Friday, May 31, 2002 7:40 PM
Inter-religious pilgrimage of True Life in God
If you would like to receive these forum messages in French, please reply to this mailing.
Currently, we have more clergy who would like to join this year’s pilgrimage in Egypt than we are able to fund. If you would like to contribute to the fund which is financing many of the clergy you can make a contribution at the website at /egypt.html Please simply put ‘Clergy’ in the 2 places indicated for the registrant and country. Alternatively, please reply to this email.
If you are able and would like to fund the full cost of a place for a priest, you may choose the priest or the country you would prefer to sponsor.
Vassula has indicated that the title of the pilgrimage will now be: « Inter-religious pilgrimage of True Life in God »
There are still places available on the pilgrimage and participation is now open to all. Please reply to this mailing for further details.