Novena for Priests

27 November 1998 23:50

Mary Zore forwards this novena for Priests:

I am sharing this novena prayer for Priests which invokes the intercession of St. John Vianney, Patron Saint of Parish Priests. I know Jesus asks us to pray for Priests, and certainly we can see how much they need these prayers. So for all the tired Priests, the discouraged Priests, holy Priests who are images of Christ in our lives, as well as Priests who are being mislead and misleading others, we humbly offer our prayers. Lord please come to rescue all your Sacardontal Souls , carry them in your Sacred Heart and may their hearts be made like unto Yours, O Priest and King, Amen.(do all 5 prayers for 9 days)

Novena to John Vianney, Cur D’Ars for Priests 1st Prayer
Dear St. John Vianney, Cur’DArs, speak to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ask her to intercede for us to her Beloved Son. Grant that all priests be given insight into the souls of those in their charge. Give them perseverance and fortitude to match their priestly duties. Keep them safe from the wickedness of the world. Amen HAIL MARY….

2nd Prayer Dear St. John Vianney, Cur’D’Ars, touch the priests of the world with a great zeal for souls. Draw them close to the Divine Heart of Jesus so inflamed with love for mankind. Give them grace to discern which is best for each soul they touch. Give them peace of mind and heart. Amen. HAIL MARY…. 3rd Prayer

Dear St. John Vianney, Cur’D’Ars, ask Jesus to give all priests a great love of poverty so they can become rich in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as you were. We ask this in the Name of Jesus, most Holy and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen HAIL MARY….

4rth Prayer Dear St. John Vianney, Cur’D’Ars, intercede on behalf of all priests. Help them persevere in a life that is holy, respecting their vows, and above all, doing penance for the conversion of their flock. We ask this with humility. Touch the Immaculate Heart of Mary with our plea. Amen HAIL MARY…. 5th Prayer

Dear St. John Vianney, Cur’D’ Ars, be attentive to the needs of your brother priests. Intercede on behalf of all priests and beg Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that your brothers be given the greatest gift of all, the gift of love. Amen