TLIG Radio News: November and December

Australia and The Solomon Islands
Dear listeners, you are listening to tligradio and here is the news from Vassula‘s mission in Australia and Solomon Islands in May 2014.
On May 14, 2014 Vassula and Athanasios visited the Solomon Islands, Honiara. At the airport the islanders prepared a ceremonial reception with folk dancers dressed in the traditional outfits. Afterward Vassula was ushered quickly to the office of Mr. Gordon Darcey Lilo, the Prime Minister where they both exchanged welcoming gifts. During their 30 minute discussion they spoke about the recent disasters that had happened in the country, as well as the Unity of the Church and the TLIG Messages.
Vassula told his Excellency that God had not forgotten his country. The Prime Minister pointed out that the Solomon Islands is a Christian country with God fearing people and said: “Please pray for Solomon Islands and let our people know what God wants for us and His Divine Instructions for our country”. In honor of Vassula’s visit, a journalist from the official Solomon Star News, present that day, displayed on the front page of the newspaper, a large photo with the caption: “Female prophet here to preach”.
On May 15, 2014 interviews with the media and news people were organised at the Mendana Hotel conference room at 10:30am. One of the reporters asked why there is so much poverty and misery in their country? Vassula answered that once while she was in Bangladesh, God gave her insight to understand that all the miseries can be solved by prayer. Vassula spoke of her desire for TLIG to open a Beth Myriam in the Solomon Islands with the help of the Australian Association. Some questions were about her “Heaven is Real But So is Hell” book. One of the reporters commented on the fact that the Solomon Islands are a Christian country, so why does it need to be converted? Vassula replied: “We can always be converted more, there are no limits in conversion. We continue to climb the ladder. The Messages help us to get to know God better and get closer to Him.”
In the afternoon they visited the Office of His Excellency Reverend David Vunagi, Anglican Archbishop of Melanesia. A very pleasant discussion followed on the Unity of the Church, a topic highly favoured by the Archbishop.
In the evening Vassula spoke in a large outdoor meeting hall to more than 3,000 joyful attendees. A youth choir sang inspiring hymns and praises to the Lord. The first rows were filled up with young children, around 6-8 years of age. They too were very attentive and stayed quiet the whole time, listening to Vassula who captivated the audience. Rain started to pour down on the tin roof making a lot of noise, but all of this seemed natural and nobody was disturbed. She spoke about why God comes in this way through the Messages, and about intimacy, repentance and Unity.
Dear listeners, thank you for listening to tligradio news. More information about Vassula‘s mission in the Solomon Islands will be in forthcoming news bulletins.
On May 16, Vassula had a meeting with the clergy from different Churches, and educational representatives of the Soloman Islands. It was the first ecumenical meeting to take place on the Islands. His Excellency, Archbishop David Vunagi, had personally invited all the guests and he gave the opening talk. Vassula then also gave a talk to the assembled clergy. After saying a few words about the beginning of her mission, she focused especially on the problems which members of all the churches around the world bring up with regard to unity. She explained simply that Jesus is asking for us all to unite in humility and love: the keys to Unity in diversity. Vassula mentioned that the way to achieve this unity is through prayer.
While continuing on the theme of Unity, she related a story about the time she was asked to speak to a group, but did not know that they were a group of Voodoo Chiefs. At the end of the meeting, one of the chiefs had respectfully said to her; “You have a lot of courage to speak to us!” He’d then asked her whether they also have the Holy Spirit. She’d replied that those with the virtues of respect, charity and kindness, do have the Holy Spirit.
After her talk, a barrage of questions was posed by the clerics present. Everyone was excited with the answers Vassula gave and at the same time surprised that Unity can be achieved so simply. Vassula ended her talk by speaking about the TLiG Pilgrimages; they are unity in action and this unity is a unity in diversity: a tangible unity.
When closing the meeting, the representative of the Community of the Christian Churches of the Solomon Islands revealed that the Churches there were not working together but instead were squabbling amongst themselves. This event had brought them together and opened their eyes to the importance of Unity amongst them. The Message was truly poignant for them. He also expressed the desire of all the Christian representatives present, to help with the setting up of the Beth Myriam in their locality. This ecumenical meeting was a true blessing, leaving everyone wanting to know more about the True Life in God Messages.
After this beautiful experience in the Solomon Islands, Vassula’s mission to these faraway lands was completed.
TLIG group in Greece.
On September 7th and on October 19th, two tlig events were hosted in a local Athens theatre. In September, a video of the talk that Vassula had given in 1997 in Abington in the UK was featured in order to help people learn more about the TLIG mission. In this video, Vassula talks about the ways that we can get to know God and how the Messages can help us understand the Holy Scriptures better. She also provides answers to a number of questions relating to spirituality as taught to us in the TLIG Messages. The video is available on youtube and is entitled “Vassula in Abington”.