People from over 40 countries have been attending TLIG pilgrimages since 1997. We are getting better and better at these non-profit trips held solely for the benefit of the participants. Without exception all TLIG pilgrimages have been safe and successful. The worst thing that ever happened was flu on our 2000 trip – but we learned to not schedule the trips in flu season !!! Did you know on previous pilgrimages we have had clergy from over 14 Christian Denominations ? The spiritual experience of living Unity on a True life in God pilgrimage is something to cherish for a lifetime.

This years pilgrimage is particularly important. For the first time TLIG will go to the exact spot where Jesus appeared to Saul and he fell from his horse. This is where Saul became Paul. Now everyone who reads True Life in God knows, Jesus says his return is soon. And that Vassula asked him; « whose soon – your soon or our soon ? ». Jesus replied; « YOUR SOON ».

TLIG readers and clergy from many countries will be going to the exact spot where Jesus appeared to St Paul! Is this a accident ?… a coincidence ? We know it is no coincidence as Vassula always takes her inspiration from above on where TLIG has a pilgrimage.

Pray about – if YOU want to BE THERE ! Pray and decide soon and I mean in this case also « your soon » . Limited places are left. See the link below to register or find out more.