Retraites internationales

Terre Sainte 2020
Our theme for this Holy Land retreat in January was “The Meditation and Study of the True Life in God Messages” and to experience Christ’s life by journeying into the very same places that hold His footsteps.

Rhodes 2012 – “Guérison intérieure et délivrance”
Fill me with healing power of Your Spirit May Your life-giving powers flow into every cell of my body and into the depths of my soul.

Rhodes 2010 – “Se protéger contre Satan, les démons et les esprits mauvais”

Rome 2010 – Retraite d’Evangélisation
Retraite puissante sous la conduite de fr. Otfried afin de revitaliser l’évangélisation en Europe

Mexique 2009
True Life in God Retreat in Monterrey, Mexico. January 2009

Retraite Brésilienne 2008
True Life in God South American TLIG Retreat and Evangelization in Brazil, 31 March – 6 April 2008

Barcelone 2006 – “Prodige, bénédiction et témoignage”
4th Iberoamerican Ecumenical Retreat, 12th – 17th May 2006, Begues (Barcelona), Spain