Booklet and videos

25 May 2000 22:43

This email provides some information about:
1. a booklet containing four messages from True Life in God which speak about the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

2. a series of videos of Vassula available from Germany.

1. The Sacred Heart booklet has been prepared by John Campbell in the US. All enquiries should be addressed to John whose email address is: [email protected] John has provided the following background:

As June, 2000 arrives, some of us, mainly Roman Catholics but not exclusively, are drawn to the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

This devotion was started by St John as he rested on the Heart of Jesus at the last supper. What was he doing? Why did Jesus allow it? What did he hear?

Why did Jesus bring these messages of St Gertrude the Great of Helfta, into the messages of « True Life in God »?

Many, many questions… Only Jesus really knows all the answers.

However, if we search the messages of « True Life in God », we will find a message given to us on September 10, 1992 entitled « My messages are my gift to you all ». It reads as follows

Lord, my God!

I Am. Little one, I am the Author of the Messages: ‘True Life in God’ they are My gift to you all;

they are to make you understand My Heart and how I stand by you always and everywhere.

In the little Booklet , « My Sacred Heart is your Heaven », four messages of « True Life in God » are presented by Jesus to help us understand His desire for us to go to His Sacred Heart for our comfort, refreshment and understanding.

Jesus said on November 28, 1996 our 11th anniversary of TLIG:

« My Sacred Heart was offered to you so that It becomes the sunshine of your soul, the delight of your heart and the joy of your life ».

These booklets are available from:
The Vineyards of TLIG, Inc. 609 Linden Elmhurst, Il. USA 60126 Am Assoc of True Life in God PO BOX 4138 Independence, Mo. USA 64051-4138

2. The second item of information concerns a series of 11 professionally made videos, filmed in Rome a couple of years ago, containing Vassula speaking (in English) about the following topics:

How it all started
My encounter with God Father
Intimacy with Jesus
Renewed in the Holy Spirit
Mary, Mother of God
Messages about Russia
Unity of Christians
Gods Forgiveness
The Great apostasy
The second Pentecost
Triumph of the TWO HEARTS

Further information about these videos can be obtained from Margret Schildwächter whose email address is: [email protected]