not many will listen to My Voice because your generation lacks humility; each time I approached My children through weak instruments, My own, many of My own, muffle down My Voice; daughter, their prudence becomes imprudence since they do not recognise the fruits of My Divine Works and refuse to believe, but as I have said before, they do not believe because they are no sheep of Mine; the sheep that belong to Me listen to My Voice, I know them and they know Me and follow Me; so in their case these prophecies are being fulfilled:

„At the end of time, there are going to be people who sneer at religion and follow nothing but their own desires for wickedness; these unspiritual and selfish people are nothing but mischief-makers;” 1 and „you are reputed to be alive and yet are dead”; „wake up,” I tell you, „revive what little you have left: it is dying fast”; 2

not only are they dead but in their fall they want to deprive My children from eating My Heavenly Bread too; they are forgetting that I rule over them and that I confer My Spirit of Grace on whom I please and raise the lowest of mankind; in their wickedness they shut the door at My Face; resentful to My angels, they abolish all hopes from this generation; they treat My Holy Spirit of Grace no better than the Pharisees treated Me on earth;

My Vassula, beloved of My Soul, courage; let Me tell you this: I have placed you all3 on My Path to share My Cross of Peace and Love;

Lord, what about 'x’?

he too is a victim of My Love, a victim of My Soul, a victim of Love’s jealous love, rejoice! for already you feel My anguishes of Gethsemane, 4 but have faith in Me and trust Me for I am near you to share My Cross with you till the end; I and you, My beloved ones, you and I; together we shall strive and I tell you, mountains can be shaken and valleys transformed, but My Love shall never ever fail you; My Love for you is unshakeable and My Faithfulness unalterable, see?

lean on Me and I shall rest your soul, but allow Me too to ask you for rest when My Soul is weary; allow Me to unburden My Cross on your shoulders to rest; I, the Lord, shall remind you of My Presence;

peace upon you; yearn for Me; Love loves you; love Me;

evangelise with love for Love;

1 Jude 1:18-19.
3 All those who one way or another participate in the diffusing of these messages.
4 This is referred to 'x’.