In a message, Jesus warns us of the danger of disunity in our associations:
I promise that anyone who decides to do good, giving Me honour and will make peace with Me and neighbour, he will obtain peace and will come to realize that in their weakness and in their sleep they were led astray, I want no more trouble from anybody; nor should anyone delude himself into thinking he is righteous, I repeat My warning, do not delude yourselves into thinking you are righteous; when one works or had decided to work for Me they should follow Me in My Foot-prints bearing My Cross wholeheartedly and with honour and joy; when this is done with goodwill they will be properly rewarded for all the work that had been doing well in My Name;

no one is anyone’s master* I am the only Master; I urge them to repent and turn to Me and prove to Me their goodwill;

consult Me anytime Vassula, and I shall answer you; I bless you, cling to Hope; courage daughter; ic

January 20, 1999

(This whole message deals with quarrels in associations)
(* In other words Jesus means that there should be no one in a group who works for God who becomes a dictator, ordering others around and ‘filtering’ everything)


What exactly are the TLIG Associations and how do the ‘members’ of the Associations function? The TLIG associations are created by people from the TLIG prayer groups to deal with legal and tax matters associated with book sales and fundraising for Beth Myriam. Sometimes also with collecting money for supporting evangelization activities. In order to sell something or to collect donations for Beth Myriam you have to deal with legal and tax issues.

This is one of the reasons in some countries there are legal entities set up to deal with legal and tax issues. In order to set up a legal non profit organization – usually a Board of Directors and a President and Vice President are required to put in their signatures, BUT, these should never act in the name’s role! Never. These titles are only for the administering legal and tax issues, and that is the only scope of their formal activity. The title they have as ‘president’ and ‘co-president’, gives them no authority over other people but it is simply a title connected with legal and tax matters pertaining to the country they are in.

The danger of course for all of those that signed as ‘president’ is the temptation to usurp authority, where there is no authority, lording it over everyone. And this is a very tricky business!!! Whoever has acted in that way, was asked to step down. Making a structure of authority and revoting themselves as ‘presidents’, shows that they have not understood or ignored the several messages I have sent explaining this problem while I did it under Jesus’ authority. Setting statutes, rules and playing an unauthorized role, is unacceptable!

Now, here I repeat myself: how do the TLIG Associations function? Take an example of the Greek Association. Although signatures were done as president and vice president, these two people never acted on the power of their signature. They work with all the other volunteers. If someone is inspired e.g. to propose a retreat, they call each other and gather in a place, talk and discuss the matter altogther and decide altogether how to prepare it and where to prepare it. One, or two or three people say they will do the research, and another time others propose to do the research. About books, someone a volunteer does a research to find a publisher, but others also join to help this work. Again together. All activities are done together without waiting a yes or a no from the person who signed as ‘president.’ Because he or she, has no authority and no say on the name. If there are disagreements about how to move forward on something, they discuss. No one goes and asks to consult the ‘president’ since this title is only for the paper signed. The one who signed to be the treasurer will check and do his role. This letter I am writing, is only to clear up the problem of ‘presidents’ who still act on their name with authority. If there is a conflict anywhere in our associations we have to see a red flag.

How can we evangelize anybody if we ourselves are not an example of harmony and unity? It takes real sincere effort to live a True Life in God. It is hard – it is not the broad easy way… for it means we have to die to ourselves, and live more out of selflessness, in other words: crucify our flesh.

In volunteer organizations often times the strong personalities rise to the top. Natural leaders arise in all small groups. The problem is, having leadership that follows the example of Jesus. This is foot washing! Higher serves the lower. It means you have to do more work and sometimes sacrifice more. Sacrificing your personal ideas about something. We strive to never work for rewards or benefits – we work for love and with love. All of us fall short, all of us make mistakes for all of us are imperfect! TLIG must not have leaders. It means that you must not Lord it over others and become a dictator. It means we all have to sort things out together and strive to be of one mind – in fact a lot like the early church.

You want to serve? Volunteer for a Beth Myriam. You want to work for unity? Join a prayer group and organize new ones. You want to evangelize the messages – make a book sale table (see

Book Table Project

We are all accountable to Christ, each other, the church and the mission. All the volunteers and working groups need to help each other and call on each other for help. Working together in humility and love has no complete rule book.

The focus of all work in TLIG is TEAM WORK. That is our protection along with prayer.

In TLIG we have no titles. We cooperate and work together in a spirit of love and humility in the different areas of the TLIG apostolate. These areas include: Unity: anything we do for unity, the primary mission of TLIG pleases Jesus a lot. This includes participating in the TLIG pilgrimages where unity is practiced and praying for unity in the ecumenical prayer groups of TLIG.

Does this mean the group of people within one of these legal structures cannot do anything but administer tax and legal issues?

No it does not mean that, absolutely not. But the correct attitude of these structures is not that they are in charge of TLIG activities but rather how can they help. A Jesus style organization can never be made on paper or by decree. Jesus gives us our freedom. The TLIG associations are FREE associations of people gathered in prayer, humility, love and cooperation. And out of the degree to which these individuals practice the beautiful spirituality of True Life in God, they will continue to blossom and flourish around the world serving God and the church.

In Christ