Sunday, July 28, 2002 10:36 AM
Evangelizing TLIG
This important message comes from a TLIG supporter in AMerica.
It has been some time since I made a personal commitment to evangelize for True Life in God. This commitment has been expressed in actions, through a contribution of time, body and emotion. Yet, it has not been a great success. I have always wondered why is it that the numbers of those that I managed to convert are so few. I often prayed from my heart for those that continue to remain with their « eyes shut and their ears closed », but now I think I know the reason and I find I am also at fault!
Among the many spiritual lessons we all learn from TLIG, we have been taught to seek the Lord’s guidance before we embark on any major endeavor. This is particularly true for activities to do with evangelizing the Lord’s messages in TLIG.
Recently, a number of events have occurred the meaning of which I believe converges into a single theme and one direction. In humility and praising our Lord Jesus, I have decided to share my newly acquired understanding with the community of our brothers and sisters in TLIG, hoping that we all arrive at the same conclusions as I have. I pray we all take such lessons to heart and move to action.
This is what happened: Two weeks ago, I purchased a large watermelon, but it was a full day later when I discovered that on the skin of the watermelon there was a clear and natural mark of the cross, measuring approximately 3 inches by 2 inches. I was impressed by this, but I did not think of it until later again that same evening, when, as I was walking my dog through the neighborhood I began to think whether this cross I saw on the watermelon was indeed an attempt from our Lord to get my attention. Just as I finished this thought in my mind, I noticed a vivid cross, drawn on the curb with blue chalk. I took this second cross as a sign of confirmation that the Lord actually wanted to convey a message to me. Upon return to my house that night, I prayed to Jesus for Him to show me His Word and convey His Will. I then opened the Bible at random and I happened on Ezekiel Chapter 33 Verse 28-32 inclusive.
There are two messages in those verses. Verses 28 and 29 were immediately understood by me to signify that, we, who live in North America, will become desolate spiritually because of our arrogance and the abominations we commit. In other words: Our abominations will result in our spiritual damnation. Verses 30-32 spoke to me regarding my efforts to evangelize. The Lord said those who listen, do so with pleasure, expressing their love with words, but actions do not follow their words. When I combined the two messages, I understood the Lord telling those of us who hear His present-day messages in TLIG to mobilize ourselves into action and to show Him our Christian love through our deeds and not by our lip service, so that those who dwell in these lands in arrogance and in abomination may not perish!
I decided to share this understanding with my prayer group.
The day prior to our next TLIG prayer meeting, I again consulted with the Lord. This time His message for our meeting came out of Matthew Chapter 10. I was immediately struck with the impression that the Lord wants us (the « Apostles of the End Times ») to go out like the first Apostles and convert the nations. Matthew Chapter 10 contains the instructions from Jesus on what to do and how to evangelize. Again, my memory was jogged as I remembered numerous passages of TLIG where parts and portions of Chapter 10 of the Gospel of Matthew have been uttered for us by Jesus, at different dates and passages of TLIG.
Immediately after this reading, I saw and read the message of April 22, 2002 from Jesus (included in the recent Holy Land Beth Myriam report). The message is appended at the bottom of this letter. On April 22, 2002 the Lord expressed His desire for us to help the needy and the sick.
At that moment, I recalled two other occasions when I was asking the Lord for His guidance on how to proceed with evangelizing.
You see, as recently as a year and a half ago, and on two different occasions, a year apart from each other, the Lord gave me an identical message from the Bible. One message came from John, Chapter 21 Verses 5 and 6. The other, from Luke, Chapter 5 Verses 4-7, inclusive. In both instances, the message is the same: « Cast your Net on the other side of the boat ».
This recollection made me realize that it has taken me more than a year and a half to truly understand where I have been going wrong, in my attempts to evangelize. I have been willing and trying to talk to everyone I knew about TLIG, but the people that I know are those that I come into daily contact with at home, at work and at church. They are not from the « other side of the boat », nor are they what one would consider as « needy, sick etc. » They are all just like me: Most behave morally, most attend church, most believe in God.
Why have I been trying to evangelize God’s messages of today to them? Perhaps it is not they that need TLIG! Or, perhaps they are too comfortable in their circumstances to take the time to listen to the voice of their Father in Heaven!
This phenomenon is not new. Talking things over with my friend Thomas, he reminded me that throughout the Old and New Testament (as for example in the case of Prophets Amos and Jeremiah, even Jesus) we read that the people who attended what we now call « Church » did not listen to the prophetic words given to them by God, just like most of the people reject TLIG, today. Then, the people said « we don’t need to hear these prophecies, because we have our fathers Abraham and Jacob and we have what God gave them. » At that time, most of those who attended « Church » rejected the prophetic messages of the Lord. At the same time, the hierarchy of the church of that time condemned the messages of the prophets, even of Jesus Himself. What did Jesus do? Jesus went to the poor, the sick, the prostitutes, and the cheating tax collectors. In short, Jesus went to those that needed him the most.
I believe that this is what Jesus wants us to do, today! I believe God asks us to evangelize to those who are rejected by this world. Does it not make sense that when Jesus says « cast your net on the other side » He is telling us to get out of our « comfort zone » and go evangelize to those who are poor, sick, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc.? This does not mean we exclude the people from « this side of the boat », but it means that we should concentrate more on those in need: Try to feed them, clothe them, take care of their physical needs as best we can, while at the same time we evangelize TLIG to them, thereby feeding both their bodies as well as their souls.
I did share these thoughts with the folks at my prayer group. They have agreed with this interpretation. As a group we have now decided to « cast our net » unto the people in the streets, in the shelters, the hospitals, the prisons, the single mothers, the needy elderly, etc.
By God’s grace and with His help, we will succeed.
Message from Jesus of April 22, 2002, referred to in the above letter:
Now listen to Me and write these words:
Establish Our Beth Myriams everywhere you can. Lift the oppressed and help the orphan. Protect Me, rescue Me from the gutter, shelter Me and feed Me. Unload My burden and fatigue; support Me and encourage Me. All that you do to the least of My brethren you do it to Me… I bless the supporters of My life. May they remain virtuous and all loving. I am with you. IC (Jesus).